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Posts posted by xtr

  1. It looks like we posted around the same time, lol. I wonder which actor he will end up playing. I wonder if he will be a character we already have heard of or a brand new character. I also wonder what storyline he will be apart of. September is right around the corner. I wonder if he could be tied into Drew coming back or something else. 

  2. I liked seeing Laura/Spencer interact today. She did seem worried about him with the way that he was talking about Ava and also his anger at Ryan. I liked that she was trying to be a bit of a mediator for Cam/Spencer like she did when they were little. And her getting on Spencer for the way he was treating Cam for working his way through college. Cam also had a good line about Spencer finally growing. It makes more sense for them to spar than it does Spencer/Joss. Though, maybe after Laura's conversation with Spencer he might start to take it easier on Cam. It also seemed like the show may have been hinting that Spencer might have some sort of connection/involvement with Ryan.

    Also, I thought that Portia/Trina's conversation was interesting. Trina is pretty upset about the affair, even after their discussion today. It might take her at least a few days to cool down some. Curtis didn't really appear mad at Aunt Stella. (I guess one reason is because he knows how she is, lol). He was more concerned for Portia/Trina. Speaking of Stella, I wonder what will happen now that she's passed out. Curtis did warn her that she needed to take care of herself. But she's spending more time meddling than anything.

    And I wonder what Chase's plans are for Michael/Willow. Especially since Austin is encouraging him to stay around at the Q mansion and deal with him. I would have liked to see him bond more with Brook Lynn today, but that didn't happen. 

  3. 23 minutes ago, AlexElizabeth said:

    The thought did occur to me that they might have Joss being so interested in Trina/Spencer simply because she doesn't have anything else to do. She and Cameron have no story together. They're a couple now and that's that, but neither of them have a storyline. I genuinely don't know what else those two could have talked about today besides Spencer/Trina. So now Joss just gets to be all up in Trina and Spencer's business because they do have stories, lol. 

    Cam/Joss really don't have to anything to do, lol. I think it would have made more sense if Cam was the one that was clashing more with Spencer and Joss was more friendly towards him. And then when the truth came out, regarding him being the stalker, they could both think that Trina was too good for him, and be leary of her being with him. Joss constantly clashing with him is a bit much. Especially given that him and her were friendly as children. 

    22 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    Yeah, Joss’s stance toward Spencer feels a bit too much like disdain as a cover for a crush/attraction. And I’m hard-pressed to think of a promising pairing this show hasn’t sabotaged beyond repair in recent memory IMO (not into Ava/Nik personally). I just want a few good months before they become toxic.

    That's what some people think. She has been given him some looks, lol. Sometimes it comes across like she doesn't really want Trina to have what she has or better. I caught that I don't care if you want to be with nobody line she told Trina at the pool. (After Trina asked her if she was trying to warn her away from Spencer). Come on, lol. She's had three boys already including two that Trina liked. Trina deserves a chance with Spencer, without Joss possibly being interested in him as well.  Trina/Spencer are the best combination of the teen group, IMO.

    They are capable of helping carry stories without Joss being a romantic obstacle. Though, maybe Joss not liking him is mainly a preview of the people that will be against them as a couple, once the truth comes out about his stalking. And not because she's interested in him romantically. 

  4. 2 hours ago, AlexElizabeth said:

    Hey GH,



    If you had told me two months ago that my favorite part of the show would be a potential teen pairing involving a kid who's never acted, I would've thought you were crazy. Spencer and Trina are just lovely 🥰 One second he's being a dick to Cameron, the next second Trina shows up and he's the biggest softy ever and is even giving her good advice. 🥰 They're so cute and they have good chemistry. I need moooooreeee.

    I hope that we never, ever have to sit through a Joss/Spencer pairing. She is so boring and has chemistry with no one. The boys always like her - Oscar, Dev, and now Cam. And now Joss is already fixated on Spencer/Trina. Please just let Spencer be into Trina and not go panting over Joss like every other teenage boy. Boring!


    14 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    I know they need obstacles and drama, but I swear if they eff up Sprina with some Joss bullsh!t… There’s more than enough potential hurdles to keep their pairing interesting. He’s a freakin’ Cassadine and a little bit unhinged.

    Joss does seem too interested in not wanting them to get together. Sprina has enough potential for storylines on their own, without even doing a triangle or romantic quad with Joss. They have him being the stalker and that coming out. And possibly another stalker being out there and maybe trying to endanger the Cassadines/other people. They have Trina dealing with learning of her mother's affair and I could see them doing a paternity storyline with Curtis/Portia/Taggert. That is enough to keep them going for a while without involving Joss romantically for the time being.

