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Posts posted by xtr

  1. 13 minutes ago, KMan101 said:

    Interesting that Judi Evans isn't listed with the recurring actors. Is she just a guest star at this point since she only appears a few times a year now? At least they give Wally/Justin *one* episode a month. Thaao's sticking around but what about Leanne Hunley?


    Is the other recurring male Brock Kelly? Austin Peck? (LOL)


    Adrienne really is rarely shown. She showed up a little over a week ago after being MIA for months. She wasn't there for Sonny at all onscreen these past few months. I like her relationship with him, but for whatever reason the show doesn't want to really show her. They seem to like Judi Evans more in the role of Bonnie.

  2. Kyle has become so dull around Lola and has lost a lot of the personality he had when he first came back. Today he did a move with Lola with his towel, which was something similar he did in the past with Summer. His scene with Summer was more fun and sexy. The differences in his personality/energy in these two scenes IMO is definitely noticeable.


    Scene with Lola



    Scene with Summer:



    I miss the fun Kyle from the second scene that isn't weighed down by a boring, judgmental love interest.


  3. According to the day ahead recap on tomorrow's show, Michael will end up having Chloe arrested. Kevin will punch Michael in the face for betraying him.


    And that's really like the only thing from tomorrow's show that sounds even a little interesting, lol. Arturo also appears tomorrow and spends some time with Rey/Celeste. He makes amends with Rey before he goes back to Miami. I didn't know that he would be on for another episode.


    And according to someone from soapcentral who also did a recap next week's previews show Devon reading a letter to Elena in the penthouse. He reads that there were some discrepancies that recently came to light regarding Katherine's will. 

  4. 11 minutes ago, KMan101 said:


    I agree Brady/Gabi were interesting as they were plotting against Stefan. They had a nice fun rapport but I'm just not sure about anything long-term. Hopefully it's just a lot of sex because they're both horny and without anyone. LOL. At least it would kind of be realistic. Maybe some feelings develop and then bam, Stefan is back as they're engaged (because you know Brady moves at lightspeed in his relationships)


    But people don't really dislike Brady. Most hate Rafe but he's her brother. People like Eli. So IDK who that leaves her with, besides Brady. Maybe Xander? But people love to hate him. So I don't know. Brady/Gabi seems the most likely but DAYS has surprised me before.


    Besides Brady,  maybe Xander is indeed a possibility, though he seems to only want Sarah for now. I do wonder though if they will have Sarah end up having feelings for him. I think that her and Eric won't last long because he still loves Nicole. And I saw elsewhere someone post a spoiler that says Eric will go look for Nicole and Holly. I think that Sarah is wasting her time with him. I think that Sarah had chemistry with Xander, Eric and Rex but my favorite pairing with her is actually Rex. I think he should have stayed around and made more of an attempt to save his marriage.


    I do wonder how and why Stefan may exit. That may play into things down the line. And him and Gabi love each other. I can't see him just up and leaving if they admit that to each other. I wonder if Vivian returning may play into his exit.  I hope they don't kill him off, or have people think he's dead. Does anyone know when he leaves? I'm not sure when he does.

  5. Just now, KMan101 said:


    I'm going to guess Brady/Gabi. Could be decent filler maybe. We'll see. But Lani/Eli are drama free at the moment (Gabi/Eli were polling last on Camila's poll so I doubt anyone would be here for that revisit). JJ should have stayed in Gabi's orbit.


    I've seen some people hint/show concern it may be Eli. I actually think they may let Eli/Lani have a real wedding and let them be together for a bit. With all of the couples that were engaged in the past few months, they were one of the few ones not to rush into marriage right away. I think they will plan their wedding and have a nice wedding.


    I wonder about Brady and Gabi. I thought they were kind of interesting at first when they both teamed up to take down Stefan. Though, I still like Gabi with Stefan the best. Hopefully he will come back and she will have an interesting storyline in the meantime. I wonder how Stefan ends up exiting. I hope they don't try and say he's dead/presumed dead. 

