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Posts posted by xtr

  1. I wonder what will happen with this storyline with Chance. On today's show Rey told Nick he was running around with Adam and got busted with assault. Rey told Nick that Adam bailed him out after he did that. Jill also revealed that Chance quit his job with the Department of Defense and that she/Nina/Phillip haven't heard from him for a while. She did mention the father/son Himalayas trip he took with Phillip III a little over a year ago and that he seemed fine then. But Nick revealed that Chance has been in Vegas for a year now which surprised Jill.


    I wonder why Chance has been hanging around with Adam and what type of other trouble Chance may have gotten into. I also wonder why Chance was running around with an amnesiac Adam and didn't think to tell anyone in Genoa City he was still alive. I wonder why Chance would have kept quiet about that. I am interested in seeing what is going on with Chance and looking forward to seeing him interact with Jill, whenever he may show up.


    Also, Rey/Celeste do not come across believable as mother and son. I think that she is younger looking than he is, even with his clean shaven face. Celeste mentioned today Papa Rosales has contacted her and they have been keeping in touch. I wouldn't be surprised if she showed up in a little bit. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Looks like a young Trent Dawson. Not very attractive.


    That's who he reminded me of as well, Trent. Maybe his look will translate better on screen like Mark Grossman did. When Mark appeared on screen and started to act he looked a lot better than he did in pictures and he came across as sexy.


    I'm not sure if he's really Chance but I did see that post on Twitter. I looked on his Instagram and that didn't see that picture that the person posted on Twitter, so I wonder when that photo may have been taken. 


    Maybe he will be Chance or even someone else. Hopefully if he's been cast as Chance (or someone else) he can act. 


    Here is another picture of him:


    I think he looks like he could be a biological grandson of Katherine Chancellor (even though I know Chance isn't her biological grandson)








  3. The several baddies coming back definitely sounds likes Days. They've been bringing back baddies lol. That one may also fit GH.


    I wish the one about a wild plot twit happening for a domesticated character would be about Kyle on Y&R. He's pretty much domesticated at this point. But I doubt it. 


    I'm not sure who the other two are about.

  4. Here are some upcoming spoilers from SOD:


    Lauren will be suspicious of Kevin, Victoria will step up to help Nick, Sharon and Chelsea will rehash their past, and sparks will fly between Nate and Abby. Nate and Abby are going to end up kissing:


    Nate Abby kissing.jpg


    So, the show finally remembers that Nate and Abby are supposed to have a storyline together. Their storyline was suspended there for a moment, (I honestly thought it may have been dropped). And Nate looks good in that picture. Also, Cane and Traci will be spending more time together, in what looks like a hotel room.


    Cane Traci hotel room NY.jpg



    It looks like they order room service. I think this is when they meet up in New York. (Cane is supposed to be there for a conference and him and Traci agreed to meet up there.)


  5. 22 minutes ago, cassadine1991 said:

    Then Chance being in Vegas happened after that father-son trip to the Himalayas


    That's what it's seems like. When Kyle dug up Phillip Chancellor's grave to try and help Jack figure out who his father was, that was in early July of last year. I believe that the Chance/Phillip III Himalayas trip was mentioned/happened somewhere around that time. So we're looking at about a year, ago that happened. It sounded like Chance was in a good place back then. I wondered what happened to cause him to go dark and fall off the grid. And what Phillip III/Nina might know about it, if they know anything. It sounds like Jill doesn't know anything, about what's happened to him.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Lola and Kyle boring.....Chelsea and Nick scenes boring.....Jill pops up..why? Jess Walton should be leading a story of her own. Kevin and Adam had so much sexual chemistry that I thought Kevin was going to jump him with a kiss today. Are we suppose to care that Adam might have offed a 1 day player character?


    Yeah if they really wanted to have people have more of an interest in this "someone may have killed Calvin storyline". they should have kept him around a bit longer. And revealed more about his character and background. But he was only around like 3 days. 


