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Posts posted by xtr


    13 minutes ago, mango said:


    Absolutely, and that pisses me off. Dru and Olivia were so different. Yet, both had such a valuable place on the canvas. Olivia, a dedicated doctor -- a little more set in her ways. Dru, a free spirit who took the show by storm. A ying and yang that brought so much together and separately. 


    Lazy ass writers.


    And by giving this excuse of not knowing what to do with her creatively, they also come off looking incompetent IMO. There are already several people, including black viewers who think that soaps, don't know how to write for black characters. This type of claim basically verifies people's thoughts (unless the show/writers are lying, which I think they probably are). The writers and the show look awful here. It didn't take a lot of effort to write for Ana. Fen was right there, to be paired in a romance. They could have continued with the Theo mentor storyline. Rey is about to be single, they could have done a romance with him. 


    Heck, if they wanted to do something that could have provided conflict, they could have even paired her with Cane. He's single & that would have caused quite a bit of a ruckus in the Winters family. Especially considering that Devon doesn't care for Cane & was upset about him cheating on Lily again. Now granted, that storyline might not appeal to a lot of people, especially people that don't like Cane. However, that was an option. It's utter BS that they couldn't think of anything to write for Ana. 

  2. Here are some upcoming spoilers for next week from the Zap2it website"


    Michael will show his dark side, Phyllis will stun Nick, Billy will spiral out of control and Devon and Nick will join forces.


    I wonder why Devon and Nick will join forces. I wonder if it will be on a professional level, (though Nick doesn't have a job right now.) Or if it will be against Adam. Devon hasn't really clashed with Adam since he's returned, but maybe he ends up clashing with him for some reason. And that causes him to team up with Nick. 

  3. 7 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    Let's see:


    -  Stafford's return is flopping

    -  Chelsea's return is flopping

    -  Adam is hogging the show and ratings are dropping to record lows

    -  Nick and Victoria are unbearable characters


    But it's the black girl with potential that gets cut because they feel they can better "spend that money elsewhere." This is such sh!t. Morina and Griffith need to be fired, but that won't change the inherent racism on this show. 


    And Lola is utterly insufferable and the show keeps dumping never ending ridiculous types of "angst" on her and Kyle isn't helping either. It really is a crock of crap. And I am extra annoyed about this, because Loren really wasn't given anything as a storyline. How is she on the show for nine months, but doesn't get a kiss? Let alone any type of romance or anyone really showing interest in her. Zach Tinker's Fen did flirt with her a little,  butthey got him up out of there quickly and shut the door on that potential romance.  


    The way this show did Loren IMO was disgraceful. This is one of the worst treatments, (if not the worst in some ways) I have seen of a black actress/black female characters on the show. Other black female characters in the past haven't been treated very well, but at least they were allowed to be shown as desirable to someone. And allowed to have at least some romance. And not just hang up underneath their brother a lot of the time, or be used as a third wheel. Loren was blatantly disrespected by Josh and company, when they didn't even give her those courtesies. 

  4. I am very annoyed by both of the reasons they gave her for letting her go. But I am even more annoyed that they told her that one reason she was let go, is because they didn't know what to creatively do with Ana. (I know that they probably wanted to free up more people to add to storylines for Adam/Kyle/Lola). But they didn't "know what to do with Ana creatively excuse." IMO is BS and was just something they told her to try and placate her. As I have said multiple times, there was plenty they could have done with Ana. Fen was right there for her as love interest early on (or they could have brought him back). They also just recently teased a storyline with Theo mentoring her/maybe being in a triangle with him and Summer. They could have done that or paired her with Chance when he came back on the show.


    The reality is they didn't want to write for her & didn't care enough about her to give her any sort of storyline, that was even hallway decent. Which is why she never got any sort of romance,  or even a kiss in nine months of being on the show. But they tried to sell that excuse to her. that they couldn't think of anything to do with her creatively. Right, that is just a big old crock of mess.


    This show continues to show time and time again, they don't care much about the black characters or their black audience (including black women) who have supported them for years. This treatment of Loren is just another awful chapter added to that book. It's just ridiculous. And to add insult to injury they just recently had her debut in the opening credits of the show. Probably after they decided to let her go. What a very unfortunate/disappointing situation. 

