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Posts posted by xtr

  1. This is a fun thread. I used to not go to the theater that often, but recently I purchased an AMC A-lister subscription where I can watch up to three moves in the theaters under free reservation. I have gone to see several movies lately. 

    The movies I have recently seen in the theater are The Fall Guy, Sight, Tarot, The Garfield Movie, Summer Camp, Haikyu!! The Dumpster Battle and Bad Boys Ride or Die.  I'll make some posts giving reviews/my thoughts on these movies. Two of these movies were pretty good, three ranged from surprisingly decent to okay and two were not very good IMO.

    I will review the pretty good films first. The first one is: 

    The Fall Guy- This film was the first one I saw in this string of movies. I thought that this was a pretty good film and it is disappointing that it hasn't done as well as it could have at the Box Office. It went to streaming only a few weeks after being out in the theaters. This movies has all of the makings of a summer hit. Good looking charismatic leads, who were already in hit movies last year,  (Ryan Gosling, Emily Blunt), fun action scenes, and a nice romance between the leads. Not sure where things went wrong as far as people not attending the theaters to see it as much goes.

    I did see people saying online that they were confused about the previews and was not sure what type of movie it was. I thought that the previews adequately showed that it was an action and romance film. The movie, especially the first part, did lean heavily on romance. But I also think there was enough action in it to keep those who prefer that type of movie satisfied. I think it had a bit of everything in it.  I thought that the movie was entertaining, I really enjoyed Ryan as the stunt guy in particular. I also like  how he was used in an unexpected plot involving the actor ( Aaron Taylor Johnson) he was a stunt man for. 

    I liked his chemistry with Emily Blunt (they had a scene using a split screen that had a nice classic, romantic vibe to it.) I also enjoyed Ryan's chemistry with Winston Duke his friend in the movie. 

    I thought that the storylines were wrapped up nicely in this film and I enjoyed the action sequences and camera shots. Visually it was a very nice film to look at. I also enjoyed the movie within a movie thing it had going on. It was a nice homage to stunt people. 

    I would definitely recommend this movie. I do wonder if it would have fared better if had been released on either Memorial Day/Fourth of July. It just had that type of vibe to it.

    I wonder if it will start to fare a bit better with streaming, and it's technically still in the theaters like where I live. Though, I wonder for how long. Nonetheless IMO it was a pretty good film and deserved a better reception than it has received so far. I hope more people will end up getting to see it eventually one way or the other. 

  2. I am very sorry to hear this news about Kamar. My heart goes out to his family and loved ones. I enjoyed Antonio on OLTL, especially his bond with Christian as well as his mother Carlotta, Jamie, etc...

    One of my favorite scenes of his was actually when Nelly Furtado guest starred as an old friend of his and he got up to dance with her at the end of her performance. It was such a fun, spirited moment, he was getting it. I enjoyed the energy and presence he brought to the role of Antonio.

    May he rest in peace.

  3. I am very sorry to hear this news about Tyler. I enjoyed his version of Nikolas, he was definitely the best Nikolas. He had good chemistry with his co-stars especially his onscreen family. Particularly GF/Laura and NB/young Spencer.  I also enjoyed his chemistry with Lucky, including Greg Vaughan's lucky, Emily and Elizabeth. May he Rest in Peace.

  4. I'm definitely not looking forward to this possible government shutdown. I'm one that would be considered an excepted employee and would have to work without pay. My agency recently announced we will definitely continue to work throughout a shutdown. Plus, I have a few days leave scheduled right around the time that the shutdown may happen and my leave will be cancelled if the shutdown goes through. I was reading rules about how paid annual (and also sick) leave work during a shutdown and none of it is favorable. We have to cancel leave and will be considered AWOL if we don't show up. Unless our bosses get creative with the schedule or put us in furlough status for unpaid leave.

    I think there might be a chance they could get creative with mine and that I could possibly still get the days off for leave that I wanted. Though, I'm not sure if my bosses will agree to do that for me. I hope they will.

