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Posts posted by xtr

  1. According to the recap from soaps.com from Monday's episode Michelle's will first appear as Phyllis again. She will be shown at the end of the episode.


    According to the recap on Monday's episode Kevin will tell Michael that Chloe is alive and Adam kidnapped her while he kidnapped Phyllis. Michael will want to call Paul, but Kevin will slap the phone from his hand and ask him to help get Chloe back to Bella. Michael will end up letting Kevin go. Victoria will offer Adam a financial agreement to get Dark Horse back for Nick. Adam will refuse her offer. Nick will find out that Adam is suing for custody of Christian and will confront Adam about that. Victoria will also chastise Adam for that. Adam will end up finding out that Phyllis escaped.


    Nick will ask Michael to be his lawyer in the custody case. Nick will end up being upset with Victoria who he will feel helped Adam set these things in motions. Nick will call Chelsea and tell her that Adam is back to his old trick and that he's suing for custody of Christina. He will warn her that Adam may sue for custody of Connor next.


    Mariah will tell Devon he messed up big time by paying Elena's student loans. She will say he made Elena feel like she was indebted to him. Elena will talk with Nate and tell him what Devon did. Nate will defend Devon and said that Devon grew up broke and just wanted to help. Another recap that I saw from someone who watched the show made it sound like Elena tells Nate that her and Devon slept together for the first time and that is one reason why him paying off her loans made her so uncomfortable. Elena will also tell Nate that she was hired as an EMT at the hospital. Devon and Elena will talk at the penthouse where Elena will tell him she still feels the same about the money issue. They will agree she shouldn't have gotten on the plane and will agree to talk things out next time.  


    I don't care to see Mariah not showing more support to her guy friends, Devon/Kyle and trying to make them feel guilty about helping/providing/giving their SO's gifts. She siding more with their girlfriends who were both overreacted to their gifts, and in particularly with Lola's case was really OTT And used her discomfort about wealth to control Kyle.


    It also seems like we may be headed for a Devon/Elena/Nate triangle or maybe a quad depending on what they do with Abby. If Elena told Nate that her and Devon slept together, with for the first time, I don't care for that. I think that's revealing too much information to a man that she hardly knows who is also her boyfriend's cousin. I wonder if that will lead to Devon having some tension with Nate, which will contribute to his panic attack. 

  2. Ana came back today, and has made peace with Mariah/Tessa (at least for now). They all agreed to help each other and work together in a girl power type of moment. I wonder where the show is going with this storyline for them. I still don't know what Josh is trying to do with Ana (if much of anything) by putting her in this storyline with them.


    I wondered at first if there was some sort of triangle that would happen (even if was just on a professional level). And then I wondered if Ana and Mariah would be written as rivals, where Ana would thrown under the bus for Mariah. And now they are all getting along and having a girl power moment. Maybe Mariah's stalker will resurface and cause all issues for all of them. Hmmmmm….. I wonder what is going on there. As an Ana fan I am concerned she may come out on the short end of the stick, depending on what the story is.


    Also, Kevin didn't come across as very threatening towards Adam today. He seemed a bit mismatched against Adam. And it looks Jack is headed towards having feelings for Lauren and may have some for her already.

  3. Here are some upcoming spoilers for next week from the Zap2it Website:


    On Tuesday's episode Phyllis will make a grand gesture, Nick will surprise Victor, Victor will make an important decision and Cane will be disappointed by Lily. Also, Nikki will lean on Paul and Esther will worry about Kevin.


    Also, I wonder if that picture of Phyllis and Adam may actually be in a suite in Vegas. 

  4. Here are some more upcoming spoilers from SOD:


    Nick will reach out to Chelsea, Michael will force Kevin to come clean,  Jack will make a new friend, Sparks will fly between Sharon and Adam. Victor will make an important decision, Devon pays tribute to Neil, Victor will make a power move and Adam will get a surprise visitor. And Nick will have a surprise Victor, Phyllis will return with a vengeance, Victor makes a major decision and Kevin will search for Chloe.

  5. Here are some spoilers from SOD about Devon and Elena posted on another site from someone who got SOD early


    Devon will halluncinate seeing Hilary again and will have a panic attack. Elena will come to the realization that Devon is dealing with a lot more stress than she realizes. She knows that he is dealing with grief in the aftermath of Neil's death. Devon will want to honor Neil and will dedicate the stage at Society to Neil. A disagreement with Nate will impact the evening and contribute to Devon having a panic attack. Devon will start to collapse and Elena will rush to his side,  Elena is recovering from her own grief and has blinded by how troubled Devon is. She may end up giving him another chance but there will be challenges ahead for them.