  5. So they let her go because they didn't know what to do with her creatively, (which is crap, there was stuff they could have done with her.) and because they wanted to use the budget to increase other people's storylines. So she got let go to probably increase the budget to add more people to Adam's storyline (even though he's already eating up the show) and maybe to Kyle/Lola's as well. I guess the money to pay her may go to bring back people like Avery and maybe Papa Rosales. There is also someone from Kyle's past named Zoe that is supposed to be coming on, though I don't know how long she will be sticking around for. 


    Very disappointed about this news, but I wish her the best. She deserved a lot better from a writing regime and show that just never really tried to invest or do much with her character.



  6. 39 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    Again, last hired, first fired. 


    If that were the case, they would have gotten rid of someone like Theo first (especially since it looks like they may be making him a bad guy.) They just didn't want to write for Ana, even though the character had a lot of potential and there is a lot of stuff they could have done for her. What they did to her IMO was blatant and very disrespectful. She wasn't given any type of love interest or even a kiss in nine months.  They wasted her even though she had chemistry with Zach Tinker's Fen. And if they didn't like him they could have put her with someone else.


    They had her  hang underneath Devon, which didn't do much for her character and didn't provide much of a storyline for her. (Except have him and her clash over ridiculous stuff and have him berate her.) And then they made her an awkward third wheel for Tessa/Mariah, which also didn't really work. They were giving her crumbs when they could have done much more with the character.

  7. Loren Lott is pretty much confirming her exit even more by retweeting comments from fans who are talking about Ana exiting the show. As well as the treatment of Loren and her character. What a waste of a talented and beautiful actress. I would like to see her back on the show, but if that doesn't happen, I hope that she does well moving forward and has a lot more success in her career.

  8. From what I recall DirectTv had said the CBS blackout officially began on July 20th. (Though I do believe at least a few people with that provider said they couldn't get CBS prior to that date.)


    The ratings right now are sinking lower for Y&R and I wonder how much lower they will go once the weeks reflecting the blackout are posted.

  9. According to soaps.com day ahead recap on tomorrow's show Lola will continue to be sanctimonious and will tell Rey that Sharon's whole life is a red flag. This will be when her and Rey will talk about Celeste and Sharon's name will come up. Rey will end up breaking up with Sharon, because he's not comfortable with how much she is drawn to Adam. Also Celeste will talk with Phyllis and Summer and will like both of them. She will thank them for saving Lola's life.


    Summer will say that Lola is completely blameless in the stuff that went down with Lola/Summer/Kyle regarding the liver donation and Kyle/Summer's wedding. Summer will say that she takes full responsibility for everything. Celeste will thank them for saving Lola's life. She will end up leaving GC and will tell Lola to tell her about the wedding. I do believe she will end up coming back, possibly with Papa Rosales. 


    And Victoria will suggest to Phyllis that they work together to take down Adam. 

  10. 47 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    Loren posted her watching the episode on Instagram and it's obvious that was her last episode. She kept saying "the end of the road" and various goodbyes. This is shameful. They brought all these pointless characters back and she gets fired because she's black and they don't want to invest in a dark skinned black actress. But Lola is around with her boring ass. And Chelsea. I have no desire to catch up now. 


    That's what it seemed like and she made references to Bryton and Brytni being there for her. It looks like those suspicions that people on Twitter had about her being out, due to stuff she said about a month ago, may indeed be correct.


    If so, I will miss her. I have really enjoyed her and Ana since she came on. This show failed this character and blatantly refused to give her a decent storyline. Except for way early on when she was interacting with Fen, and developing a friendship with him. But once he was gone it all went downhill.


    They refused to pair her with Fen, even though they had good chemistry, and both actors wanted to be paired together.  Zach Tinker expressed multiple times he wanted to be paired with her and they were building a fanbase. After Fen left they refused to pair her with anyone else, and her secret ended up being a bit of let down. They gave her a father but didn't show us anything about her journey to find him. They also barely wrote for him and got him up off the show quickly. I believe he was mostly brought on to wrap up her secret and to introduce Elena as a love interest for Devon.


    Josh then hardly had her interact with her 20 something peers and didn't really integrate her with them. Except for when he put her in an awkward storyline with Tessa/Mariah where she came off as a third wheel.  Josh had her clash with Devon multiple times and had him berate her, while he gave Mariah a position she didn't earn/deserve and didn't criticize her at all. 


