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Posts posted by xtr

  1. When Sonny/"Mike" looked at Peter today when he was being very theatrical and droning on and goes "So how long you sticking around Peter" and gave him an annoyed look, I felt like he was speaking for a lot of the audience. Peter was the worst part of today's show IMO. He's too extra lol.

    I did like the Liesl, Britt and Liesl/Britt and Maxie scenes. I also liked the Chase/Finn scenes. Chase is a good guy, I hope he finds love and happiness again. I also wonder if maybe they are leaving things a little open ended with him and Willow, because he does keep thinking about her. He would be better off moving on from her though. And I even liked the Joss/Jason scenes today, though I don't think that him and Carly have romantic chemistry.  Or are very interesting together as an engaged couple. It seems like Carly and other people are trying to make their relationship more than it is. It's not romantic on Jason's end. Or really even Carly's end, though it kind of seems like that's what she wants. 

  2. 2 hours ago, John said:

    Im still going with That Esme is Ryan's Daughter. She is upset with Ava for turning in her dad and when Spencer returned Ryan's letter to him, she decided to use him to get Ava back. I doubt Spencer knows that Esme is Ryan's daughter

    She could be connected/related to Ryan. It does seem like she could be after Ava for her own personal reasons. And is using Spencer's issues with her to help push along her plans.

    I also agree with the comments that the actress that plays Esme is decent. She's not bad and I do think she could end up giving us some entertaining scenes. I do believe she really will go off the deep end though, especially when she realizes how much Spencer cares for Trina and is not as dedicated as continuing revenge against Ava as she would want him to be.


  3. I enjoyed today's show overall. Though, I don't care for Peter and his theatrics and Willow saying stuff that probably made Chase hurt even more. Chase did end up taking things in stride and the good guy in him didn't give Austin the letter regarding Edward's possible intentions about changing his will. Though, Michael ended up giving it over.

    And regarding Peter, I figured he would blackmail Nina about knowing Sonny/"Mike" is alive and he also threatened to take James. It looks like he will be hanging out in Nixon Falls for a bit while he gets Nina to help him do some of his dirty work for him.

    I thought that Sonny/Phyllis had nice scenes where they were talking about love. I really enjoy Joyce Guy as Phyllis and I think she has nice friendship chemistry with Sonny and Nina. I would like to see her stick around after Sonny gets his memories back.

    And I was glad to see Trina/Spencer interact again. Esme is something and is already starting stuff, lol. Like Calling Trina "Treen" and telling Trina that she knows she has a crush on Spencer. I do think she could end up being entertaining at least a for bit before she goes completely off the deep end. Spencer kept looking at Trina and expressed his admiration for her.  But Esme seems focused on whatever plan she wants them to continue to make Ava suffer. I do wonder if she personally has a problem with Ava for some reason and wants her to pay for her own reasons. Esme doesn't seem that threatened by Spencer and Trina's relationship right now, maybe she feels that Spencer may not be into her as much as he really is. And maybe she feels like she has a strong enough hold on him, that she can keep him at least for now. I am interested in seeing how this storyline plays out. 

    And I thought it was interesting how Carly was all but cutting Jax out of her life, except for when they absolutely had to interact for Joss's sake. She really doesn't want to have much to do with Jax right now after she caught him recording her. I think they will continue to clash and Jax may do some more drastic measures to try and keep Joss safe, get Carly to change her mind about how her lifestyle is affecting things. 

  4. I liked today's show. I liked the Sam/Dante scenes and him showing support for her while she tries to figure out if Drew is really alive. I also liked them talking about their children.  I enjoy them together and think this could be a healthy relationship for Sam.

    Also, I was glad that Chase finally told Michael/Willow that he knew about their affair. He was understandably angry and I'm glad it's out in the open now. I hope he can move on from her and find happiness and love with someone else. I do think it's something how he kept telling people about Edward's letter, instead of keeping that information mostly to himself, and giving him more of an upper hand.. But that is the good guy trait in him. I think he may actually refuse to give that information to Austin. 

    Peter picks right back up where he left and is stirring up trouble. Now he's seen/spoken to Sonny/"Mike" and knows that Nina is aware he's alive and hasn't told anyone. I could see him using that information to blackmail her so she doesn't tell Maxie and others that he's still alive. 