    I wonder what type of disagreement that Devon and Nate get into that contributes to Devon having the attack. At first when I heard about these spoilers I thought they may have conflict over Elena. Like maybe Devon would get jealous if he saw Elena relating more to Nate than him. But now I wonder if it may be about something else. Maybe it's regarding how something involving Hamilton-Winters should be done, especially now that Nate has some input as a board member. It looks like we will be getting Devon and Nate having conflict with each other. 

  6. I didn't like the Summer/Lola scenes today. When I first read the recaps for it, I thought that Summer and Lola were going to both have a candid conversations about their mothers and come to some sort of understanding with each other. And while I wasn't keen on that, and don't want to see them bonding, that would have been better than what happened today.


    On today's show Summer was concerned about being unable to reach Phyllis.Lola saw that and came over to the able and completely took over the conversation with Summer, making the conversation mainly about Lola and emotional issues and insecurities that Lola' s mother has. Summer barely got to talk and express her concerns about Phyllis who is missing and in actual danger. She didn't even get speculate where Phyllis could be at. Because the conversation resolved around Lola and Mama Rosales. Summer literally just existed in that scene for Lola to be featured yet again and to be a sounding board for Lola to talk about her family. Even though, Summer is the one who's mother is in real danger.  There doesn't seem to be really any bounds to the Lola/Rosales propping on this show.


    Also, I thought that the scenes between Nick/Adam and Nick/Victoria were good. And I think that Rey is overreacting a little to Sharon/Adam. I don't think he knows Adam enough to be making as strong as statements as he made today. (Even if much of what he said was true). Plus, he was coming on a bit strong, considering that him and Sharon really haven't been a couple for that long. Though, I do still like him and him and Sharon.

  7. Adam is really sexy. I don't see much chemistry between him and Sharon, but I do think it's cute the way he smiles at her sometimes. And the way he talks is sexy. It would be interesting to see him interact with someone that he has good chemistry with. Today he did get under Sharon's skin a bit when he suggested she still had feelings for him and called Rey a "glorified security guard". And then she runs, acts frustrated for a bit and then quickly sleeps with Rey after her and Adam's heated argument. I do think they are writing it that she may still have feelings for Adam.


    And lol at the way that Adam told that Kevin he didn't care about Phyllis. Kevin and also Paul today were acting like something romantic was happening between Adam and Phyllis. Adam doesn't care about Phyllis.  I also thought it was amusing how Adam said something like Victoria's ceremony was a "tacky new age deconstructed non wedding." 


    Also, once again Nick looks ill equipped to be a businessman. He lets Dark Horse acquire a lot of debt and set it up to be taken from him. And he can't pull himself out if because he IMO foolishly gives away his extremely large trust fund. He could have pulled his own self out of debt had he not given all of that money away. Now he's running to Jack and Victor who can't/won't him. And Victor did bring up good points about how he started Dark Horse by hacking into Newman Enterprises.


    I do wonder if Nick will end back up at Newman Enterprises working for Victor again. Especially since Victor brought up that suggestion today. 

  8. 27 minutes ago, Fevuh said:

    That's what I think.  She even said...oh, she went to pack her clothes and leave and then realized....Oh, I have nowhere to go and no job. 


    Girl, you been rakin' off of him and now he's (GASP)...paid off your loans!  You've been living with him for free, you know you're dating/living with a billionnaire...but GOD don't pay off my loans.  Whatever.  Then leave and figure it out on your own if you don't want a piece of his pie.... This chick is stying right-put with Devon.  And like you said - instead said she would go shack with Jett and Ana - who is also Devon's money. 


    Exactly, lol. I know that the amount he paid for her loans was a large sum of money, but the cost of living in that penthouse isn't cheap either. And she sat right up and there and lived there with him enjoying the perks of that. Living with a man is a big step, even more so when he is paying all of the bills. She can take living with him in a rich lifestyle for free, but then balks at the idea of him wanting to help her become debt free. I understand she wished he would have consulted her first, but overall, I didn't like her attitude about the situation.


