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Posts posted by xtr

  1. 22 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    Bittersweet! Fen and Ana should be the their lead young couple but instead we gotta accept a weak ass holiday visit from him. Hell, at this point I'd accept Ana returning too, them hitting it off and pursuing something off screen. 


    I would take that lol. I agree they really should have been a young couple on this show. Heck, I would have even taken a situation after Loren was let go where Ana left town to help Fen record his debut album in a music city like LA or Nashville. (And she also could have helped produced worked with other artists/producers off screen). And then maybe that turning into a romance off screen. Devon/Michael/Lauren could have mentioned them in passing from time to time.  That would have been a better send off than the show essentially making Ana's Jett's full time caregiver initially due to issues with his vocal chords. Recently Elena did mention they were worried Jett could have cancer but his biopsy came back negative. Ana was sent away without ever having a love interest and basically had to give up her career in the music business. IMO, that is wrong. 


    I also didn't like how they had Fen relapse off screen just to have Lauren/Michael be angry at Adam. Which didn't lead to anything for them as they have barely been featured since then and Lauren never got to get revenge on Adam like she vowed to get. Neither Fen, Michael or Lauren really got any storyline for that. They should have just had Fen conclude his tour and go and start working on his album somewhere. (He could have settled into whatever city he went to, while working on his album.) Especially since they wanted to keep him off screen. 

  2. According to the Y&R insider account on twitter Zach Tinker is back as Fen for the holidays. I am glad he's back if only for a brief visit. I wish he would stick around longer. I also wish Ana would come back even if that was only for a visit as well. (Though I would love if she came back and stuck around longer.) I'm still disappointed that the show wasted Fen/Ana individually and missed a good opportunity to pair them romantically. 






  3. According to EW Peter Bergman/Jack will get a standalone episode on November 25, to celebrate his 30th anniversary on the show. It will include classic clips from PB/Jack's time on the show. I look forward to watching this episode. I enjoyed the one they did with Melody Thomas Scott and thought they showed some good flashbacks.










  4. 1 hour ago, Gray Bunny said:

    That was a lot less interesting than I thought it would be. Lots of repetitive dialogue; they must watch soaps more than they let on... 


    33 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    I got bored and stopped reading lol


    Lol.  What I noticed more than anything was a lot of accusations of them accusing people of chumming it up with other people on the shows.  Okay, lol. There's nothing wrong with not wanting to really suck up to people and wanting to get something based off of merit. But if people are nice to/befriend people, they might get some good opportunities. That happens in a lot of workplaces. Maybe he could have tried to make more connections with people in the industry and could have gotten more opportunities. 

  5. 49 minutes ago, pdm1974 said:

    I know. I don't know why people have to attack other's because of their looks...well I have an idea why. As you mentioned, the ones who are doing it PROBABLY are not 10's on the "attraction scale." It's easier to criticize others to make yourself feel better from the anonymity of a keyboard. Plus/minus the weight he's still a very attractive guy and most importantly he seems genuinely friendly in interviews I've seen him in. There's soooo much negativity in the world already. I don't know why some others have to add to that.


    I agree with this 100%. And I've seen some of those real life pics on Twitter, (Especially since some of them constantly attack him his looks.) And they do not need to be talking about anybody's looks. What's extra strange is that some of them are heavier than he is, and you would think they wouldn't be attacking another person's weight. But for whatever reason they want to eat their own. I can understand there are people that don't like his acting, but there's no need to constantly slam him based off his looks/weight. Some of the same people doing this were upset when people were doing this to Beth Maitland on Y&R. (Which I undersatnd and she didn't deserve to be treated like that). But don't have a problem treating Freddie like that. Nobody should be treated like that, IMO.


    Plus, I noticed whenever he's thinner, some of these people don't be saying anything about him good or bad. But once he starts gaining weight again, They are back to attacking him. A lot of the criticism aimed at him is very shallow IMO, and a lot of people largely hate on him because they don't find him attractive. (Even if a lot of people also criticize his acting skills as well).