  6. Just now, KMan101 said:


    We can hope. They HAVE to know. It's Gabi's best pairing and Camila just conveniently did a little poll on her twitter handle asking about Gabi's best pairing (thankfully leaving Chad out of it)


    The suckiest part is DAYS tapes 8 months ahead now, they have no time to react to fan feedback until almost a year later


    Sometimes I wonder if it may be best to just take a gamble on a character/pairing. Like if the show sensed that Gabi/Stefan had something interesting going on, maybe they should have just elected for him to stay around. With them taping so far ahead, it's not like they can really take fan feedback into consideration right away anyways, regardless of what they do. 


    I wonder what Gabi will do now. Especially since her and Stefan love each other. (Though I don't think they've specifically admitted that yet.) I heard rumors she will be paired with someone else that people don't like. I've heard speculation she may end up with Brady or back with Eli. I've even seen a couple of people speculate she will get with Jack, lol. (Though, I don't see that happening.)

  7. On 8/19/2019 at 7:04 AM, Antoyne said:

    I’m really enjoying the show every week. It’s over the top but also highly watchable.


    I like that this show isn't too dark. Some nighttime soaps there is always a lot of really dark stuff going on. Like on Empire people are getting killed off/beat up all the time. On this show that doesn't happen. I'm glad this show is a bit lighter than that. 

    1 hour ago, Antoyne said:

    Lol I was laughing with my partner last night about how long it takes her to get her lines out. It may be campy as hell, but I can tell she had fun with the role so it still makes it entertaining for me.


    I really dislike Rondell and the actress who plays her.


    Wasn't expecting the investigator to get outted for having a full blown affair with her partner where she was contemplating leaving her husband. Yikes. I think they're done for good.


    Stephanie makes me laugh sometimes. I laughed at the conversation she had with Lori, after she told Lori she had set her up.I also like her and Greg Peters together. (Though I liked his chemistry with him and Rondell as well.)


    I think that Amara/Titus will make their way back together. I was wondering when we would get a backstory on why she cheated on Titus. IMO, he is very sexy and more appealing than Damian, who I think comes across as creepy. It sounds like she felt neglected because he was working all of the time but she is an attorney too and probably worked a lot as well. I wonder if there is more to the story of why she cheated or if that is it. 

  8. I had heard the rumors about Casey/JJ and Thia/Hayley. but I haven't anything officially confirmed yet. I wonder if they are leaving how they may exit. I don't care much for Haley. Though, I think she actually fits better with Tripp than with JJ. IMO, it feels like JJ has tried a bit too hard to try and be with her/please her during the course of their relationship. 


    I wish Lucas the best. I liked Tripp and his chemistry with Ciara. I thought they did the character wrong when they prematurely ended his relationship with Ciara and had her go fawn over Ben. They could have been a solid young couple. 


    I could do without Chad and Abby. I would rather they have kept Brandon's Stefan who has good chemistry with Gabi. I think that Stefan/Gabi are one of the most interesting/entertaining couples on the show right now. And I wonder how Eve may exit.

  9. Kyle and Lola continue to be boring. They were boring laying in bed today and thinking about their fantasies. Kyle's fantasy (including wanting to merge Newman with Jabot) may never play out (at least not as long as he's married to Lola) Lola will see to it that her fantasy plays out over his. I didn't like how she had them huddled up in their small apartment (even with a baby on the way) and both her & Kyle deciding to work from home. That was dull, but so is just about everything when it comes to this couple. 

  10. Someone on another site got the SOD spoilers a bit earlier. Here are some spoilers from SOD including about Billy.


    Billy is mentally ill. He has DID. His alternate personality has been gaslighting himself this whole time. When Billy wakes up his alternate personality breaks into Adam's penthouse and steals a handkerchef that belongs to Hope. When he wakes up, he has no memory of what he did, but he finds the handkerchef in his pocket. His alternate will return when that happens. His alternate will have a showdown with Adam and a surprise guest will intervene.


    Also Jack will gain a new perspective, Phyllis will pick up an old habit, Adam will cover his tracks and Sharon will stand firm. Also Victor will prepare the Newmans for battle, Nick will plead his case, Chelsea will encourage Adam to do the right thing and Devon will get unsettling news about Katherine's Will. Victor will protect Summer from a dangerous situation, and Chelsea's world will be rocked. 