    I do like how much Spencer/Trina seem into each other. Granted I do think Spencer is a little flirty with Joss and I do see some chemistry there, but I think that him and Trina have better chemistry and would make the better couple. I don't want them going there with Joss. Especially since she's already had three boys into her, including Cam who liked Trina and vice versa. Maybe the show is having Joss being strongly against Sprina, because they need something for her to do. Since her and Cam are falling a bit flat IMO. (I do think they have chemistry but they are a bit flat. I think the show waiting so long to put them together has contributed to that.)

    They might end up having a Sprina vs the world type of storyline once the truth comes out about him stalking Ava. They could have her be mad at him at first, but come around and understand more of his point of view. And they'll end up together with people thinking she's too good for him. That might be where Joss being against him/them will come even more into play.

    I do think given their history it would have made more sense for Joss to be friendly or at worst neutral on Spencer until the truth was revealed about his stalking. But they are having her clash with him and constantly bad mouth him and I wonder where they are going with that. It would have made more sense if Cam was the one clashing with him given their rivalry when they were younger. Plus Cam had feelings for Trina. But they have Cam acting like he doesn't really care at all what Spencer/Trina do and almost like he doesn't even really remember his feelings for her. 

  5. 9 hours ago, KMan101 said:


    They really are! Love them both.



    I agree, I continue to enjoy both pairs. The Sprina's scenes were good today. They have such good chemistry. I like that Spencer shows his softer side with Trina. I'm looking forward to watching them interact more and grow closer.  The actors also seem like they enjoy working together and seem optimistic about the pairing. 

    They sparkle and look good together. I am looking forward to seeing more of them. 

    Also, I enjoyed today's show overall. In addition to the Sprina scenes, I also thought that the Portia/Aunt Stella scenes were interesting. Aunt Stella really is that one relative that likes to be in everyone's business, lol. She loves inserting herself and confronting people about stuff.

    And I have sympathy for Chase. He doesn't deserve what Michael/Willow are doing to him. At least now he has a clue that they are cheating. He actually didn't seem as upset about it as he could have been. I wonder how he will proceed going forward, after what he discovered today. I hope he does get to interact more with Brook Lynn and she can help him get over Willow.

    I thought that the Jordan/Curtis scenes were also interesting. She did really put herself out there letting him know that she wanted to fight for her marriage. But he wasn't having it. I wonder who Jordan may end up being paired with next since it seems that Curtis really wants to be with Portia. 

    And I wonder if Phyllis has family in PC. She mentioned being a bit estranged from them. I wonder if she will pop up in PC and interact with family members at some point. Especially if they write Lenny off, which I think they may do. (Though, I want him to stick around.)


  6. I was glad to see Ted King today appear as Finn's dad. Interesting that Finn says he's adopted. I wonder what the real story behind his birth parents are. We actually heard his father thinking today and he was asking himself "Why tell them?" after Finn told Steffy he was adopted. I wonder if Finn's dad really his birth dad, but the situation surrounding is birth is really messy and he is witholding the truth from Finn for some reason. He does look like he could be Finn's bio dad. Someone posted this pic of them on Twitter side by side, they look alike IMO.


    I hope Ted King gets to stick around. I enjoy him as an actor and he recently talked about how he's happy to be on B&B and wanted to still be on soaps acting. He deserves to stick around and have a good story. Though, you can never really trust this show.

    Also, on today's show Quinn mentioned that she couldn't give Carter children, when she was talking about them possibly being together. Carter said what he wanted was her. I wonder if she might end up with a surprise pregnancy with Carter's baby. I also think it's odd that he's Eric's attorney and how Eric, Ridge, and Brooke don't see a problem with that. Or wonder if he still might want to be with Quinn, especially when he was getting a text from her at Forrester and seemed distracted. They are way more mad at Quinn than they are Carter, and it's like they (especially Brooke) think that Quinn drove Carter into temptation. Though, it really was mutual between them. 

  7. 47 minutes ago, AlexElizabeth said:

    I love how the teens basically live at the pool now. Someone (*cough* Frank) is really obsessed with getting Spencer shirtless. It's like a daily thing now. Ava looked fabulous again. Spencer and Trina are so cute! I was glad that Ava was finally like, "Uh, how do y'all know each other?" I wish they had more alone time before Joss and Cam interrupted their scenes. Spencer is going to throw the biggest rager ever. Yeah, I'm sure. It's going to be him, Cam, Joss, and Trina. They're going to sit around talking about who their parents are dating. Maybe play some cards. This show doesn't have enough teens for a party. Spencer only wanted a party for 2 anyway, ha. Bring on the Ava/Spencer scenes tomorrow!