  6. Regarding what may have happened to Adrienne, I don't think that Sonny is responsible for her death. I believe that Will killed her, like it was stated on today's show. And there is a spoiler from SOD that says that:


    Sonny and Will are torn apart by a tragic accident. So it looks like Adrienne did indeed die in an accident. I believe that Will caused that accident. And I think that I remember seeing somewhere him saying that he made a terrible mistake. 


  7. 27 minutes ago, pdm1974 said:

    OMG...You guys act like Freddie Smith belongs on My 600-Pound Life when he's actually a regular weight!


    Yeah. I've seen people make fun his weight on places like Twitter, who are bigger than he is. And more unattractive than he is too. (Though, I like his look and don't find him unattractive). That includes both men and women that constantly attack him for his looks/weight.

  8. It looks like Chance will be in Abby's orbit right now. On tomorrow's show he does interact with Amanda, but it's about the stuff regarding the will. According to soaps.com day ahead recap on tomorrow's show he will flirt/talk with Abby and ask her out for a drink. She will accept his drink invitation. Maybe something romantic may develop between him and Abby. Some scenes of him interacting tomorrow with Abby:






  9. Here are more upcoming spoilers from SOD:


    Sonny will open up to Evan, Kayla and her new man will reminisce about how they came together, Marlena's return will throw a monkey wrench into Gina's plan.  Ciara will snoop around Xander's house, and Sonny will open up to Chad about Will. Jennifer will receive devastating news from the last year, Eric will inform Roman of his big plans for the future and he will also have a surprise for Nicole, Ben will run into Clyde in prison and Eve will summon Abigail.


    Also, Chad will reveal his new agenda to Abigail, Hope will work on a portrait, JJ will try and work through his issues and Kristen will provide comfort. And Nicole will make a startling admission to Eric, Abigail tangles with Eli, and Marlena will receive a surprise on Thanksgiving. Victor has replaced Brady with Xander as CEO of Titan, Nicole and Sarah will feel guilty about keeping the secret regarding baby Mickey from Eric, Brady will talk about the past year being very hard and Justin will visit Eve in jail. 


    And there was also a preview in the mag of other things to come including during the Winter:

    Xander and Sarah will grow closer over her baby, Brady and Kristen's relationship will take a shocking turn, Kate will make a surprising career change. Chad will also try to wrestle DiMera away from Gabi, while Abigail investigates what happened to Jennifer. 

  10. Here are some upcoming spoilers from SOD:


    Phyllis will fish for intel and Nate's career will be in jeopardy, Nick will issue a threat, Cane will be backed into a corner and Chloe and Abby do damage control. Also, Nick and Chelsea will struggle with their new reality and Theo invades Kyle's terriority. Also, Jill and Colin will reunite. Jill will wonder if Katherine's new will is the real deal, She will start to weaken as Colin spins his story, and Chelsea will move in with Adam after Connor starts having stomach's pain. Also, Jack will take a stroll down memory Lane, Adam turns to Sharon for help and Victor and Nikki's Thanksgiving Dinner will take an unexpected turn. Nate and Amanda will grab a bite to eat at Society and Adam will comfort Connor.  


    I hope that Jack taking a stroll down memory lane means that we will get some flashbacks of him to celebrate Peter Bergman's 30th anniversary with the show. That would be nice. 


  11. 12 minutes ago, ironlion said:

    Looks like firehawk just got taken down (as predicted). At least most of his content is on archive.org. Literally just watched one of the channels videos this morning.


    That's unfortunate. I was just looking at a video yesterday that they had posted. It was from 1998 and had Olivia, Callie,Neil dating Victoria plus Katharine vs Jill in court. It's was some pretty good content. I had wanted to check out some of the other videos he had posted.

  12. 29 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    The rumor is that Will is going to be the one who's somehow responsible for Adrienne's death, but I don't know if that's true or not.


    I think the promo looks really good too. My biggest question is what they're going to do with Stefano? As much as I liked the character, I'm kind of hoping they kill him off for good and not recast him.


    I looked at the promo again and in the very beginning I heard Will's voice saying he's sorry for what he did. And Ben also says "Now you know what it's like to take a life." Maybe Will did indeed kill Adrienne and him and Ben talk about that. Maybe he accidentally killed her, and will serve some time for that. 


    Also, I'm not sure what they plan to do regarding Stefano. Maybe people will think he's alive but it turns out it's not really him. 