    Plus, she doesn't seem particularly driven either. She doesn't act like she's anxious to get back to medical school and finish up her residency. Like you would think somebody who really wanted to work as a doctor would. And now she's running off on tour to join Jett and Ana, yet another thing Devon is financing. If she's that serious about becoming independent, she needs to hang around town and wait and see if she gets any of the jobs she applied for. Including the one at the hospital. Someone could call about wanting to hire her, while she's unnecessarily hanging out on tour. 

  9. These storylines about women being upset with them their men about money are so poorly execute and unrelatable, that I can't simply can not root for the women. Though I did give Elena some understanding, about Devon looking into her information and not consulting her first before he paid off her loans. Still she came across as ungrateful and OTT with some of the stuff she said, and it soured on me the character. And I think this type of storyline feels out of place on a soap where a lot of people have been rich, worked hard to be rich, schemed to be rich, etc...


    And I can't go with the financial imbalance aspect of it, either not in these situations. If Elena is so upset about Devon having way more money than her, than she needs to leave. He's a billionaire, and unless something major happens, he's not going to turn into a working class man anytime soon. Plus, I hate watching women (or anybody) complaining about a caring SO or spouse trying to help/provide for them financially. It's cringeworthy. And we haven't been given any good reason as to why she has the views she has. She's so underdeveloped.


    Plus, she's had no problems living off Devon rent free, and enjoying the perks of living/dating a rich man. If she felt this uncomfortable she should have been tried to get a job, so she could move out. She didn't do that. She didn't even offer to pay him back after she found out he paid off the loans. Maybe if she mentioned that she wanted to do that when she was ranting at him, he would have agreed. Or maybe they could have come to some sort of compromise, where she could have donated the money to charity or paid the money he did for the loans for someone else. Or something. I liked that he explained himself, apologized and went about his business. He doesn't have time for that and I don't blame him.


    If she so uncomfortable about him making a lot more money, than her should have been made steps to move out of the house and be more independent.


    And Lola is a disaster of a character who uses her feelings about wealth to judge rich people and control, berate and mistreat her boyfriend. Kyle is constantly groveling to Lola about something and it's awful to watch.


    The show needs to abandon these types of storylines. They just don't work, certainly not the way they are writing them.

  10. 48 minutes ago, Fevuh said:

    What is it with this show and people getting seriously pissed over being given a gift?  How DARE you give me an expensive purse!  How DARE you pay off my debt! 


    God, someone do that for me.  I'd gladly take it...you make the decision to gimme something, Imma take it.   


    Yeah, I don't like these types of storyline at all that the show has been telling lately regarding someone being upset that their SO is trying to help them financially. I will give Elena some understanding about wishing that Devon would have consulted her first, before paying off her loans. But I thought that her reaction was OTT and she reminded me a bit of Lola. She acted like he was trying to control almost every aspect of her life and I didn't like how she was acting he didn't value her opinion and was trying to get her to shut up. They haven't even been together very long.


    Elena complained about there being a imbalance of power in their relationship (largely due to Devon having a lot of money). If she really feels that way, then she should have been applied for a job instead of lounging around the Penthouse doing much of nothing. She has been living rent free off of Devon for a bit now. And has enjoyed perks of living/dating a rich man. Yet now all of a sudden she wants to complain about him helping her financially when he pays off her student loans. Plus on today's show she talked about running off to join Jett/Ana on tour, yet another thing Devon is paying for. 


    I liked how Devon handled himself. He explained his POV, apologize and got up out of there and went about his business. I wish Kyle would have reacted the same way when Lola berated him for wanting to give her nice things. I liked that Devon stood up for himself.


  11. Here are some upcoming spoilers from Lynda Hirsch's soap column for next week:


    Adam will go to Sharon's home to apologize for his actions. Rey will catch them in a comforting embrace and that will confirm his suspicions. Unable to handle Sharon's attachment to Adam, Rey will storm out. Also, Jack and Traci will try to help Dina adjust to living in assisted living facility. Jack will try and spend more time with her and Traci will tell her about her novel. Despite her memory, fading Dina will be comforted by her children's presence.


    Victor will also take a lawsuit against the Genoa City Police Department which will enrage Christine. Victor will offer Adam the chance to run his company, but Adam will refuse that offer and say that he wants to carve out his own path for himself. He will suggest to Victor that he offer that opportunity to Victoria. And Kevin will seek revenge for Delia's death. 