    And I like Nurse Chloe. I do think she has a naturalness about her and I like seeing Drew/CM have someone else to interact with besides the guards. I am interested in seeing more of their interaction together & them trying to help each other possibly escape.


  5. 6 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    Knew he was alive but ugh.

    Yeah, there he was to the chagrin of many lol. It looks like Nina may see him as well. I wonder if he tries to blackmail on keeping quiet about him being alive, because he may know that she knows Sonny/Mike is alive and hasn't told anyone about that. (And then Nina would be keeping two very big secrets). Or if maybe Nina sees him briefly but he doesn't speak and leaves quickly. And she thinks that her mind may be playing tricks on her. She's already a bit rattled after Maxie showing up on unexpectedly and wanting to stay in Nixon Falls with her. 

  6. There are definitely quite a few villains running around right/posing threats right now on the show. Cyrus is posing a threat to Laura/Martin. (Speaking of Martin he hasn't been shown in a while and now he pops up for like a couple of episodes only to have to leave town for a while. GF must be taking her vacation now.)  Esme has arrived and she may be connected to villainous characters, someone is holding Drew captive and now Peter is revealed to be alive. 

    I thought that today's show was okay. I liked seeing Chase and Brook Lynn interact. I wish they would interact more and the show would get the ball moving more on a potential romance between them. Chase is a good guy, though I did like seeing a bit of edge to him today, when he told Brook Lynn that it was his decision whether or not he told Austin about the letter that mentioned that Edward was thinking of changing his will. He's pretty mad at Michael/Willow and may not want to let things go regarding them so easily. Though, maybe he may change his mind regarding the letter, because of his friendship with Brook Lynn. Austin does know he has it now, (due to him leaving a message) but I wonder if he will change his mind about giving it to him. I'm actually a little surprised he told Brook Lynn about it so quickly. 

    Speaking of Austin, I wonder if he's going to try and manipulate Leo. It was kind of strange that he insisted he had to see Leo again after he helped treat his cut finger. I wonder what he has up his sleeve regarding him.

    Also, I like Maxie and Nina's relationship. I wonder if Nina will also see Peter, and if he will say anything to her. It looks like he's been following Maxie, so I wonder if he knows that Sonny is alive and that Nina knows it. Maybe he will try and blackmail her with that information?

    And I wonder what Sam/Dante/Valentin/Anna will discover regarding Drew. Maybe they will find some sort of clues regarding what's going on with him in his file. 


  7. 11 minutes ago, cassadine1991 said:

    Remember how Spencer on his second day back in town tried to get Trina to go skinny dipping with him and then later at the pool he wanted some “alone time” with her at Wyndemere; before she turned it into the “rager” and all this time he already was with Esme.

    Yeah, I think it will be interesting to find out more about his relationship with Esme. He did mention today that he originally thought she was too "cool" for him. Like he felt he she wouldn't want to be with him. But maybe she found out about his family and that was a big reason why she gravitated towards him. I do think she really cares about him, though I see her becoming really unhinged over him. I wonder how much he may care or cared about her. It does seem like he told her quite a bit about his family. At least about Nikolas and Ava. And maybe he told her the stuff about Joss too & the Corrinthos family business.

    Inserting Esme into the mix as Spencer's current girlfriend is an interesting obstacle for Sprina. I think she could have also worked as a ex girlfriend who came to town to try and rekindle things with him. Or even someone who he decided to take a break from. But they have her as a current girlfriend and someone that Spencer is still choosing to be in a relationship with the for the time being. I am interested in seeing how everything plays out, especially when she starts to notice that him and Trina have feelings for each other. I could actually possibly see her befriending Trina in the meantime, which could make things even more complicated. 

  8. 1 hour ago, AlexElizabeth said:

    Laura and Kevin are not here for Spencer's girlfriend. What's her name? Eczema? Enema? 😂 Laura just refers to her as "your friend." Hahaha. They look like siblings and have negative chemistry, but I don't think we're supposed to like them together anyway. Spencer doesn't want to live with Esme. Homeboy knows he'll have to sleep with one eye open if he does that. He was planning on offering her a room at Wyndemere. Was he going to do this before or after he started dating Trina? 😂 Booooy. Ha, no more money for Spencer. I really want to see him looking for a townie job. Spencer working at Kelly's with Cam would be funny as hell. They're not wasting any time letting us know that Eczema is cray-cray. She sure knows a LOT about Joss. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Spencer didn't actually tell her all that and she's doing some stalking of her own. And Joss and Cam are already suspicious of her. They might as well have a banner going across the screen that says "Esme is a psycho." She sure seems clingy and obsessed with "Spence" (gag). Spencer, I caught you looking Queen Trina up and down before glancing in Enema's direction. You ain't slick. 😂 I want Joss to drag his ass for hurting Trina. She's Carly's daughter, let's put how annoying she is to good use lol. I'm also laughing at the idea that Esme was going to be "sightseeing" in Port Charles. What is there to look at? The docks where everyone gets murdered? 🤨

    Has Martin always walked with a limp and I just never noticed? Did MEK hurt himself? Why is he hitting on Anna? LOL. She did look fabulous at the pool.

    Mike and Nina felt so out of place today. How does the Tan-O stay in business? They're never open. When's the last time they had a customer? Oh lord, Mike has a flashback but thinks it's a vision of the future. I can't. I will say that Maxie showing up at the end was a genuine surprise.

    Oh. It's a Mildew day. I enjoy Chase making Wallow feel guilty. Make her suffer, Chase! I LOVED the ending with Brooklynn making herself at home in Chase's wheelchair. Yaaas. Can't wait for their scenes on Monday.

    Yeah, Laura was not really there for Esme. She also pointedly mentioned how she hoped that Esme enjoyed sleeping in the guest room the prior night, lol. She doesn't want her living with Spencer. I do think it's amusing that Spencer was talking about offering her a room in Wyndemere. I wonder what Esme's family situation is like. I wonder if her parents are in the picture or what's going on there. Laura did ask Spencer about them today, but we didn't really get much information about her family. I also noticed Spencer looking and smiling at Trina at Kelly, though she acted like he wasn't really there. She was like "See ya, Bye" right after he showed up, lol. 

    1 hour ago, Faulkner said:

    Her rolling around in that wheelchair was perfection.

    I hope we start to get more Brook Lynn and Chase scenes. We really haven't gotten much of them together lately. Chase has been spending more time with Austin. It's time for Chase to confide in Brook Lynn more, including about Michael and Willow's affair and for them to grow closer. Chase deserves some good romance in his life not to be mistreated by Willow and Michael. 

  9. I like how proper and respectful Spencer is around Laura. (I also think he looks good with tucked in shirt look). She is one of the few people he actually respects and tries to act in line for. She wasn't feeling him possibly living with Esme and shut that down, lol. Spencer did say that he wasn't trying to live with her either, but did want to find her a place to stay. He's saying he's going to try and make it on his own and Laura brought up that might be hard without access to the Cassadine wealth. She then brought up him asking Cam to put in a good work for him at Kelly's. Spencer wasn't feeling that, lol. I do wonder how he will try and support himself if he tries to separate himself even more from Nikolas.

    Esme rubbed Joss the wrong way today and Cam wasn't too fond of her either. Trina is actually the nicest person to her, lol. I could see Esme/Trina becoming friendlier with each other & I think it will be interesting to see how that plays out. Though a potential friendship with them may not last very long, once Esme sees that Spencer/Trina have feelings for each other. Speaking of Trina they were looking at each other today but not talking. Trina got out of Kelly's quick after Spencer showed up:


    She is hurt by his actions/him having a girlfriend and really doesn't want to be around him right now. I am interested in seeing them have their first talk about the party and Esme.

    Also, regarding Esme, I think it's interesting that Spencer said he didn't think he was "cool" enough to be her boyfriend at first. Maybe she kind of zeroed in on him due to his connections & wealth. Though, I also think she does have genuine feelings for him. I wonder who else she might be connected to on the canvas.

    Also, Nina and Sonny continue to have nice chemistry together, while Michael and Willow do not. I do not like how they are treating Chase. Though, now Brooklyn has discovered he can walk and I am interested in seeing what he says to her about that. I wonder if he will actually tell her that Michael and Willow are cheating. 

  10. 13 minutes ago, John said:

    She gets Dumped & Esme will Target Trina. Then Spencer will have to figure a way out

    I think he will definitely dump her at some point, even if she tries to blackmail him and succeeds in keeping him with her a little longer. I just wonder how long he might stay in a relationship with her before those types of things happen. He's messy but he does care for Trina and I don't think he wants to see her hurt. He did push Esme off of him quickly when she kissed him in front of Trina today. Though he was acting like a boyfriend to her around Laura/Nikolas. It will be interesting to see how affectionate he is with her when he's around people, especially Trina. He might differ with the levels of affection he shows towards her around his family vs. Trina.

