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Posts posted by xtr

  1. 44 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Y'all.  The more you talk about Lola being a lost cause and such, the more you hurt Angelica McDaniel's feelings. ;)


    I wish I could give a damn about Cane and Traci, but thanks to DG's underhanded tactics, I'm just wishing Beth Maitland had someone thing better to do.


    On today's show Cane looked very happy when he was talking about Traci and her book.  Maybe DG has or will embrace this pairing more, I do like them together. Also Cane mentioned that he is selling the Ashby family home. I wonder if that is happening because they have gotten rid of that set or if maybe he will sell the home to someone in town. I wonder if:



    Devon will buy the home. There is a spoiler and promo that Devon and Elena will move in together. Technically they are already living together in the penthouse, but I wonder if they move someone else like the Ashby family home. Or if they stay put and that spoiler has some other meaning to it. If they don't buy the Ashby family home, I wonder if another character will. 


    I also wonder where Cane will live now that he is selling the Ashby family home. Maybe he and Sam will move into the Chancellor Mansion now that, the set is back. 

  2. 2 hours ago, KMan101 said:


    Preach. I don't care at all about Celeste or Lola. Lola also really needs to be a bitch. The actress seems like she could really play it much better. Lola's a waste and a lost cause. Agreed on Celeste not being utilized properly but then we'd be bitching she never had any scenes with her kids so ... but there can be a better balance. I just don't care about the Rosales. They're blah, the writing is blah ... I wish I cared.


    It was nice to see Faith again.


    I had to roll my eyes though with how much Chelsea and Adam are on. Lord. Make it stop! It's a shame too because I like Mark Grossman. But Adam already feels tired and played out. They should have gone in a different direction.


    I really do feel like Lola is a lost cause at this point. I don't really think there is much of anything that can be done to make this character interesting. Or make the pairing with her and Kyle interesting. (Though I do think that the character of Kyle still has a lot of potential and would be fine if freed from her). I wish they would do more with Celeste and I really do feel like she's being isolated with mostly her family. And now it's being written that she got back together with her husband, which I feel is preventing her from mixing it up with someone like Jack. It's like Josh doesn't want to tarnish her image and is keeping her uptight/reserved.  I think she would be more interesting interacting with Jack/possibly going after him. I don't care for these plotlines with her and Lola. Her preventing them Kyle/Lola from living together is something that would be soapy in the 50s and I don't think her dating her husband is interesting either. 


    I think they should show Chelsea and Adam less. Especially Adam. I like Mark Grossman but Adam is being shown too much and it feels like the writing for him is getting stale. I do wonder what is going on with him and Chance. I've seen some people speculate that him and Chance were undercover in some type of sting in Vegas and that may explain why Chance got involved with shady dealings. I Think that would be interesting and could give Adam a chance to play a more layered character like he did when he had amnesia. And Chance could also play a more layered character. Maybe Chance could have ended up enjoying participating in some of the shady dealings in spite of himself, and that may explain some of the news that is coming out about him, turning darker. 


    On today's show it was mentioned that he had gotten involved in money laundering and other shady dealings. Maybe that ties into him possibly going undercover with Adam. 


    Also, on today's show I actually liked Billy getting on Cane regarding Traci. I think he was already on edge because of Delia, but I thought him questioning Cane about Traci was funny. I was glad to see him show some concern for her. And I enjoyed seeing Jill on today's show and her interactions with Cane, Nikki and especially Jack. I wish she would come around more often, maybe she will once Chance comes back.


  3. Here are some upcoming spoilers from the Courier Journal for this week and one for next week.


    Elena will happily agree to move in with Devon, Theo will start to sabotage Kyle's relationship with Lola, by talking about Kyle's wild days in New York. Celeste and Lola will make peace again, Abby and Nate will share a passionate kiss and she will invite him to a family dinner. And next week Nick's Charade will be exposed.


    I'm not sure what the spoiler about Elena agreeing to move in with Devon is about, since they already live together. I believe that the family dinner that Abby will invite Nate to, is definitely the one that Nikki is throwing where drama will end up happening. I also don't know why Theo is trying to sabotage Kyle's relationship with Lola. 

  4. 14 minutes ago, mango said:

    Chance? Money laundering? What kind of a 180 character change is that? Ridiculous.


    I'm not sure, what's going on here with Chance. I did see some people predict on another site that maybe Chance was working undercover with Adam in some type of sting. And that may be why he was participating in bad behavior. Maybe he was trying to keep up appearances to make it look like he was into that stuff. Or maybe he started out working undercover and actually got caught up/started to enjoy that type of lifestyle. f something like that is the case, I think that would be interesting. But if those things aren't the case, then I wonder why he went dark.