  12. I don't care for the way that Nick acts sometimes but I do like Josh in the role. I feel like he is probably the only Nick we will ever get.


    Also, on today's show it was revealed that Ana will be going on tour with Jett for a few days. Ana wasn't shown at all this week and I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't shown next week either.  Loren is taping, so she will be back at some point, but I don't like how they are barely using her and the storyline she's in, whenever they do show her. I wish the show would do better by her character.


    I don't mind Devon and Elena, (at least for now) but them sleeping together on today's show did feel rushed. Elena has been barely shown and is very underdeveloped. I think they should have fleshed her character out more before they had her sleep with Devon.

  13. According to soaps.com day ahead recap on Monday's show, Elena will be upset with Devon when she finds out that he paid off her student loans. They will share some close moments first over breakfast.  She will also tell Devon that she has interview with the Chief of Staff at Memorial that day. Then she will get an email saying that her loans have been paid off. Devon will tell her that he did to pay things forward. Elena will be upset that he looked into her financial affairs without her consent. She will tell him that he doesn't know her at all. Devon will tell her that he she doesn't have to continue dating him because he did that. He will want her not to move out. Elena will say she can't move out because she doesn't have a job but will say she feels violated and patronized.


    Devon will tell her he's very sorry and will embrace her. Elena will end up saying that she feels his heart was in the right place but that there is too great of a power differential in the relationship. She will want to go join Jett and Ana on tour which Devon will think is extreme. But he will tell her he will see her when she gets back. Elena will end up talking to Nate in the penthouse corridor and he will tell her he will put in a good word for the Chief of Staff at the hospital. Elena and Nate will end up leaving together to go to the hospital.


    Also, Jack, Summer and Nick will be concerned about Phyllis and her whereabouts. Summer will tell Jack she can't reach her mom and Jack will assure her she did the right thing by coming to him. Summer will feel like things are escalating. Jack will feel that Adam is too blame and that it was probably his idea for him and Phyllis to crash Victoria and Billy's ceremony. Summer will ask for Adam's number but Jack will feel she should keep her distance. They will also discuss her disappointment about her marriage. Jack will say that he thinks that Phyllis will regret not helping Summer during this difficult time in her life.


    Adam will arrive at the dive bar and talk to Kevin. Kevin will tell Adam that he has "his girlfriend'. Adam will tell him that Phyllis is not his girlfriend. Kevin will want to exchange Phyllis for Chole. He will tell Adam that he knows that Adam tracked Chloe down. Kevin will say he doesn't know where she's at. Adam will say that a PI found their house but they cleared out already. Adam will tell Kevin he can't publicly accuse him of kidnapping Chloe because he would then have to admit she's alive. Adam will also meet with Nick who will ask him if he knows where Phyllis is, which Adam will deny. Nick will tell him he better not or he will bring down a world of hurt on him. Nick will also tell Adam he's not getting Christian. 


    Devon and Summer will end up opening the door to Phyllis' room at the GCAC. They will notice that her toiletries and keys are there. Phyllis will end up telling Nick that she definitely thinks that something happened to Phyllis. Adam will make a call to someone saying that the plan has changed because Kevin Fisher is an idiot. 


  14. Here are some upcoming spoilers for next week from the Zap2it Website:


    Kevin will show his true colors, Summer will worry about Phyllis, Devon will upset Elena, and Nick will fight to save his company. Rey will stand his ground, Adam makes a confession, Christine gives Victor surprising news, Victoria's secret is exposed and Nikki makes a shocking discovery. Also, a Newman Family meeting will turn ugly and Jack and Lauren will mix business with pleasure.

  15. According to soaps.com day ahead recap on tomorrow's show Devon and Elena will sleep together. Devon and Elena will talk with Jett, who will thank Devon for arranging the tour for him. Elena tells him she will miss him but he says he will be back in a few months. Elena will end up telling Devon that she needed to stay with Jett after her mother died. Devon will ask her what her next plans will be and she will say that she has lined up interviews and plans to move out. Devon will wonder why she wants to move out. Her and Devon will dance and they will banter about her leaving. He will ask her not to leave and will tell her that his feelings for her snuck up for him. They will head upstairs and make love. Devon will come downstairs and see an angry vision of Hilary staring at him. Elena will ask him if he regrets what they did, he will say no, while the angry vision of Hilary stares at him.


