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Posts posted by xtr

  1. Here are some spoilers from the Zap2it Website for next week:


    Kyle and Lola's wedding will be an unexpected turn, Phyllis will console Summer, Billy will suffer a meltdown, and Adam will share shocking news with Sharon. Victor will learn a dangerous secret, Billy will lash out at his family, Theo will undermine Mariah,and Chelsea will cut a deal. Also,  Kyle and Lola will look to the future, Nick will comfort Sharon, Victor will question Michael's loyalty, Rey will find closure, and someone will make a shocking return to GC.

  2. Arturo is back. (Though I think it's only for a very short amount of time). Someone on Twitter posted a video of next week's previews:



    I think it's interesting that Arturo is trying to talk to Abby. I wonder how long Papa Rosales will be around for, maybe him and Lola will make some progress in their relationship after they talk at the wedding. 

  3. On tomorrow's show Celeste is back and Papa Rosales shows up:


    According to the day ahead recap from soaps.com on tomorrow's show, Celeste returns and has an emotional moment with Lola. Lola asks Celeste to walk her down the aisle with Rey. Papa Rosales also shows up. Celeste will catch him peeking behind a curtain at the ceremony. She will tell him he has some nerve showing up. He will say that he's made a lot of mistakes and didn't want missing Lola's wedding to be another one.


    Ashley and Traci will also calm Kyle down when he worries that his marriage will fail like a lot of the Abbott's marriages does. Mariah/Tessa/Abby will help Lola get ready and give her gifts (something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue gifts.) Summer will show up with Phyllis as her plus one.) Kyle and Lola will recite their vows and be pronounced husband and wife by the minister.


    I think that most interesting thing that will happen on tomorrow's show is that Papa Rosales showing up.

  4. Kyle's and Theo's secret was weak. The worse that they are guilty of is not staying with the underage drunk girl at the hospital. And not contacting her parents, paying the dad off the next day. That's it. They didn't know she was underage, they didn't hurt her or set out to hurt her. They ended up getting her help And they felt bad about her sneaking into the bar and getting drunk.


    This secret was boring, but then again every story created to help give Kyle and Lola story, (especially angst) is boring. And it seems the show is trying to villifyTheo. (though IMO, he honestly doesn't look that bad. At best he's seems a bit bitter regarding Kyle is trying to annoy him. But he doesn't seem like an evil guy.) It looks like his and Summer's relationship may be over and she's actually agreeing to attend Kyle & Lola's wedding. Which I don't think she should be doing considering how Kyle dismissed her feelings and Lola planned to seduce and cheated with Kyle when they were married. It doesn't make a lot of sense that Summer would be getting along with the both of them, especially since she had gotten married to Kyle a few months ago.


    Also, I liked Sharon and Rey's scenes. I liked them as a couple, but I didn't like that the way was talking to her right before they broke up. He seemed a bit sanctimonious and I think he overreacted to her relationship with Adam.

  5. 1 minute ago, cattykittens said:

    So Kyle's huge secret is that a 17yr old girl came to he & Theo's party. They didn't realize she was underage and served her booze. She passes out, and they bring her to the ER for treatment. Isn't that the right thing to do?


    Why wouldn't Kyle be able to tell Lola that? If there isn't more to the story, shame on Y&R for even starting it.

    Everything about Kyle & Lola is a build-up to nothing. What a waste of time.


    That sounds like what it basically is. Except Kyle paid off her dad the next day after he threatened them with charges for giving alcohol to a minor. (Though they didn't know about her age) Unless there is more to the story it is weak. But then again just about all of the stories that Kyle/Lola are given are weak.


    I believe they would have been better off just introducing Papa Rosales earlier and having the family react/deal with him being back in their lives. I think that would have been better than this story about this weak secret.

  6. 21 minutes ago, Khan said:

    If anything, Theo probably knew she was underaged before Kyle did, and he also slipped something in her drunk that made her sick (most likely, in order to have sex with her).