    Also, I do think that Jill may actually get more of a storyline since:



    Spoilers say that Chance has gotten in trouble while living in Vegas for a year. Including assaulting someone and getting bailed out by Adam. On tomorrow's show Jill is going to worry about him and tell Katherine's portrait that she won't fail him. It sounds like Jill may end up trying to help Chance who I believe will return. And who seems to have turned darker for some reason. 


    I think that could be a good storyline for Jill. 

  7. It sounds like Chance is in trouble. According to the soaps.com day ahead recap on tomorrow's show:


    Rey will reveal that Chance was arrested for assault and that Adam bailed him out. They have been hanging out together in Vegas. It will also be revealed that Chance fell off the grid and has been in Vegas for a year. Nick will be bewildered by this news. Nick will visit Jill at the Chancellor Mansion and tell her that Chance may be the best chance of preventing Adam from stealing Christian. Nick will tell Jill what he found out about about Chance from Rey. Jill will be very surprised by this news and says that Chance would never hang out with Adam. She places a call to Chance demanding him to let her know that's he's alright. Jill will look at Katherine's portrait and tell it that they both love Chance and that Jill won't fail him.


    Also, Rey and Celeste will share scenes together. Celeste will want the family to pull together for Arturo's baby.  Celeste will be snarky when she hears that Sharon quit her job for Rey. Celeste will tell Rey that his father has reached out to her and that he asks for money sometimes. She will say he wants to walk Lola down the aisle, but Rey will be against that. He will tell Celeste not to tell Lola this information. 


    And Kyle and Lola will have the Abbott mansion to themselves. But Theo will show up with a bunch of people. Summer will also show up. Kyle will want to make them go away, but Lola will say she's okay with hanging out with them. Summer will suggest skinny dipping which will make the people at the party excited. They will end up swimming.  Lola will leave and tell Kyle to enjoy his friends. Theo will turn up the music and something in the Abbott mansion will get broken. Kyle will shove Theo and kick everyone out. Before they all leave Summer will tell him he's turning into his grandfather and only cares about Lola's needs. Later Kyle will worry to Lola that he's becoming a fuddy duddy. She will tell him that he's sexy and they will start to undress to make love. But Celeste will show up and Lola will make Kyle hide. Celeste will know that Kyle is there and they will say goodnight to each other and Lola will laugh. 


    I'm glad the Chancellor Mansion set is back and I wonder what's going on with Chance. It's sounds like they are writing him darker and that he may be coming back soon. If he's recast, I hope it's a good recast. The show has done a nice job of casting/recasting the younger male characters on this show. 

  8. 56 minutes ago, KMan101 said:




    Griffith REALLY sucks with the young adults on the show. It's just so typical boring writing. I loathed Mal but I thought he did a better job with the younger crew (dodges bullets and darts and the pitch forks). I mean, look at Kyle and Summer. Went from actually being interesting to snoozeville city. They finally have a Kyle who works in the role and they waste him in this ridiculous pairing. Such a shame. And it's sad that fans pretty much embraced Tinker as Fen and the show has no interest. Yet here comes hunky Theo. Noah's off when he should be getting most of Nick's stories. 





    Mal's writing definitely had issues, but IMO, he wrote the younger set much better than Josh is doing. (With an exception being Summer, who I though behavior with Phyllis/Billy didn’t make a lot of sense and IMO came across as grimy.)


    Underneath Mal:


    Kyle was interesting and fun and slick. Fen was around and interesting and was a potential love interest for Ana/Summer., Ana was written more maturely and had a potential love interest in (Fen). Mariah seemed a little less obsessed with constantly wanting to be around Tessa. Even Lola, at the very very very (lol) beginning had some potential. The Lola that was more confident and wanted to beat Mia’s behind for messing with her brothers had potential. That is before she turned into a judgmental, heavily propped shrew.  But her character went down the drain, when she became controlling and judgmental towards Kyle. And when several characters started to prop her heavily and having stopped since. 