    And then finally they dangled a storyline in front of her about Theo mentoring her, and snatched that away because they wanted to use Theo more as angst for Kyle/Lola and have him go work for Phyllis. So her last lifeline and storyline was taken from her, before it ever really started.


    The way they treated her was definitely shameful and IMO, very blatant. She and her character deserved much better than what they gave her.

  11. I think that Ana may end up being sent away off canvas for a least a little while. Maybe for a long while. On today's show she showed up (after being not being shown for almost three weeks) and said that Jett was in the hospital because he was having problems with nodes again. She said she was flying out to see him and Devon/Elena offered to go with her and stay for a couple of days. I believe this may end up being an exit storyline for Ana. I could see Devon/Elena coming back without her and it being said that she's offscreen taking care of Jett while he gets better. I think the mentor storyline with Theo has been dropped and that he is now being used to provide "angst" for Kyle and Lola. And has been given another job, working with Phyllis on her opening of her new hotel.


    Some people on Twitter, said that Loren hasn't been filming in a while and mentioned that she stated she was given some things from Ana's wardrobe. And some other stuff that led them to believe she may be gone. If this is the case, this is very disappointing. I really enjoyed Loren as Ana, and she deserved better than what she has been given. Which wasn't much of anything.


    Also, on today's show Nate/Abby got some love scenes. I thought they were short and not the best done love scenes. She kissed him and then they cut in and out on some scenes, and I think they could have been done better. Though, I do like Nate/Abby. 

  12. On 7/24/2019 at 8:21 AM, Soaplovers said:
    On 7/24/2019 at 8:21 AM, Soaplovers said:


    I say we trade Amaya for Marilyn.   Out of all the characters so far featured, I think Amaya works the least well..imho.


    I am liking Marilyn so far and her interaction with Stephanie. She's pretty and initially on the surface she seemed like a decent person who had herself together. But then we find out she has this really wild past & a different side of her may come out now that Stephanie is threatening/blackmailing her. I wouldn't be surprised if she were the one who drugged Stephanie and I am interested in seeing what happens with her. 


    Also, regarding Amara I think they should tell us more why she cheated on Titus. I don't think they've really said much about that. Titus is very sexy and is loving, I wonder what made her turn to Damian, who is creepy (though she doesn't know about him spying on her). Early on it was mentioned that she got pregnant (but lost the baby) and she believed that is why Titus married her. Titus said he married her because he wanted her. I'm going to guess her first pregnancy was a long time ago, especially considering they have like a 17 year old daughter.


    And the cheating with Damian occurred before they came to Atlanta. It seemed like Amara/Titus hadn't seen Stephanie in several years. So even if there were insecurities about him/Stephanie, they hadn't seen her in years. So it's not like she would have been around to trigger anything. So I wonder what caused Amara to cheat on Titus. Maybe if they delve into that, it would help with the development of her character.


    6 hours ago, te. said:


    Who the hell would pick up a syndicated daily soap these days? Even weekly scripted programming have trouble being picked up... this isn't the 90s...


    Latest episode rating: slightly up in the demo and viewers to 0.14, 707k viewers (last week: 0.13, 587k)


    Maybe the reruns airing at earlier times like 8pm is introducing new viewers to the show & contributed to the ratings bump.

  13. 36 minutes ago, ajsp35801 said:


    Angelica cares about Kyle and Lola. Mostly lola. They could do both. Have the way theo hurts summer be falling for Ana. But then that gives folks an opportunity to root for theo. The show makes everything with Kyle and lola heavy handed. 


    IMO, that's all she care about. She doesn't care about anybody but them when it comes to the younger set. I think that's why it looks like they may even be throwing Theo underneath the bus for them. I think that Josh may like Summer. And maybe if they make Theo a bad guy, he'll give her a romance with Chance. Other than that, they don't care about any of the other young people. Certainly not Ana.


    They could have done a triangle, with Ana/Theo/Summer where Theo grew closer to Ana while he was mentoring her. And maybe he starts to fall for her causing angst for him and Summer. It could have happened right as Summer decided she wanted to have a more serious relationship with Theo. 


