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Posts posted by xtr

  1. 5 minutes ago, janea4old said:

    I wasn't eligible for a first dose in my state until late April. And by then it was hard to get an appointment. I got my first dose in May and second in June.

    Many countries don't have any doses available.

    That's understandable. I wasn't aiming that other countries, particularly those who don't have the supply/access right now. I'm aiming that at people in the US, many of whom have had access to these vaccines that straight up won't take them. I know a lot of people like this and there is too many people like that in the US. IMO, that's unacceptable.

  2. 4 hours ago, Faulkner said:



    4 hours ago, Faulkner said:


    I wonder if those numbers are largely like this because there are a lot of unvaccinated children in the state. That might be a big reason why those numbers are the way they are. 

    If anyone is still unable to get the vaccine for a legitimate reason (like someone that might be homebound for some reason. Or homeless people. Or some other exception), I definitely hope people can get it to them. Or get them to it. And I will be glad when children under 12 are able to get it.


    That being said, I still believe that the majority of people who are choose to be unvaccinated (exceptions being kids/immunocompromised people) have had adequate access to knowledge and the vaccine. This vaccine has been around going on six months now, (maybe longer than that). I had access to it through my job going back to late January, when I took my first shot. That's going on six months. And I have co-workers who were provided with the same access who straight up refused to take the vaccine.  And they are some of the ones right now running around without masks on. Granted not everyone was able to get it as early as I did. But a lot of people have had enough time, it's been widely available for a few months now for a lot people. It's unacceptable that more than 50% of this country is still unvaccinated (even when you factor in those who can't get it right now)., with the access a lot of people have had. Countries like Cuba would love to have our supply of vaccines. 


     A lot of people refuse to take it including people who have had loved ones in the hospital. I know people who have had parents and grandparents in the hospital with severe cases of Covid, who still refuse to take this vaccine. They say they aren't going to take it or are in the "wait and see" category. You can't do anything with that. Unless you mandate it.

  3. 3 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    This definitely paints the frustration picture that a lot of healthcare workers have to deal with due to unvaccinated people coming down with COVID. I can definitely understand their frustration towards those people who are setting their communities back and overworking them. 

    Also, I am seeing more stories of people who didn't get the vaccine/waited too long to get it getting serious cases/dying of COVID. Today I saw a story of a 13 year old girl from Arkansas who is now on a ventilator because her mother refused to get the vaccine and didn't let the girl get it either.

    13-Year-Old Arkansas Girl on Ventilator Fights for Her Life After Getting Covid (msn.com)

    The mother now is regretful and is urging people to get the shots. I also just read a story from a woman who now has to care for her sister's four children, because her sister died very recently of COVID. Her sister decided to  "wait and see" and ended up going in for breathing problems one day and died the next due to COVID. This lady is now also warning people about being unvaccinated. 

    There will continue to be more stories like this as long as people choose not to be vaccinated.  And it's really unfortunate and largely preventable. I know people who refuse to get vaccinated even though they've had relatives with severe cases of Covid, who had to stay in the hospital. It's a shame. 

  4. I'm loving Spencer and Trina. 🙂 Their interactions are very romantic and have very good chemistry. I really liked them up in the tree together.


    <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Trina is now up in the tree too. Trina and Spencer, sittin’ in a tree….🎶🎵 😘. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/GH?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#GH</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/sprina?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#sprina</a> <a href="https://t.co/yvWCeJcBZo">pic.twitter.com/yvWCeJcBZo</a></p>&mdash; Sharpwin has set sail ❤️🔥 (@ritziroo) <a href="https://twitter.com/ritziroo/status/1415011130498600963?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 13, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

    I am interested in seeing what happens when the truth about the stalker comes out. The walls are starting to close in on him a little with Laura, the cops discovering his shoe prints at the gallery. I'm looking forward to seeing how that all shakes out.

    I also feel sorry for Maxie. I do wish the show would stop keeping her children from her for various reasons.

    And I liked the Britt/Leisl scenes from yesterday. That was a nice mother/daughter moment for them.



  5. 16 minutes ago, Faulkner said:


    I'm going to miss Michael. He is my favorite of the young adult Kyle's. I wonder if they will have him go find Summer and reunite with her offscreen. I also wonder if they will end up recasting this character.

  6. 48 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    Still getting caught up.

    Loved seeing Ashley and Traci. I’m always a big fan of the Abbott’s at full force, prefer them to the Newman’s any day of the week despite my love of Nikki.

    Imani figuring out the quadrangle with Nate, Amanda, Devon, and Elena was funny as were the awkward stares. Also love seeing the jealousy of Imani by Elena. We actually have a pretty viable black cast right now.

