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Posts posted by xtr

  1. 27 minutes ago, Darn said:

    All of these women pissed that they're involved with millionaire/billionaires who will spend MONEY on them. I thought part of soaps was wish fulfillment. Do you know how many people would fall over themselves to have a hot rich (and nice!) businessman pay their bills??? These conflicts are stupid.





    I agree. IMO these types of storyline is not entertaining, romantic, soapy or very realistic. There are plenty of women (some men too) that would love for someone to pamper them/give them gifts like purses and do things like pay off their student loans. I don't like these types of money conflicts that Y&R is doing with Lola and now Elena. It's not appealing and it feels really out of place on soap that has long been known for showcasing characters who are wealthy and have wealthy lifestyles. 


    IMO, if they want to do a storyline where a couple has a conflict over money, there is a more realistic way to do it. Maybe a character gives their spouse some type of power or elevates them to a position in their business. And then their spouse makes some poor decisions that affect their family's business and cost them to lose a lot of their wealth. And that would cause conflict for the couple. People fighting over bad financial decisions, that causes them to lose money is more realistic than people fighting because one person in the relationship wants to give them something that they can definitely afford.

  2. According to soaps.com day ahead recap on tomorrow's show Victor will reveal to Nikki that he has a life threatening illness. It is a rare blood disease where something is destroying the red blood cells in his own body. Nikki will tell him that they will get through this together, and will want to tell their children. Victor will want to keep quiet and not tell his children the truth for now. Also, Victoria and Billy will have their commitment ceremony which Adam and Phyllis will crash. Adam and Phyllis will clash with various people at the ceremony including Adam clashing with Nick. Adam will tell Nick that Christan will end up with him.


    Also, Summer will invite Theo to the commitment ceremony and Nick will not like that she brought him to a small family event. And Kyle will end up proposing to Lola after the ceremony happens. He will go into the kitchen at Society and tie a paper ring around her finger and ask her to marry him.

  3. 31 minutes ago, Fevuh said:

    What was the bar they all ended up at (Summer, Kyle, the 2 marketing geniuses) - is Society also a dance club after hours?  And God it was bad...I hate when they have to use awful electronic music and really bad dancing, and virtually no noise.  All the extras just dance around quietly.  This should go under the 'things that are quirky on soaps that you notice'. 


    Lol at some of those dance scenes on today's show.




    Society does have a dance floor and also kind of acts as a club in the night time.


    I though that today's show was okay. I wonder what Victor's illness is. I remember when Brooks Darnell's Nate first came on Victor had some type of illness and was showing symptoms but they really said what that was. It was why Nate became his private doctor in the first place. I wonder if they are picking up from where that storyline ended. I am glad that Nate will be interacting more with the Newmans, again. I want to see this Nate interact with more people.


    I also think that Adam and Phyllis were kind of interesting together. I do think that GT's Phyllis can play off well against multiple characters, maybe even more so than MS's Phyllis.


    And Kyle and Lola continue to be boring. Him gifting her a picture frame to celebrate their one week anniversary of moving into together was ZZZZZZ. But this is the type of stuff that the show likes to do with them. I do think that he may end up becoming jealous of Summer and Theo. And I wonder if Summer will end up spiraling a little. When I first read the spoilers for today's show, I  thought that Kyle and Lola would just be overreacting to her drinking. But after I saw a spoiler that said that:



    Phyllis will disappear


    I could see Summer worrying about that and that causing her to stress drink more, which isn't good especially since she did the liver transplant not too long ago. Maybe Nate worrying about Summer's health may be foreshadowing of that.

  4. Someone on Twitter posted a possible spoiler about Devon and Elena. They said that Devon and Elena are going to sleep together but the afterglow of that will be short lived because she will find out that he paid off her student loans. They didn't specify where this spoiler was from, but I believe it's from SOD ( or maybe SID). This person usually get that mag earlier than others and sometimes post spoilers from it on a Tuesday. I believe this may be a legitimate spoiler.