    Heck, (while it would have been a lot on his plate) you could have even had him mentor Ana and work with Phyllis as well. This is a messier storyline, but you could have had him end up sleeping with Phyllis for some reason which caused Summer to break things off with him. Summer could have turned her back on him, along with Kyle and Lola.


    When news of him messing around with Phyllis got out, Ana could have tried to get out of working with him again. But Devon could have told her not to let her personal feelings get in the way and that she would still have had to work with Theo. A remorseful Theo could have thrown himself into his work with Ana and been shown to actually be quite good at what he does as a professional and a mentor. Ana could have ended up being impressed by his work ethic and his ability to mentor her. But still been hesitant to fully trust him/like him because of his behavior in the past. They could have ended up having some deep conversations about why Theo has acted the way he has and could have gotten closer. Theo could have ended up falling for Ana. And she could have been hesitant to start something romantically with him, because of his party boy/bad boy past. She could have had feelings for him and could have been conflicted on what to do about that.


    IMO, either one of those scenarios could have worked. But they would rather not use Ana and possibly write her off. I have seen some people on Twitter wonder if she may have filmed her last scenes and say she hasn't filmed in a while. She may be on her way out, which would be a shame if that were the case.

  14. 10 minutes ago, ajsp35801 said:

    I haven't been watching it plugged into the show in weeks. I see I haven't kissed much. 


    But @xtr , it's clear to me that the Devon, Elena, Nate, Ana orbit will remain uninteresting to the writers until Mishael comes back. They have no idea what to do with them. And even when they come up with something decent, they drop it cause their white counterparts will always take priority. Kyle having a rival is more important than Ana having a romance. And in the writers world, Kyle and Ana couldn't possibly move in the same circle that'd allow for a character to be both. 


    I think they may turn Theo into a bad guy and that they have dropped the storyline with him mentoring Ana. They are using him as angst for Kyle/Lola and had Kyle tell him that he's dead to him and not to hurt Summer. Plus they are having him work with Phyllis and Summer is uncomfortable with that. Which leads me to wonder if something will happen between him and Phyllis. If they really wanted to they could have still had him mentor Ana instead of having him work for Phyllis. In addition to using him as "angst" for Kyle/Lola. But Josh has no interest in writing for Ana or giving her any type of love interest. He never has. Ana should have been interacting more with the twenty something set.


    I wonder if they will make Theo bad and write him off. Especially since it looks like Chance is returning. Josh doesn't seem to care a lot for Theo, though he's getting some airtime. Josh doesn't care a whole lot for Tessa/Mariah either. He gave Mariah a good job, and her and Tessa are happy together. But they are rarely shown. And when they are they are largely propping Lola. They have been shown like maybe 3 times in three weeks. Josh only really seems to care about Kyle/Lola and somewhat Summer. He really doesn't care much about the other young people and doesn't care about Ana at all.


    As far as Devon/Nate/Elena/goes, I don't think he cares a ton about them either. There is finally some movement with Nate/Abby. But they just started to spend more time together. And Devon and Elena get a little bit of story here and there, but Elena is still underdeveloped.



  15. I'm very annoyed that they may reduce Ana's airtime even more and possibly send her off the canvas. I haven't checked her Instagram in a while, but someone said they haven't seen her taping in a while. Meanwhile Kyle and Lola and their stupid manufactured/boring/unsoapy drama is continued to be shoved down viewers throat.


    Ana should have been had a love interest. She should have been paired with Fen, or tested with Kyle. Or Noah or Theo. There were romantic options and none of them were used by this writing team. A lot of people wanted to see her get a love interest. Granted, I do remember a few people who didn't like the thought of her having a love interest, or her options. And gave the reason she needs to be developed first. I believe she could have gotten a love interest early on (like Fen) and would have been fine/still developed fine.


    Lola got a love interest within a few days of showing up and has never hurt for air time or a storyline. And she has interacted/been propped by a bunch of character. Which is one reason why I thought it was odd that a ***few*** people were opposed to Ana having a love interest. That was a way for her character to get storyline and possibly survive longer on this show. And she's been on the show long enough now to where she definitely should have one. 


    Unfortunately, though Josh has never been interested in writing for Ana, giving her a love interest or any type of storyline that's worth anything. He's always saddled her with crappy storylines and very minimal airtime.