  13. 10 minutes ago, John said:

    I am intriqued


    Yeah and I definitely have some questions, like where is Will? In the promo it shows that Ben definitely goes to prison. And that Clyde shows up there. I think that Ben will go to prison because people think he killed Jordan. There was a spoiler that says that he has a surprising confidante, I had thought that might be Will, but maybe it's actually Clyde. I wonder if Will went to prison like the rumors stated or if maybe he's might be presumed dead again.


    Also, Eve is in prison. I think she ends up there because people believed that she pushed Jennifer. There is a spoiler that says that Jennifer will be informed that the person who pushed her is in prison, though it looks like Princess Gina is free. I think that Eve is wrongfully accused of killing Jennifer and ends up in prison, because people believe she would do that due to her hatred of Jennifer. 


    I also wonder where Lani is and if the spoiler about her having a mental breakdown is true. And here are some screencaps that someone posted on Twitter from the promo:


    Sonny, Evan and the new sorased Arianna:



    And a devastated looking Justin. Maybe they will kill Adrienne off. If so IMO, that's unfortunate. I like her and her relationships with Justin/Sonny.



  14. Here is the Winter Promo that previews what happens after the time jump.



    Also, the Day of Days Event is happening today, where some of the cast met with fans and there was a Q&A that happened. Several fans are posting pics and information about this event on Twitter. And so are soap accounts like soapcentral.




  15. Here are a few spoilers for the Holidays from soaps.com and Y&R insider on Twitter:


    Nikki and Victor will hold a family Thanksgiving dinner at the ranch. Also, residents of GC will join Sharon at Crimson Lights to help feed the homeless.


    Y&R thanksgiving pic.jpg



    Also, Faith is returning home for the Holidays.





    Faith is growing up. She's almost as big as both Summer and Mariah, lol.

  16. 1 hour ago, Soapsuds said:

    I was watching today....is her illegitimate son alive? Why was her grandson talking to an invisible dad?


    Her son Eric Vanderway/Theo's dad is deceased. He passed away from a heart attack when Theo was a teenager. Theo was just imagining having a conversation with him. Theo also mentioned his mom, and said something about her being around. But he didn't say if she was still alive. I wonder what happened to her. 


    Overall, I enjoyed today's show. I liked the scenes with Adam and Chelsea. I think they will become closer again and he will help protect her from Simon. I also enjoyed seeing Nate and Amanda interact again. Nate is so handsome and I like the way he dresses, including his clothes today. I think he's the best dressed man on the show. 


    Also, I could see the New Chance ending up being romantically paired with Phyllis. Or maybe Abby. He does look pretty mature and I think that was deliberate by the casting department. Maybe they wanted a stronger, man that could interact with the 40+ group. But also still possibly interact with some of the 30 something as well. i wouldn't have minded a younger early 30 something chance to interact with the 20 something and early 30 something set. But i can not see this new guy playing around with Summer, Kyle or Lola, lol. 

  17. I mentioned this in the character recast thread, but I'll mention it in this spoiler thread as well. According to the recap for Monday's show for soaps.com, Chance is still a good guy. He's not shady. He's working on a sting operation that involves the new character Simon. Chance will be mad at Cane because he thinks that he messed Devon over when it came to Katherine' s will. Chance will also say that he's never met Amanda Sinclair. Chance will end up meeting Amanda and telling her that next time she should do her due diligence. Also on Monday's show Simon will pull out a gun and hold Adam's family hostage at the Grand Phoenix Hotel. And Nick will tell Victor that he's running for office and is going to do a debate. 


    I am glad that it looks like Chance is still a good guy. I think that Colin is behind the stuff with the will. Cane will admit to Chance that Jill thinks that Colin may have something to do with the will. 

  18. It looks like Chance will still be a good guy. According to soaps.com recap for Monday's episode, Chance will be upset with Cane. He will accuse Cane of messing over Devon with Katherine's inheritance. Chance will reveal that he has returned to town to work on a new case/is apart of a sting operation. He will also reveal that he's never met Amanda Sinclair. Cane and Chance will argue and Cane will admit that Jill thinks that Colin has found the forgeries regarding the will.




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