  5. 4 minutes ago, KMan101 said:

    He's a *great* find. Perfect for Adam. I just don't care for villain Adam. But I guess it fills a void and we need one of Victor's kids to be ruthless and capable of filling his shoes.


    I liked the way he acted as an amnesiac coming to terms with his past and having regrets better than I do him acting more like a schemer troublemaker. He showed a bit more of a softer side that I found really appealing. I think that he'd be better off if he were allowed to portray a mix of both versions. I think that Mark can pull that off. Maybe he will soften some when he finally gets to see Chelsea and Connor again and we'll see more layers to him. Overall, I agree he is doing a really nice job and he is sexy.

  6. Here is the latest promo for next week:




    Theo looks good. I do think that him and Summer may end up falling for each other for real. Also, I think that the scenes with Adam and Nick look interesting. Mark really does look/seem like the younger brother of Nick.

  7. According to soaps.com day ahead recap on tomorrow's show Adam learns from Sharon that Chelsea has remarried and that her new husband has adopted Connor. Chelsea and Connor have assumed new identities and won't reveal their new whereabouts. Adam will end up being upset about this and will tell Victor that he wants to track her down, if only to get Connor back. Victor will not be keen on that idea. Victor will also want Adam to work with Victoria but Adam will end up telling Victoria he will take the money she gave and start something up for himself.


    Also, Phyllis will get drunk and lash out at the Abbotts. They will be celebrating the launch of Jabot Collective along with Summer. Jack will find out from Lauren about Phyllis having the counterfeit site. He will thank Lauren for being on his side. Phyllis will end up driving and will swerve to avoid a car that is heading towards her. She will run off the road and accuse the other driver of cutting  her off. That driver will be Adam.


    I wonder who Chelsea ended up remarrying and when we might see her new husband.



  8. 14 minutes ago, Khan said:


    The ceremony's taking place at Society, lol!?  God, this show has become so cheap!


    lol. Yeah, from what I read from spoilers it's supposed to be held at Society and family and friends, including Victor are there. Kyle and Lola are going to end up being irked that Summer brings Theo.


    Speaking of Theo, I also read he is supposed to air on today's Canadian episode. Here is some more information from SOD about Theo and the actor Tyler Johnson that is playing him. He said that he auditioned last minute. He did a rehearsal with Peter Bergman, and said that Hunter, Michael Mealor and Joshua Morrow have put him at ease. He also said that he worked a lot with Josh Morrow.


    So just like a couple of us predicted he will be working (and it sounds like quite a bit) with other people in addition to Summer and Kyle. Including Jack and Nick. I am looking forward to his scenes and hope he can act. I hope he's a bright spot for this show, which IMO, doesn't have a lot of bright spots right now.

  9. Here are some spoilers for next week from the Zap2it website:


    Traci will get into character, Nick will plot his next move, Summer will let her guard down, and Phyllis will collide with danger. Victor will cover his tracks, Kyle will propose to Lola, Billy and Victoria will make their commitment to each other public, Mariah will take on her new challenge and Nick will collect evidence against Adam. 


    Kyle is going to propose the same day that Victoria and Billy have their public commitment. I wonder if he ends up proposing to her at Society, where the commitment ceremony will be taking place. 

  10. 24 minutes ago, KMan101 said:


    Coulda been a Scott or Noah recast ... (but the last recast soured me a bit on Scott and I like Adamson as Noah but still ...)


    I haven't seen anything to confirm this for sure, but someone  on another site said that Tyler was born in 1982. If so that would put him in the late 30 something range. I think it will be interesting to see how he fares in the 20 something group of Summer, Kyle and Lola. I think he may comes across as mature and manly. I do think that he could possibly fare well with Summer, ( I could see her with a somewhat older guy.)


    Though, I do wonder how he will play against Kyle.  The first Theo was younger looking than Kyle and Lola. He looked pretty young and Tyler's version looks older and more mature. I wonder if they will try and say that Tyler's version is in his 20's well or let him play a 30 something.