  16. Here are some more spoilers from soaps.com day ahead recap for tomorrow's show (or if it doesn't air the show on Friday). Devon/Elena, Nate and Abby will all be at the penthouse celebrating that Devon/Elena are officially living together as a couple. They will also celebrate that Nate/Abby are together and Abby's new business venture with Phyllis new hotel. Ana will end up arriving and telling Devon/Elena that Jett is sick and in the hospital. They will want to see him right away and Devon will insist they take the Jet. Also, Nate and Abby will have dinner together and will end up sleeping together at Nate's home.


    The judge will award temporary custody of Christian to Victoria and Nick/Adam will get supervised visitation. And Billy will tell Sharon that he fantasized about killing Adam. He will visit Delia's grave again. He will vow to get help before he loses control again and he will hear her voice say "Poor Daddy." 


    Ana hasn't been shown in almost three weeks and now she is showing up saying that Jett is in the hospital. I think that Josh may be writing this to usher Ana off the canvas for a least a little while (maybe longer) to watch over Jett. It looks like they may be turning Theo into a bad guy and that they may drop the storyline where he was supposed to mentor Ana. Especially since they are using him as angst for Kyle/Lola and now have him working for Phyllis. I could see Josh pushing Ana aside and sending her off canvas for a bit. 

  17. Here are some upcoming spoilers from SOD:


    Michael will stand his ground, Victor will deal with a tough decision, Chelsea will receive a special delivery, and Jack will dish out tough love. Mariah and Tessa will celebrate a new Chapter, Abby will keep Nate on his toes, and Jack will receive a call for help. Rey will challenge Adam, Adam will threaten Nick, Phyllis will interrogate Theo, Tempers will flare between Abby and Summer, and Sharon fights temptation. Nick will spend some time with Christian and Gordon Thompson's character Daryl will appear and interact with Chelsea.

  18. 57 minutes ago, rlj said:


    I wonder what they will end up doing with Rey now. I liked Sharon and Rey as a couple. But ever since Adam has come back, they have been having Sharon be drawn to him. And Rey's insecurities about that and his past with Mia have come out as a result of that. I wonder if their breakup will be short term or if they will be broken up for a while. If so, I wonder who they may pair Rey with. Phyllis is single and Ashley is back (though I don't know for how long).


    I wouldn't be opposed to Rey/Ana. (If they make Theo a bad guy and write him and eliminate a potential pairing/triangle with him, Ana/Summer.) Rey hasn't been shown much lately, and I think his airtime may be reduced even more after he breaks up with Sharon. Unless they find something to do with him, besides investigate Adam for Nick. 

  19. 1 hour ago, Vanguardian said:

    Still enjoying this very much. I agree that this show reads like a daytime soap and I think it was probably the creators' intentions to make it that way. Who poisoned the queen bee? That was very daytime soap-like.


    I think it was either Marilyn or Daphne. For some reason I think it was one of them and not either of the Purifoy women. I like Marilyn and think that she could be a good foe for Stephanie.


    I am continuing to enjoy this show. I think that Titus and Greg Peters are sexy. I also really enjoy Rondell and I like her with Kent. But I wonder if he is up to something. 

  20. According to soaps.com day ahead recap for tomorrow's show, Theo and Celeste will talk at Crimson Lights. Theo will tell Celeste that him and Kyle tore up New York together, and that he has a lot of stories he could tell her. He will say that Kyle isn't like that anymore and Celeste will be surprised when she learns that Lola had surgery. At Society Kyle will want to spend time with Lola, but she will act like she is too busy. He will tell her that he knows that she has the rest of the day off and urge her to be honest with him.


    Lola will tell him that she is having a hard time reconciling NY Kyle with the current version of him. She is unsettled by his past Kyle will tell her he believes that they can work through this. Celeste will show up upset and will confront Kyle and Lola about Kyle being married to Summer and Lola's liver transplant. She will holler at them that Theo told her everything and that she can't understand why Lola would want to be married to Kyle.


    Lola and Kyle will tell her that things were complicated and Lola will say they should talk at the apartment. Lola will end up telling Celeste she doesn't have any room to judge Kyle/Lola's relationship. Celeste will worry about betrayal and Lola will tell her that Kyle married Summer to save Lola's life.  Celeste will end up being placated about that, but will be upset that no one told her that Lola almost died. She says she will not stay where she is not wanted. Kyle will find Theo at Crimson Lights and will rough him up. He will tell Theo that he knows he tried to hurt Kyle's relationship with Lola and tell him he's dead to him. He will also tell Theo if he hurts Summer he will pay. 