    Also, here is an interview with Josh from SID, about the show that was posted on their site today:




  5. According to soaps.com day ahead recap on tomorrow's show Rey will reveal to Nick that Chance has been involved in money laundering and other shady deals. Nick will want Rey to keep digging to see if Adam was involved in any criminal activity so he can use it against him.


    Also, Cane will meet with Jim at Society. He will tell Jill that him and Traci will be in New York together. He will be there due to a conference for his new work and Traci will be there to meet with a publisher. Cane will tell Jill that he is the inspiration for Traci's character Flynn in her novel. Jill will wonder if Traci is delving into his personal life and putting it on display publicly. Cane will tell her it's just inspirational. Jill will remark it's good to see him smile and say more power to Traci. Billy will come over and will be upset to hear that Cane and Traci will be on a trip together. He will ask Cane what type of games is he playing and saying he is a distraction to his sister. Jill will tell him that Traci's book is based off of Cane and Cane will stress he likes spending time with Traci. Billy will leave. Jill will tell Cane to have a good time with Traci New York. Later Cane will tell Traci about his encounter with Billy and he will wonder if she has second thoughts about their trip together. She will assure him she doesn't and they will go ahead with their planned trip.


    Also, Jill will interact with Jack and Nikki. Her and Jack will talk about having dreams of Katherine and Dina. Jill will counsel Jack to make peace with his past. Also, Nikki will show up and spar with Jill. Jill will leave and Jack and Nikki will talk. Jack will tell Nikki he senses that Victor has things going on and he hopes that Victor will behind his desk again soon. Billy will notice that Jack seems in a bit of a funk and that he doesn't seem happy about Jabot's numbers. Billy will arrange for the Jet to take Jack to check on Ashley/the competition in Paris. 


    I wonder why Chance got involved in money laundering and what other shady deals he may have been apart of. I am interested in learning more about what made him go in this direction and am looking forward to seeing what happens when he shows up. I am also glad to see Jill on some more and her interacting with Jack and Nikki. It will be nice to see the vets interacting together. 


    And I think it's interesting to see Billy be protective of Traci. I like that. It's nice to see her brothers show some concern for her, especially since she's usually the one showing concern/trying to take care of everyone else. 

  6. 17 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Depending on who ultimately gets casts as Papa Rosales, I wouldn't mind seeing a quadrangle with him, Mama Celeste (ha), Victor and Nikki.  Something tells me ELR and EB would be good together in scenes.


    I still would like to see her tested with Jack. But I'm not sure if they are going in that direction. I saw an interview with Eva not too long ago and she said that she only filmed one scene with Peter Berman. Which has already aired and was when her character met Jack at the Abbott mansion. She said she wasn't sure if she would be interacting a lot more with Jack. I feel like this stuff Lola/Kyle/ now Papa Rosales, is actually isolating her a bit from the rest of the canvas.


    She's just mostly hung around Lola and Kyle and playing out a plotline that would be soapy in the 50s. And now they are trying to build up some drama with her getting back together with her actual husband. Who Lola resents because he left the family, but turns out Celeste kicked out because he was cheating on her. I would care more about this if Lola, the Rosales were more likeable and if we actually have met/knew the father already. But right now I'm not really interested in this storyline.


    I would like to see Celeste interacting with more people, including some of the vets on this show.


    Though, maybe whoever they cast as Adrian might have some chemistry with her and some other women on the show like Nikki. 

  7. 14 minutes ago, Darn said:

    Haven't Devon and whatsherface been living together since she joined the show?


    They have, so I wonder what he means when he says he wants him and Elena to live together. Might he be trying to move somewhere with her.  They do keep mentioning a new hotel is going to be built, I wonder if that turns into a new set that some people will move into. Or maybe him and Elena may move somewhere else.

  8. I can't say I really care about Lola and her drama with her parents. I don't care that Celeste wants to date her actual husband. I don't even care for Lola's feelings regarding her father, because I don't like Lola and we've never even met the father. And plus the drama with her parents just gives Lola another excuse to act angry and sanctimonious and I've seen enough of that during her relationship with Kyle. I already don't care for this story and I may end up liking Papa Rosales more than I do Lola, in spite of the issues he has. I would rather see Celeste mixing it up with different people on canvas like Jack than being isolated to her family and Kyle. I feel like her character isn't being utilized well in this storyline. 