    Oh, boo hoo. Cam can't tell dead Franco that he's dating Josslyn. Wahhh.

    I can't with this Hayden stuff. I know it's a soap and we're supposed to go along with the crazy plots but this is just too much. We're literally just supposed to pretend that an entire storyline from five years ago never happened. I feel bad for the Sam/KM fans - they were begging for her to get a story/airtime, but I don't think this is what they meant. This is pure bullcrap. At least Liz's memory seems to be intact.

    Why is Brooklyn always wearing those big boxy blazers? Give her a cute summer wardrobe. Chase singing to the baby was a scene I didn't know I needed 🥰 Omg, if I were Brooklyn I would've fallen in love in that moment. Willow gave him up for Michael. LMAO! Every woman in PC should be fighting over this man! 😍 Mooooore Brooklyn/Chase please.

    I'm glad that they finally mentioned Dante and Rocco going to see Lulu. It was starting to feel like she didn't exist and wasn't an important part of Dante's life. Like we were just supposed to ignore the fact that she's in a coma. Glad she's finally being addressed.

    Yeah, Spencer didn't seem to originally want to party with Joss and Spencer, lol. Though, Trina tried to spin it that way. It seemed like he wanted to have a date with Trina by himself. Looking forward to them spending more time together and hope they won't often be interrupted by Joss. 

    Also, regarding Brook Lynn's wardrobe, I wonder if it's because Amanda gave birth within the last year and maybe they wanted her in some clothes that are a bit more comfortable for her. I'm not sure. I agree with the "big boxy" description of her blazers. Those outfits are heavy and matronly looking. I did really enjoy her scenes with Chase. He's a good guy and he deserves a woman that will totally be into him and not sneak around behind his back, with a man they have less chemistry with than him. 

  8. I enjoyed Spencer and Trina's scenes today. I loved seeing them act flirty with each other again. He's definitely into her and was trying to impress her. It sounded like he wanted to spend time with her alone at Wyndemere, but she ended up spinning what he said into him possibly throwing a party. I was glad to see them get to spend some time together before Cam/Joss showed up and tried to warn Trina away from him. I look forward to more of their scenes including seeing what may happen at his party.

    I also thought that Spencer's scenes with Ava were interesting. He will definitely try and manipulate her. We'll see if she falls for any of it. I could see her continue to be suspicious of him. 

    The Brook Lynn, Chase and Louise/Bailey were nice. They should do more with Brook Lynn and Chase. He shouldn't have to be a third wheel to Michael/Willow.

  9. A lot of times I don't really like Carly. That being said I have always thought she had good chemistry with Shawn and I thought their scenes at the pool were nice today. I also thought her scenes with Spencer/Joss were solid. NuSpencer continues to have a nice rapport with different characters on the canvas. I liked that him and Trina met up again, though it was very brief and Joss was also there. It's interesting we already have Joss warning Trina away from him and telling him that Trina is too good for him and out of his league. I think that could be foreshadowing that him and Trina will want to be together though other people like Joss will disapprove.

    Also, Liz and Finn are now running around and telling/hinting towards people they care about that they are involved in Peter's disappearance. Pretty soon half the town might be involved in this secret too, lol. I did like Jason/Liz's scenes on Friday.

    And I believe that Trina will end up overhearing Curtis/Portia talking about their past and get upset about that. She didn't seem too keen on them being together, though she pretended like she was. And Aunt Stella is continuing to meddle by intercepting those signed divorce papers. That will help extend the Jordan/Curtis/Portia triangle. 


    10 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    @xtr You're welcome!

    I thought Toups might start one and I thought I don't think no one has.

    I'm waiting on men's synchro diving later tonight on USA network.

    I like the diving competitions too. I've always thought that the announcers do a really good job of calling the competition/analyzing the dives.  I think that the first week of the Olympics is usually the best week, with a lot of the swimming, gymnastic and dining events. The second week of Olympic sports isn't as good IMO. 