    I don't think that either one of them slept with her. At least I didn't see that in the recaps for tomorrow. So it sounds like maybe she just showed up (maybe uninvited) and got drunk. And the worst thing they did is not tell her parents about it at first and paid her dad off. They could have handed it better by at least trying to get in contact with her parents. But other than that/paying the dad off, I don't think this is a very scandalous secret or anything. Unless there is more to the story (like it being written that Theo did do something to her) I think this secret is a bit weak.


    I didn't think that they would give Kyle a secret that would really cause problems between him and Lola. Or at least problems that she wouldn't exaggerate like her getting angry about him buying her the expensive purse.



  7. Kyle's secret is revealed tomorrow. According to the day ahead recap from soaps.com on tomorrow's show:


    Summer will press Theo about his and Kyle's secret. Theo will tell Summer that one night in NY him and Kyle threw a party and a party girl named Zoe Hardisty showed up. She got so drunk that she had to go to the ER. There will be a flashback shown when Kyle tells Theo that Zoe will have to get her stomach pumped. They will put Zoe in a car and Kyle will look at her ID and see that she is underaged. Theo will want to dump her off a hospital and Kyle will agree and tell him to drive. The next day Zoe's dad will show up and Kyle will pay him off by giving him a $100,000.


    Summer will tell Theo that she thinks that Kyle saved his backside and that. And Theo will say that he's trying to keep Kyle honest, and not let him forget his past. Summer will tell Theo that she thinks that Kyle is trying to forget him, and tells him to move on like an adult. She will later tell Kyle that she won't be bringing Theo to the wedding, tell him that Theo has anger issues and warn him to watch his back.


    Kyle and Theo's secret sounds a bit weak IMO. I figured it would be. And I think that pretty much everyone is going to blame what happened on Theo. 

  8. 13 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    Rey? Ew no. 




    I could see Hilary or her twin/doppelganger interacting with Adam when she first comes back. On tomorrow's show Devon will tell Adam he wants him to stay away from Elena. After Elena expresses concerns about Adam living across the hall. (I think this is because she thinks that Adam is trouble after talking with Nick in the park, when Adam approached Christian and he ran away from him. Elena didn't witness Adam do anything bad, but I can see Nick badmouthing him to her. ) I wonder if there will end up being more to Devon not wanting Adam around Elena.


    Maybe if Hilary comes back or her twin/doppelganger comes back, she will be sympathetic to Adam. Or he will help her in some way. And that will tie into Devon and Elena's storyline.

  9. I enjoyed last week's show. It think it was one of the better one of this season. I was glad to see Rondell and Kent get closer. And Greg Peters definitely seems to have a gangster-ish type of family. He did seem protective of Stefanie when he picked her up and carried her up the stairs when his threatening cousin and her goons showed up. And it was nice to see Matt Cedeno (Brandon Walker from Days) again on the show as Ignacio, who looks like he might end up being Bella's love interest. He looked good. 


    I think that the show has like 3 more episodes before the mid season finale. 

  10. B&B is starting to catch up to Y&R in some areas. And surpassed them in the 18-49 women viewers category. It looks like a lot people are actually interested in the reveal/fallout of the baby switch storyline. I think they like the action/drama from that storyline. It's the only storyline really going on B&B right now but people are tuning in for it.


    I feel bad for Days which I think is interesting right now. I am enjoying Days. I wish that soap had better ratings. 

  11. Someone on Soapcentral posted a thread that said that SOD confirmed that Mishael Morgan is coming back to the show on contract. I haven't seen anything on their site confirming this but maybe this person has already gotten a copy of this week's SOD and saw the news in it. Also the SoapOperaNews site is saying a source close to them said that Mishael signed a three year contract:





  12. 53 minutes ago, Paul Raven said:

    If Y&R want Kyle and Lola to be some supercouple then they've gone about it all wrong.


    Keeping them apart is SOAP 101(or at least it used to be)  If they had to go with Kyle marrying Summer they should have got at least a year out of that marriage . Meanwhile Lola turns to someone else and by the time Kyle has disentangled himself from Summer  Lola has committed to him etc etc.


    Lola hasn't even been on a year.


    Yeah, if they continue to be written the way they are they won't never be any type of supercouple, for multiple reasons.