  11. 11 minutes ago, rlj said:

    Judging from z pic, Phyllis is kidnapped next week


    LaRue's 1st airdate is 6/26


    Rikaart returns 6/7


    I'm guessing that GT's Phyllis will be held captive by someone until MS's Phyllis starts airing. (I'm not sure when that is, though I did see a report that MS is now filming.) I wonder how kidnaps Phyllis.


    I also saw a picture of Devon and Mariah talking and smiling together at the penthouse. It wouldn't surprise me if that is when he offers her a job to work in the music department of Hamilton-Winters.

  12. Here are some more upcoming spoilers from the latest issue of SOD:


    Sharon will deliver a message from Chelsea, Victor will end up giving Adam the third degree, Victor will cover his tracks, and Nick will plot his next move. Also, Rey will uncover a secret, Mariah will take on a new challenge and Phyllis will be backed into a corner.


    Also, Kyle and Lola will end up getting engaged and will plan their wedding. This will cause Mama Rosales to come to town to meet with Kyle and help Lola plan the wedding. She will attempt to push her way back into Lola's life and will take over planning the event. This will test Kyle and Lola's relationship and bond.


    I believe that Mariah's new challenge may be trying to manage Tessa's career. And I think that Phyllis being backed into a corner may be regarding that counterfeit scheme she is doing regarding Jabot Collective. Though on today's show Lauren will give her an ultimatium to stop doing that.


    And the writers continues to throw stuff at Kyle and Lola but IMO they just don't work as a couple. Now they are engaged, even though Kyle isn't even divorced (or barely divorced yet). I believe that Mama Rosales will definitely be used as another "obstacle" to try and make this boring couple work.


  13. 9 minutes ago, Forever8 said:

    Agree @xtr


    Elena does need her own life outside Devon and the potential romance storyline too. She should decide without her uncle around she should go to complete her residency at the hospital. Have Nate and she have conflict over the treatment of patients and procedures too. As well as eventually Nate becoming a mentor to her down the road too. 


    Can we talk about Ana? You have someone as beautiful, charismatic and talented as Loren Lott. And you have her just be Devon's assistant for the past seven months. Her love interest is no where in sight, and I don't need her and Nate to be together. I would either bring back Fen from tour who discovers he doesn't want to be a singer anymore, but goes onto working with his mother at Fenmore's. Or develop Eddie the detective that Mark Taylor plays for her, it seems like they would have a fun rapport with each other. 


    Let's not forget Lola Rosales gets a bunch of airtime .... 


    I bet Theo in his first week will interact with Kyle, Lola, Summer , Jack, Billy etc... He'll have more ties than Ana Hamilton has I guarantee you. 


    I like the thought of Nate mentoring Elena.


    I would also love if Fen came back and was Ana's love interest. I think that Fen realizing that he would rather work for Lauren would be a good idea. I had thought before about him possibly doing that I do believe if he ever comes back in any way or form that he will eventually move away from singing. I could see him ending up in a more stable career,  and him working for his mother's company could work for him. (And it would also add to his rivalry with Kyle.)


    If Fen doesn't come back, I'm okay with the detective that is working for Paul being paired with Ana, (and I remember Loren saying she had a crush on the actor growing up.) Or even another older guy, (though not as old as say Jack) like Rey or Nick. I'm even okay with her having a love interest that may not be shown a ton, but at least will support her and be there for her. She isn't even being given a recurring love interest, which is unfortunate. I saw that a past SID mag had asked her about a love interest and she said that she thought she would be paired with Fen or Nate. She seemed like she really wanted a love interest. I really would like to see her get one. Though, I'm okay with her not being paired with Nate, because I view them more as family. I think they came across as cousin-like in their scenes together yesterday, when she was talking to him about having a seat on the board.



  14. 41 minutes ago, ajsp35801 said:


    I don't get why Elena needs to be shown with other people to be developed. I don't get this idea that sharing scenes with Devon is such a bad thing and limits her.  He can develop her with her main screen partners (Devon and Ana) like he does EVERYBODY else. He's just not doing that cause he doesn't care about her character. I bet you Theo won't suffer in development by spending most his time with summer and Kyle. And I bet you nobody will complain and say he needs to be shown with someone other than summer either. 




