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Posts posted by xtr

  1. I think that Mama Rosales is boring, and I did think that her scenes with Kyle & Lola today felt like some sort of cheesy sitcom. Kyle was looking so fake and lathering it on trying to impress her. He was doing too much. I also think she's controlling and didn't care for her telling him he couldn't come back to an apartment he's paying rent for, even after she found out him and Lola were living together. Her not wanting them to live together isn't soapy, unless this was a soap in the 1950s.


    I think that Celeste would be way more interesting if she were a golddigger. Or at the very least tried to pursue Jack. She could have even been written to as a lonely type who would have connected with Jack who recently has been labeled as lonely (by Lauren.) They could have gotten caught up together romantically and tried to hide the romance from Kyle/Lola to not make them feel uncomfortable. Maybe they could have tried to stop seeing each other and could have struggled with that. Any of this would have been more interesting than this storyline about her trying to keep and Kyle from living together. But Celeste can't be written as more interesting, because the show won't let hardly anyone try and make Lola look bad. So she's stuck doing boring stuff with Kyle/Lola.


    Also, I don't care for the way that Ana has been written lately and I think that her character has regressed underneath Josh. She's been coming across as really young lately, especially in today's show. I felt like the writing is almost portraying./treating her more like a teenager than a young but fully grown woman. Hopefully, the writing for her will improve once:



    she starts to interact with Theo after he's hired to mentor her.


  2. According to soaps.com day ahead recap on tomorrow's show Devon will hire Theo to be Ana's mentor. Devon will listen to Tessa's video and will like some things about it, but will feel it doesn't sound very professional. He will hire Theo to mentor Ana.


    Ana will be against Theo mentoring him at first and will call him a professional party boy. Theo will say he wants to help her succeed and she will end up getting on board with him mentoring her. They will end up sharing a toast at Society when Summer shows up after thinking about Theo.


    I'm glad that Ana will be interacting with someone other than Devon/Mariah/Tessa. I'm also glad that person is a good looking man. I don't know if anything will happen romantically between Ana/Theo especially given he's currently interested in Summer.

    But maybe something will happen and there may end up being some sort of triangle. Regardless I am interested in seeing Ana/Theo act together. Maybe she can help flesh out a more serious side of him.


    Also, on tomorrow's show Chelsea's husband will end up dying after they get into a heated argument. He will think it's best if Adam raises Connor and Chelsea disagrees. He will end up dying after their argument.



  3. Here are some upcoming spoilers from SOD:


    Adam will open up to Chelsea, Victor will celebrate a Victory and Jill will come home to visit Billy. Also Nick will call up an old friend, Adam will force Kevin to play dirty, Rey will be concerned about Sharon's connection to Adam and Billy will be haunted by his past. Nikki will reveal a secret,Sharon and Rey will reconcile, Cane will open up to Traci, Nikki's family dinner will get out of control and Michael will bargain with Adam. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    And pan/fluid or not, there are some bad optics about putting Mariah in an opposite-sex relationship, especially in light of how the show retreated after the initial Messa backlash. (And again for some reason this show is all in on keeping Cait Fairbanks around.)


    Now the problem is that everything outside of the Nick/Victoria/Billy/Phyllis/Sharon/now-Adam/Chelsea vortex is an afterthought. The show isn’t investing much elsewhere. If other rumored returns take place, things will only get tighter.


    Some people would feel that way, but I wouldn't. Especially since it's never been specified that Mariah is a lesbian. Which I believe it is an intentional move on the part of the show. She could still like men as well. And because IMO Mariah/Tessa have gotten a fair chance as a couple, and yet they don't really work and Tessa is not very likeable. I feel like some people, especially their fans just want them to be together because they want to see two women in a romance, but don't really to care if they are really good for each other or if they have decent chemistry. Their storylines they have now is a bit fluff, but they have gotten attention and a decent amount of focus as a couple. But Tessa is not very good for Mariah. Mariah is not my favorite character by any means, but she can do better than Tessa. I do think that show should consider putting her with Kyle even it's some time down the line.   Mariah should not have to be stuck with Tessa for a very long time (which I could actually see happening.) 


    And I think that in addition to the people that you mentioned this show still focuses entirely too much on Kyle/Lola. Though they are start being shown a little less and their fans are now complaining about that. And I've actually seen fan of theirs complain that they are upset that for the past couple of weeks Kyle and Lola haven't been on four days a week, like they have been before. The entitlement of that fanbase is ridiculous after this couple has been shoved down viewers throats for several months, lol. 