    For starters they aren't getting hardly any sort of obstacles and Lola is never written to lose. Pursegate and self inflicted drama from Lola' s hand doesn't really count as obstacles. Supercouples go through some things and at some point both people in the relationship usually lose out to a romantic rival, (though they make usually make their way back to their true love).


    I can't see Lola losing out to another woman for any significant amount of time and have to watch Kyle be in love with someone else. She always wins. I think that Kyle is going to be attached at the hip with Lola for the foreseeable future. And that they are going to continue to have constant boring, and  manufactured lightweight drama.

  13. Here are some upcoming spoilers for next week. From the soaps section of the Arkansas Democrat Gazette Newspaper:


    For The Young and the Restless:


    Victoria will claim that Christian is sick in bed, but her lie will end up being exposed when Adam sees Christian in the park with Nick. Christian will get scared and run away when Adam tries to approach him. Elena will be surprised when Nate encourages her to apply for a residency position at Memorial. Summer will question how well she really knows Theo when he finally admits to her that he is obsessed with getting revenge on Kyle. 


    I think it's interesting that Nate is encouraging Elena to apply for a residency position at the hospital. I do think it would be good for her to apply for this position and finish becoming a doctor. Nate could mentor her & I could see this drawing them closer together.


    For The Bold & Beautiful:


    Ridge will become upset when Brooke mentions Thomas's deception in the baby switch storyline. Brooke will assure Douglas that he did the right thing by telling the truth and Hope will promise to always have Douglas's back. The Forresters will be livid with Flo, for her role in the baby switch deception, but Quinn will be sympathetic towards her. Xander and Zoe will face a furious Brooke and Ridge, but their answers will make Ridge angrier. And Hope will blow up at Flo.


    Unless that is a typo it sounds like Xander may be coming back to the show, to answer for his role in the baby switch storyline. And interesting that Quinn will be sympathetic towards Flo, while the Forresters will be angry at her. I think that Quinn might be the only person that will have any sympathy for Flo right now, outside of her mother Shauna. 


  14. 10 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    He seems an odd match to Eva LaRue.


    Can't see him as an important character, probably a source of conflict to Rey/Lola.


    On paper, he could have been a love interest for Traci.


    I think they wanted/needed someone who could come off as at least somewhat believable as Rey's father.


    I think it could be interesting if he interacted with Traci and something happened between them. Though I don't know if he will interact with her much, if really at all. I think he may just be short term for now and will mainly be interacting with his family. 

  15. Here are some upcoming spoilers from Lynda Hirsch's soap column for next week:


    Adam and Sharon will long for each other, Devon will want to unload the nightclub, Kyle will think that Lola will be happier if she lets Celeste help her with the wedding and Traci will question her feelings for Cane.


    I think it's interesting that Devon wants to unload Society. I wonder what makes him want to drop out of that business venture with Abby. Adam will make an offer for him to buy the Grand Phoenix hotel. Maybe he decides he wants to buy that and wants to unload the nightclub, because he doesn't want to undertake too many projects and he thinks that is one he should let go. Though Abby does intend to expand Society into the hotel. I also wonder if Devon unloading the nightclub plays into the spoiler about Victor protecting Abby's interest. Maybe Victor ends up getting a stake in the nightclub to help Abby with it, after Devon unloads it. 


    And I think it's interesting that Traci will be questioning her feelings for Cane. I wonder if they are considering revisiting this pairing or if this will be just some type of closure for the storyline. 

  16. 17 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Fingers crossed that Crazy Patty will show up at Kyle and Lola's wedding with a bomb.


    (Yeah, I said it.)


    That promo doesn't seem very interesting. It feels like Kyle and Lola are panicking about much of nothing. And I definitely don't agree with the show saying this is "The Wedding of The Year." I definitely think it isn't and feel like Kyle and Lola haven't had to overcome much and most of the drama they had was weak and self inflicted on Lola's end. Plus, Kyle was just married to Summer not too long ago, so Traci saying she can't believe that Kyle is getting married falls flat. This whole promo falls flat IMO.


    Though Kyle's secret is still out there. An article from SOD, say their marriage will go off without a hitch. Though, Theo will send Kyle a text before hand telling him that his life as he knows it is about to be over. Kyle will think that may be an ominous text. Kyle and Lola will also invite Summer to the wedding. Kyle will tell her even though it's weird they won't her there and not to bring Theo. 

