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Posts posted by xtr

  1. 22 minutes ago, Vee said:



    I hope that Tom and Rita end up being okay. I have always loved Tom. 


    Also, one of the NBA games between the Thunder and Jazz was abruptly cancelled. There is concern because some of the players including Jazz player Rudy Goebert had come down with an illness. Also, a few days ago, Rudy did touch multiple microphones and all over an area as a joke after he talked to the media. Here is video of this.




    Now there is a report that both the Jazz and Thunder locker rooms are quarantined.





    And now he has reportedly tested positive for Coronavirus:









  2. I hope we can slow down the spread of this illness. In the meantime, people should definitely should do the best they can in trying not get this illness/spread it. Be sanitary, limit travel, limit hanging around in large gatherings etc... Which is pretty much what a lot of health experts and some other folks in this thread have mentioned. Though, some suggestions are not going to be plausible for a lot of people. Like working from home. Most people do not work from home and a lot really aren't able to do that. So that could definitely be a problem for people in their work situations going forward. 


    I have my concerns about this illness for various reasons, including how it can affect people, their jobs and the economy. Last year at work three of my co-workers came in with the flu and almost our entire/office department became sick as a result of that. I fortunately did not and I was in there a few days working by myself, as I was the only who was able to come to work those days. It was incredibly busy. Thankfully we ended up managing fine business wise during those days, in spite of all of the employees who were out sick. 


    We've always stressed not coming in when you're sick and things like wiping down with wipes, have a bunch of hand sanitizer in the office, etc... but that still happened. This year, people have been better about that, though I still have some co-workers who seems to always have a cold, coming to work. There are a couple that always seem to have one and quite frankly it concerns me. Even more so now with the threat of coronavirus.


    My boss did send out an email about how we could help clients with them stepping into the office, which is good, for those of them who may be sick. And in general. Some of them have cancelled appointments because they didn't want to come in sick,which is the right thing to do. If push come to shove, we could assist a lot of them, maybe even most of them online, with a lot of our services, them stepping foot into the office.


    But some of them would still want to come in and don't want to do the online stuff. And we still would have to physically be there. A few of us have worked remotely before when we had bad weather, but it's better for our business if we are in an office. My boss did mention in the email telling us to push doing more virtual stuff for them, as opposed to them coming in. So maybe more of them may take advantage of that. 


    Though,  general it will be hard for most working people to work from home. That just really isn't an option for a lot of people. Hopefully, they can help curtail this illness before a lot more people and businesses have to face that challenge.


  3. 13 hours ago, Michele Soap Writer said:

    I just started watching Y&R 3 months ago after not watching for around 15 years. The first two months I thought were pretty boring. I was about to stop watching. But the last month has gotten a lot better! I like Summer but I cant stand Kyle so glad that Lola is no longer with him. I like Theo better though I hate Theo's hair so that gets on my nerves. Please cut your hair, Theo! lol. I am LOVING Nick and Phyllis! The first scene I saw them together chatting as friends when I started watching again I said to myself "I feel big chemistry there, they should get back together" mind you, I dont really even know Nick and Phyllis ever together before. I think many years ago when I watched I remember Nick had an affair with Phyllis when he was still married to Sharon I think? (I think this was when she got pregnant with Summer) but I vaguely even remember that. From the convo in ep 127 it sounds like they have broken up and gotten back together a few times? Like I said I barely know their history but I am SOOOOOO happy they finally hooked up in ep 127! Been hoping for it! I think they make a great couple!


    I do have some questions if anyone wants to oblige me: Who is Christian's mother? Were Nick and Phyllis together a lot throughout the years? What happened with her and Jack? And who is Kyle's mother? (I dont remember Kyle at all from years ago when he was a kid) who is Vicky's son Reed's father? (I dont recall Reed either from years ago). Anyway, so Nick and Phyllis and Theo and Lola are the two couples right now who are keeping me watching.


    Oh I have another question: I know that Devon is Catherine's grandson and was in some way related to Neil? Who are his parents? Also Chance is Jill's grandson? Who are his parents? (I dont remember who Jill's kids are besides Billy). Is Theo Tracey's son since he is Jack's nephew?