    Underneath Josh:


    Kyle has been weakened severely as a character. He is a stepford boyfriend, who only concern is Lola and doesn’t seem very ambitious about his career. Jack had to remove him off the Jabot Collective marketing project because he would rather spend his time hanging around Lola’s job than actually try and elevate his family’s company. His whole identity is wrapped up in Lola.  And now he’s been reduced to digging through trash, making home improvements and constantly singing Lola’s praises.


    Fen is gone and Noah isn’t around. Thus leaving a big void in the mid 20 something to early 30 something male set. This show needs more men in that group. Kyle needs rivals/friends/frenemies and someone like Ana needs a love interest. There aren’t enough men for the young women on the show to interact with. And Kyle needs somebody else to interact with.  Also, Ana has regressed and has been written and treated more like a teenager. Up until recently she was being reduced to constantly being by criticized Devon and being a third wheel to Mariah/Tessa. After months of lots of complaining from Ana fans, it looks she might finally get at a chance to at least be in a potential triangle with Summer/Theo. Finally after several months (and especially after Fen left) Ana fans have asked for her to get a love interest. Or at least interact with a man that wasn’t her brother, father or cousin. Mariah is mostly only focused on Tessa and her wants/needs (Much like Kyle/Lola.)


    Josh has made Lola worse. She went from being  judgmental controlling virgin, a judgmental controlling adulteress. And the propping for her continues to be out of control. Summer is about the only one that I think is “better” underneath Josh, than she was Mal.

  9. I am glad to see Jill back. 


    I'm not sure why Mariah was hired to run Power Communications, when she doesn't seem to be doing hardly anything to benefit that company. All she is doing is mostly following Tessa around and focusing on her career. And now she's trying to create a cooking brand for Lola who isn't even associate with Power Communications or Hamilton-Winters. Mariah would have been better off just staying at GC Buzz and also working as Tessa's manager. She could have arranged for Lola to have a cooking segment on the show. That makes more sense than her just trying to create brands for her friends. She was hired to be advocate for people/artists and Hamilton-Winters not follow her girlfriend and friends around.  She doesn't get hardly any criticism from Devon for not really doing her job, yet Ana gets criticized from him for trying to actually do hers. (even if she could learn some things). That looks wrong.


    The cooking show stuff was dull. I feel like the show is running out stuff to write for Kyle and Lola. They have been ran into the ground as a couple with their ridiculous,  never ending amounts of angst. And now they are getting really goofy/boring storylines because the show doesn't know what to do with them. I think that them painting walls, assembling furniture, digging through trash and now this cooking show is a result of the show not knowing what to do with them. (And maybe Josh not really liking them as a couple and just throwing stuff at them because he's feels like he's forced to write for them.)


    Also, I think that Kyle/Mariah could continue to look good together/seem like they fit each other. When he was standing behind her today when she was filming Lola's cooking show, they looked good and right together. But the show won't try them, because they are attached at the hip with their unlikeable SO's. It's like Mariah/Kyle can go hardly anywhere with Tessa/Lola or at least mentioning them. IMO, they are both being wasted in these pairings. 


    And Lola complaining about Celeste constantly putting her down? Well that is what she has done time and time again in her relationship to Kyle.  Pot meet Kettle. Celeste is an older version of Lola, but more stylish, lol. 

  10. 50 minutes ago, KMan101 said:


    Marriage on B&B has always been rushed and ridiculous. It's very very hard to invest in anything on this show, personally. lol.


    They're lucky they are a half hour. I think a lot of folks gloss over their flaws because they're "entertained" ... I saw some praise a few weeks ago for B&B and I just didn't get it. A bunch of people running around, sleeping around, marrying each other after a week ... wash/rinse/repeat.


    And it's amazing how Brad has Brooke wringing her hands over Hope and Thomas. She can be doing so much more.