    Elena is severely underdeveloped. We don't know much about her. She's actually worse off than Ana in some ways, (though unlike Ana she has a love interest. ) She does need to interact with other people and get out of the penthouse more. I've seen her venture out of the penthouse only like a few times. And with Jett being sent out on tour that has worsened her situation. Now she mostly interacts with Devon (mainly when he's struggling with his grief) and she's not shown more than once a week (if that, I believe recently she wasn't shown at all during one week). Her Ana have talked at times, but they haven't become very close. (At least not yet).


    She does need to interact with more people and be shown more. At the very least she needs to go finish her residency at the hospital. That would give her something to do and she could interact with Nate. (I don't want a triangle, but it would make sense for her to interact with him, being they are in the medical profession.)


    I think that Theo may definitely end up faring much better than her. At least he won't be isolated to just one or two people. And will probably be shown a considerable amount more. At the very least he will be interacting with Summer, Kyle, Lola and Jack. Probably Nick and Phyllis too and maybe others. 

  15. 21 minutes ago, rlj said:

    Next week per SOD, Phyllis and Adam crash into each other, literally, when z tipsy Phyllis gets into a fender bender with Adam.  He takes her back to his place, her drunken self starts spilling tea, and they bond over being GC pariahs (hence the Adam audition script, tho MG said he only screentested with SC)  Adam realizes Phyllis could help him get back what he thinks he deserves!


    So, that is where the audition script came from. It looks like they will be scheming together. I could see Mark Grossman and GT's Phyllis playing well off of each other. I wonder how he will fare with MS's Phyllis. 


    Also, here are some new pictures that were posted of the Theo #2 at cbspressexpress website. I also saw a video posted from about week ago, (which I just saw today) of him and Loren Lott interacting a little together on her Instagram. (They also have a couple of ones up there of the new Nate which look nice). It would be nice if Ana interacted with Theo. He's going to be paired with Summer, but  I wouldn't mind seeing Ana interact with him and Summer.  That would be much more preferable than her interacting with Tessa and Mariah. Tyler Johnson the actor seems excited about playing this role, here's hoping he does well in it.





  16. Here are some spoilers from SOD, that someone had gotten early and had posted at another site:


    Jack and Lauren will take a road trip. Elena and Devon will hit a road block, Kevin makes a dangerous deal, and Victor shares a shocking secret. Also, Summer will bring Theo to Victoria's commitment ceremony.


    I am looking forward to seeing Theo #2. Hopefully, he will bring good presence to the young set, which has not been faring well under JG. (With Lola being written poorly and being unlikeable, Tessa not being that likeable, and her and Mariah not getting good storylines and Ana also not getting good writing.) Maybe Theo #2 will be a bright spot for that group.


    And I wonder what will be the roadblock that Elena and Devon face. I think it's probably due to him still grieving Hilary and the baby. Elena seems nice but she is so underdeveloped. Josh really needs to try and develop her more and show her with other people.

  17. 21 minutes ago, alwaysAMC said:

    Any reason why Hakeem hasn't done much this season - anything behind the scenes driving this?


    I'm not sure. I do remember earlier this season, that a writer or producer mentioned that this season would be about the boys coming into their own and getting their own families. And we saw that happen, particularly with Andre. Though Hakeem didn't end up get a ton of focus this season. We did see him early in the season deal with getting shot and struggle with the aftermath of that. As well as have some conflict with Teyana largely dealing with that and the loss of their daughter. But after that, they didn't really give him a lot of focus. 


    I think for the next and final season, they can have him mature more. That can be one of the things they can focus on for him. I also wouldn't mind seeing him and Teyana finally settle down together. Granted they have been on and off and they have teased Teyana and Blake. (And I even think they may have even been hinting towards a possible Teyana/Devon pairing in the last couple of episodes.) As well as teased Hakeem and Maya a little. But I think it could be good for him if him and Teyana finally decide to really make it work. And settle down together to raise their children. 

