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Posts posted by xtr

  1. 5 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    Nobody is over looking it. Now is NOT the time 😒


    Honestly, I pretty much agree with this. I do think the allegations against Kobe were bad. And I didn't forget them nor do I think he's perfect or anything. That being said, I really don't think drudging that up to try and bash him or overshadow the grief that people feel over the tragedy is the right thing to do right now. I was posting in the sports section of another site, and someone brought up a very lengthy post about that, trashing him and they talked more about that then they did about the tragedy yesterday. They made the tragedy of him, his young daughter and several other people dying, including another child, an afterthought to the allegations levied against him.


    They barely mentioned the tragedy and the people that were affected by it in their rant against Kobe and I found that to be distasteful. And also inappropriate. Especially at this time. I do believe at some people more people will bring up the allegations as they talk about Kobe his life and legacy, which I do understand. I think there was an article yesterday after his death, where it was mentioned. That's something bad that happened and it makes sense that people will bring it up again at some point. But I think trying to harp on it now, to the point to where some people are making the tragedy that happened yesterday an afterthought, isn't right. 


    I also find it a bit inappropriate the way that some people including on that site and on places like Twitter are getting "mad" that the other people that were killed aren't being focused on as much. People definitely are upset about them dying too, it's just Kobe is someone that a lot of people knew AND all of the people involved in the crash haven't even been identified yet. It feels like some people just want to be mad about stuff and be "those people," that just has to say negative stuff/act a contradictory way in a tragic time. Even when it's not really the right time/inappropriate. The internet brings that type of behavior out in people. 

  2. This is such a tragic news. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Kobe and his beautiful daughter Gianna. From what I saw of her she seemed to be very much like him, she looked like him and shared his love of basketball. There are now a lot of pictures and videos of these two being shared and looking at them is touching but also very sad. You can tell they were very close to each other. 


    This news definitely hits hard for a lot of people, including those who cared about Kobe and/or loved basketball in general. When I first really got into basketball when I was younger, Kobe and Shaq's Lakers were very dominant. They beat up on teams that I cared about and I rooted against their version of the Lakers. But I definitely thought they were talented and ended up respecting them as a players.


    He was a great player, one of the greatest ones and he will be missed. My heart goes out to his wife Vanessa, their other three daughters and the families of the other people who died today in the crash. 

  3. 7 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    I truly don't get all the hate. I must be missing something. Haven't the fans been shitting on the soaps for YEEEEEARS now. I don't recall a time on this board that the shows were not being shi.t on and I've been a member for 15 years. What's the issue?


    I agree. What is Jamey guilty of that a lot of other soaps fans haven't been guilty of? The only difference is he had a podcast/website. A lot of soaps fan criticize the soaps. Some of them including right now wish that the soaps would be cancelled. I'm seen people say they wish Days and Y&R would get cancelled. Did Jamey ever go that far and say he wish that the Prospect Park soaps would get cancelled? Even if he did he isn't any worse than people that wish some if not all of the remaining soaps would get cancelled.


    Even some of the people that loved the Prospect Parks soaps, probably at  least at some point, heavily criticized the original recipe versions of AMC and OLTL. I remember those shows, (especially some of the writers from them) getting heavily bashed during their last years, before the reboots.




    1 hour ago, Neil Johnson said:

    He has admitted it.  He announced it on Facebook and was very humble.  Why all the hatred toward Jamey?  He has a dream to be involved in soaps, and he's gone further than any of the rest of us.  Good for him.  Now he seems to be looking for another outlet to pick up the show.  That's a perfectly natural response to a cancellation.   


    I do think that some that are mad at Jamie have criticized/spoken just as poorly, if not even more poorly of the soaps than he has. Some of the people that are mad at him have said stuff like they wish that some if not all of the remaining soaps would get cancelled. It seems like people are mad at him for doing the same stuff a lot of soaps fans have done and will continue to do. Even with soaps they no longer really watch and haven't watched consistently in a while.


    A difference between them and Jamie being that he had more of a platform to share his opinion. But he really didn't have any power to have the Prospect Park soaps, cancelled and whatever else it is that people are mad about regarding him.

  5. 57 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    OWN's core demo is black women - I guess it wasn't capturing that demo to the extent OWN probably hoped. 


    I think it may have fared fine with that demographic. Jamie said it was #1 in black households for their timeslot across broadcasting and cable. 