    So I’m assuming Stitch was brought back to be a psycho and kidnapped Mariah…yawn.

    I really don’t get Jack and Sally. They play it like she’s not interested in his money and she’s only a bad girl when it comes to Summer. I’d rather her actually be a gold digger.

    Tara continues to be played by the actress with ZERO energy.

    I've been really enjoying Imani and her interactions with people especially Nate. I think that her and Nate have good chemistry and that she would treat him well. I look forward to watching them interact/flirt more and I would like to see them given a chance as a couple. Elena doesn't really appreciate Nate as well as she should and has been flaky towards him. Imani definitely wants him. I also thought that everyone at the party at Devon's looked really nice. I saw one soap site on Twitter, give the ladies from that party the best dressed award of the week. I agree. And I think that part of the cast especially, Imani, Amanda and also Naya dress really well. 


    15 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    Yea I would say we are pretty fucked. When the end of October gets here we are going to see a lot more cases if we don't wear masks and get more of the population vaccinated.

    I keep hearing people talking about the virus being over and employees recalled to work. Its like these companies are in some strange denial


    I lay this largely at the feet of those who continue to choose to be unvaccinated, but can/should get it. They are endangering everyone, including those of us who are vaccinated. I think it's unacceptable the large amount of people we have there who still refuse to be vaccinated. We could have gotten this under control a lot more if more of them would just get vaccinated. They are a main reason why we continue to have all of these variants. They need to wisen up before their choices cause more damage.

    Also, I continue to see that the majority of people that are currently in hospitals/dying from COVID right now are unvaccinated. There have been at least a few people that are vaccinated that have been in the hospital but it's overwhelmingly unvaccinated people in there. I read a few days back that 100% of people who died in Maryland of COVID recently were unvaccinated. 

    I am concerned on what will happen in the Fall. Not too many people at my workplace are wearing masks. Neither are the vast majority of military personnel we deal with on a daily basis. It's no longer mandated that they do so. Pretty much everyone did it for like a year (I work for the federal government and they really enforced mask wearing), but now they have eased up on that. Most of us that are wearing masks at work (like myself) are vaccinated. Whereas a lot of the people who refused to take the vaccine are not wearing masks. I wonder how things will shake out. I will continue to try my best to be careful.

    6 hours ago, victoria foxton said:



    This is unfortunate, and people need to make the right choices when it comes to protecting their health and the health of others. I saw another story the other day about a couple who were dragging their feet on getting the vaccine and they both ended up in the hospital with Covid. The husband said he was angry about that, though they had the option to get the vaccine.


  8. 8 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    My question about taking a hour-long soap down to a half-hour soap, given that scaling down doesn’t always give you as much bang for your buck: is it that much more cost-effective to do it, considering that the networks would, in addition, have to develop new programming that would need to get picked up by local affiliates to fill in the gaps (which has its own set of unique upfront costs including marketing)? That is, if they don’t want to give back time to the affiliates. How much would it affect ad sales? 

    Just curious… @Errol?

    Those are good questions Faulkner.

    I am one that likes soaps being an hour long and would prefer they stay that way.. (Though half hour soaps are better than no soaps at all). I particularly like the longer soaps, for when there are big casts and lots of storylines going on. I like to see more of the characters/storylines in each episodes. I feel this way about primetime dramas, and most of them are usually an hour as well. 

    Regarding half hour shows, back in the day Y&R did a good job with the half hour episodes. Their shows were nice and meaty, like that episode someone posted in the classic Y&R thread that showed the Brooks sister and their father coming together at the hospital for their mother. That was a very well done, filling 30 minutes. B&B on the other hand handles their half hour shows very poorly. They focus on the same few people over and over again, and the show feels like empty calories.

  9. 4 hours ago, KMan101 said:


    Yeah, I hate to agree but I'm not getting my hopes up with Spencer and Trina.


    We can't have nice things on our US soaps lol.


    Dev should have been in love with Cameron. It felt like that was the direction they wanted to go in. Ashton should have been Spencer. Dev was becoming a schemer but I assume they just figured Spencer would make more sense in that role and I'd have to agree. Why some new kid when it should be Spencer? I do think the teens need to expand though. It's always just the three/sometimes four of them. Don't they have other friends? lol


    I liked the Judge Carson story point. It seems more like a 'get out of jail free card' but at the same time, any attention brought to injustice faced EVERY DAY is needed. I appreciate they went there. Could it be or have been more? Sure, but it's a start.


    Joe Novak? LMAO


    I see bits of nuSpencer that remind me of oldSpencer. But the schtick wouldn't work. I do think some of the tendencies he had as a kid could be highlighted. It's still early.