  11. Thanks for starting this thread Soapsuds🙂

    My favorite sports to watch in the Olympics are gymnastics and swimming. The Swimming races can be very exciting like the 400m Freestyle tonight. That was a good race between Katie Ledecky and Ariarne Titmus. Titmus did a good job of keeping pace with Katie Ledecky and pulled away at just the right time to get the win. And lol at her coach. He was a doing lot in this celebration lol:


  12. I liked Jason's scenes with Monica today. I liked they touched a bit on his history with Carly and how that impacted AJ. It was also nice to see them hug and say they love each other. Jason's brief scene with Britt was okay too, you can see they still have feelings for each other and don't like being apart.  Though once again Austin was lurking around them intruding in other people's business. I did think it was a little amusing the way he called Jason "Cuz" and how Jason basically ignored that. 

    Lenny is a sweet person and I am concerned the show will kill him off. He's a minor character, but I have been really enjoying him and Phyllis. The way he was talking to Nina today makes me think that the show will indeed have him die. This show has a history of killing off the kind hearted.

    Spencer/Trina's scenes went a bit differently than I thought they would. I had figured he wasn't going to want to help her put Nikolas and Ava back together. But him and Trina clashed a bit today and seemed a bit irritated with each other, as they fall on opposite sides regarding Nik/Ava being a couple. I thought it was something that Spencer revealed to Nik/Ava/Austin that Trina was trying to do put them back together, after the mix-up with the drinks. It was a bit hypocritical for him to do that, especially considering that Trina is keeping a secret for him. She did kind of call him out about it, but didn't reveal his secret. They still have nice chemistry. I do think we will see them clash a bit more going forward as they continue to disagree on Nik/Ava being together. Though, I also think they will end up becoming closer romantically as well.

    It also looks like Anna has her suspicions about Finn possibly being involved in Peter's disappearance. I wonder what she may do about that. I also wonder what Elizabeth will say to Jason after he saw her and Finn in the park talking about Peter today. 



  13. 45 minutes ago, AlexElizabeth said:

    . I liked hot Brando choosing his baby/baby mama over the mob. 


    I did too. Let him do something legimitate and safe for a living. He can still be friendly with Jason/Carly/Sonny and maybe help them out from time to time. 

    17 minutes ago, ironlion said:

    It made no sense to me that Spencer tried to use an alias —wearing no disguise at that —- in a town where he’s well known as has so many connections. Otherwise he’s a good addition to the canvas. 

    I am interested in seeing how him and Trina's relationship progresses forward right now while people don't know that he's really Victor. She told Ava she's still into "Victor" and Ava told her to give him a chance. But now she's been introduced to him as "Spencer" (by Cam/Joss) and people know he's back in town. Plus Portia saw and met him as "Victor" which puts a wrinkle into things. Trina can't really date him right now as Spencer. (Cam/Joss were already getting suspicious at much Trina/Spencer were talking/spending time together after they were "introduced".)

    They may try and play their relationship cool in public to avoid people figuring out Spencer is "Victor". I could see them struggling with that as their relationship grows. I could also see them having close moments in private, and trying to keep their relationship/romance more of a secret for the time being. 

  14. Regarding some other stories from this week, I thought that Stella was a bit tough with Shawn. But he handled things well and very respectfully. I am interested in seeing what happens now that he is out.


    Ava is going to offer him a job. I wonder what that will be and am interested in seeing him interact with her, as well try and figure out who shot Hayden. 

    Michael and Willow continue to be on the duller side. I do like Michael and I think that one of the best things the show did was have him embrace his Quartermaine Family and their business. But he hasn't generated much chemistry with his love interests. I do think he has more chemistry with Sasha, than he does Willow, and I did like their scenes at the hospital the other day. This storyline with Willow does feel flat. I think that Willow's really is better suited with Chase and that their chemistry is better. But they are having her pity Chase & wanting Michael over him and it's not very interesting. Hopefully Chase will get back to walking sooner than later and they can end this storyline. Chase can interact more with Brook Lynn.

    I like Brando okay and he actually reminds me a bit of Ryan Paevey, with the way he looks sometimes. He is handsome. It would be nice if he found something else to do besides working for Jason/Carly. (Especially since he's about to be a father). They could have made him a Corinthos member who had a legitimate job, but who still could have some sort of bond with the family and helped them get out of rough situations at times. Maybe he could have worked at the Metrocourt or something. 

  15. 2 hours ago, OzFrog said:

    The guy playing Spencer seems to have chemistry with just about everybody he’s interacted with thus far - Nik, Laura, Ava, Trina, Britt, you name it. 