    Also, I could actually see Esme trying to befriend Trina (and maybe the teen group as a whole). Though, I don't think that would last for very long once she discovers how her and Spencer feel about each other. She was actually friendly towards Trina today and I thought that Trina did a nice job of keeping her composure around Esme/Spencer when she showed up. Esme didn't seem threatened by her and I could see Trina being mature and being nice to Esme. Maybe they are actually amicable/friendly towards each other at first and then things go really south. Like after Trina decides to date another guy and Spencer gets jealous, leading to a confrontation with him and Trina, that Esme might overhear.

  11. 9 minutes ago, AlexElizabeth said:

    He knows he's a dead man if he dumps her! 😂

    Maybe he's seen signs that she's unstable before. If so maybe he could have gotten away from her, before she knew of his stalking misdeeds. He did seem shocked that she set Ava's car on fire, so maybe this is the first time he's seen signs of her really being unhinged. I think either way he should figure out a way to dump her. Instead of doubling down on being with her, cozying up to her, introducing her to family and now trying to move in with her too, lol.

    I do wonder if he does care about her to some degree and that complicates things. He did confide in her about his family. I wonder how long he will be able to stay with her, especially if Trina tries to move on with someone else. And I could see Esme trying to blackmail him at some point if he tries to leave her. Or just becoming completely unhinged when he does leave her. 

  12. 19 minutes ago, AlexElizabeth said:

    Do we know if Dollar Tree Nelle is on contract or just recurring? Because I'm really not here for watching her scenes with Spencer 😂 This chick looks so basic. This was an unnecessary twist, so let's wrap this up quickly and have Spencer throw her off the parapet. I still love me some Nick Chavez but Spencer is on my sh!t list right now, ha. So, this chick is obviously crazy and probably a little too attached to Spencer and will do whatever for him. Meanwhile, Spencer is into Trina, but not so much his actual girlfriend. You can see what's coming from a mile away. Discount Nelle will go after Trina eventually, and this is what will finally prompt Spencer to confess. November sweeps, everyone. 😂

    The good news is that Great Value Nelle gives Spencer and Trina an actual storyline and drama. Not that I necessarily love this new twist in the storyline, but it means they're not sitting around talking about Portia's love life. They'll get some good, soapy scenes out of this. The alternative is being like Cam and Joss, who are together and happy but have no storyline and just kind of fade into the background in other people's scenes. I'm also kind of happy that Sprina's angst is this random crazy chick and not Joss, which is what I figured would happen. Nobody gives a f*ck about Esme and she's obviously crazy and is not the person Spencer is going to end up with. She's no competition for Trina.

    I did love the Sprina scenes before the Nelle wannabe showed up, though this secret girlfriend does kind of kill my enthusiasm about the show right now. 🤣 Spencer and Esme look like siblings to be honest and it's kind of weird. Poor Trina. I'm not looking forward to Joss telling her "I told you so," but I do hope Joss drags Spencer! I hope everyone drags him. I bet now Spencer will walk around like Jason, constantly looking miserable because he's stuck with crazy and can't be with Trina. 😆 I hope Esme makes his life hell, lol. It's time for a cute PCU boy to start making googly eyes at Trina and make Spencer jealous. I want to see Spencer grovel and beg Trina to give him another chance.

    LMAO at Spencer... "I was going to tell my friends all about you... right after I got done shoving my tongue down Trina's throat." 😂 I can't with this f*ckboi. Also, I want Spencer to go stay with Britt and sleep on her floor or something. Esme can go back to France or wherever the hell she came from.


    In other news, Becky Herbst look STUNNING today. Wowza. I hate her. 😂 LOL at Britt trying to play nice with everyone. Why are these ladies spending their girl's night out talking about Jason/Carly? WTF? I did like the Terry/Britt scenes.

    This Jason/Carly stuff is so boring. It's like the same scene over and over again. At least they set a date finally. "Is any part of this wedding going to be about us?!" HUH? Carly, you're nuts. Jason, take up Ms. Wu's offer to have Carly eliminated!