  6. 31 minutes ago, ChitHappens said:


    I don't care about Jamie one way or another, but yeah, he should have a huge plate of humble pie.  He raked Daytime scribes and EPs over the coals yet he was unable to sustain an audience from week to week.   As for the show, how could anyone tell what was going on with Givens eating everything in sight?  Raunchy sex scenes?  I reached out to Jamie a few months ago and told him to add some meat to these arcs.  Rondell should have been everyone's favorite but who the hell would want her around?  Jamie wrote a show based off of what he thought the black folks wanted to see instead of what an entire audience would/could relate to.  


    Remember Empire before EC's other personality took over?  The first season was the entire package and had everyone watching to the point of disrupting the major networks.  Jamie tried and failed.  Now, he has to learn from it and move on to the next project.  Not many people get to bring their dream to life.  


    I thought that there was a variety of well-written story lines on this show. I thought he did a good enough job of showcasing several of the characters and creating different story lines for them. Robin's character may have felt a bit more pronounced then some of the others. But I don't think that she was eating up the show and definitely not to the point, to where viewers couldn't recognize or enjoy other story lines. Especially as the show progressed. 


    There was other storylines for people like Amara, Titus, Rondell, Greg, Bella, etc... This show has several different storylines to include Amara and Titus being stalked/terriorized by Damian , Senior being killed and Rondell/Evan Jr, dealing with that plus their greedy cousin, Greg dealing with his crazy cousin & his affair with Stefanie. Plus, Titus dealing with Purifoy Pharmaceuticals and Hunter and trying to take them down, Bella getting a love interest & trying to build her company. And a whole bunch of other stuff was going on. Some involved Stefanie but IMO, she didn't overshadow the show. And I thought that the stuff that she was involved in was interesting. Plus, it was being set up for other story lines to take place next and in future seasons, including the Brother of Bella's love interest being cast.



  7. 21 hours ago, Chris B said:

    Honestly I found the show very well written. I think if he took over a soap he'd do well. My biggest problem with Ambitions was casting. Also, he did try to get hired by a soap and not one would hire him. Considering he is black I don't think any would rush to hire him even though he has a larger credit on his resume. 


    Regardless of feelings for him, there is no way with this sea of bad rotating HWs that I would complain about a black person getting a shot at it. It would 100% be worth the risk and couldn't be worse than what we currently have. Especially at Y&R. That could be their chance to get their black audience back and could open the door to black writers. I would whole heatedly support that. 


    8 hours ago, Cat said:


    Same. I know Jamey riles people, especially given his views towards the PP reboots back in the day. But the reason people are associating his name with Y&R is because a few years back he was asked by CBS (McDaniel, I believe) to pitch some ideas about Y&R. This was at a point when Y&R really was not doing well and the 'writing' (what there was of it) was even more underwhelming than it usually is. He talked about the ideas he pitched and I thought a lot of them sounded fresh and were a break from the usual soap stories we get force-fed. It helps that he has watched Y&R for decades, so he is not just pitching the usual soap archetypes but is very familiar with character history. Unfortunately, Sony/CBS put the kabosh on all that and settled for the same-old same-old.


    I for one would be happy to give him the chance at Y&R. I mean, it is so dull some days. I think he would benefit from a good team around him, including Y&R writers from past and present. I think Michele Val Jean has definitely earned her spurs at Daytime and would be an invaluable co-writer. 


    The problem, of course, is with the constant pitching of SLs to CBS and Sony who have final say on everything. They DGAF and just want things to putter along, with the same 2-3 HWs in their Rolodex, until Y&R quietly expires.


    I agree with these statements. Especially the parts in bold. I think he could do well with Y&R and would utilize the characters better than what the current writing regime is doing. Unfortunately, though Black writers don't really get much of a shot with Daytime soaps, so I don't really think he would get the opportunity to really do anything there.


    I do wonder if he will try and see if someone else will pick up this show. I could see it being on BET. I remember when Underground another show got cancelled a couple of years ago it was shipped around. Other networks turned it down, but I do believe that cost played a big role in that. I actually remember Oprah who was one person that they tried to ship the show to, said it was too expensive to produce. Maybe someone else might consider showing Ambitions, if it's not too expensive to produce. I believe some people from other networks have seen it. Perhaps they like it and are willing to give it a place. There have been other shows that have moved to various networks, so maybe that is a possibility for Jamey and the show. 

  8. Here are some upcoming spoilers from SOD:


    Victor will teach a valuable lesson, Kyle and Lola will have a difference of opinion, Amanda settles unfinished business and receives unsettling news. Amanda will rethink her relationship with Billy and decide to end it. Billy will no longer feel like he has a friend that accepts him as he is. Summer will impulsively kiss Kyle during their business trip.