    I see some ways in him that remind me of the old Spencer as well, but a more adult version of him. He still appreciates/understands the finer things in life, and is still pretty sharp. I liked the way he approached Trina at her party. I like how he strolled up to her with his well fitted clothes and tucked in shirt, looking tall and handsome. He wasn't going to approach her, formally meet her looking super casual lol. I also think he will end up showing a snarkier side when he starts to interact more with Cam. I remember the way he used to get into it with Cam, when they were little and I could see that happening again now that they are older. Especially if Cam doesn't end up approving of his relationship with Trina. Which I think will end up happening, at least after the truth about Spencer comes out. 

    This version of Spencer also reminds me of Nikolas. Especially with the way he carries himself. He definitely is a Cassadine and I'm looking forward to watching more and him and him with Trina.

    Also, did anyone enjoy those scenes with Cam apologizing to Jake the other day?

    I actually thought those scenes were heartwarming and sad. Both boys being upset about their messed up father/father figures situation. Liz and Maxie have the worst luck when it comes to keeping father/father figures around for their children. It's pitiful. Cam/Jake/Aiden have to deal with their father/father figures either being deceased (Zander/Franco), living a dangerous lifestyle and focusing on other people's families (Jason) or not being on canvas, really being around for them. (Lucky). 

    It's really unfortunate. Maxie is just as bad off if not worse, because every time you turn around she is having one of her kids kept from her for one reason or another. At least Liz has all of her kids with her. And Maxie's luck with men is really bad as well. They killed off multiple love interests for her including Nathan who IMO was good for her/to her. 

    It's really rough the way they do these two women when it comes to stuff that happens with the men in their lives and how that impacts their children. 


    5 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    Spencer and Trina are money in the bank. Wild chemistry. Hope they capitalize on it.


    5 hours ago, John said:

    Agreed. They found their new teen romance

    Count me in as another person who is really digging them together and their potential as a couple. They are cute together and have really nice chemistry. I am enjoying their scenes together, like the one from today's show.


  11. I enjoyed today's episode, especially the water birth scenes. I thought they were very romantic and intimate. A much better experience for Steffy than what she had with Liam, who dumped her crying while she was heavily pregnant with Kelly. The circumstances surrounding that pregnancy were pretty rough for her, and I liked that this was a much happier one for her. Finn is very loving towards and while we don't know all about his background yet, I think he's a much better man than Liam. For Steffy and in general. 

  12. May Stuart Rest in peace. He was a talented actor and Alan was an interesting character. He definitely shouldn't have been killed off the show. 


    Also, I loved him as Prince Charming in the 60's version of Cinderella that also featured Lesley Ann Warren. Of all of the tv/movie versions of Cinderella, that I've ever seen that is my favorite.

  13. I wonder if they they might be doing this, because maybe they are having a hard time recasting/deciding what to do about Chance. I did hear rumors that might be the case. I think that Stitch was probably Abby's best pairing. Definitely one of her better ones. Maybe they will try and rekindle things with them. 

  14. 11 minutes ago, Taoboi said:

    Yes, it's Imani, Hilary/Amanda's sister. They gave her a brief, but intriguing intro last year when Amanda went looking for her family. The actress has great chemistry with MM and I really wanted to see more of her since the writing was setting up that Imani was a force to be reckoned with as they laid groundwork for what seems to be going on with Amanda right now. I'm pretty behind. :( But I was hoping she would show up again and thankfully someone mentioned that she would be back. XTR just posted some more pictures of her above. But they really do look like sisters. And I loved she was slllllowly introduced.


    ETA: @xtr thank you for those pictures. She really has such presence in those pictures, too. I love it.


    I agree that she really does have a great presence in those photos Taoboi. I hope she stays around. I also hope you get a chance to catch up or at least get the opportunity to see all of her/Amanda's family scenes. 🙂 I hope that people are still posting episodes online. In the past Canadian fans have done that. They also post scenes on Twitter too. 

  15. I enjoyed seeing Imani and Nate meet today during their brief interaction. I saw chemistry there and I do think that they would make a gorgeous couple. I could see them fitting together better than him and Elena. Elena hasn't treated him that well IMO. Imani is so pretty, I love the way they style her. I know some of us have mentioned how poorly some of the women on B&B are dressed especially Zoe. They could take a page from Y&R and how they style Imani. That picture of her posted by Taboi in this thread was really nice and I love these other looks from her as well:











    Very pretty lady and she's interesting. I think that the show did a good job of casting her as Amanda/Hilary's sister. I am interested in seeing more of her, and Amanda's family. 

  16. Regarding Lily and Moses here is another picture from people magazine of them with Devon:





    This is a nice picture of all of Neil's children together. I am looking forward to seeing Lily interact with Moses. I could see her being protective of him and them being close. I am really enjoying Moses. He is a sweet kid. 