    Laura to Nikolas: "You are a father now." What a weird line. He's been a father for 18 years. They made it sound like Spencer is a newborn or something. LOL at Trina telling Portia that she's a better parent than Nikolas - hardly high praise but still funny.

    lol. 😄

    We are already starting to get the  sad/uncomfortable looks between Spencer/Trina now that Esme has shown up:

    I think it's interesting that they have Spencer just roll with Esme being his girlfriend, especially after him and Trina admitted they have feelings for each other. And were getting even closer. Trina really did look like she wanted to kiss him today. Yet after Esme showed up, he's doubling down on being her boyfriend. Even introducing her to Nikolas/Laura and now it seems like he actually wants to move in with her. That's interesting. I wonder why he feels compelled to stay in a relationship with her and when he might try and get out of it. Due to him falling for Trina and knowing now that she has feelings for him as well.  

    I wonder how much he might care about Esme, he did tell her about his family drama. So there may be some sort of a connection there. Though not on the level of him and Trina. I do wonder how long he will try and hang in there with Esme. And if he's largely doing that because he feels obligated to do so, due to her knowing about his role in Ava's stalking. I wonder if she might even try and blackmail him at some point about his role, when he wants to get away from her. Due to her becoming more and more unhinged, and him having a hard time staying away/keeping his feelings for Trina under wraps. Maybe Esme will catch them in close moments and that along with Spencer dumping her will cause her to snap.

    I'm not sure if the actress is on contract or recurring. I did see a picture of her at the studio hanging out with Sydney, Nick and Will. I wonder how long she will be staying around.

    I also would like to see Trina go out with a cute guy from PCU. (Maybe a short term character) It can be someone that Joss and/or Cam sets up her with. They could go on date/a few dates and Spencer could see that and get jealous. And that could lead to a confrontation between them about him and Esme and them seeing other people. Maybe even lead to a first kiss, underneath messier circumstances, lol.  Trina really shouldn't have to be a fifth wheel. Especially after getting rejected by Dev, things not working out with Cam and now dealing with this stuff with Spencer/Esme. They could have her date another guy for a little bit, but then ultimately realizes how much she cares for Spencer & vice versa and go from there. This can coincide with him dumping Esme and Esme really becoming unhinged.  

  13. 7 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    At this point, I’m like sh!t or get off the pot. I’m tired of them talking about it. I guess finally they set a date.

    lol. They really aren't doing much of anything with this storyline. Sonny is going to show up at some point but I think he's better off away from them and with Nina. I would have rather they just kept Jason with Britt and had Carly reconnect with Shawn. She had more chemistry in that scene when she saw Shawn at the pool and he grabbed her hand looking at her engagement ring, than she has with Jason. Shawn is another person who has chemistry with pretty much everybody. They could have pushed him Carly's way again. It would have been better than what we are getting with her and Jason, IMO. Jason really looks like he doesn't want to marry her.

  14. 11 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    Ava acting like a passive, fearful damsel in distress and not a freakin’ Jerome is so off-putting.

    I barely noticed Jason and Carly were on today.

    I would say that Carly and Jason were the least interesting part of today's show and during really what has been a really good week for GH. I don't think they have any chemistry or that their MOC storyline is that interesting. Carly is the only person who thinks that marriage could turn into the real deal. Jason is doing it because he feels he's obligated to do so but he would rather be with Britt. Them going on about their upcoming marriage and the five families is one of the weaker storylines going on right now. 

  15. 20 minutes ago, John said:

    Nikolas went too far with his plan. However, Spencer is still wrong for stalking Ava & I think Esme is gonna push this more & end up totally freaking Spencer out. Her involvement will be Spencer's downfall. #GH

    I definitely think she's going to keep taking things too far and end up freaking him out. I could see him breaking things off with her, after she goes too far again. And all heck breaking loose. Especially if that's around the time she realizes he has feelings for Trina. She didn't seem jealous or threatened by him with Trina today. But maybe she will as she catches them having more close moments together. 

    11 minutes ago, John said:

    Grandma Laura shoots that down in the previews

    Yeah, Laura is not going for that. I wonder if he's pushes back on that, he technically is a grown man. 

    9 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    I’m glad this Esme loon is the ostensible obstacle for Sprina and not Joss. And Trina can have an unhinged psycho to fight like a classic soap heroine.

