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Posts posted by xtr

  1. Here are some upcoming spoilers from the Soaps section of the Arkansas Democrat Gazette Newspaper:


    Adam will end up pushing Kevin into doing dirty work for him. Summer will end up mending fences with Lola at the bridal shower that Abby throws for Lola. Nate will tell Victor that he found an experimental treatment for him. Nick will advise Victor to go along with the treatment despite it's serious side effects. Adam will grill Nate about Victor's illness but Ana will intervene.


    I think it's interesting that Ana will stop Adam from grilling Nate about Victor's illness. I am looking forward to Ana/Adam interacting. Mark Grossman has played off well against several characters on the show and I am interested in seeing how he plays off Ana. And I also want to see if they have any type of chemistry. I wonder if Ana/Adam will start to interact more or if this is just a random scene with them. Either way, I am glad to see Ana start to interact with more people, outside of her family and Mariah and Tessa. 



  2. 2 hours ago, cattykittens said:


    Chance and Nick were born the same year. But if they're re-casting I'd cast younger like they did Adam, and the last Phyllis since they really need guys in the late 20s./early 30s for all the females in that age group.


    All the SORASing messes things up,  but Summer is Victor's grandchild,  so it seems Jill's grandchild should be about the same age.


    I like John Driscoll, but if he doesn't come back, then I think it would be a good idea to de-age Chance some and make him in his early 30s. If they did that he would have a lot of options of women to mix it up with romantically in the mid 20's to early 30's range. To include, Ana, Summer, Elena, Hilary/or a new character of Mishael's (if she comes back) Lily (if she ever came back longer term/were recast). He could even be a romantic option for Abby. 


    The show has been doing a nice job casting/recasting male characters the last couple of years, (Kyle, Fen, Nate, the newest Adam). Hopefully, if JD doesn't come back, they will find a good and appealing actor to play Chance.

  3. 7 hours ago, rlj said:

    Ok, perhaps this was already brought up, but does anyone think they are gonna have Ana and Jett gaslight Devon?


    I don't believe this is going to happen. Have there been any spoilers hinting towards that? (I haven't seen any).


    I don't think it will as Jett is barely around and after making an appearance these last couple of episodes is going back on tour. I don't see him gaslighting Devon. I think that the writing for him has been very basic and straightforward. He hasn't done much of anything besides sing since he's been on the show. I don't see them making him a villain all of a sudden.


    As far as Ana goes, if they write her off, I think what they may do is send her off to be mentored by whoever Devon hires for her. At first, I thought that the potential mentor may be an onscreen love interest, but I now think that could turn into an exit storyline for her. I could see Devon sending her off somewhere to be mentored by someone. Or maybe if her and Devon keep clashing she will even volunteer to leave. According to the daily recap from soaps.com on Monday's episode, she says she feels guilty about Devon's panic attack. Maybe they keep clashing, she continues to feel guilty and decides to leave. That's a guess of mine.


    I believe they may get rid of her and Summer's current love interest Theo to help free up some money for all of these returns. The actor that plays Theo is still filming but the character isn't shown much and not being developed at all. I could see them getting rid of him especially since it looks like they are bringing back Chance. Maybe they will do something with Chance and Summer. 


    I could see Ana/Theo shown the door, I'm not sure who else they may get rid of. I actually think that Tessa is safe for now. They are giving Tessa somewhat of a storyline.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    Isn't Chance in the witness protection program? If so it would make sense to he him. Hope they'd keep the same actor around. That could actually be interesting. 


    He was at one point but as far as I know he's out of it. (And hasn't gone back in it). The last time he was on the show he mentioned he took a job at the Pentagon.


    I believe that the last time Chance was mentioned on the show by someone was when Jack was trying to figure out who is real father was. When Jack thought it was Phillip Chancellor II, it was mentioned that Chance and his father, Phillip III were spending some quality father son time together somewhere. I think they were exploring some mountains or a forest somewhere, lol. But they couldn't make it home and do a DNA test to help Jack determine if he was Phillip II's son. But that was the last I heard of Chance being mentioned until now.

  5. 9 minutes ago, rlj said:

    LOVE that promo ❤


    It looks like we will definitely be getting Adam/Chelsea/Phyllis/Nick (and also Sharon/Chloe) mixing it up quite a bit.


    Also, according to the recaps for Monday's episode from soaps.com Adam is going to offer to let Phyllis run Dark Horse. She says she will think about it, but I do think she may end up taking the offer. (And that may be why she's shown sitting in the desk at Dark Horse in the promo)


    I'm also seeing some speculation going around that Chance may actually be Chelsea's new husband. Though, I don't know if that's true or not. I wonder if maybe he got in some sort of trouble. It was also mentioned that Chelsea and Connor assumed new identities after she got with her new husband. Whether it's Chance or someone else her new husband will probably have to show up at some point.