    Also, Nick will tell Adam he would rather lose Dark Horse than Christian. He will congratulate Adam on stealing Dark Horse and says this proves that Adam is not fit to be a father. Later, Nick will talk with Michael regarding his options on getting back Dark Horse. 


    Also, Kyle and Lola will talk about planning their wedding. Abby will tell Lola that she will take Kyle ring shopping. Rey will give Kyle and Lola his blessing and Lola will tell Kyle he can spend money for her on the wedding-this one time. 


    Phyllis will end up being dragged somewhere and put into a room. On the other end Kevin will be shown with a key.

  16. I don't think that Devon should have given Mariah Neil's old job. She is not qualified, and doesn't have the experience to run an entire PR company. It's one thing if he gave her a job working for another company in HW, it's another to let her run an entire company. I don't think that's right. And I believe that Josh is doing this just to so he can have Mariah and Ana spar some more and try and possibly paint Ana in an unfavorable light against Mariah. I believe he may end up continuing to right Ana as difficult to artists and write Mariah as their champion/advocate.  I do not look forward to that storyline.


    Also, Kyle and Lola continue to be an awful and boring couple. Kyle often times looks nervous, even down right scared whenever him and Lola have issues (which is often). He looked scared today when he was hanging up that juvenile looking homemade banner to apologize to Lola. I'm tired of him looking/acting like this and walking around eggshells when it comes to Lola. That "I'm sorry banner." he hung today looked like something children would help make in 1st grade. This is a sad looking picture and what Kyle has been reduced to since he's been paired with Lola:





    This is so elementary and the character deserves better than this. Kyle and Lola's relationship is so unhealthy and toxic, I wish he would be free from it.


    Adam's on a lot, but he's one of the few bright spots on the show right now. I did see some layers today with him, when he was telling Phyllis about wanting to get Christian back. I just about believed him when he said that he wasn't messing with Dark Horse for revenge, but to get Christian back. And I also like how he spoke about Nick and Nick's desire to be his own man away from Victor. I thought he provided some true and interesting insight there.


  17. 7 minutes ago, ajsp35801 said:


    When you put it like that, it's even more ridiculous. In what work would Mariah get a job that Neil had upon his death. You're right. Her working at power in an entry level job doing PR for musicians would be one thing. The show could even hire someone to be their day to day boss. But to have her running an ENTIRE PR firm is absurd. I'm sure she said she wasn't qualified and he had to beg and convince her to take the job. Sickening. 


    Today's show that will air should give us a clearer picture, but from I read from the recaps, it sounded like she did mention that she wasn't qualified, but he convinces her to take it and says he believes she capable of running it. It is even worse that it's Neil's old job. IMO, it's wrong to give her that type of position in Devon's family company. It's not like she's his wife and/or has kids with him or anything. Or has a super strong connection to the Winters/Hamiltons, besides being his friend and dating him in the past.


    And I could definitely see him siding with her over Ana, when they end up clashing more. Which I definitely don't want to see.


  18. 1 hour ago, ajsp35801 said:


    What qualifications does Mariah have to run a PR firm? So ridiculous. I fear a repeating of the Hilary/Mariah dynamic being written for Ana. So unfortunate. I know some folks like it but I just can't support Mariah in these folks orbit. They always get the short end while she's written be be better, smarter, more deserving.. They could at least keep Devon out of whatever they do with Ana and Mariah. I have zero desire to see him treating his own sister like crap to prop up Saint Mariah the way he did with Hilary. 


    Devon and Kyle are written the same way. He was always apologizing to Hilary even when she was the one who was wrong.  I read Devon pays off Elens's school loans and she storms out. Lola is storming out over a proposal. Too bad Devon doesn't get the same airtime as Kyle. 


    Dark horse had debt out if the blue??!!  They could have at least shown nick borrowing money for something prior. Such poorly executed stories. 


    Mariah really doesn't have any qualifications to be running a PR Firm. It's one of thing if Devon let her work at Power Communications, it's a whole another thing to let her run the whole company. Based off what I read from the recaps/and people who saw today's show already it sounds like she is actually getting Neil's old job at HW. I remember during the JT storyline after Victor was attacked Neil told him he would help Victor out with PR to help make Newman Enterprises look like a strong company. It sounds like Mariah will be doing stuff like Neil used to do, but I think music artists might be included. I could definitely believe she will be clashing with Ana in her new position at HW. I could see Ana continue to be written as difficult/unreasonable towards artists in general and Mariah will be written as the more sympathetic understanding person, who "advocates" for them. I am not looking forward to watching anything like that. But I do think that something like that will happen.