  5. 22 minutes ago, Paul Raven said:

    Eva LaRue is 52 amd looks up to 10 years younger.


    Jordi Vilasuso is 38 and could realistically be 5 years older.


    So we have mother and son looking the same age. Maybe that's why they haven't shared any scenes?


    I believe they will be sharing scenes in a little bit. Jordi did shave his face recently and some people believe that is because they want to try and make him look younger against Eva. But IMO, he still doesn't look young enough to be her son.

  6. 1 hour ago, Vee said:

    I thought Mariah was supposed to be bi.


    But yes - they did this with her to keep her from gaining in popularity vs. other female leads they both find more conventionally attractive and whom they prefer to push instead. It's ludicrous that CG and Loren Lott are not being treated as central young female leads. Camryn is IMO the most seasoned younger female lead they have. Why neither she nor LL are seriously considered with Mealor is beyond me. The Kyle/Mariah thing was there at a glance months and months ago, and I barely watch this damn show.


    33 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    Well, Mariah never flat out said she's a lesbian. They did try to imply she's sexually fluid, meaning they have an 'easy way out' knowing damn well they can't write for LGBTQ characters.


    I believe that Mariah still likes men as well. One time a while back before she officially started dating Tessa (but wanting to pursue something with Tessa), she and Summer were having a discussion about attracting people. A good looking man hit on Summer and Mariah asked her how was she able to attract hot men. I think that Summer made some reference to Mariah also still liking men as well. (In addition to liking Tessa).


    And they have had her refer to Tessa as her "person", in a way that makes me think that her attraction to Tessa is mostly about her mainly being attracted to Tessa as a person. As opposed to just women in general. So IMO, there is an out there to put her with a man later on.


    I truly believe they should put her with Kyle at some point. The chemistry is there and that would be a better and healthier relationship than she's had with Tessa and definitely better than what Kyle has with Lola.


    Some people would get upset by that because some people insist and want Mariah to be gay. Including Mariah/Tessa fans, and Kyle/Lola fans who don't want Mariah with Kyle romantically. But as far as I know she's never flat out said she's a lesbian.

  7. According to soaps.com day ahead recap on tomorrow's show Chelsea will admit to Nick that her husband Calvin dated her mother Anita first. But that Chelsea ended up with Calvin. Calvin will end up meeting Nick and will tell Nick he doesn't have to worry about Chelsea/Connor anymore. Chelsea will end up leaving Society with Calvin, but will look back at Nick a bit anxiously.


    Victoria and Phyllis will clash at Dark Horse. Phyllis is going to tell Victoria that she intends to make Dark Horse the most powerful company in GC. Victoria will tell Phyllis that her inexperience is showing and reveal a new acquisition that will affect the newest high rise in town.


    Also, Theo and Summer will go to Crimson Lights together after they attend the carnival. Theo will give Summer some coffee to help her sober up. Summer will end up getting a text from Kyle saying that Billy is upset that she missed a meeting. Summer will then rant to Theo about Kyle for a while. Theo will try and turn Summer's attention back to him, but that won't last long. He will finally get frustrated at Summer ranting over Kyle and will leave to go to Austin. Later Phyllis will show up and take Summer home. Summer will tell her that alcohol relieves pain. Summer will say she didn't understand why Theo was upset about her talking about Kyle. Summer will declare she's independent and then will say she's tired.She will tell Summer that she loves her and will take care of her.   Summer will end up apologizing, Phyllis will hold Summer. Later she will tear up as she watches Summer sleep.


    And Elena and Devon will grow closer. Devon will tell Elena that she can make some changes around the penthouse if she likes. Elena will think about what personal touches she wants to make. Devon suggests she can put up a picture of her mother if she wants.  He will take her to the carnival and they will have fun together. She will tease him about his tastes in foods and they will encounter Nikki/Victor. Victor/Nikki will be introduced to Elena and Nikki will end up telling Victor that it's nice that Devon has found him someone. Devon will end up winning a teeny teddy bear for Elena that she will put beside a picture of Devon/Lily and Neil. Elena says the picture will remind her of her and Devon's second date. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    Mariah and Kyle do have great chemistry. It’s too bad the show is dead set on keeping them in pairings that will NEVER work.