    This will be after Kyle feels unsettled that he have left things tense with Lola, regarding her relationship with Theo. Kyle will make tell Summer after the kiss that he values her as a friend, but makes it clear he will work things out with Lola. Kyle will end up telling Lola that he kissed Summer and Lola will be furious about that. 


    Also, Billy will make a  bold move, Rey will look to Paul for help, Phyllis will manage her priorities, Abby and Chance will make time for romance. Mariah will also struggle with her new normal, Nikki will deliver bad news, and Victor will put Billy on notice.

  9. 50 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    It records everyday at 1pm. There’s a ticker at the bottom that tells you what NBC channels are playing the Impeachment hearings if you want to watch those instead.


    That's interesting. I have some Days episodes taped that I haven't watched yet. I wonder if those are full episodes or if they will be preempted. 

  10. I don't know that Jamie would ever try and apply for a HW job for a Daytime soap. But I will say that Ambitions storylines were WAY better than anything that Y&R has put out in years. Definitely these past couple of years. I wouldn't have a problem with their writers writing for any of the Daytime soaps. I would welcome it. But I could see them moving on to other primetime gigs. 

  11. I do think that a lot of people on Social media enjoyed the show. It was fun tweeting with them and the actors. A lot of the actors on the show were really nice and good with interacting with fans when the show was going on. Especially people like Essence Atkins and Brian White. I interacted with them both multiple times. 


    I do hope that a lot people connected to this show might some nice landing spots. Including the writers. One of the things I really enjoyed about this show is that it didn't have a shortage of stories and potential stories. They had several interesting stories going on and more stories they could have told, especially with different people's family members. I would like to see some of the writers land elsewhere and use that creativity.


    Goodness knows Daytime soaps could use a big dose of creativity. Because a lot of the stuff they show especially on the CBS soaps, is very boring, stale, and repetitive. 

  12. 53 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    Am I the only one who’s been able to watch Days all week without interruption?


    You've been able to watch it live or see a full recorded version of it that aired during it's regular time? If so, maybe it's playing in your area. I do remember one time during the impeachment hearings one of the days one of the soaps wasn't preempted where I live. I think it was Days. I think they did show Days that day but may have preempted Y&R/B&B. Maybe Days is deciding to air it some places. I do think that being preempted every day for like at least two weeks could definitely have a big and hard impact on the soaps and viewership.

  13. 37 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    Damnit, that’s so unfortunate. I thought it was a really fun show and now it’s ending on some major cliffhangers that could’ve easily carried another season.


    I wonder why audiences just weren’t tuning into it? Did it not have a strong lead in?


    I know early on it had the "The Haves and The Haves Not" as a lead in. And then it was previous episodes of Ambitions, that were leading up the new episode. I'm not sure what happened. Jamie said it did well with black viewers, but I guessed it didn't catch on as well as a whole. Though, like Y&RbiggestFan mentioned "David Makes Man" had less viewers (but is critically acclaimed) and OWN renewed multiple reality shows. 


    I wish it would have been renewed. I was looking forward to seeing what happened after that cliffhanger. I wanted to see what happened after Hunter showed up the party shooting and wonder if maybe like Y&RbiggestFan suggested he was the one that hit Titus with the car. I hadn't originally thought of him as a suspect for hitting Titus. But him being guilty of that makes sense. I also wondered if Titus ended up surviving after he flat lined. I think he did. 

  14. Unforunately, this show wasn't renewed for Season 2. From Jamie and Robin Givens Social media accounts:



    That's a shame. This was a good show IMO. And like some posters already mentioned in this thread, the season finale was very good. I thought that the cast overall was a good cast, especially the actor that plays Titus. I hope that the cast/writers land on their feet elsewhere. 

  15. 14 minutes ago, KMan101 said:

    "Ripley"? Can we do better with naming folks? Are they just pulling names out of a hat? Are they gonna waste him too?


    How many "Ripley is RIPPED" jokes are we gonna get? Oh, sorry, Ron's not writing Y&R ....


    lol. I do wonder how they decide on naming characters.


    Though, Ripley is an exception to this, I do notice a lot of times they like to repeat basic names. Like on B&B, both of Brooke's young granddaughters are both named after Elizabeth and I don't really care for that. I think that one of them should have a less commonly used name. 