    Liam/Steffy/Hope has ALWAYS been forced. It's time to move on.


    I agree with all of this. This show is a disgrace when it comes to how it portrays and showcases marriage. Even by soap opera standards, lol.


    It's ridiculous how under 35 years old Liam is always getting married and getting his marriages annulled. And I wonder how does he keep getting marriages annulled to women that he claims to loves and has actual children with. What reasons is he giving for getting these marriages annulled and not divorced?


    Granted, I don't much about California marriage laws, but I did look up what would be consider grounds for annulments, and none of the reasons I saw could really be used to justify Liam constantly getting his marriages annulled. Especially to Hope and Steffy, two women who he often claims to love and knowingly want to marry time and time again.


    Liam/Steffy/Hope has become a pretty awful triangle. IMO, they both should be done with Liam romantically for at least a long while. And it's unfortunate that hardly anyone called out him out for impregnating both of them within a short time span of each other. And sleeping with and proposing to Hope/before Steffy even gave birth to baby Kelly.

  11. 3 hours ago, Forever8 said:

    Rey isn't Lola's father is he? 


    As far as I know he's not. Rey has always said he's wanted children, and he really wanted them with Mia. I don't think that he would give up a chance to openly be Lola's father, if he really were her father. Even if the circumstances surrounding that situation were messy. I do wonder if maybe Celeste is not his mom though. And that may be a way for the show to bypass Rey/Celeste playing mother/son when they don't look like they could believably pass for that type of relationship. 


    Or maybe the secret could be something else about Celeste. Or even the Rosales father, that only Rey and Celeste know about.

  12. According to SID Eileen Davidson will be back as Ashley on July 18th.


    Also according a spoiler from the Courier Journal for next week, Rey will end up sharing a family secret. I wonder what the secret he ends up sharing may be. I wonder if Celeste may not be his real mother or if it's some other type of secret? And I also wonder who he reveals the secret to, maybe Sharon?

  13. Overall, I liked today's show. But Adam could have been left out of it. I actually thought the stuff with him was the least interesting part of today's show. Even less interesting than Nick/Chelsea interacting today.


    I enjoyed the scenes with Ana/Nate and Ana/Theo/Summer. I wish they would use Nate more. I really do like him and he deserves to have more to do. I liked the advice he gave Ana about her needing to have a personal life. I also thought that the scenes with him and Elena were good and realistic, when they were talking about her working as an EMT was triggering memories of her mother. The show really should utilize Nate more and he needs his own romance. I wonder if they have decided to drop his romance with Abby. They haven't done much of anything with it. 


    I also like Ana/Theo/Summer. I do think we are headed for a triangle and I did sense a vibe between Theo/Ana. Especially on Theo's end towards Ana.  The look he gave Ana when he was talking about how she could count on them making beautiful music together. And I think it was amusing how when he got up to shake her hand, after she got up to leave, she didn't shake it. The expression on his face was amusing when that happened.


    I also liked that Summer and Ana actually seemed friendly towards each other. I would like to see them as friends, though that may not happen if there is indeed a triangle. Then again maybe it could, if Summer ends up being paired with somebody like Chance. Maybe if Theo ends up being paired with Ana, it's done in a way where him and Summer can part on amicable terms. I do think that what the show plans to do with Summer, will definitely factor into how things play out.






  14. 2 hours ago, ajsp35801 said:


    If you were writing it, what would you do? 


    That's possible. Very possible. Though I'd much rather see Ana with the legacy, Chance, or Noah, than this random. But itd be right up the show's alley to pair her with Theo. Even more so than to pair her with marginal character Fen, who at least has a family we know and love. Either way, I stand by my position that any triangle will serve to endear Summer to the audience. 