  6. According to soaps.com day ahead recap on Monday's episode Phyllis is going to tell Adam that she know he has a connection to Chance. She will tell him she saw Riza with Chance. She will tell Adam that she believes that something shady is going on with him and Chance.


    I wonder what type of situation Adam and Chance may be tied up in. It sounds like his character might be coming back. I wouldn't mind seeing him back again. I would rather see him return than seeing some of the other characters that have returned/are returning.

  7. Here are some screenshots someone posted on Twitter of Adam and Phyllis from tomorrow's episode. They will be interacting. she will end up coming down the stairs of his penthouse after he gets home. She will tell him that she went to Vegas and knows more about him now. She will also tell him that she knows he has connections to a certain Chancellor family member in Vegas.




    I wonder who is the Chancellor family member she is talking about. Also, on tomorrow's show Victor will tell Victoria he is taking a leave of absence and will want her to take over as CEO. Victoria will be happy about this and will tell Nick she wants him to be COO, and that she wants them to take down Adam together.



  8. 10 minutes ago, KMan101 said:

    Hopefully no one is out over Mishael's return. Are either of Loren/Brytni in any danger, since you know they have a quota.


    Some people are fearful they will get rid of Loren. Especially since she doesn't have much of a storyline and still doesn't have a love interest. I hope not, but you never know with this show. They did get rid of Alice Hunter/Kerry around the time they decided to bring on Brytni/Elena.

  9. Here are some more upcoming spoilers from SOD:


    Abby will throw Lola a wedding shower. Mariah, Tessa, Ana and Elena will attend it. Summer will end up crashing the shower and Lola will invite her to stay. Summer will end up doing something at the shower that surprises the guests and herself.


    Also, Victor will make amends, Phyllis will push Adam's buttons, Devon and Elena's relationship will be tested and Cane/Traci will celebrate her success. Billy's world will be rocked, Nick and Rey will dig up dirt on Adam and a familiar face will return to GC.


    I'm glad to see Ana and Elena interacting with more people. Also, I wonder what Summer ends up doing at the shower that surprises people, including herself.

  10. Here are a few upcoming spoilers from SOD that someone (who got the magazine early) had posted on another site:


    Summer will end up pushing her luck, Chelsea will give Adam an ultimatum, Victoria will plot to destroy Dark Horse, and Victor will take a risk. Kevin will also reunite with Chloe and Chelsea will meet with Nick and Adam. 

  11. If this is true, I welcome Mishael back. I do wonder what type of role she may end up playing. And I wonder what will happen with Devon/Elena. I do believe that Elena may end up getting closer to Nate, but he is also getting closer to Abby. If Mishael returns maybe they will move Elena into a triangle with Nate and Abby (after having Devon be a bit torn between Elena and MM's character.)

  12. 8 minutes ago, Paul Raven said:

    Well, behind the scenes economics dictated this as there was probably no money to give Adam a new set and he is a main character whereas Nate is not.

    Such a pity that Nate is not a priority as he is a very sexy capable actor. Why he can't be driving story is such a waste. He is a legacy character with a clean slate in terms of writing for him, unlike Adam who has years of ugly backstory to deal with.


    They should have just let Adam stay in the tack house since they brought that set back. But I guess they wanted him to get the penthouse back so him and Chelsea/Connor and maybe Christian could live in it. Though they all could have lived in the tack house.


    Here's something they could do for Nate but probably won't do it. They could have Victor offer for Nate to stay in the tack house rent free, so he could be closer to him, while he's treating him as his physician. And then if Nate and Abby become more serious, like get engaged/married they could stay in the tack house. And that could be their own spot on the property. But that's probably not going to happen and Nate will end either living in the penthouse with Devon or staying at the GCAC. And then if him and Abby get serious and live together it will probably be at the Abbott mansion. 

  13. 14 minutes ago, Khan said:


    That reminds me of a joke Wanda Sykes told once about some of the TV series that had been offered to her over the years: "She's the maid for a rich, white family, who wins the lottery.  But she loves the family sooooooooooo much....". And I'm sure you can fill in the blank, lol.


    But seriously.  Nate's selling a penthouse that he lives in RENT-FREE and giving away the proceeds of that sale to charity.  Now, would Y&R have one of their WHITE characters behaving this way?  I think not!


    I miss the days when shows didn't bother with minorities.  They were a lot less offensive than this bullshit.