    Nick will also be awarded full custody of Christian and him and Chelsea will celebrate and sleep together. 


    I didn't expect the DID stuff with Billy, but that does help explain why he keeps doing stuff and not remembering it. 


    And I wonder what Devon discovers in Katherine's Will. Maybe he finds out he wasn't supposed to get as much wealth as he originally did. 

  11. According to the recap for tomorrow's show from soaps.com, Michael will end up becoming the new DA. Adam will also end up proposing to Sharon. On tomorrow's show:


    Papa Rosales will end up flirting with Sharon at Crimson Lights.It will also be revealed that he hit on Ashley at the wedding. Rey will notice this and him and his father will get into it with each other. They will get physical with one another and Celeste will break things up between them. Rey will wonder if Adrian is trying to get a money grab because Lola has married into a rich family. It will also be revealed that Adrian is out of work. Adrian will try and get Celeste to reunite with him but she will say he's not a family man. And that he needs to accept that


    Phyllis and Summer will tell Michael that they voted for him to be the DA.Michael will end up becoming the new DA. Lauren will wonder what is going on between Michael and Adam and if he took the DA job to take Adam down. . Zoe will approach Summer and tell her that she follows her on social media. Summer will learn that Theo told Zoe Kyle had been worried about her. Zoe will tell Summer that she doesn't hold any grudges against Kyle and Theo. She will say that she thinks they are great, especially Theo. Theo will join them and will invite them to lunch. Zoe will tell Theo that Summer wants to spend time with Phyllis. Summer will end up telling Phyllis about the merger of Jack and Ashley's companies. 


    Kyle and Lola will be on their honeymoon. Lola will wonder if Theo brought Zoe to the wedding to make Summer jealous. Her and Kyle will also talk about Adrian, and they will say he doesn't have anyone close to him and it's the life he chose. Phyllis will advise Adam to stop hurting people and will tell him that Abby will make her partner after he sold the hotel to her. Adam will end up calling Sharon to come to the park and will ask her to marry him. 

  12. 31 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    Welp, no surprise there or any other day on this show currently. 


    This show really hasn't been that interesting lately. I think that Kyle and Theo's secret was a letdown. When I first read some of the script for it, I thought it would be more interesting. But it is very boring, just like the show has been lately. 


    On another note, Tracey E. Bregman changed her hairstyle, lol. And I like her new hairstyle.





  13. I liked the scenes between Hope and Flo today. I thought that Hope laying it on her for her role in the baby switch was interesting. And also when Hope slapped her. Hope also called her Uncle's b*stard and not a cousin. The whole Logan family seems to be disowning Flo, who has now been arrested. I do think they may forgive her later on if she ends up doing something like saving Beth's life.

  14. There wasn't much interesting that happened at this wedding/wedding reception today.


    I did like seeing Arturo again. I liked that he tried to play peacemaker between Papa Rosales and the rest of the family. I liked that he acted a bit softer/more forgiving towards the father. I'm liking Papa Rosales okay so far, I wonder how long he will stick around. I also thought that Jack and Celeste looked good together.


    And the secret/stuff with Zoey from Kyle/Theo's past continues to be weak. Today Zoey showed up only to tell Kyle that she didn't have any hard feelings regarding him helping her in NY. That wasn't interesting at all. This secret has been a waste. 

  15. 1 hour ago, mango said:


    And a good young actor at that. I think MM is one of the stronger hires over the past few years: He's an Abbott, charismatic, easy on the eyes. Having him domesticated is wrong. However, with it being August, he'll probably be divorced again by December at the rate this writing and the show is going. There are no long term arcs.


    I think he may be tied to Lola for a long time. I'm fine with him being married to someone, I just mainly don't like that it's too Lola. (Though it doesn't look good that he just got married to Summer a few months ago, and just very recently divorced her.) But I think that if Lola was interesting, I think his marriage to her could have been more interesting.


    But he bends over backwards to please Lola, and she's tried to change & has unfortunately changed who he is. Plus, she's always written to be viewed as right and doesn't really lose to anyone. I think that all of this causes Kyle's pool of storylines to be limited. Even when he wasn't married to Lola, he was getting very weak storylines because of the way that the show chooses to portray her. And now his secret from NY is really dull and boring. This Zoey girl wasn't even allowed to be an ex girlfriend of his. (They could have made her a legal age when he knew her in NY) because this show refuses to really have Lola compete with someone for Kyle's affection.