    Esme already starting out bringing the mess and the craziness, lol. I think it's interesting that they are going to continue to have Spencer be a boyfriend to her for the time being. Even though he's falling for Trina & him and Trina admitted today that they are interested in each other. Trina seemed upset about him and Esme, though she did a good job of holding her composure in front of them. I wonder if they may add another short term character to this story. Like a college classmate from PCU, that Joss/Cam try & fix her up with to help her get over Spencer. And Spencer sees her interacting with that guy and becomes jealous. 

  16. Today's show was another good one with some loaded stuff happening regarding the stalker/sprina storylines. I Think it's interesting that Spencer has a girlfriend named Esme who showed up just as him and Trina were getting closer again and starting to admit they had feelings for each other. She is our romance blocker of the day, lol. She did feel the audience in on some things regarding the stalking. It does sounds like Spencer is guilty of doing some of the stuff, maybe most of it. He however was shocked when she admitted that she burned up Ava's car. Esme is already starting to show she has the ability to become unhinged.

    Trina was hurt by learning that Spencer had a girlfriend and Spencer tried to play it off afterwards like he was going to tell everyone about her. No he wasn't lol. He wanted to get with Trina. I do think it's interesting that they are going to have Spencer actually act like Esme's boyfriend and go along with that for the time being. I'm interested in seeing how this impacts his relationship with Trina & when Esme will start figuring out that they have feelings for each other. She actually didn't seem that bothered by Trina today or knew of her. I also thought it was interesting how Spencer moved out of Wyndemere due to Nikolas's antics. I do believe him and Esme will try and live together. 

    Also it was nice seeing Bobbie again and the ladies from GH have a night out together. Terry did extend an olive branch towards Britt, who got a colder reception when she approached the staff at the table at the Savoy. Maybe Britt will end up having more civil relationships with them. 

    And it was also nice seeing Portia/Trina talk and make amends with each other. At least for now, before maybe the news of Curtis possibly being her father comes out. 

  17. 12 minutes ago, John said:

    Could Esme be related to Ryan & Spencer met her while he was away from PC & enlisted her help but she's more nuts than he realized

    I definitely think he met her while he was in Europe. I do wonder is she's connected to Ryan in any way. There is an upcoming spoiler for next week that says that Spencer will visit Alexis. Maybe he will also interact with Ryan there and we might learn more about any possible connection to Esme. Though, Spencer does seem pretty terrified of Ryan, especially when he thought that Ryan was terrorizing him. Maybe he really hasn't been dealing with Ryan like that, (Truth be told, I never really thought he was). And maybe Esme will end up being connected to someone else on canvas.

  18. 16 minutes ago, AlexElizabeth said:

    To be honest I'm just kind of glad that we have to deal with this random Esme chick as Sprina angst instead of Joss 😂

    Whose daughter will Esme be? 😅

    I wonder who she is related to. Some people think she is related to Ryan. The person who originally posted the her being Spencer's gf spoiler said she does have another connection in town. 

  19. Just now, AlexElizabeth said:

    Yep. I'm guessing that Esme isn't quite all there, lol, so my thought was that maybe she'll realize Spencer likes Trina and will start stalking Trina. Spencer will end up having to save Trina from Esme. There, I just gave GH their November sweeps! 🤣

    She's definitely looks like she could be unhinged lol. There is something very creepy about her. I could definitely seeing her going after Trina, and him having to come clean about whatever he's really involved in and having to rescue her. I think we could get a lot of interesting, soapy and some more romantic content out of this. 

  20. 26 minutes ago, AlexElizabeth said:

    I'm more concerned about his role in the stalking too, because this girl is a nobody. Sprina seems to be the story they're telling and this girl is an obstacle. And this stuff was all written before Nick Chavez even aired and TPTB had a chance to see the awesome response to Sprina. But I thought they were maybe setting it up that Spencer only did the "smaller" stalking like the blood and the cockroach, but now I'm not sure. That's a bigger obstacle for Sprina, in my opinion, than some random girlfriend from Europe. Spencer is clearly super into Trina, so this Esme chick can take the first flight back to France lol. 