  17. I agree victoria foxton (for some reason I am unable to quote  your post) that both girls are interesting and have layers to them. I think that Jeanette in particular is very interesting and I am really enjoying the young actress's portrayal of her. I also wonder what role Jeanette plays into things. I don't think she orchestrated Kate's disappearance. I do wonder if maybe she noticed that Kate was getting closer to Martin the principal and maybe didn't reveal that information to other people including the police. I think that Kate/Martin ended up developing some type of relationship. I wonder if it started out as a friendship and he became obsessed with her wanting, more and held her captive after she rejected him.


    I do think they had some sort of bond that went south. Maybe Jeanette saw them spending time together a few times, but never told anyone about that after Kate disappeared. I also think that Jeanette enjoyed getting with Kate's boyfriend, bonding with her friends, and didn't like those relationships being threatened after Kate reappeared. I think that reasons like these may be why she's coming off as suspicious. I also wonder why she took up with Kate's friends and why she abandoned her old friends. Kate's friends seemed a bit snobby (though Kate is nice), so I wonder what led to Jeanette befriending them and vice versa. And especially turning her back on her old friends, who really cared about her, especially Vincent. 


    As far as Kate goes, I think she may not completely be telling the truth about when she possibly saw Jeanette and/or her relationship with Martin. I think she did end up having some sort of relationship with Martin, but maybe is ashamed to say that (even if it was only friendship on her end), due to him abducting, torturing her. I also wonder what the story is behind her finding Jeanette's bracelet. I think she may have found that bracelet after she was rescued but might be telling people a lie about when she found it. 

  18. I decided to put this over here, because I think it's on Hulu too. But I watched the first two episodes this morning. I think this is a pretty good show and I wanted to create a discussion thread for anyone else that is watching it/will watch it.




    Here is a link to watch the first two episodes free if you'd like. Feel free after watching it to discuss you thoughts and speculations here about the mystery on this show:





    Here are some of my thoughts/some discussion regarding the first two episodes.


    I like that that this show is set during a certain era/decades I have enjoyed shows like that in the past especially Fox's Reunion. Reunion was set over the course of like 20 years from like 1986-2005. It was a good show that showcased how the lives and stories developed for the cast of characters that started out as teens, but it was cancelled after one season. I like how Cruel Summer is set over the course of three summers in the 90's (93-95) and how two different teens lives are turned upside down when one is abducted, remerges and accuses the other teen of not helping her.


    I think that the two teen female leads are doing a good job so far of portraying their characters. Especially the young actress Chiara Aurelia that plays Jeanette. I think she does a good job of making Jeanette sympathetic, and multidimensional as she goes through three very different changes as a person over the course of the three summers. I initially thought I wouldn't be that sympathetic to Jeanette and that maybe she is guilty of what the other young lady Kate accuses her of. But after watching the show I can definitely see her side of things and wonder if Kate is bending the truth about some things.


    I also like Olivia Holt as Kate, the pretty popular teen that was abducted. I think that she is doing a nice job as well in her role and I like that Kate isn't a stereotypical mean girl. She is genuinely likeable and friendly and I believe that under other circumstances her and Jeanette could have been friends. The show jumps between the three years but I like how they do it and don't find it jarring. Plus the different moods/different stylings of the girls help people determine what year it is relatively quickly. I also like the nostalgia of how things were in the 90's especially since I grew up during that decade. 


    I do have questions right off the bat like what happened to Jeanette's mom and if Kate had some sort of friendship with her abductor before she was abducted. I don't think it's as cut and dry as he just abducted her. I think she may have been building a friendship with him and he became/grew more obsessed with her.  I have some other questions as well like where did Jeanette's mom go? She's not there in summer 95, but her dad has a new lady, played by Brooklyn Sudano. I am interested in seeing where this show goes and how some of the questions end up being answered.

  19. 13 minutes ago, Toups said:

    Please be guilty.....or else America will burn down tonight. 😬


    I'm telling you. He needs to be convicted even if it's on one of the lesser charges. Though I definitely hopes he gets the maximum punishment. 


    If not, yikes. It will be worse than it was the first time around after people saw him kill George. Businesses will burn, people will probably get hurt, maybe even die. We don't need that, Derek Chauvin needs to go to prison.

  20. 15 minutes ago, Darn said:

    Is it still Walnut Grove?


    It's still Walnut Grove. Moses had mentioned he will be attending there. I wonder if they will start adding more kids to the teen set. I am really enjoying Moses and his interactions with Devon, Nate, and Faith. Also, with Amanda too. I would like to see him in scenes with Lily, though I'm not sure when that will happen. She is supposed to interact with Devon next week so maybe she will see Moses then. 

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