    They do and it's sad they are attached to people that aren't really aren't good for them. And IMO in Kyle's case really drags him down. Who knows when or if they will ever be set free from Tessa/Lola. I could see Kyle being stuck with Lola for a long time, because she is rarely written to lose anything. He might one day have an affair or something, but even if that happens, I could see that being very brief.


    I could see him getting a lot of blame and after begging/pleading with her to take him, they may reunite. But truth be told, I'm not sure when he will be allowed to be interested in another woman again. I do believe he is tied to Lola for the long haul, and that relationship will continue to be to the detriment of his character. 

  9. 1 minute ago, KMan101 said:

    Agreed. I'm not *loving* everything but I think the show is watchable. Things are happening. Do I love it all? No. Is some of it still a chore? Yes (JJ/Haley are coma inducing, Chandler and Freddie are beyond checked out) but eh ... it is what it is at this point.




    I'm enjoying the show as well and think it's the best right now of the soaps left. I like that there are a lot of storylines going on and I actually find most of them interesting. IMO, this show is certainly better than B&B which keeps rehashing the same stuff and only focuses on a few characters. B&B doesn't feel much like a soap. Or GH, which I think is dark and dreary. I also find it more entertaining than Y&R, because Days is providing storylines for a lot of people.  Y&R could maybe the best if Josh wrote for more characters, but he's not doing that right now.


    Some thoughts about the show right now:


    I'm liking the way that Freddie/Sonny is looking right now. I think he is looking nice. I am glad they aren't slicking his hair back as much and he's looking nice with the weight loss. He is looking considerably younger with the weight loss and with the non slicked back hair.


    I think that Haley might be more interesting with Tripp than JJ. I like the way that her and Trip interact with each other more than I like the way she interacts with JJ. Maybe because Tripp has seemed more relaxed with her overall. And JJ has seemed like he has worked a bit too hard (especially in the beginning) of trying to get her to like him. He's comes across a bit more high strung, even desperate around her, than Tripp has. (Though I do think that her situation/issues/them being on the run has contributed to his behavior.)


    I think that Suzanne/Maggie playing a drunk has been interesting. She's done a nice job with that.


    Also, I do think it's a bit unfortunate that they have had Shawn/Belle's only child lose it, though I would say her storyline has been interesting. Ciara getting kidnapped for the 25th time so that Hope and especially Ben can rescue her again, isn't that interesting. I think they need to do more with Ciara's character besides just have her be a cheerleader of Ben's. She really doesn't seem to have much of a life or really any type of goals/aspirations outside of being his girlfriend. Claire for all her faults/issue at least is ambitious and has been steady working for a while, really wanted to the face of Bella and wants to pursue a singing career. That is much more than what Ciara is trying to do.


    I also think that Gabi/Stefan are kind of amusing and I think that Kristen pretending to be Nicole is kind of funny. I think that the way she has straight up rejected Eric has been amusing. I also like seeing Brady act more as a supporting friend to various people.

  10. I like the carnival set.It was nice seeing Summer and Theo enjoying themselves and them/others doing some things that people would actually do at a Carnival. I liked how Summer mentioned what the carnival meant to people in a smaller city like GC.


    Kyle and Mariah don't spend as much time with each other as they used to but it was nice seeing them spend time today. They have more chemistry together than he does with Lola and she does with Tessa. I saw more there with him just grabbing her hand, than I've seen with either of their pairings. IMO, Kyle and Mariah need to be visited as a couple in the future:



    This storyline with Mama Rosales isn't very interesting. Her not wanting her daughter to live with her finace before marriage (and Kyle trying to cover that up), isn't exactly compelling soap. I think she will end up being a bit uptight and I see Kyle/Lola continuing to have very basic, dull plotlines in their story. From what I read of her interview at SOC, she will mostly just be interacting with Lola right now, and to a lesser degree with Rey. She said she only taped one scene with Peter Bergman so far, so we may not be getting much of Celeste/Jack anytime soon. (If they even pair them together.)


    Though while I don't like Lola or this storyline, I do think that her and Eva are believable as mother and daughter. 


    And while I don't care for Chelsea, I do like her pantsuit. And I actually liked her scenes with Nick/Christian at the park. Christian nodding his head that he remembered her and Connor was cute. I also think that the young actor that plays Christian looks a lot like JM/Nick.


    And her new husband Calvin is a not a bad looking silver haired older man. I like his Southern accent, lol.






  11. Thanks for posting this information FrenchFan.


    Mark Grossman is talented but Adam is on way too much. 19 out of 20 episodes.  That is ridiculous.