    And the only person I can kind of tolerate Lola with in scenes his Rey. He doesn't let her push him over, like she does Kyle and I think they have a believable relationship.


    Also, I was glad to see Faith again. I'm glad she's back and hope she's shown more.

  9. 13 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    I actually don’t mind Givens’ campy portrayal. I’m enjoying the show.


    I'm enjoying the show and don't mind Robin Givens either. I actually think she's toned it down since the beginning of the show. 


    5 hours ago, Chris B said:

     I *hope* it works because I enjoy the show, but we'll see. If they are lucky enough to get a second season I would retool the show a bit. I'm not sure if they're filming the entire season in one shot, if not I'd get rid of Robin Givens as soon as possible. Get a more credible actress in that type of lead Alexis/Abby Ewing role. You cannot convince me she was the best they can do and she simply doesn't have the fanbase or talent to cultivate a fanbase to carry a show. Call Vivica Fox, Call Nia Long, Call Victoria Rowell, hell Call Mishael Morgan. Call ANYBODY but they need to be able to act and have some charisma if they're meant to carry the show. Tika Sumpter wasn't the most famous or best actress when cast on Have and Have Not's, but she has charisma and has grown into a great actress. Merle Dandridge is also very commanding on Greenleaf, not to mention everybody at Queen Sugar. That's what this show is missing, a strong anchor.


    Maybe they will eventually start to focus more on other characters. Like Rondell, who I really enjoy and think is entertaining. And even though he's already getting a nice amount of focus, I think that the actor that plays Titus is great. I think that Titus so far is wonderful, and I love his speaking voice. 


    On the first show it was mentioned that Stephanie Carlisle had another sister. Maybe they could bring on a strong actress to play her and that could help.

  10. I'm looking forward to seeing Susan again. I like her scenes with Will and Sonny. I really enjoyed her scenes with Sonny the last time around.


    Also, I think that the date that Jen is going on will be with Dr. Shah again. I read he is coming back again. She often takes a date with that poor guy, either when she's trying to get over someone or an ex of hers is about to come back into her life. 


    I also like Hope and Ted and think that Tripp and Haley are a better fit than JJ/Haley.

  11. According to a recap for Monday's episode, 


    Lola will find out that her mother is seeing her father again. She will hear her mother talking on the phone with a man and will wonder if she has a boyfriend. Celeste will not give anything away at first. Lola/Rey will talk and Rey will reveal to Lola that the person that Celeste is talking to is their father. Rey will tell Lola that their father didn't abandon them, but was kicked out by Celeste. Lola will talk with Celeste and tell her she knows that she's seeing their dad. Celeste will tell her that time heals old wounds and that things change. Lola will feel like her father hasn't changed.


    She will ask Celeste if she's in love with her father, and Celeste won't reply to that question. Celeste will tell Lola that her father wants to walk her down the aisle. Lola will be upset and will not want him to do that. She will tell her mother she will not forgive her father and that she doesn't want to see him again. Lola will say that if he shows up to the wedding, she will call it off. 


    Papa Rosales is named Adrian. It definitely sounds like he will be showing up shortly. Maybe during Lola's wedding.


    Also Faith is on Monday's episode. She comes back from camp and will be interacting with Sharon, Adam, Nick, Rey and Christian. I am glad to see that's she back.


  12. 1 minute ago, YRfan23 said:

    I have a bad feeling nothing will happen to Thomas when this gets out...Brad Bell already has an outlandish excuse as to why he’s so crazy (“The tumor made me do it!!!” 🙄🙄🙄)


    I wonder how long he may stick around. For some reason when this recast was hired, I was thinking he might not be around that long. I feel like he definitely needs some comeuppance for the stuff he's doing. And I do think that his behavior will get worse. 

  13. 13 minutes ago, YRfan23 said:



    It was very strange scenes, and I was really concerned about what Thomas would do to scare Douglass. He started setting up some things and put a timer and some type of equipment underneath Douglass' bed. And then the next thing you know, the timer goes off, Douglass awakes and that cartoon-ish looking ghost appears and scares poor little Douglass. 


    Which causes Hope to rush into the room and comfort him. Thomas also manages to take his shirt off like a couple of minutes after setting  things up to scare his son, so he could make it look like he was doing something else. Instead of setting things up to scare his song like a couple of minutes earlier. And then Thomas convinces Hope that Douglass had a "nightmare".  Which causes Hope to move up the wedding, so she can step into the role of being his new mother even sooner. 