    I have a couple of co-workers who have more complicated dilemmas with their leave. One has at least all of next week scheduled off for his birthday (I believe he's supposed to go to Vegas). And the other has at least a week to two weeks scheduled off for a surgery. A potential shutdown definitely puts both of them in a bind as they technically wouldn't be allowed to take their leave. I hope things work out and that we can all take our leave. 

    I also live in an area where there is a large military presence, and it would be bad if they have to go without pay. Hopefully somehow Congress will prevent the government from being shutdown and we won't have to deal with the many problems that a shutdown will cause. Though things are looking very shaky and it seems likely that we will have one. If it happens, I hope we get out of it as soon as possible.

  5. I don't usually watch the Bachelor but I checked out The Golden Bachelor tonight and it was super cute. I really like Gerry The Golden Bachelor. He's handsome sweet and charming older gentleman. The ladies were lovely and charming too. They're pretty and seem like a nice, interesting group of ladies. Many of them could pass for much younger than what that they are IMO. My favorites so far are Leslie, Ellen, Theresa and Sandra. I also like Natascha and Faith. 

  6. I am very sorry to hear this news. I have always really liked Billy Miller and enjoyed his work, going all the way back to his work as Richie on AMC. He was a talented actor and had chemistry with different female co-stars including some who struggled in other pairings. Kelly Monaco and Amelia Heinle brightened up in their pairings with him. I also remember having chemistry with Alexa Havins during his run on AMC and wondering what could have happened if she had stayed in that role/Richie hadn't been killed off. I remember Alexa saying he had a lot of talent and that she believed he would do well.

    The last scenes of him as Richie/sparring with Annie/MCE on AMC are my favorite scenes of his. I loved the way they sparred about their relationship and family dynamic. It was very good work from him (and MCE too IMO).

    May he Rest in Peace. 






  7. I am enjoying the romantic scenes with Sprina on the Haunted Star. I like how close they have become, it's nice to see how them acting more like a couple and working together to try and plan their escape. 

    I really enjoyed this scene in particular where Spencer called Trina "baby" and they share another kiss.

    This is sweet and romantic. I looked forward to watching more of them together and seeing how this current storyline with them plays out. 

  8. 8 hours ago, j swift said:

    @xtr-excellent point, well made, thanks for clarifying

    Does Spencer still live with Victor at the hotel? I don't recall seeing where he's been living since that one scene when he got out of jail.

    On another note, isn't ironic how history repeats itself? (sort of, I mean I don't think Esme's not faking it, but...)


    He's no longer lives with Victor and is now living with Sonny. Sonny took him home to live with him after he told Spencer and Cam that Britt had died. He's been living with him since then.

    Also, it is interesting how history does repeat itself especially on the soaps. I do wonder how everything with Esme will play out, especially regarding her amnesia. Laura is treating her very kindly right now and I do wonder if they will bond more. I've seen people speculate she could end up living with Laura and Kevin for the time being with baby Ace. I could see that happening. 

  9. 1 hour ago, j swift said:

    That Sonny/Spencer scene made no sense.  Why was Sonny at the hospital visiting Esme's baby? I know he just visited Willow's baby, but is he permanently on the maternity ward?  Why would Spencer discuss his hopes and fears with Sonny? I know they're related, but it's not like they've been close?  It was just too random.


    I think that Sonny was there to support Spencer after the birth of his little brother/Nikolas disappearing. Sonny and Spencer have always been pretty close going back to when Spencer was little. And he was doing stuff like giving him advice when he had that kiddie triangle with Cam/Emma. 

    Sonny has also supported Spencer during some low moments during his life, like when he found out that Nikolas had faked his death.

    I've always enjoyed their relationship, I think it's one of the better ones that Sonny has.

  10. 8 hours ago, Tonksadora said:

    Another thing I really loved was Spence's dialog. I don't know who wrote that but it was inspired! His speech to and about Trina was like a breath of fresh air. 