  18. 19 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Season 6 will be the last season.


    I'm disappointed to hear this news to be honest. I have enjoyed this show (though they have had some rough moments here and there). I hope that everyone does get a happy ending. Like te. mentioned some of the characters got a happy ending this past season. But maybe everyone in the family in the series finale (including Cookie and Lucious) will get a happy ending.  I actually thought that the ending for Season 3 for Cookie and Lucious (minus Dre plotting to kill Lucious and their vehicle blowing up) would have been a good series finale ending for them as a couple. They had gotten closer and reunited and wanted to travel the world.


    Plus, they had a nice full circle moment when Cookie's first boyfriend Barry showed up at the club with his wife. I liked how they made peace with him and found out he had built a good life for him and his family. Cookie/Lucious ended up being inspired by them. That type of ending (minus the Dre's plotting and attempt on Lucious life) would have been a good ending for them as a couple. 


    I also wonder how much Jussie's behavior and his status may have affected the network deciding to make Season 6, the last season.

  19. 14 hours ago, Chris B said:

    I'm very excited for this. For Jamey to go from a soap blogger to a show on OWN that could easily run a few years is a pretty big achievement. I also love that he remembered his soap roots and gave Susan Dansby and Michele Val Jean writing/producing slots on the show. They've both done great work for years on soaps, but for obvious reasons never got the chance to really take the reigns of a show, so it's nice that they got a surprise primetime gig this late in their careers. In fact the writers room looked VERY diverse with lots of women and ages represented. I hope that this show is good and a runaway hit. 




    I agree. I want to see Jamey do well, and I am glad to see that some people in the soap community are showing support for him (including Ron Carlivati and Eileen Davidson.) I wonder how this show will end up faring. Robin Givens character does seem OTT, but maybe Essence Atkins character as her ex-best friend/rival can provide some balance to that. From what I saw in that preview Essence's character doesn't seem OTT and seems like she may be a bit more grounded, so maybe that will help.

  20. 27 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    This was a pretty entertaining roundtable that happened during the Tribeca Film Festival this year.  Too bad the rest of the cast couldn't be there, particularly the first season's cast.  Keenan Ivory Wayans and Robert Townsend should have been as big as Lorne Michaels is and their success rate actually bests Lorne Michaels' when you think of the sheer number of success stories that came out of In Living Color, how many went on to have careers as award-winning actors, directors, producers and choreographers.





    They definitely have a great success rate,  including The Wayans family, Jim Carrey, Jamie Foxx, Jennifer Lopez, David Alan Grier and Carrie Ann Inaba.


    I liked and watched In Living Color much more than I did SNL.

  21. 24 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Let's see how much time he gets compared to Manafort.



    That's a lot  of felony charges. I wonder how much time he may end up serving.


    Also, here is another unfortunate development that is connected to this story. Apparently dozen of hospital workers, including nurses were accused of looking at Jussie's hospital records and have been fired. At least one of them is saying they are innocent and that they simply glanced at his information while looking for another's patients information.


    They are appealing the termination and believe that other hospital workers for were let go for the same reason. It's unfortunate if anybody that is innocent may have gotten fired due those accusations:





  22. I am very sorry to hear this news. I know that the survival rate for this diagnosis is low, but I hope he can somehow beat this disease. I remember watching Jeopardy sometimes when I was younger and enjoying it. It was not too long ago where he was talking about the contract he is currently in and what he would do when it was up. He would be over 80 at the time and he wasn't sure if he would continues as the host. Plus, I read an article not too long ago from People that talked about him and his wife's marriage. His wife is lovely and they seem very happy together. They have been married 29 years and have two kids together. 


    alex trebek and his wife..png





    Wishing him and his family the best. 





  23. The Oscars have been kind of weird for various years now regarding the Best Picture field. Multiples time you'll have films that are heavily favored/nominated/win multiple awards lose out to a film that barely wins any awards. There have been some surprises sneaking in and winning Best Picture. And you also have quite a few films that no one has hardly seen or care to see winning Best Picture. 

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