    Christian's mother is Sage who died. She slept with Adam, but was also romantically involved with Nick and married him. Phyllis and Nick have been together multiple times. The last a couple of times they got together were more like flings/very short term relationships. Including them sleeping together again, the last time Nick was engaged to Sharon again. Sharon found out and exposed them at her and Nick's wedding. Phyllis and Jack had various issues throughout the years, including her cheating on him with Billy, which helped end their relationship the last time they broke up. Phyllis then began a relationship with Billy, but that went down south after he got caught up in gambling again. And he also ended up sleeping with Summer, who had tried to seduce him when he was with Phyllis. That deepened the rift between him and Phyllis and they haven't been together since.


    Kyle's mother is Diane Jenkins, who was killed by Nikki. JT Helstrom is the father of VIctoria's son Reed. They were together and married some years ago. They ended up splitting up but got back together when he came back on the show a couple of years, ago. But things went down the south when he started exhibiting controlling behavior towards her. He also roughed her up physically. Nikki ended up striking him with a fire poker after he was got in Victoria's face again. Victoria, Nikki, Sharon, Phyllis thought he had had died after Nikki struck him. They tried to cover up his death, (and even went on trial for it) but he ended up being revealed to be alive and was sent to prison.


    Neil was Devon's adoptive father, Drucilla was his adoptive mother. His biological parents are Tucker McCall (Katherine's son) a very wealthy businessman and Yolanda "Harmony" Hamilton. Chance is Jill's grandson through her oldest son Phillip III and his relationship with Nina. Theo is actually Stuart Brook's and Dina's grandson. (Making him not only Jack, but also Traci and Ashley's nephew and well as the nephew to the Brooks sisters) Dina slept with Stuart in high school and went out of the country to have Theo's father Eric Vanderway. She gave Eric up for adoption and he ended up dying when Theo was a teenager of a heart attack. The family found out not too long ago that he was their relative.

  4. I like the spoilers about Billy and Lily. I think that JT's Billy and Lily have chemistry. I also thought that CK's Lily had good chemistry with Billy Miller's Billy and I enjoyed them together. IMHO, Billy has more chemistry with Lily than he does with Amanda. IMO, him and Amanda don't have chemistry. I wonder how long Lily will be around for this time around. 

  5. On 3/3/2020 at 9:57 PM, kalbir said:

    Empire returned on Tuesday. 9 episodes left until the series finale.



    18 minutes ago, Taoboi said:

    They so should have left it on Wednesday.




    I was watching it earlier this year, but are behind several episodes from the fall. I need to catch up with it. From the episodes I saw this season wasn't very good outside of Andre, finally getting the chance to have a family with his new wife, Teri, her son and am finally getting have his own baby boy. Teri is lovely and I am glad that Andre is finally allowed to have some happiness, after all he's been through. That was really the best part of this season, even though last time I checked he thought he was seeing visions of Lucious' other son Kingsley.


    Other than that I haven't cared much for this season. It feels flat, the character Precious is annoying and Hakeem still wasn't showing much growth. It's the last season Hakeem really needs to show growth especially since he has two kids now.I also don't care for the new villian Damion Cross, and since I'm behind on episodes, I'm not sure if he's even still around, lol. But he feels anemic as a character and I usually like Wood Harris.


    I also agree that they made a mistake moving it to Tuesdays. I think that move really hurt the show, but I think that they were done with it and just threw it on Tuesdays. What a Shame. I actually think that the last couple of seasons prior to this final one were good. And I have enjoyed Empire overall as a show and will miss it. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    The lines still very long in Houston as it's gotten dark.


    I did just see on CNN, a pretty long looking line in Texas. (Though, I think it was a different city than Houston). Hopefully, everyone in long lines will stay put and get the opportunity to vote. 

  7. 14 minutes ago, Khan said:


    But, in our (Oklahoma's) defense, we are very much a red state; and with Donald Trump facing no real primary challenges, it's possible we're fine with the status quo.  Unfortunately.



    I honestly believe it should remain that way for every state.  Whenever we've attempted to modernize and revolutionize how we vote in our elections, we've ended up making a big mess of the entire operation.



    And Sanders takes Vermont (per the NYT).


    That's mostly the main way, I've voted, that old school way with the pen and paper, lol. The only exception was when I voted for the first time at 18 in Texas and I had to pull a lever. But I've never really got to vote electronically. (Though, I definitely wouldn't mind voting like that).  The new machines that were being used at the largest polling place in my area have a flash drive now with a memory. In case it fails they are supposed to have a backup of the memory. Hopefully, those machines will continue to run smoothly for those who use them. 