    And I'm surprised that the episode count for Rey for the year is that high. It doesn't seem like he's been on that much lately, but I do have to take into consideration that is for the yearly counts and he was on a quite a bit earlier this year.



  12. It sounds like Chelsea's husband will be getting killed off shortly after he airs. According to Lynda Hirsch's soap column, next week Chelsea will be mourning. I believe that her husband will die after having some sort of medical emergency. SOD has a picture of him being on a stretcher and Elena and another EMT attending to him. I think he may only be on for like a couple/few episodes and then will pass away.

  13. 19 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    His hair was a bit less...white, but the actor pictured is definitely the John Burke from the show I once worked on. 

    Okay, cool. 🙂 I do think that him and Chelsea will end up going their separate ways and that she will reunite with Adam. . But he is a decent looking older gentleman:


      John burke 3.jpg  John Burke 4.jpg


    And maybe if he sticks around they can put him with Traci. If things between her and Cane don't fully blossom/work out.

  14. 27 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    Oh wow, one of my first jobs was a stint on a show that he was on.  He was one of the few likeable people in that entire cast and crew! 


    Is this him?


    John Burke.jpg


    This is the only picture of an actor named John Burke that I could find. I'm not sure if this is the guy that has been cast or if it's another John Burke. Hopefully, one of the soaps sites, will soon post the picture of the John Burke who will be playing this role. 


    ETA: It looks like he may indeed be playing Chelsea's husband. I just looked at one of the SOD pictures and it is showing a white haired man laying on a stretcher while Elena and another EMT are attending to him. I do believe that is this John Burke. They also are showing Chelsea looking worried about him in what looks to be maybe a large home. Maybe the Chancellor mansion.


  15. Here are some upcoming spoilers, including some from SOD:


    Adam will fight for Chelsea, Paul will interrogate Phyllis, Jack will quiz Billy's condition, and Jill will come home for a visit. Also, Kyle will try and make a good impression, Devon will get closure, Adam will receive an unexpected visitor, and Phyllis will challenge Jack


    Also Adam and Nick will almost come to blows but Chelsea will show up. Her appearance will shock both men, and Adam will tell Nick to leave so that they can talk to each other. Nick will not want to leave Adam alone with her. Nick will end up reluctantly leaving and Adam/Chelsea will be left alone. Chelsea will end up telling Adam that she just returned to town to tell him to ask him to let her go. 


    Chelsea's husband has also been cast. The actor's name is John Burke and he will appear on July 2. His character's name is Calvin Boudreau.


    Also, according to the daily recap for tomorrow's show from soaps.com Esther will find out that Chloe is alive tomorrow. They will have an emotional reunion. Esther will want to go to Portland with Chloe, Chloe will tell her to meet her at the airport. Billy will also get a text from someone to meet him at Delia's grave and he will go there and Chloe will show up.

  16. 1 hour ago, Chris B said:


    Yes that was gone. Less exposition and more of the stories moving. This episode I feel focused more on the supporting cast and the preview for next week looks to develop some of the other supporting characters as well. It had a good balance. 


    As much as I love Rondell and just looking at buzz I wouldn't be surprised if she takes on a bigger role in season two or the second half of season one if they haven't already filmed it. I can't see Givens remaining as the star. 


    I think they may look at which characters are really drawing interest and might adjust the writing to that. Rondell really is one of my favorites. She's cute, funny and it looks like she has two potential love interests. I do think that her and Kent may get together, but I could see Greg Peters falling for her down the line. I was glad he didn't orchestrate the attack on her. I could see a situation where she saves Greg in some way down the line and he falls for her.


    I thought that Robin Givens was a bit more toned down in this episode, which I think was a good thing. Maybe we will see more layers to her as she interacts with TItus more and maybe if/when her other sister may show up. I did like her scenes with her mother last night. I could also see a situation where she ends up falling for someone else down the line, maybe someone else kind of messy. 

  17. I enjoyed tonight's show. I think it was a bit more toned down from the premiere. Rondell continues to be one of my favorite characters so far on this show. She was cracking me up tonight, with a lot of her comments. :lol: I like Kent the councilman/rival of Evan's who is trying to help her and it looks like he will be a love interest for her. I think him and her will get together. Though, maybe she still might get with Greg Peters later on. I think that her and Greg have good chemistry as well.


    I was a little surprised to see that Mrs. Carlisle was involved with the attack on Rondell. She seemed like a nice enough lady, but she is showing she can get dirty too.