    Also, on tomorrow' show the judge will decide that neither Adam nor Nick should have custody of Christina right now. He will tell them he will revisit the decision in three months and urges them to find a temporary guardian to watch over him. Adam will go to Sharon for help and Nick will turn to Victoria to see if she can temporarily care for Christian. 


    And Billy will continue to get messages and think they are from Delia. (I think that Kevin may be gaslighting Billy to get him to go after and get rid of Adam).

    And Jack/Ashley will return from Paris and announce they have merged both of their companies.


    And Soaps.com is reporting that Jason Canela (Arturo) was recently spotted on set. There was a picture of him, Jordi and Christian Le Blanc posted on Christian's Instagram. They reported the post has been taken down but are speculating if he Jason has returned to tape scenes for Lola's wedding. I wouldn't be surprised if he has and think it makes sense for Arturo to be there. If he is taping scenes I wonder if Mia will return as well:



  21. Joseph C Hall is bringing such a realistic and natural portrayal and vibe to the show as Judge Sanchez. I am enjoying him and hope he sticks around for a least a little while. 


    Also, Lola continues to be incredibly unlikeable and sanctimonious. On today's show Kyle told her that his past in NY included sleeping with a lot of women alcohol and drugs. And she blamed his behavior on Summer, who was not around him in NY when he was doing that stuff. Kyle did take responsibility for his actions, but Lola still tried to blame them on Summer. Lola is ridiculous and incredibly immature and should have been asked Kyle about his past if she wanted to know about it. She also has been acting like she wanted to find bad news about his past and acted squeamish about it, before he even told her about what happened. 


    Lola is very immature and annoying. I don't think that she is ready for a serious relationship let alone marriage. She needs to understand that Kyle had a life before her and even if he wasn't living the most honorable life, the stuff he was doing, wasn't the worst stuff in the world and he's changed. She's always had a hard time accepting who he is, even when he's "behaved" himself and acted like a good person. Now she's digging for stuff in his past, to be upset about. She really is ridiculous. 


    Also, Chelsea is treating Adam like an enemy and has been doing that since she found out he was still alive. I guess the writers are writing her this way so she can be paired with Nick again. Right now she really is acting like she doesn't have hardly any feelings for Adam. I thought that Sharon made good points when she asked Chelsea did her and Nick intend to keep Adam's kids from him forever. 


    And I wonder what will end up happening between Theo and Phyllis. Now that she has hired him to help her with the opening of her new hotel. I wonder if they may end up sleeping together. 

  22. I am happy to see Joseph C. Hall on a soap again. I like him as the judge and hopes he sticks around for at least a few episodes. I actually liked the custody hearing today with him Nick, Adam and Judge Sanchez. I thought that Nick did a nice job of representing himself through most of it, though of course things went south once the video of him impersonating JT was released. I also thought it was funny how Adam brought up how Nick kept bringing home random women not too long ago. Nick was upset about that, but Adam did tell the truth. 

  23. On 6/21/2019 at 2:38 PM, ironlion said:

    branden densen has been posting great y&r clips mostly from around 2001, centering Diane Jenkins.

    Its great to see Alex Donnely in full villainess mode. Hoping there are more full 2001 episodes out there somwhere especially with Alex & Susan's Diane. Cashcrateworks had about two 2001 episodes that were taken down. Hopefully Brandon heeds my advice in the comments to disguise his video titles before cbs/sony reaks their usual havoc.



    I have been watching and enjoying some of his videos from around that time frame. I saw he uploaded some more from the late 90's early 2000s.


    I like this clip with Ashley/Mamie/Jill, when Ashley is trying to figure out how to save Jabot financially. And Maime who has been doing well financially offers to help. Lol at Mamie/Jill.



    Also, this one with Olivia, Alex and Phyllis from the early 2000's:




    (I apologize if these clips have already been posted. This thread is so long, I'm not sure if they have been lol. But these videos from this particular user have just been uploaded within the past few days ) 



    And Phyllis meeting Billy, Jill and Mac for the first time (2000)





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