    Thomas has really gone off the deep end. He's graduated from using his son, to flat out trying to scare him to get with Hope. I wonder when everything comes out if Hope may actually end up with getting custody of Douglass, while Thomas is sent off somewhere. (Jail or a mental institution.)

  14. I liked the Phyllis/Christine scenes today. I am glad that Christine is being showed more lately. I also seeing more of Paul and the way he is character is being utilized right now. I also liked the very short Phyllis/Billy interaction in today's show. All five seconds of it, lol.


    Celeste and this storyline with Kyle and Lola continue to be boring. Her hovering and trying to prevent them from living together is not interesting or soapy. I think they should do something else with Celeste's character. She should be interacting more with Jack and other people in town.

  15. Thomas sunk to another new low today, but purposely scaring his own son by setting up some type of ghost projection. That was a weird scene. That stuff with creating the ghost image, was a WTH moment:





    I was concerned about what Thomas would do to Douglass (when he started setting things up to scare him.) Especially when he said beforehand "he had to do it to Douglass." to speed up his wedding to Hope. And it worked too, with Douglass having the nightmare and Hope agreeing to getting married right away. 


    Thomas is very creepy, I wonder what other stuff he may do to try and hold onto Hope. IMO, it's a shame that they are writing him this way. 

  16. Here are spoilers for next week from the Zap2it website:


    Nick will ask Chelsea to stay in GC, Sharon will be ambushed, Victor will take care of unfinished business, and Cane will surprise Jill. Also, Phyllis will cover her tracks, Nick will prepare for battle, Jack will visit Ashley in Paris, Cane will open up to Traci and Abby will make a power move. Nikki's night to shine will also spiral out of control.


    I wonder who ambushes Sharon and what type of power move Abby will make. I think that the spoiler about Nikki's night to shine is connected to the spoiler about her family dinner getting out of control. 

  17. 1 hour ago, Dr Neil Curtis said:

    Would anyone have watched an Angie/David affair? I am watching the reboot on YouTube and the chemistry between Debbi & Vincent was very noticeable. 


    I always thought that David and Angie had pretty good chemistry together. Even when she first came back to the show met him, and didn't like him. And thought very poorly of him.  I saw sparks even when she couldn't stand him and they were having conflict with each other. I think if the show had done more with them that would have been interesting.

  18. The show has way too much Adam. Mark Grossman is a talented actor and he started out bringing some nice energy to the show. But Adam is simply featured too much and IMO his character is already starting to feel a bit stale. The storylines he's getting are not interesting either, outside of him having a connection to Chance. 


    A lot of the storylines on this show are not interesting. They are boring and don't feel soapy .The plots that are being written for Kyle and Lola and their storyline in particular are very boring. There is some hope with something like an Ana/Theo/Summer triangle, but the young characters as whole haven't been getting good storylines or been written well. Kyle and Lola are awful together and Mariah is attached to the hip with Tessa, who is not very likeable. Ana has been written and treated like a teenager as of late. Nate is also being neglected as a character and so has his potential romance for Abby.


    Some of the older characters potential storylines have also been pushed to aside since Adam has come on the show. Jack and Michael were both supposed to get storylines that were supposed to happen this summer. But it seems they have been derailed a bit because of Adam's return. (Though, I did see some spoilers that indicate they might start to pick up back on those storylines.)

  19. Looking at that picture of Will/Sonny again and Will holding the gun towards him, it looks like maybe Will might be asking someone about the gun. Maybe he finds the gun in Xander's room in the Kirkais mansion or someplace. Maybe Will/Sonny are questioning Xander or someone else about that. (Especially since people are missing and being held captive by Kristen, including Kate).

  20. So Will might have an alter ego... Hmmm... Could that be side effects of the antidote that was created by Sarah/Rex to save his life. (Even though we've already seen him having some changes in his personality due to the serum.)


    Also, since this is in the spoilers section, I saw this pic posted from the latest SOD:


    Sonny will gun.jpg


    I don't know why Will has a gun in his hand and why it's being pointed at himself. On the bright side IMO Freddie Smith is looking good. He's looking a lot better and younger with the weight loss and different hair style. 

  21. I wish ratings would pick up for this show. I am continuing to enjoy it and I would like to see it do well.  As a whole I do like a lot of the characters, exceptions being the love interest for Evan/Stefanie's daughter, Bella, and I'm also not crazy about Evan.


    But I am loving Titus and the actor who plays him. (And I really like his speaking voice.) I also really like Rondell. And I think that Robin Givens has toned it down at least a little. I think that show overall is decent and the plots aren't really OTT like the plots on some night time soaps are.

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