    Yeah, I'm not worried about his feelings for Trina. I definitely think he's into her. I could see him trying to break up with this nurse soon. (Though, I could see her not taking it well). I just hope he's not so dark he would be instructing her to do things like car fires. Maybe he will confront the nurse about that and tell her to stop stalking. Maybe he even told her to do that already and that might be why things paused regarding the stalking. I do think that if Spencer has a darker role in the stalking (like encouraging the nurse to do the car fire), that would be rougher for his character. 

    This storyline could end up being very interesting and soapy depending on how they write it. There is definitely a lot of speculation going on right now on places like Twitter on how this could play out. Like maybe Spencer tries to get her to stop the stalking/sinister acts and she's find out he's into Trina. She could blackmail him into still being her boyfriend to keep him away from Trina, who will be upset should she find out that Spencer has a girlfriend.

    I could see the nurse kissing him in front of Trina to hurt Trina, and try and keep Trina away from him. Trina will be upset and maybe Cam/Joss will try and fix her up with another guy. Which will cause Spencer to be jealous. The nurse can still see he's into Trina, will ask if he's in love with her... She could become really unhinged when she realizes he is and could go after Trina. Which will force Spencer to come clean about whatever his role in the stalking is and do what he can to protect Trina/save her from the unhinged nurse. 

  21. Just now, AlexElizabeth said:

    I'll wait and see what happens (spoilers never tell the full story) but why can't GH just let us have nice things. 🤣

    lol. Yeah, I'm honestly not that concerned about him having a girlfriend. And maybe she's more of an ex, someone he was taking a break from. Even if she isn't an ex, I could see him ending things with her real soon because of his feelings for Trina. I definitely believe that his feelings for Trina are real. I'm more concerned of how deeply involved he is with the stalking. Like did he direct the girl to set Ava's car on fire. Or do the more sinister stalking stuff. I hope not. I like him with an edge, but I would rather that not be true. Maybe he didn't direct her to set the car fire. I don't think he did, I believe she did that on her own. Maybe she's done all of the pranks and more serious stalking stuff and just told Spencer about it.

    Maybe he will tell her to stop with the stalking. Heck, maybe he's already told her to stop with the stalking since nothing happened since he came back. The stalking had stopped after he the incident with the gallery and he showed up at Wyndemere. Maybe he told her to stop doing it, but she went ahead and set the car on fire, once she learned that people were getting suspicious of him. 

  22. Someone on Twitter who gets daily spoilers early and seems to have some access to future GH spoilers is saying that the creepy nurse is named Esme. And that she's Spencer's girlfriend and partner in crime. I would post their tweet, but I think that person doesn't really like posting their tweets, but it can be searched for on twitter.

    So if this is true, I wonder how this will play out. I'm not necessarily concerned about Spencer having a girlfriend. Maybe she's more of a ex or something. I am a bit concerned about him possibly being connected to the more sinister stuff. I hope he didn't tell her to do the car fire, and maybe she did that on her own. And maybe she did some of the other more sinister stuff, maybe even all of it and told him about it. Maybe he will tell her she went to far with the car fire. 

  23. 21 minutes ago, John said:

    Will all it takes is Portia asking Spencer why he was calling himself Victor be the thing that bursts this stalking bubble wide open?

    I'm not sure. If she sees/meets him anytime soon, I do think that maybe him and Trina might try and cover by saying Victor is a nickname of his. Though, I do think that might come up at some point with her and Ava. I'm not sure how long they might or could realistically postpone Portia meeting him as Spencer. She will hear and want to know more about him after the ordeal at the party. And they are getting closer and closer. I don't know how much longer Trina can really hide that truth about him especially if they agree to start dating sooner than later. 

    19 minutes ago, AlexElizabeth said:

    I shouldn't complain because by the end of the week they'll have been on for 9 or 10 consecutive episodes, but I'm gonna be so bored when there's finally an episode that they're not in. 😂 If they're going to give other people airtime (how dare they lol), then they need to give us that kiss tomorrow. 😊

    Hopefully we get that kiss tomorrow. 🙂 That would be a good way to tide over fans until they start interacting more together again. Which I think might not really be until like a couple of weeks.  If not, I'm not sure when we might get it. They may try to drag it out longer, for even more of a slow burn. 