    And I just saw on CNN that Joe Biden is predicted to win NC. I am interested in seeing what other results come from the state.

  8. Just made it to the polls in time, before they closed here at 7:30pm EST in North Carolina. It was busy at work today and I stayed a little longer. I usually get off 6:30, but stayed a little later today because we were shorthanded in the office. But I was able to get out of there in enough time and grab my dad and we voted. There weren't many people at our polling place (like 8 or 9 at most). Though, it never is crowed at my polling place. 


    I did hear NC was experiencing some minor issues, but none where I'm at. The largest polling place in the city had gotten some new voting equipment this year. (Not mines it was pen and paper ballot as usual). And people were reporting that things went smoothly voting with it, which I was glad to hear.


    I wonder how the results will end up shaking out here in the state. 

  9. I'm going to go vote on Super Tuesday with my dad in the North Carolina Primary. It did cross my mind to vote early, but I will find some time to go on Tuesday before or after work. I wonder how the turnout will be here.  I have a couple co-workers who are working the polls, including one who's been doing it for at least a few years. I have thought about working at one of the polls. I may do that one day. I normally work on Tuesdays, but I still may end up doing that at least once. I think here you need like one day of mandatory training and just have to fit some criteria. (like register voter, not be running for public office etc).


    I think that would be interesting thing to do, plus my voting place is in a predominantly black neighborhood. North Carolina has caught flack for it's treatment regarding black voters in the past. And that ID law that was passed was actually struck down by a judge. Though, thankfully, I've never had/really seen issues at my polling place. But maybe I can work there at least once, and help make sure everything goes smoothly for everyone. 

  10. I enjoyed the Sonny/Gabi scenes today. She definitely deserved him getting on her case. I have always liked their relationship and how supportive Sonny is of her as Ari's mother. He really does care for Gabi and he's always loved Ari like she's his own. Sonny is honestly her most stable, consistent parent. He's been there during some really tough times in her life. He's dealt with taking care of her when Will was presumed dead and had them memory loss. He's taken care of her during Gabi's prison stints. I don't blame him for being furious with Gabi, especially since now it looks both of Ari's biological parents are going to prison. 


    He brought up some good points when he asked Gabi if she really cared or thought about Ari. Unfortunately a lot of times when she's scheming she's not really thinking of her. She wasn't thinking of her when she had hatched this plan to threaten, torture and ultimately try to kill Julie. Or when she used Ari as an excuse so she could sleep with Stefan and to hurt his relationship with Chloe who was grieving Holly at that time.


    Granted Gabi has been dealt some rough blows, but she does bring a lot of bad stuff on herself and keeps flirting with prison time and getting prison stints. Sonny was right for calling her out on her behavior. And even though he's upset with her right now, he will still comfort and try and look out for her and her role as Ari's mother. No matter what happens regarding her potentially going to jail. 

  11. It will be interesting to see how those end up playing out when Maggie confesses the truth to Sonny. He is pretty (and rightfully so) angry. And I think that Suzanne Rogers does good work when Maggie is shown struggling with her alcoholism.


    Also, I am continuing to like the current hairstyles on Sonny and Will. The shorter, neater, cleaner looking hair cuts is a nice look for the both of them.

  12. I think that the past few days at the Gala celebrating Victor's anniversary have been good. I enjoyed today's show overall, except for Amanda and Billy.


    I liked the opening scenes and how everyone found out that Victoria was stabbed. It was nice seeing Paul/Christine again and seeing Paul spring into action to help comfort Victoria and try and figure out what was going on. It was also nice seeing Nate and Amanda come to the rescue and help save her.  Hunter King did a nice job showing Summer's horrified reaction to Victoria being stabbed. The scenes of the Newmans being united as a family at the hospital were good, even Adam was welcomed there. And Sharon scenes with Noah/Faith were also enjoyable. 


    Worst part of the show as Amanda and Billy. Together and individually. This story for them is not working. Their angst especially Billy's angst feels like fluff and he's doing stuff that doesn't make sense. Him wanting to abandon his life with Victoria all of a sudden so he can hang around Amanda, who he doesn't have chemistry with, does not make sense. And they really do not have any chemistry. IMO, they have less chemistry than Kyle and Lola or Nick/Chelsea. (And I can't stand K o l a, lol). He's basically has hijacked her story line and it's not any good. It's a shame that she's not allowed to spend more time with Nate a man she actually has good chemistry with. Nate going up against Ripley would be more interesting than this story with Billy. 