    I believe this storyline with Ana/Theo/Summer could go in a variety of directions. And I actually think wherever it may go Ana may end up being okay. I could see her and Theo's relationship developing into something that ranges from a solid friendship (with maybe a little romance mixed in). To him becoming her man and them having a serious romantic relationship. Regardless of what happens I think all three of them might end up being okay and that none of them may suffer serious damage in this triangle. Ana's interaction with Theo could just be a way to loosen her up a little bit and maybe might pave the way for her getting a serious romance with someone else later. Or maybe she will actually end up with Theo and Summer will get paired with a returning Chance. 


    I will take Ana interacting with Theo and whatever possibilities come from that than her being an awkward third wheel to Mariah/Tessa. IMO, Ana has actually started to regress as a character since she's been interacting with them. And as of late has been written and treated more like a teen, since she's been interacting with Mariah/Tessa. She's just been going along with whatever they want to do, to  Devon's disapproval and has been treated like a teenager by him. It's been unpleasant to watch and maybe her now interacting with Theo,  will at least reduce/stifle that regression/writing. 


    Plus, I think that the show will start to flesh Theo out more and give him more of a backstory, which will help his character. Maybe he might even get a family member that will arrive on the canvas. I wouldn't be opposed to a younger brother of his in his late 20's coming on,  especially if Fen and Noah aren't coming back anytime soon. I think we need more young men in that mid 20s to early 30s range.  I think more may be revealed about him as he interacts with Ana.

  15. Regarding where the show may be headed with a possible Ana/Theo/Summer triangle, I could see Ana possibly ending up with Theo. I've seen some concerns of some fans various places that Ana may take Theo away from Summer. And there is concerned that Summer may end up alone for a while. I think that Ana might could end up with Theo. But if that happens, I think that Summer might be paired with a returning (and quite possibly recast) Chance Chancellor.


    I'm looking forward to Ana interacting with Theo more and I've liked the way he has interacted with her so far. His interactions with her are bringing out a more mature/serious side of him. I am interested in seeing where this goes. At the very least she might could get a good friend out this, maybe even a boyfriend. 

  16. 38 minutes ago, cattykittens said:


    What bothers me the most is the endless compliments to, and about, Lola. Kyle has become nothing but compliment factory, that tells her how amazingly wonderful she is, a number of times, each time they're on. Abby is right behind him. She gushes profusely, about every detail of Kyle & Lola's life, and romance.


    And every character has to do it. Yesterday, Cane was spitting  out praises of Lola. On a rare Jill return, after Neil's funeral, Traci & Jill were eating at Society, had to be in awe of the marvelous food. Even Chelsea had to say, they never had places like this when I lived her. In all my years of watching soaps I have never seen anything like it. 


    Angelica McDaniel's using her position to boost her ego, by fulfilling her vanity project, at the expense of the show should cost her her job.








    I agree it's ridiculous how a lot of the characters have to constantly  give OTT praise to Lola. They have even had a random dayplayer (the social media influencer character Nazanin) gush over Lola and tell her that she loves her.  Abby doesn't have much of an identity these days outside of being a cheerleader for Lola. She mostly does that sprinkled in with threatening Summer about Lola and spending a little time asking about Victor's health crisis. And a scene here and there with Nate. Abby and Nate's budding romance seems to have been suspended (maybe even dropped). It feels like she may get a scene with him once every two weeks. (If that).


    Abby praises Lola too much and Kyle definitely does too. Kyle makes almost every conversation he has about Lola. When her mother asked him about his career, he spun the conversation to Lola, instead of telling his future mother-in-law about himself. Plus, he doesn't seem to work very much anymore and spends a lot of time hovering around Lola, including her restaurant. 


  17. According to soaps.com day ahead recap on Monday's episode, Ana will ask Nate to intervene and convince Devon that she doesn't need Theo as a mentor. Nate will tell her to give Theo a chance and also advise her to make time for a personal life. Ana will go to Crimson Light and see Summer/Theo together. Summer will tell Theo she saw him with Ana the other night. Theo will tell Summer they are working together and Summer will question him. Theo will wonder if Summer thinks that something is going on between him and Ana. Summer will declare she's done complaining about Kyle and will apologize. Theo will want to keep the thing that is happening between them going. Ana will appear and Theo will invite her to join them.