  17. Adam will end up offering to sell Devon the new hotel that is being built.


    According to the recap for soaps.com on Monday's episode Adam will try and sell it to him. Also, Phyllis will confront Abby for attacking Summer, after Theo mentions that something happened between Summer/Abby. Phyllis and Abby will get into it. Abby will say that she won't apologize for going after Summer and Phyllis will accuse her of being jealous of Summer. Abby will say she's not jealous and that she doesn't have to do vapid selfies and is building an empire. Abby will also say she was minding her own business when Summer threw the water on her. Abby will admit to Victor that she had a "disagreement" with Summer, and Victor will tell her not to turn her back on Phyllis. Adam will also tell Phyllis to pack up things and that Dark Horse is dead. 


    Adam will tell Chelsea he wants to be a full time father and he wants Connor to live with him. Connor will want him and Chelsea to live with Adam. Chelsea will say she doesn't want Adam to hurt Connor and Adam will say he wants to solve things without taking her to court. Chelsea says she would win if he does. Connor gets mad at Chelsea back at Nick's home and feels like she's trying to keep him from Adam. He storms out and Nick and Chelsea talk about what happened. Nick will wonder if she will run with Connor and Chelsea says she can't do that. She says that Connor would never forgive her and Adam would find them. She says that she hopes that Adam's love for Connor is stronger than his anger at the world. 

  18. 25 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    I think, to the article’s point, with gender becoming increasingly nebulous and more performers coming as an non-binary, etc., how does one represent that with two-gendered awards? Giving performers who don’t adhere to traditional definitions of male/female their own categories seems silly.


    Why separate based on gender anyway? They don’t give out awards for best female writer or best male hair stylist. It’s archaic. The one benefit is that it spreads the wealth.


    Granted there have been some undeserving people getting nominated in the younger actor/actress category for Daytime Emmys over the years. But I don't care for this idea of combining both categories. And I don't want to see this happen with other awards ceremonies. Let alone something like the Oscars at least not with acting. There is a ton of talent out there especially in the acting categories (and I mean acting categories in general from all awards ceremonies, Oscars/Golden Globes etc). And this will open up the door to more deserving people losing out/being snubbed. And could be a problem if major ceremonies followed suit, especially something like the Oscars, (which I don't think would happen anytime soon but you never know.)


    The best male/best female actor type of categories was created for deserving people to be recognized (And possibly win) from both groups. Imagine how many talented people would be without an Oscar or Golden Globe if the acting categories had been combined over the years. The Daytime Emmys might end up being okay enacting this type of change for their awards ceremony. But IMO It's not a good idea in general and it could cause a ruckus. Especially considering that people already feel like people get snubbed all the time even when the categories are separate.


    In regards to actors identifying as non binary as or right now it's not a ton of people coming out and being nominated for awards in regards to that. There is nobody on soaps, that I know of that publicly identifies as non binary. Now Hollywood is a bit of a different story at least to some degree. But even there aren't a bunch of people that identify as NB who are being nominated for anything major. If more of that happens, then maybe the awards ceremony could try and figure something out to address that. I agree that a separate category is not a good idea for them at this point, at least not for the Daytime Emmys.. Not enough if any people to nominate for that. 


  19. I thought that today's scenes where Steffy was breaking down over the thought of Beth going home with Hope were interesting. I thought that Hope handled that as well as she could. She offered to have Steffy be apart of Beth's life as much as possible, but also stood up for herself. By saying that Beth is her baby and that she needs to be with her. She does.


    And also saying that Beth's name is Beth and not Phoebe. And telling Steffy that she is not her surrogate.  Steffy was crying and crying and umm..... I could understand that she'd  would be upset, but I was with Hope here. Beth needs to go home with Hope. They can do the transitional period like Hope suggested but nonetheless Beth needs to go home with Hope. 


    Ridge is something else, suggesting that Beth stay with Steffy and go along with her suggestion of Hope "being kind of a mother" to her. He really doesn't act like he cares that much about Hope at times.

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