    His dialogue was great. 🙂 Very nice, caring and romantic. I really enjoyed those scenes between them. They also both looked really good in them.

    2 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    As much as I love a little smut, I’m glad that Spencer put the breaks on him and Trina 😂

    Their first time should be something special and romantic 😊😊

    I thought that today's scenes were a nice blend of tenderness and passion. It is romantic that Spencer wants to wait for Trina's sake. I'm glad that it looks like Sprina is out of the friend stage of their relationship. I was hoping they would move forward as a couple and it looks like they are on the path of doing that.

    After watching today's scenes think they are going to be very close and act like a couple going forward. They both are smitten with each other and can't keep their hands off each other. ❤️ Trina definitely seems like she's falling more for him now. He's her guy now. I also thought it was amusing how Trina was trying to stay where he was staying lol.

    Speaking of that, I do think she may end up staying with him at some point. Maybe sooner than later. Especially now that he knows that Ryan and Heather are at Wyndemere and are Esme's parents. I do think that Spencer might have Trina stay with him in an effort to protect her. Especially since I believe (unless something changed) he's still with Sonny now. Maybe he feels like Sonny could help give her extra protection. If she stays with him that could help them grow closer. I am interested in seeing how tomorrow's scenes play out and see where she ends up spending the night.

    I also think that Spencer will be even more determined than ever to get custody of his baby sibling now that he knows who Esme's biological parents are. He will not want his baby sibling to possibly be around two serial killer grandparents. I think that Trina will play into things as well and she may encourage him to go after custody. Maybe this may also help lead to a marriage between them at some point.

  11. I enjoyed the  Spring scenes yesterday and their kiss. It was a sweet and romantic moment for them. Both TA and NC did a nice job with those scenes/kiss. They continue to both do well in these roles. TA in making the character of Sprina her own, and NC for leaning in and making both versions of Sprina work. I wonder how today's follow up scenes will play out.

    I hope the show still doesn't have Sprina referring to themselves as friends for a bit even after the kiss. But I do wonder if they will try some sort of stalling tactic to keep their relationship from progressing further.

    I would like to see them continue to get closer/date/be a couple and deal with their family issues. I like that this version of Sprina has started to mirror OG Sprina in the sense that they are leaning on/trusting each other again and have become really close again. 



  12. 2 hours ago, ironlion said:

    Both Portia and Curtis are at fault for carrying on an extra marrital affair, but moreso Portia because she was the one married. Yes, Curtis should have did the conception math but Portia should've obtained a DNA test given her suspicions to avoid this 20 year blow up. Curits did have a right to get to know a child that was his (if it's his). Plus, did Portia know about Curtis' troubled background before messing around with him? If so, it was crazy not using potection (both of them are at fault for this) while cheating with someone caughtup with drugs/illegal actvities. 

    I agree. And I think of the biggest reasons Curtis is so upset is because she kept this secret from him even after they reconnected/planned to get married. It's one thing to keep it if he had never came back into her life, a whole other thing to keep it after they planned to share a life together. I think that the paternity reveal scenes were pretty good between Portia/Trina/Curtis/Taggert. I'm looking forward to watching more of the fallout from this reveal. 

    2 hours ago, Taoboi said:



    And the wedding...wow. It's been a minute since we had so many people (outside of Britt's party) AND Extras in one room. And I loved each and every bit and break was played to the hilt in my viewing from last Friday on. Brook Kerr know she looking good (come get your girl @Juliajms! ;) ) in her wedding dress and she has been acting her butt off. Poor Trina, not knowing what would happen by going to see Stella, but glad Spencer was with her.



    Brooke Kerr does look amazing especially in her wedding grown. I also enjoyed the wedding ceremony/reception and how good the sets looked. I also liked that they had a lot of people at the wedding including several extras. It made it look more realistic.