    Hardly any of the white characters would act this way, neither female or males. An exception might be Nick who does foolish stuff sometimes and gave away all of his trust fund. Outside of Nick I can't think of a white character who would do this. Nate is not going to have a home, may very well have to pay rent wherever he goes, and doesn't get to keep the money from the sale of the penthouse. I mean, what the heck. :huh:


    Josh is having the black/minority characters (including Lola) have some unsettling views about wealth. It's like hardly any of them outside of Devon think they deserve to have nice things. Ana didn't want to take help from Devon to help Jett, though Devon is her own brother. Elena and Lola are chastising their boyfriends for wanting to help them out financially/buy them gifts and Nate is giving away a rent free home and the money he got for the sale of it. Even though that means he will be left without a home/and may very well have to pay rent wherever he goes.


    I guess Josh had him do this, not to make him look opportunistic for selling Neil's penthouse. (Adam offers to give him double what it's worth). But this decision doesn't make a lot of sense and he should have kept the penthouse. Or at the very least kept at least most of the money from the sale. (if he wanted to give some to charity that could have been okay,, but not the whole amount. He should have at least kept most of it, and it would have been fine if he kept all of it).

  14. 12 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Of COURSE they would have a WHITE guy take over Neil's penthouse.  I JFC with this show.


    8 minutes ago, Darn said:


    They just need Neil to give Nate SOMETHING in his will. They had no intention to have him live there. And he will never get a home of his own. This show man...


    It really is ridiculous. Spoilers say that Nate will give the money that Adam will pay him to the hospital. And while that is nice, I still find this whole thing ridiculous. Nate can find other ways to give back to the hospital, especially now that he is on the Board of Directors for Hamilton-Winters. He could have arranged with Devon to have money donated to them.


    It doesn't make any sense that he would give up living in a very nice penthouse rent free, so he could take the money Adam pays him and give it all away. Where he is going to live,now? Is he going to crowd into Devon's penthouse or go live somewhere like the GCAC where he may have to pay to live. (Unless Devon lets him live there free because he owns it.)


    Either way, I don't like them having Nate give away a rent free home that was given to him by a loved one. All so rich Adam could get the penthouse back. Adam can go live in the GCAC. And then maybe move back into the tackhouse w/Chelsea and Connor should they reunite and he smooths things over with Victor. 


  15. Here are some spoilers from the soaps.com day ahead recap for tomorrow's show (about Devon/Ana/Nate):


    Nate will indeed sell the penthouse to Adam. Adam will want to buy it and Nate will initially not want to sell it, but will end up doing so because he thinks about what he could do with the money. Devon will end up being upset with Nate that he sold Adam Neil's penthouse and didn't give Devon a chance to buy it back. 


    Also, Jett will return and him and Ana will sing together again. Devon will not like Mariah's idea and will feel that Ana let herself be talked into a bad idea and that she is also being used to hawk Jabot's products. He will tell Ana he wants to hire a Senior person, who will help her manage artists. Ana will end up giving him the cold shoulder and tell him that she thinks he's making a mistake hiring someone to babysit her.


    Also, Devon will dedicate the stage to Neil at Society. 


    I wonder what Nate intends to do with the money he will get for the sale of the penthouse. Neil already set it up so he could live rent free, which frees up money for him. I wonder what he wants/needs the money for that he would sell it. I could understand why Devon would be upset about that, especially since Neil left it to Nate in the will. I wonder where Nate will end up living now that he sold the penthouse to Adam. I also wonder if he has some sort of financial issues, which would give him something to bond with Elena over.


    Also, I think that Devon needs to take up the issues he has with Mariah's idea up with Mariah, instead of just criticizing Ana for it. But he hired Mariah in a position she was not qualified for and gave her power that she didn't deserve. Here's hoping he at least mentions to Mariah as well, that he's not fond of the idea. I also wonder if whoever he hires to baby sit Ana, might turn into a love interest for her. And I'm surprised they bought Jett back so quickly.

  16. Regarding whether it's worth checking out, I honestly think that this show does have some potential. I actually thought that Robin wasn't as OTT as I thought she might be. And the preview made it look like she really would be. Though she still was a bit much. IMO, some of the supporting characters were the most appealing thus far, and so was Amara's husband Titus. I really like him and at (least right now) definitely prefer him over Stefanie's husband Evan. Also, I had thought that Essence Atkins's character Amara would kind of ground this show a bit. I thought she was okay, though maybe a bit underwhelming. 


    Don't care for the Kardashian looking designer/mistress or Stefanie's/Evan's daughter's vapid Lauren Conrad-ish looking love interest. (From the pharmaceutical family). But overall, I think that the show has potential, could be decent.