    I also like in his reveal scene with Trina how he mentioned Courtney. One thing I do find weird though… does Spencer ever acknowledge his mother’s side of the family? I mean, does he know for example that his grandfather recently passed away from dementia, or that his Uncle Sonny is presumed dead?

    I believe he knows that Sonny's dead. (In addition to visiting Mike's Grave) He's always been very close to Sonny, that's one of Sonny's best relationships. He introduced Sonny to Valentin when he was younger and said that Sonny was from his "wonderful mother's" side. He's mentioned Courtney before when he was younger, but he's been mentioning her quite a bit since he met Trina. He's already talked with Trina three times about Courtney. It looks like they are bonding over issues regarding their parents. This might come into play even more if Curtis ends up being Trina's dad. I could see a storyline about her paternity happening. 

    I agree that the New Spencer has good chemistry with a lot of people. I enjoyed his scenes with Britt the other day. They've always had a good relationship and he considered her a mother figure. It's nice to hear that they continued to keep in touch offscreen and see them bond again.

  16. I wonder where they are going with having Paris move in with Finn/Steffy. Especially right before his parents will show up. If Paris really needed a place to stay they could have had her stay at the Forrester Mansion. She's fond of Eric & the family as a whole doesn't seem to have an issue with her. And may even be "grateful" to her for helping reveal the truth about Quinn/Carter. But they are having her move in with Steffy/Finn. Hmmm...lol. 

  17. 18 minutes ago, victoria foxton said:

      So i will enjoy Trina & Spencer until they're screwed over.



    They shine together and I'm going to enjoy them and their chemistry as long as I can, lol.  They are the bright spot of the teen set. Speaking of the teen yet, I am seeing some complaints about how boring some people think that Cam/Joss are now that they are together. They do feel a bit flat and I wonder where the writers are going with them. Spencer/Trina do have good storyline potential him being Ava's stalker/his lying about stuff, Trina covering about his lying about stuff, lol. And also maybe if they end up having it be revealed that Curtis might be Trina's real dad instead of Taggert. I could see the show doing something there, and maybe Spencer will provide support to Trina there.

     Cam and Joss on the other hand, I'm not sure what they will do with them. Maybe have them happy for a bit. They really aren't doing much of anything right now. Maybe  down the line they will add to this set. Emma could end up being sorased and Lila Rae is out there too. 

  18. 12 minutes ago, Vee said:

     I think Cameron and Trina is the real money, but I know Frank will never give up on this chick they hired as a temp for Joss because he is determined to redo Starr and Cole and his old teen demographic numbers at any cost.


    Trina has more chemistry with this older version of Spencer, than she does Cam IMO. Though, I thought her and Cam had nice chemistry. New Spencer comes across as manlier, and smoother than Cam. (The actor is a few years older and that probably helps). His conversations with Trina come across as more adult & he seems more her speed than Cam. 

    I think that the ship has sailed on Cam/Trina. At least for now. They have Cam currently acting like he doesn't care what Trina does. He said he didn't care today that she was interested in Trina as long as Joss wasn't. He also made fun of Trina the other day and said that "Victor/Spencer" was her imaginary friend that she made up. She was upset and left, he acted remorseful for all of three seconds and then turned his attention back to Joss. 

    Thus far Spencer/Trina have been given decent airtime and good romantic teen storyline. Though, I don't know how long it will last or if they might try & insert Joss in some way. Joss seemed interested in Spencer's interest in Trina & was making comments to reassure Cam she's not into Spencer. That could be a hint they might try something with Joss/Spencer.

  19. 31 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    LOL. Trina/Spencer might be my favorite part of daytime right now. But they are already planting the seeds for effing this all up, so I’m treading carefully.

    They're great. Their scenes didn't play out quite the way I thought. I expected it to be revealed that Spencer really was "Victor" and Cam/Joss to get on him about that. But Trina agreed to keep his secret. I'm interested in seeing what they do moving forward. Are they going to try and act like they weren't into each other, so people don't become suspicious. And/or will people notice their natural chemistry & closeness. I wonder if Spencer will try and be romantic in private to Trina, or if they'll openly flirt. Maybe even sooner than later. I want a nice romance for them. 

    And Joss seemed mighty interested in Spencer/Trina talking today & if Spencer might be interested in her. She told Spencer not to get any romantic ideas about Trina. She wasn't as much on Cam as she could, talked about him "already being jealous" & said something about him always being the one that she wanted when they were kids. Some of this stuff she did say kind of playfully/in a more lighthearted manner, but I wonder... I hope they don't have her interested in yet another guy that Trina likes. 