  24. 4 hours ago, AlexElizabeth said:

    I can't take Nikolas seriously when he's wearing that Party City cape. I LOVED Spencer dragging him. Regardless of if Spencer is guilty or not, he read Nikolas like a book! Ava comes first for Nik, and Nik is trash for bringing up Courtney to try to guilt Spencer. Nick Chavez slayed in these scenes today! Awesome work from Genie too. I really appreciated Kevin preventing Sprina from getting interrupted by Laura. Too bad he couldn't keep Cameron's azz out of there! 😂

    Nik is trash but I did love his line to Carly, "I'm not going to take parenting lessons from you of all people, or do you want to discuss why Josslyn had a bodyguard tonight?" LMAO!



    I'm just gonna say it every single day. They SPARKLE. The looks. 😍 Trina has got to know that he likes her. He's not exactly subtle. I loved the "friends, budssss" comment. You could tell Spencer was amused by Trina saying they're friends. Trina, just let this cute rich prince spoil you. I love how they both promptly dismissed Cam and told him that his presence wasn't necessary. Like, Trina is staying and Spencer will make sure she gets home safe, BYE! These two are just killing me with how close they're standing to each other. I need that kiss tomorrow! Spencer, Trina, and Sprina all trended today. The internet might break when that kiss finally happens 😂🥰 Y'all are gonna have to check on me. I can't believe how much I'm loving them.

    Nick Chavez and Sydney Mikayla must be exhausted because they are *carrying* this teen scene on their backs. I mean really, does anyone care about Cam and Joss? 😅

    Sprina in tomorrow's preview got me like



    And he went right back to focusing on Ava and trying to call Ava again instead of trying to figure out more how to repair his relationship with his son. Spencer's life might have to be in danger for real to be the wakeup call that Nikolas needs to put him first for a change. 

    And Sprina really do love to get close to each other. 😍  Tomorrow might be their best chance for a kiss anytime soon. I think that beginning next week the show will start focusing on other storylines again, so they may not on be that much for a couple of weeks. 


    46 minutes ago, AlexElizabeth said:

    I'm just waiting for Portia and Ava to hang out and get drinks or something some time and run into Trina and Spencer. Portia is the one person who was introduced to Spencer as "Victor," so imagine Ava's surprise when Portia calls him that... 

    Yeah it's interesting that Portia is the only person who saw and met Spencer as "Victor" (who people have mostly stopped asking about). I don't think she's ever met him as "Spencer" (definitely not onscreen) especially since her and Trina have been a bit on the outs. I wonder how she will react to what happened at Nikolas party and if she will want to "meet" Spencer. Maybe Trina/Spencer will try and say that Victor is a family nickname that he goes by sometimes, as a cover. Though, if they do that they run the risk of her possibly mentioning it to Ava, especially since they are starting to bond more. Portia will find out at some point that Victor is Spencer though, especially since Trina is getting closer to him. 


  25. 12 minutes ago, John said:

    I am starting to wonder if this "Nurse" went to school with Spencer. If I were writing it They did and she was into him. So doing this to Ava she feels is helping Spencer. She tells Spencer and he tells her to stop 

    She later learns that Spencer is into Trina and blackmails him  and starts going psycho making Spencer spill all to his family

    I have seen some other folks speculate elsewhere something like this could be going on as well. Maybe she is someone he knows and she is interested in him romantically. She does look relatively young (though she still could be a little older than him.) I do think she set Ava's car on fire, and she did it as soon as she heard that people were on Spencer's trail regarding the stalking.

    I am starting to wonder if he really did any of the stalking, because we never really saw him do most of it. And there is at least one way him throwing away the boots with the fake blood/him showing up at the gallery could be explained away. (He could have been investigating the real stalker, and threw away the boots so that he wouldn't be wrongfully accused of the stalking. Plus, he didn't want people to know he was in town yet). He does care about Nikolas and maybe was worried about his safety, especially given what had happened with Valentin. 

    He may have really been worried that someone was going to hurt Nikolas again and he showed up in town to investigate after he heard what was going on with Ava. Maybe the nurse even told him about the cockroach (because maybe she planted it). I never thought he was in cahoots with Ryan and he really seemed terrified when he thought that Ryan had contacted him at the party. He could be a red herring regarding the stalking.

    But we were lead to believe it could be him because of his disdain for Ava and how he tried to manipulate her from staying away from Nikolas. But maybe that's all he's guilty of regarding that. Even the GH twitter accounts are trying to make it sound like Spencer could be innocent with recent posts they've made. So maybe he is innocent and the creepy nurse is behind everything. 

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