    I read about the Devon paying off Elena's student loan and her getting upset about that too. I don't think that is a good storyline for them and I don't like that the show is still going with this idea, that a woman should be offended by having a man who cares for her trying to help/provide for her financially. It's not interesting, romantic or very realistic. 


    And Kyle and Lola continue to be a disaster of a couple together. Kyle has become so weak around Lola. He's pretty much unrecognizable from the strong, confident man that he was when MM's version was introduced. I hate seeing what has happened to him since he's gotten with Lola. And they are so boring, and are on way too much. The show just be finding ways to cram them into multiple episodes. They should give that airtime to other characters, instead of constantly showing boring scenes where Kyle tries to appease Lola and they play "This Old House."

  19. According to the day ahead recap from soaps.com on tomorrow's episode Devon will offer Mariah an opportunity to run Power Communications at Hamilton-Winters. This will be after Mariah shows up at Devon's apartment to give Tessa's side of the story regarding Tessa disagreement with Ana. Devon will call Tessa to talk with her and Mariah assumes it's about her walking away from the label. Mariah and Devon will talk about what happened with Ana and Tessa and agree they are not a good fit for each other. Mariah will tell him she's leaving GC Buzz and he will end up making Mariah the Power Communications job offer and she will accept. Power Communication was Neil's PR Company. Devon will tell Mariah that he liked how she advocated for Tessa and believes that artists need someone like her to advocate for them.


    I think that Mariah and Ana will interact at HW and will continue to bump heads.


    And Phyllis will decide to help Adam by hacking into Dark Horse's servers. He will buy debt that the company owes and tells Nick about that. He will then give Nick 24 hours to either give him Christian or Dark Horse.


    Also, Lola will be stunned by Kyle's proposal and quickly leave after he asks her to marry him. She will talk with Rey about that and Kyle will end up hanging a banner saying "I'm sorry" at their apartment. Lola will end up coming home and accepting his proposal.


    Kyle is always apologizing for something when it comes to Lola. It's very unfortunate.

  20. Here are some spoilers from SID/SOD for the next couple of weeks:


    Kevin shows his true colors, Summer worries about Phyllis, Devon upsets Elena, Adam makes a confession. Also, Nick will stand his ground, Victor receives shocking news, Kyle and Lola share news of their engagement. Michael will demand the truth from Kevin, Nick will reach out to Chelsea, Jack will make a new friend, sparks will fly between Sharon and Adam, and Victor will choose sides.


    I wonder if Kevin is responsible for Phyllis's disappearance and that is what Michael is questioning him about.



  21. 7 minutes ago, Vee said:

    What does Elena do, exactly? Sing? Or is that just Jett Slade (yikes)? Why do all the black folks sing?


    She was preparing to be a doctor but didn't finish her residency due to having financial issues and her mother dying. She was taking care of Jett for a while but isn't anymore because he's gone on tour. So right now, she's unemployed and doesn't do much of anything. Except pop up every 1 1/2 to 2 weeks to talk a little with Devon, while he imagine that he's seeing Hilary while he's with her. She is very underdeveloped as a character. I think they should have her go finish her residency and go interact some with Nate and possibly some other characters.

  22. 18 minutes ago, KMan101 said:

    And Victor's "illness" will probably drag on because Griffith has no idea what else to do with him and then it will probably disappear or be forgotten about by the next writing regime. Zzzz. Next!!


    I remember when he had a mysterious illness that seemed to be dropped and forgotten when Mal was writing. I'm not sure if this current illness is Josh revisiting that storyline or a new illness that Josh is giving him.


    Victor and Nikki have a lot of grandchildren. Maybe the show should do something with one of the grandchildren and involve Victor/Nikki some way.


    They could do something with one of their grown/almost grown grandchildren, (Noah, Summer, Reed). Maybe they will eventually do that and/or do something with the other grandchildren when they get older (Faith, Johnny, Katie, Connor, Christian) Here's hoping at that at least some of those kids will be interesting when they get older. I love the current Faith that the show has and maybe as she and/or the character ages, she will be a star among the grandkids. Maybe some of the others will be interesting as well.

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