    I do wish they would at least sometimes use less heavily used names. (Though, they still could be names people have heard of). I like to write fan fiction and I try to go that route when thinking of names for original characters. 

  16. On 1/20/2020 at 10:38 PM, Chris B said:

    I feel like they've tried everything in their power to make Melissa Ordway interesting and it just hasn't happened. I find it baffling they plan on putting her into a triangle with someone like Michelle Stafford. She's gonna get eaten alive lol.


    Interestingly enough, I do think that Chance has more chemistry with Phyllis than he does with Abby. And I say this as someone who usually likes Abby/MO and has shown support for her. (An exception being when she aggressively attacks/goes after Summer, which I do call her out on).

    On 1/21/2020 at 8:57 AM, MichaelGL said:

    Speaking of Phyllis's pairing with younger men, has MS shared any scenes with JT's Billy yet? Or are we supposed to forget Billy and Phyllis were a thing since GT is no longer in the role.


    They did share at least one scene. I thought their interaction was okay. Though, they really haven't spent much time around each other, since she's been back.


    On 1/21/2020 at 11:33 AM, mango said:

    Stitch was probably Abby's best pairing. It forced her to grow up, and it would've been nice to see Ashley as a grandmother. Then little Max showed up...


    I agree that her pairing with Stitch. was good for her. She did act more mature in that pairing. It's a shame what happened after they inserted Max into that story line and how that sunk her relationship with Stitch.

    On 1/21/2020 at 6:33 PM, Paul Raven said:

    What do TPTB have against Fen?


    A cute,capable actor in a desirablle age group without much back story baggage. Gives Lauren and Michael something to do.


    They go to the trouble of bringing him back, which is more than Scott gets.


    BTW what happened to Mikey's plan to bring down Adam?



    For some reason they don't want to really write for Fen. No matter how much the fans tell them how much we enjoy ZT's version of him. Similar to the way they didn't want to write for Ana. And they really don't want to do much with Nate either. Josh/TBTB like the shaft the younger, good looking, charismatic characters for some reason. But shoved a young, boring and annoying character like Lola down viewers throats for over a year.


    Also, Mike's plan to take down Adam didn't really go anywhere. It just seemed like Josh wrote it just to be writing it. Which what a lot of his story lines feel like, even this cancer one with Sharon TBH.

  17. 2 hours ago, SteelCity said:

    Not the catfight I was hoping for, but seeing Quinn lay that smackdown on Brooke was EVERYTHING! Then Quinn's threat after teaching her how to slap was perfect! Damn, this show is good when there's no Hope or Liam.


    I thought that the Brooke/Shauna/Quinn scenes at the end of today's show were really good. Brooke slapping Shauna and threatening her and Quinn. And Quinn finally getting fed up and slapping Brooke so hard that she fell down.Quinn got tired of Brooke's threats, and delivered the boom on her.  Now that was a slap by Quinn, lol. Someone need to make a gif of that, lol. And I thought that Rena Sofer did a good job of showcasing that Quinn is not one to mess with.


    She was very convincing with her rebuttal and her threats to Brooke. Good stuff. Quinn was a bit surprised at first after she saw Brooke slap Shauna. But once Brooke kept threatening them, including threatening to get Eric to kick Quinn out, Quinn had finally had enough. (And I can't blame Quinn for being annoyed by Brooke. I actually like Quinn/Eric and in spite of that time she kept flirting with Ridge, they seem happy. I think that currently Quinn and Eric have the longest marriage on the show.)


     I would rather see more of this type of drama than the endless boring triangle of Steffy/Liam/Hope which often consumes the show. 

  18. Here are some upcoming spoilers from SOD for Y&R:


    Nikki makes a surprising announcement, Victoria will struggle to reconnect with Billy, Adam will conspire with Chance, and Fen will catch Michael and Lauren off guard. Amanda will set boundaries with Billy, NIck will lay down the law, Phyllis will suffer a setback and Victor/Nikki will suffer a difference of opinion. Victoria and Billy will reach a stalemate, Sharon will deal with her diagnosis and Summer and Kyle will kiss. Summer and Kyle will end up celebrating a business deal. They will talk about her and Theo. Kyle will tell her that she deserves better and will pull her into a kiss. 

  19. Here are some upcoming spoilers for next week from the Arkansas Democrat Gazette Newspaper:


    Lily will return to town and tell Jill that she is dating again. Devon will tell Lily that he will not show any mercy if Cane is involved with Colin and Victoria will be surprised when she finds a receipt from the Dive Bar in Billy's jacket. 

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