    Summer will step away and Theo will propose to Ana that they do crossovers with Jett. Ana will nix the idea and Theo will say he thought she didn't have a problem with him. Ana will say that she accepts that Devon hired him and hopes they can resolve disagreements by talking. Summer will reappear and Ana will want the inside scoop on Theo. Summer will talk him up and Ana will leave. Theo will tell Summer he missed her while he was in Austin and he wants her to be influencer for JVC and that he wants to help her build her brand. Later Theo and Summer will tear off each other's clothes and make out on the bed in his suite.


    It sounds like they may be setting it up for something romantic to happen between Ana/Theo. I think she will start out not liking him that much, but then end up possibly really liking him and something romantic may happen between them. (Maybe at least a shared kiss, maybe more). I could see her loosening up with him. I do wonder how Summer will factor into things and what may happen with her as well in this storyline. Maybe it will be some sort of triangle. 


    Also, Nate will talk with Elena and they will talk about her bringing in Chelsea's deceased husband. He will wonder if that triggered memories of her mother and they will discuss her career options. Elena will take things one step at a time. Nate will credit her for helping Devon and will tell her that everyone is there for her. 


    Phyllis will tell Paul that Chelsea was the one that attacked Sharon at Crimson Lights. Paul will ask her about most recent "vacation" to Vegas and will interrogate her about Summer's text and her relationship with Adam. And Phyllis will think there may have been some foul play regarding Chelsea's husband's death.

  18. 20 minutes ago, KMan101 said:

    I think it makes sense to play Ana with her peers ... They seem to want her in the Kyle/Summer age range. I rolled my eyes hearing Theo would "mentor" her but I liked their scenes together.


    I feel like the Kyle/Summer/Ana/Fen/Lola range is the right age range for her to be in. (And that Noah/Mariah/Tessa are also close enough to that age range). I had wondered when Devon kept mentioning he would get a mentor for her if that would be someone who was somewhat older and could potentially be a love interest for her. And it looks like that could be the case, though I'm not sure if anything romantic will happen between her and Theo. Especially since he's interested in Summer.


    Also, I wish that the show wouldn't have Ana and Devon clash with each other so much, and IMO create unnecessary drama. And that he would trust her more as a professional and not treat her largely as his little sister. I want her to get the freedom to grow as a professional the same way, other Lola, Mariah, etc.. are allowed to grow. I don't care to see things like Devon constantly clashing with her over decisions she's making at Hamilton-Winters,  especially when he promoted her to co-head of LP. And even more so after he just gave Mariah a job opportunity (head over Power Communications) that she's not qualified for.


    Devon has yet to criticize Mariah to her face/or really even question her ability to run a whole company in Power by herself. But he's constantly getting on Ana about stuff (even if he does make some valid points about things). IMO, that doesn't look right. But on the bright side, at least his latest round of criticizing her is leading to her getting to interact with a new person and get a new friend, if not more out of it.


  19. I enjoyed seeing Theo interact with Ana today. He came across as more serious and mature in his scenes with her than he has during most of the time on the show so far. I do think that spending time with her will be good for his character and help will help flesh him out. Also, I would like to know more about his backstory, like why he really left the music business and what happened in New York that he doesn't like bringing up. I think that something happened in his past that caused him to leave the music industry and I want to know what it was.


    I do think he will be a good mentor for Ana and he will try and help her succeed. He seemed sincere about wanting to help her. I look forward to them developing at least a friendship and maybe a romance. IMO, if Ana/Theo did get together I think they would be a nice looking couple. Not sure how his relationship with Summer will factor into things but I hope this will at least be a decent storyline for Ana.







    Also, I wonder if we will another new set. The it has been mentioned there will be a new hotel that people want to develop. I wonder if that will turn into a new set that some of the characters will end up living in. 