    1 hour ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    So have I 😂

    These last two episodes were so good. So many times during sweeps, it seemed like GH would hold back and only let like one storyline reach a turning point. They're finally not doing that and I'm really enjoying it.

    This week has been pretty good. GH does have a tendency to drag things out, including in not the most exciting ways in recent years. But this week was good and really felt like a sweeps. This is the best the show has been since OG Sprina met and started to bond. (In addition to other stuff that was going on at that time). 

    Speaking of Sprina, I continue to enjoy them together. Spencer is being very protective of Trina and Trina is continuing to trust him more. I know there has been speculation they could get married. And I could see that happening. I think that various factors may contribute to that happening, one main one Spencer being worried about Trina's safety and wanting to protect her.

    I could also see Trina agreeing to it, because she's shaken up about her paternity, wants to distance herself from Portia and the drama in her family. Plus it could help with Spencer's custody case, even more now that people are learning that Esme's father is Ryan Chamberlain and she's on the run with him and Heather.

  13. I'm glad they are finally going to kiss. 🙂 Someone on Twitter was posting some tidbits from their SOD story. They stated that both Taby and Nicholas were excited to read the script and learn that Sprina was going to kiss. They stated they wanted to make the kiss special and right for the fans.

    It's supposed to happen after they have an "intimate, soul baring conversation." It was also mentioned that Trina trust Spencer and that Trina's feeling about wanting to be closer/wanting to be with him deepen. You can definitely see the trust and closeness between them growing and playing out on screen in recent episodes. 

  14. 54 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Spencer, I love ya kid, but save the nastiness for Joss. She deserves it a lot more than Dex does. And you definitely didn’t need to say sorry to that slut either. 

    I hope Obrecht targets her when she finds out about the role she played in Britt’s death.

    And now that I’ve paid closer attention, I can see what @Darn meant about Uncle Zeke. He’s handsome af 😍

    I didn't care for Spencer getting into it with Dex today. It's a waste of his time IMO. I would rather have seen him getting to know his future in laws more, lol. I did like him interacting with Grandaddy Sterling/Uncle Zeke, but it was pretty brief. I would have liked to have seen more of all of them together, and even some of Taggert/Spencer instead of Spencer fighting with Dex. Outside of Cam (Speaking of Cam where is he? I need to do some more catching up), he's the only one that that is upset about Dex.

    I think that the show is using Spencer and his animosity towards Dex to try and build up his and Joss's storyline, but it's falling flat for me. (They may also be trying to make them rivals to some degree, since Cam and Spencer are on good terms and Dex is Joss's main guy.)  I do like Joss and Dex together, but I don't see them their story as them "against the world" type of thing or star-crossed lovers being faced with a ton of obstacles that are keeping them apart. I think their romance feels a bit basic. There were other ways that Spencer could have been used today than to have conflict with them.

    I'll be glad when things pick up more at the wedding and the truth comes out. Spencer can be more involved with Trina and her family then, as he supports her/helps her deal with the fallout from the reveal. I think that some more stuff will happen with the Hook storyline that they will deal with as well. 

  15. 44 minutes ago, Taoboi said:

    Yay for Portia not only getting a promo, but  THE WHOLE A^& CHURCH.


    PS. ANNND the cover of SOD. ;) 

    I'm glad that the wedding got this week's promo and the cover of SOD. 🙂 It should have IMO.

    I wonder how things will play out. I saw someone on Twitter speculate that Portia may just outright admit the parterinity secret without being directly exposed. Maybe she will do that after Jordan talks to her about it. I could see her may pausing the wedding and asking to speak to Curtis in private. The crowd at the wedding could wonder what is going on, and then Trina may end up getting suspicious/starting to piece things together.

    I wouldn't have minded a more dramatic/soapy way of it coming out like maybe Aunt Stella ended up spilling the beans at the wedding because she feared that Curtis/Portia were related. It could have been dramatic, with maybe even some humor mixed in. Stella originally did fear that but after talking with Jordan more ended up being lead in the paternity direction. Stella isn't around right now though so I could see Portia coming clean on her own.