    Amanda being upset today, didn't do anything for me either. Her angst over Victoria being stabbed because she was mistaken for Amanda, (who wasn't even invited to the gala) felt hollow. It felt like much ado about nothing, which is what this story is for the most part. A bright spot is that I am actually enjoying the Newmans in this story, but Amanda/Billy continue not to work. And Billy looks bad going to Amanda's hotel room, instead of going home and being with his kids. Their mother's life is hanging in the balance and he's decided to spend the night with Amanda, which is dangerous, considering how jealous Ripley is of their relationship. Billy could be inviting more danger, is Ripley finds out if he's with Amanda again.  Amanda and Billy need to be cautious and keep their distance until Ripley is caught. 

  13. 8 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    How long has Ripley been on the scene? It sounds as if he was specifically brought on the show to be a criminal, then leave.  It would've been more believable had he stabbed someone who looks remotely like Hilary/Amanda, even Lily perhaps because Victoria ain't it.   I hope the scene looks better than it reads because on paper, it sounds ridiculously clumsy.


    He's been on the show about two week now. At the gala they have Victoria/Amanda dressed alike in a white dress and even their hair styled similary. People had remarked how it seemed like they had darken AH's/Victoria's hair for these scenes. It looks Ripley is supposed to mistake her for Amanda because of how they are dressed and it ends up being dark when he stabs her. 


    Here are some screen shots from these scenes, including pictures of Amanda/Victoria dressed/styled similarly. 








    And it supposed to be what Ripley sees when he does the stabbing. It's looks like he couldn't really tell it wasn't Amanda:



  14. Here are some spoilers from tomorrow's episode from a recap from soaps. com. It sounds like quite a bit happens:


    Noah will tell Kyle and Summer that he wants them to be happy. Sharon will tell NIkki that she has breast cancer and will ask Nikki to look after her family. Nikki will tell her about Casey having Cancer and tells Sharon that she belives she can beat the disease. Abby will find out that Chance saved Adam's life and that man involved in that has "disappeared". Phyllis and Nick will kiss after she talks with him about his relationship with his father. Nick will feel like she gets him and sees into his soul.


    Someone will end up watching Amanda after she decides to go to the Gala, Billy will also go there. Adam will propose to Chelsea and she will say yes. Billy will end up being drunk at the gala and Amanda will try and convince him to leave. Ripley will be watching them and will be upset when Amanda takes Billy's face into her hands to calm him. Ripley will turn his back and Amanda will leave and be replaced by Victoria who is also wearing a white dress like her. Ripley will end up stabbing Victoria in the side and she will fall bleeding into Billy's arms. 

  15. I saw Tuesday's episode. I'm glad they did something for Bill Hayes's 50th anniversary. I am very glad he's still around doing well. But I don't know why they decided to kill off Bill Horton all off a sudden and tie that into the anniversary episode. Maybe that was done to mainly usher JJ off of the canvas (yesterday was his/Casey Moss's last date). Maybe JJ will decide to stay in Africa and end up doing some work to honor his grandfather there. I did like seeing Jack/Jennifer and their children together, all united. It's nice to see Jack/Jen as one of the veteran couples on the show. They are a nice presence on the show right now and I want them to be a stable presence. 


    The wedding stuff continued to be fine. I enjoyed seeing Val again. Her/Vanessa Williams looks good as usual. I  wish she would have gotten to have more input on things in the wedding. She was mostly quiet during the wedding, though this is the second time in like a year her son has been hurt/had a wedding of his interrupted in a dramatic way. I would have liked to see/hear more of her take on things. 

  16. I just watched yesterday's show and I enjoyed it. Though I lol'ed at some of the stuff/reaction from the wedding and some of the way the truth was coming out at it.


    I also thought that Evan/Sonny/Will all looked good on yesterday's show. Will/CM does look better with shorter hair and I like Sonny/Freddie with at least some lighter scruff. I liked the way Sonny's hair is styled right now too.  And Evan is handsome/very sexy. I actually liked quite of bit of their scenes yesterday.


    Now I need to catch up on today's show.

  17. I'm sorry to hear this news. I enjoyed her as Willona. And I am glad she got to do some work on various shows after "Good Times." And also got to enjoy the version that Jimmy Kimmel did not that long ago. She was around and seemed happy to witness that. She was a lovely lady and may she rest in peace.


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