    And I wonder what may have really happened to Chelsea's husband to cause his death. 



  20. 5 hours ago, ranger1rg said:

    Backburning Kyle and Lola? Sorry, that’s not going to happen. I don’t like their story, either, but they’re not going away. I do give Michael Mealor credit for not checking out during his scenes. I can’t imagine he’s happy with his character, but he’s still working hard. This Sasha who plays Lola? Just not a good actress. She seems fake to me.


    i don’t care that Mama Rosales looks the same age as Rey. We’ve dealt with this age thing a dozen times on the show, most recently with a Lily and the twins. We’ll get used to it.


    i enjoyed Thursday’s U.S. show. Only mentioning it because others didn’t like it. I’m just enjoying the show a lot these days, flaws aside.


    The carnival set is terrific, and the scenes shot there have been really well-directed and produced. A lot of money went into that set and on extras, and it paid off. I did expect some bigger plot element there, but that aside, I still loved it.




    They need to be featured less as a couple because their storylines are awful and drag the show down. And if it's just going to get worse if they keep being featured consistently at a high level. There isn't anything interesting that will be done with this couple as long as they are together. That's why they are now being reduced to digging through trash as a plotline. Kyle can still be featured by himself in business storylines/situations with his family. 


    I doubt they have Kyle say do something like kiss Mama Rosales, which could make things more interesting. So we're stuck with boring, cringeworthy scenes with this couple. I will give MM credit for hanging in there. I think  that this is the type of situation that could be frustrating for an actor, let alone a young one. He's been giving crappy material, stuck in a dud pairing, but he's still trying. 


    And I think that Mama Rosales and Rey is going to be a hard sell, because Jordi looks and acts every bit 40. And Eva looks younger than what she is. But we'll see how that goes. I did end up accepting Lily and the almost grown twins, lol. 


    5 hours ago, BetterForgotten said:

    Josh is struggling to write for the show period - hence why it revolves around one character (Adam) at the moment and everyone else not in that orbit has no direction and is threading water. This is not good or particularly balanced writing. 


    Adam being featured too much is not helping and I think that most of the stuff that Josh is writing is boring. Hardly anything is interesting.


    4 hours ago, Khan said:

    It's way past time for Lola's secret love child to be exposed.


    It's interesting that you mentioned that. I had an idea for a fan fic about Lola having a secret child, lol.

  21. 2 minutes ago, Paul Raven said:

    Will there be a point to Chelsea being married to Calvin  now that he  has been killed off?


    I don't really think so. The only thing I can think of is that him dying frees her up now to move on with her life. And be in a triangle with Nick/Adam. I think that is where the show is headed with her romantically. I think they got rid of her husband to facilitate that.

  22. 16 minutes ago, Paul Raven said:

    Not quite sure what the long term plan is for Kyle/Lola?


    Summer as a spoiler has been dealt with and Mama is hardly Vanessa Prentiss, so the wedding is going ahead - then what?


    Lots of cheesy newlywed scenes and then manafactured 'conflicts'?


    I think they should be backburned as a couple. (Kyle as an individual can still be used in business and Abbott family storylines) IMO, they need to be backburned after they get married. There really isn't any thing interesting that can be done with them, and a lot of that is largely because of the way that Lola is written. She's boring and has very little depth to her. But that's what happens when she's rarely ever written to be wrong or hardly called out for anything. And when people keep constantly kissing her behind. And now her mother IMO is basically an older version of her, (uptight & boring) and people (especially Kyle) trying to kiss her behind. 


    It seems like Josh is really struggling to write anything interesting for them, that's why they are digging through trash and acting out storylines that would be soapy in 1955. I feel like eventually Summer should/may be moved out of their orbit. Whether that's with Theo or maybe even possibly a recast Chance. So I don't know what's going to happen with them once that happens. Except more of the same boring, cheesy, goofy stuff, they've been doing.

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