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Posts posted by xtr

  1. I am looking forward to this show too. I am liking what I have seen so far of Cookie and Jamal's interaction. I look forward to watching him and Cookie interact and watching her interactions with all her boys and Lucious.. I Think that's going to be good stuff. and I think that the rest of the family will have some interesting layers as well. I think that at least most of them might have at least something worth rooting for, (even if they have some negative qualities as well).

    I hope this does well. I think there is a good chance it will. It's in a competitive spot, but maybe the lead in from American Idol will help. Maybe the musical element of the show will really help it, I'm looking forward to the music and also the fashion that will be featured on this show.

  2. ^ Yep. I thank God that I'm not at a particularly vulnerable (Poor, old, unemployed, disabled) point of my life right now because it seems to be an every person for themselves mentality. I'm optimistic enough to think this won't last, but it really sucks for now.

    What upsets me more than anything is that thanks to the fear and general stupidity of the public, corrupt, destructive, dangerous governors got a free pass to unleash even more hell on their states. I'd expected Rick Scott, and Brownback didn't surprise me either, but Maine voters reelecting that moron LePage? Why? Because he jumped up and down about ebola?

    These states are going to burn, and those who suffer the most will be those who didn't even vote for these lunatics.

    Beyond devastated that my favorite Senator...Kay Hagan loss to that jerk in NC.

    I'm from NC, did my early voting Saturday, and I am very disappointed that Kay Hagan lost to Thom Tillis. I had figured it would end up being close ,but had hoped that she would pull out the win. Now that she has lost I am very concerned and worried about the future of NC. This state is already struggling a lot financially, and has issues in many areas, I think that the election of Thom Tillis to the Senate could make things far worse for the state. There are many important things and areas, that he has cut funding in (like education, including passing policies that have hurt teachers and college students) Plus he's made pretty harsh comments/has harsh views against the poor, and more vulnerable groups of people.

    There is a very long list of important issues he's pushed for policies against, that have had big impact on the people of NC. I think that him being elected to the Senate could end up being pretty detrimental for the state of NC. I know that a lot of people are angry at the Democrats and the leadership of this country and wanted a change, but I wonder how many of them really have thought things through before they cast their vote. It definitely feels like some people just went on a knee jerk reaction. I feel like states like NC, who are already bad off in several ways, are going to suffer even more now, especially economically. I think that some people haven't thought about how bad things could end up getting in at least some of these states, like NC.

  3. I like this show and I either like or don't mind most of the family members. The ones I really don't care for are Rob and Kylie. IMO, Rob and Kylie are both spoiled and I don't like the way that Rob acts a lot of the time. He doesn't seem very motivated to do anything for himself. I don't like the way he verbally attacks people (like Scott) when they achieve any sort of success. He likes to hit below the belt when he verbally insults people.

    At times, I haven't cared much for Kris or Kourtney and I'm kind of indifferent to Lamar, but other than that I like/don't mind most of the family. Including Kim, (who I like), Khloe, Kendall, Bruce, and Scott. I really enjoy Mason, he seems like a great kid.

    I think that a lot of times Kim is self-absorbed but I still like her and I think that she cares about her family.

  4. Didn't they say this man had called the police about 40 times in recent months?

    I heard he had called the police several times on people (mostly black men) in recent months. I heard one report on the news that he called the police on a black seven year old boy, because the seven year old looked suspicious. rolleyes.gif This man needs to be arrested. I agree with Eric83 that not all black youth wear sagging pants, and I don't think there's anything wrong with hoodies. Plus I heard it was raining that night, and if so, it makes even more sense that Trayvon was wearing a hoodie.

    I am glad that this case is getting national attention, this type of stuff has got to stop. I actually think that one of the reasons why it is getting so much attention is because Trayvon doesn't look like a "thug" or "criminal" or any or other bad stereotype that some people like to put black people into. He looks like an innocent looking baby faced teenager and that resonates with a lot of people including people that aren't black. His parents seem like decent people too. This doesn't seem like a child that was a bad person or came from a rough background.

    He looks like he could be a lot of people's child,brother, nephew, cousin, child's best friend etc. It even reminds a lot of non black people of their own kids. Kids who like things like Skittles and Ice-T. I've seen multiple white people say he reminds them of their own children. It's not just black people that feel that way about him.

    I think that this is one of the biggest reasons why this case is getting so much attention. You can't go around killing teens for being black (and/or even if you take race out of it), for being teens. And because you think someone looks suspicious. Lots of teens (and adults) wear hoodies not just black ones.

    I don't think that Geraldo should have said what he said. He should have known he would go under fire for that. Newt just needs to hush, trying to create a problem with Obama's comments about Trayvon where there isn't one. Also I actually think that if President Obama had a son he might would have looked like Trayvon. IMO, Trayvon's skin tone does kind of look like Michelle's and Sasha's and his ears are similar to the presidents. And the structure of his cheeks kind of resembles some of the first family members. With the side by side pictures of the two, yes I actually could see Obama having a son that looks like that. But nonetheless Newt's comments about Obama's were ridiculous and unneccessary.

    I don't know what will end up happening to George Zimmerman, but I think he will end up paying for this somehow. Even if he doesn't end up getting convicted. At least this case shines light on big problems that needs to be dealt with like the profiling/stereotyping of certain racial groups in this country.)

  5. Did anyone else watch Dr. Drew tonight? He had on Whitney's ex sister in law (Bobby's sister) and some of her and Bobby's nephews. The former sister-in-law stated that she thought Ray J supplied Whitney with drugs and that Whitney told her that Ray J wasn't really anything to her. She said that Whitney said they weren't romantically involved.

    The sister-in-law and nephews also said that they suspected foul play and that the people around Bobby Kristina, had her phone number changed and they couldn't really contact her like they wanted. The sister-in-law also said that when she first heard that Whitney had died, she automatically thought it was because of cocaine. And even said something to the effect of someone gave Whitney a "bad bag". The sister-in-law also said that Whitney never liked to use public tubs because she thought they were dirty and how her and the sister-in-law used to joke about that. She said she thought it was strange how Whitney was found in the tub.

    I think that someone probably did get rid of the cocaine in the room, before the cops got there.

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