  20. 9 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    And they’re putting him in scenes with Ava to capitalize on RH’s old rapport with MW. It’s just kinda lame because even though the part is different, they are slotting him into familiar places. And they aren’t acknowledging him as a Franco lookalike in spite of some odd exchanges of glances with Liz. I can imagine someone who hasn’t watched GH in a while being really confused.

    And having him already in scenes with Jason too. And it is funny how they aren't even trying to acknowledge that he looks familiar to Franco. Not one eyebrow has been raised at his appearance, lol. I do wonder what their plans for him might end up being. I actually think they might be better off trying to make him more of a good guy this time around. 

  21. I agree with you guys that say that if RH should have been Austin from the get go. I actually don't mind him in this role, and actually liked his scenes with Maxie today. Though, they do continue to try and shoehorn him in this show and various roles, and I can see why people are tired of that.

    I enjoy Lenny/Phyllis. I hope he will heal and they end up staying around, if only in a recurring role. This may have been mentioned before but Joyce Guy who plays Phyllis reminds me of Madge Sinclair. Especially her speaking voice. 

    I also do like Nina and "Mike". I like Cynthia Watros take on this character. I do wonder what will happen when Sonny get his memory  back. 

    Spencer made me laugh with the way he was insinuating that Ava was into Austin, when he was talking to Nikolas. The way he's trying to scheme is funny. I'm looking forward to watching his scenes with Trina tomorrow/the teens. It was interesting how they had him reveal himself to Cam/Joss today. I wonder how things will play out tomorrow, when he sees Trina. He did wink at Joss and some people on places like Twitter are concerned about that. And are afraid they might try and do something romantic with him and Joss. He's got great chemistry with Trina, but I can understand why people might not trust this show. Especially if he ends up having chemistry with Joss. 

  22. 6 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I am fully vaccinated and tested positive for covid yesterday.  I work on the Las Vegas strip and my boss had it (she refused the vaccine) and now I have it.  And it's my second time having covid.

    I'm sorry to hear that carolineg. People are so selfish, and are putting other people at risk including employees and co-workers. I hope you end up being okay.

    Those of us that are fully vaccinated can try and do the best to continue to protect ourselves. But it can be hard, especially when we have to deal with people that aren't vaccinated, particularly on a regular basis like the workplace. 

  23. 2 hours ago, amybrickwallace said:

    Exactly right. Being in the health care field, I jumped at the chance to get vaccinated. I had my first Pfizer dose on 1/23 and the second on 2/13. This was before incentives were offered, but I wouldn't have needed an incentive. To me, the vaccine was its own reward.

    The people who have chosen not to get vaccinated at this point won't be moved. So you have to shun them from events and such that vaccinated people have access to. I really resent the fact that a public health crisis, of all things, was politicized. I still carry a lot of anger towards certain people in the last administration and certain people who are still in Congress. They will always have blood on their hands. 

    Yeah, my first shot was on January 25th, the second was February 16th . They mentioned at work in January they were going to help us get vaccinated if we wanted and like a week or two later, they started letting go to a facility on the clock to start to get our shots. I was off the first day they had people sign up to go on days. The first groups went on that Thursday January 21st and Friday January 22nd. I talked to one of my bosses about it and I was able to go that Monday, the 25th.

    There were some of us who were fortunate enough to get this opportunity early on and pretty much went and got it as soon as we could. We didn't drag our feet on it. And yet here we are going into August, and people are still refusing to take it and some are claiming they are taking the "wait and see approach". Even though over 160 million people have been fully vaccinated and the vast majority of people who have taken it have been fine. The refusal to take it/wait and see approach is proving costly. For some people it's proven to be too late.

    Here is another story about two young men that were unvaccinated in their 20's who got serious covid. One had to have a double lung transplant and the other may have to get one. The one that got the lung transplant went to an indoor party and told his mother that he was going to wait "ten years" before he got the vaccine, when she talked with him about getting it. Now he may end up having health problems for the rest of his life, in addition to very costly medical bills.

    The second guy was from Canada, and was only eligible a week for the vaccine before he got it at work. His situation is a bit more sympathetic IMO. Yet, his mother still won't say for sure she will get a vaccine even after all that has happened to her son. Even when stuff like this happens you still have people that won't get the vaccine. 

    'Horrific': 2 unvaccinated Covid patients require lung transplant, partial lung removal (nbcnews.com)

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