    Also, Bella annoys me. I think some of her actions are gross. I didn't like how she taped Evan and her in bed together without his permission. I do believe she will leak that footage at some point, (maybe even as early as next week). She also appears to be stringing along her athlete boyfriend Roderick, who at this point seems like a decent guy. 


    And I continue to find Titus appealing. I do think he is being truthful by saying that he really only wants Amara. But I also think that her insecurities about his past with Stefanie could end up causing some big problems in her marriage to Titus. 


    And it was nice to see Jamie give a shoutout to the Edge of Night, by having Mrs. Carlisle watch it and reference it as a classic. 



  18. 5 minutes ago, rlj said:

    Looks like Avery's back 😎


    I just noticed Jessica Collin's post. It looks like Avery indeed could be coming back:



    Honestly, I'm not excited about this if that is the case. She may not be as bad as some other characters, but I don't think she's needed. IMO, Josh is bringing back a whole lot of characters that a lot of people don't care about/aren't needed.

  19. According to soaps.com day ahead recap for tomorrow's show, Eva La Rue shows up as Celeste Rosales. Here is a pic of her on tomorrow's show that was posted at soaps.com:


    Celeste Rosales.jpg




    She will show up doing Lola's bridal shower. Abby will invite her. Abby, Mariah, Tessa, Ana and Elena will attend Lola's bridal shower tomorrow. It will be held at Society and there will be shirtless waiters. Summer will show up to crash it. Mariah and Tessa will confront Summer for doing that, but Lola will invite her to stay. Abby will warn her to behave herself. The women will give Lola sexy gifts like lingerie, while Summer watches. Summer will end up telling Lola while it is difficult for her to say, she wants to co-exist with Lola and put the past behind her. Summer says she really does wish Kyle and Lola well. Later Celeste will show up, as a surprise that Abby arranged. Celeste will be snarky regarding the gifts Lola received like lingerie. Lola will say it's all in good fun and Celeste will say she's glad that she's around to see her daughter get married. 


    Theo and Kyle will talk about Kyle's love life. Theo will tell Kyle that he likes Summer and that she handled the situation with Kyle/Lola better than he would have. He will say that he's not ready to settle down. He will offer to throw Kyle a bachelor party which Kyle will accept. Theo will tell him the bachelor party will be a night he won't forget.


    Also, Jack and Lauren will learn that Phyllis is now the CEO of Dark Horse, and Jack will not be thrilled to hear that news. Traci will finish her book, and her character will end up saving Cane's character (Flynn) at the end. Their characters will kiss. Traci will also tell Cane about the ending of the book. He will tell her it is an incredible story, that she is an incredible woman and Traci and Cane will kiss for real. 

  20.  According to soaps.com day ahead recap on tomorrow's episode, Nate will tell Victor about an experimental treatment that he found for him. Nick will convince Victor to do the treatment even though a big side effect of the treatment is diminished mental capacity. Victor will agree to take it. 


    Phyllis will end up accepting Adam's offer to run Dark Horse. Victor will also tell Adam that he knows about his connection to Chance. Adam will tell Kevin to try and find dirt on Nick that will make Nick look like an unfit parent. He will give Kevin Nick's passwords to his business accounts. Kevin will end up telling Michael that he found some really bad information that Adam can use to hurt a lot of people. Michael will tell Kevin that he warned Adam and now will make good of it. He tells Kevin to stall Adam until he comes up with a plan. 


    Devon's family will worry about him. Devon will tell Ana that he stopped taking his medication because it makes him feel numb. They will talk about his panic attack and Devon will deny that Hilary had anything to do with it. Later, Ana will tell Nate that she's worried about Devon and that Devon mentioned Hilary to Elena. Ana will complain that she feels that Devon is making Elena live in a shrine to Hilary.


    Later Elena will tell Devon that her new job is going well. Elena will want to talk with him about what happened regarding his panic attack the other night. Devon will be embarrassed to talk about that situation. Elena will ask him to be honest and will tell him that there's another person in their relationship-Hilary. She will say she doesn't feel like her and Devon should have slept together so soon and that he's not over Hilary. She will say she respects his feelings and wants him to respect hers as well.


    ***There is another spoiler that I forgot to add from tomorrow's show that says that Adam has a secret passageway and he tells Kevin that he is using it to spy on Devon. A person that did the recap said it sounded like Adam was joking/being snarky. I hope so, because if not what the heck would Adam be up to trying to spy on Devon? ***

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