    IMO, when he married Summer and was acting like he might have some feelings for her, that was interesting. But the show quickly put an end to that and have him act like he didn't really care for Summer's feelings at all. And quickly dump her for Lola. They even went so far as Lola forbidding him to sleep with Summer when they were married. Unfortunately Lola has a tight leash around Kyle and she's choking him and his potential storylines. 

  16. Here are some upcoming spoilers from Lynda Hirsch's soap column for next week:


    Theo will make a play for Mariah's job but Devon will remain loyal to her and shut him down. Theo will then approach Mariah about collaborating. Needing to secure additional capital to purchase the Grand Phoenix hotel, Phyllis will approach Chelsea to buy in. But Victor will overhear Phyllis planning to oust Abby from the deal and will quickly warn Abby about that. 

  17. 5 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    First, I have to preface this by saying I haven't watched Y&R in a long-a** time, lol  but I just checked social media out of curiosity and it actually looks worse than hate, it looks like total indifference. 


    It really did seem like a lot of people were not even interested enough to post about the wedding. I have noticed that in general this past week that a lot less people are commenting on the show on Twitter. They aren't even tweeting to complain about it as much. It seems like a lot of people on Twitter really aren't caring about the show or watching it right now.


    And the upcoming spoilers about the wedding and reception aren't that interesting either. From what I've read the only thing I think that might be interesting might be seeing more of Papa Rosales, (who showed up on today's show). And maybe seeing Jack/Celeste interact, I want to seem interact together more. But i think that the spoilers regarding the stuff about Kyle and Theo's past continue to show it's a weak secret/storyline. 

  18. 15 minutes ago, ajsp35801 said:


    FB is similar.  There just isn't any buzz. 


    I wonder what the ratings will be like for this episode and this wedding in general. Especially since the ratings have had a sharp decline lately. And I do largely attribute that to boring storylines like Kyle/Lola's. I know that a lot of people on Twitter said they aren't watching it.


    I don't know what will happen with the fans that don't really post offline, but it seems like a lot of people are tired of this couple. They are boring, Lola is ridiculously propped and it doesn't help that other young characters are either propping them/being used to give them storyline, thrown under the bus for them or just sent away. While they continue to get story after story. And none of their stories work, including this last one with this very weak secret of Kyle's. 


    And IMO, they aren't likable enough for more people to just tune in for their wedding and wish them well. Soaps have had some boring/duller couples, but people didn't hate them. And could tolerate them. A lot of people (at least online) can't stand Kyle and Lola. 

  19. 3 hours ago, ajsp35801 said:

    I swung by Y&R twitter. Are kyle and lola popular enough for all this hoopla?


    There are couples that I've hated with a passion (Sharon and Nick, Victoria and Billy, Lily and Cane) but I just KNEW that they were uber popular with viewers. I could feel it from interacting with other viewers on boards. I just do not see or feel this popularity around the fandom for Kyle and Lola. The buzz just isn't there. 


    I know that places online like Twitter aren't the only representation of soap fans out there. But I have noticed on Twitter that it seems like hardly anybody is talking about this wedding. Outside of mostly die hard K o l a  fans. There aren't even a lot of people "hate" tweeting like they have in the past about Kyle and Lola. Hardly anybody is talking about this wedding right now on a place like Soapcentral either. There doesn't seem to be many posts over there about the wedding. A lot of people who are frustrated with this show and very tired of Kyle/Lola are tuning it and them out. At least online. 

  20. Lola was praised/propped a ton in this episode. But that is usually the case with her. I liked seeing Kyle interact with Traci/Ashley but some of the stuff they were saying was still a bit too Lola centric. And Kyle was worried about things being perfect with her in their marriage, which I also didn't care for. 


    Some of the guests looked nice. Mariah and Tessa looked nice. And I thought that Celeste/Eva looked very nice. I think that she would match up well with Jack. I think that pretty and sophisticated looking older woman like her could fit him well.I would like to see them interact at the wedding and maybe share a dance. 

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