    I think they should give Stefanie more layers and tone her down. Maybe that will happen as she reflects more on what went wrong regarding her younger sister. Plus, they said there was another sister, that wasn't at the event. Maybe she will pop up eventually. I wonder what she's like.


    Give Stefanie layers/tone her down some and focus more on the characters who IMO do work so far (Titus, Rondell and Stephen) and I think that would add to the potential of this show.  Greg Peters is interesting too. And I did see chemistry between him and Rondell. It could be interesting if he ends up eventually falling for her.

  17. I thought it was okay. It didn't look as shaky as it did in the previews. I thought that the best characters so far are mostly the supporting ones like Evan's sister Rondell and Stefanie's father, Stephen. I really like Titus. So far I like these three characters better than the leads Stefanie, Amara and Evan. 


    Some thoughts about the show.


    I actually see some chemistry between Rondell and Peters who is trying to get her to sell the restaurant. There is a lot of animosity between them but it seems like he's flirting with her at times. And I guessed some of the plots very quickly before they revealed, like the daughter and her interest in the family  that owns the pharmaceuticals company's daughter (Purifoys) , and the situation with the designer (Bella)/Evan.


    Also, Rick Hearst wasn't on tonight's show, but I look forward to seeing when he does appear.

  18. 9 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    I wish they'd kept playing the mystery of why Ana wanted to stay behind the scenes. I felt like they were taking it in a more interesting dramatic direction that could've centered on Ana more. They could've done a spin on the R Kelly scandal but instead it went nowhere. 


    I would have rather seen them do something with that storyline (like maybe she had problems with an ex boyfriend) and kept Fen and built a romance with him and Ana. But they just ended up using that secret to introduce Elena and give Devon a romance with her, which IMO, right now is a bit of a dud. (Largely because they are IMO giving Elena a weak storyline where she is uncomfortable with his wealth).


    I don't think that Josh really wants to invest much in Ana, and that's why she's not getting much of a storyline. He threw her in there with Tessa/Mariah and it looked like that storyline could have taken multiple unappealing directions. And now she's clashing with Devon again over something they really shouldn't be clashing over. I wish she would get a better storyline, but I don't see that happening anytime soon. (if ever).

  19. Here are a couple of spoilers from the Courier Journal for the next couple of weeks. Even though everyone will be happy with the finished product of Tessa's video, Devon will tell Ana she is not ready to manage artists on her own yet. Also, the week after next Lola's mother will pay her a surprise visit.


    I don't like seeing Devon/Ana clash again about him doubting her talents/qualifications in the music industry. Even more so because he just hired Mariah to run a whole company, and manage/advocate for artists without any prior experience. At least Ana does have experience working in the music industry. I wonder why exactly Devon think she isn't ready to manage artists on her own yet. 



  20. 18 minutes ago, Taoboi said:

     I remember a lot of that. And DEAD at Molly Ringwald lookalike. I can't remember if she ever mellowed, but like all good soap villain she gets good comeuppance I believe.




    That is really who she looks like lol. I saw a couple of episodes where her friends did call her about for being too mean. Though Kelly her friend in the first season was also pretty mean herself. In one of the episodes I saw, Brooke was talking about trying to be nicer. A lot of the first season is on youtube, so I will try and get around to watching all those episodes. Maybe someone will eventually put more of the later seasons up there and it might be revealed whether she got some comeuppance for her behavior or not.

  21. 31 minutes ago, Taoboi said:

    Me, me, me!!!!

    Brooke was THAT bitca back in the day.


    And everyone was all about Dylan was it? 


    I think other than Ryan Reynolds, the only other person who went on to star in other things was Laura Harris if I remember correctly. 


    I was looking at some episodes today mainly from the first season, and Brooke was indeed messy, lol. She was just mean and messy because she could be. Like trying to prevent Dylan from getting with Courtney just because she could. In the episodes from season one that I'm watching, she doesn't even seem that interested In Dylan, she just wants to make sure that Courtney doesn't have him. Messy Molly Ringwald looking troublemaker, lol.


    I did catch a later episode from what appeared to be another season. where Courtney and Matt wanted to be together, but Ashley's return messed with that. Though it looked like Courtney and Matt had some chemistry.


    Also, Ashley caught flack for being considered "perfect", but I have liked what I have seen of her. I liked how she genuinely tried to help Matt with his drinking problem. 


    And character likes Billy, Olaf, Jake and Janice all seemed to struggle with either not being that mature (in Billy's case), not assertive enough (I Jake's case) or just considered odd/outsiders by many of the other students in (Olaf and Janice's cases)

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