  16. I hope everyone here has a nice Thanksgiving. I hope you get a nice change to spend time with your loved ones and eat good food. 🙂  I am hosting Thanksgiving this year for members from my family. It's going to be eight of us in total this year gathering at my home. I come from a large family and I'm glad that those that can show up will this year. This is the most I've spent on groceries at one time. And I am happy to do it. My Dad is going to help me with the cooking. I am looking forward to cooking for/spending time with them. 

  17. 36 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    JMO but social media will splinter. It’s gonna be a long time before you see the type of mass gathering platform that draws various factions and political persuasions to the same platform. Many people have complained about Mastodon being decentralized and uninviting because it is not a big tent, comprehensive platform but that might be the more sensible way to be going forward. People control their own mini-platforms, where they set the rules and where those who can’t or won’t abide by those standards, won’t be allowed on, or allowed to stay. Minimizing trolling and all that antagonistic behavior.

    Also, there’s always message boards.

    Yeah, it may be a bit before we see that type of social media site again. Some of the others like Instagram have some of the same elements of Twitter, but it's still not the same. They don't have that super and easy quick access to a lot of personal/professional posts at their fingertips the way that people have with Twitter. I am interested in seeing where people settle for the time being, before the next site like Twitter is created. 

    31 minutes ago, Vee said:

    As happy as I am to see Twitter potentially go on many levels, I think in the short term at least the effect on both political/corporate activism and media criticism will be negative. Things like the Ukrainian resistance, the Arab Spring, BLM, #MeToo, etc. could never have reached so many nationwide or worldwide and demanded notice and action from the powerful, or connected to parts of the world that might have had no real idea, without the platform of Twitter. Activists, freedom fighters, could not so easily have communicated or reached a wider audience. China and Russia, American law enforcement or corporate media in America, would not face the constant pressures they do, and Trump, etc. here would not be facing such strong headwinds against them today.

    I would love to keep the good and leave the toxic, but that's not how human nature works; you always get both. I can only hope that what comes next will still find an easy way for people to connect and challenge injustice.

    I have hardly posted on Twitter the past few months. But I have been signed up for it for a long time, since 2009. I've been there for most of its duration, and I've definitely seen a lot of the very best and very worst of Twitter. I can remember when it had a very small amount of people posting up there. And it was overall a fun place to post for people with different interests. As well as an opportunity to interact with celebrities from time to time. I remember my first taste of heavy toxicity when Twitter users got an insulting hashtag to trend regarding an American Idol Contestant that I liked. (And that actually happened early on after I joined Twitter). That was pretty ugly and was the first glimpse I got of how toxic Twitter can be. Then it just continued to go downhill in the following years. But in spite of the ugliness, I am glad of the good that has come from it. And the awareness it has brought to important issues. Maybe at least some of the good will continue to happen on other platforms.

  18. I don't know if this will end up happening, but it will be interesting if it does. If Twitter does shut down, I do wonder where various posters will end up migrating to. A lot of us know how active places like Facebook and My Space use to be pre-Twitter. I wonder if they will get a big bump from a possible Twitter exodus. I could also see a lot more people going on Instagram. Its layout resembles Twitter a bit closer than other social media sites do. There are other sites as well that people could use. I am seeing quite a few people say they are trying to join a social media site called Mastodon. (This is the first I've heard of this site). But some are saying it's difficult to join and that you have to choose servers for it.


  19. Cheri Beasley is currently in the lead in the Senate race here in NC with over 53% of the vote in. Though most of her votes are mail in/early votes right now. Ted Budd currently has a large advantage with election day votes. I do wonder if she will be able to hold onto the lead or if he will overtake her. Especially when more of the election day votes are counted. North Carolina has shown it can go blue in recent years. So maybe things will end up working out for Cheri, even after those votes come in.


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