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Posts posted by YRBB

  1. 2 hours ago, ltm1997 said:

    This is true. Maybe if they get good ratings on these classic ones it may push them to do it. 


    It would be nice if ratings/interest finally helped them see it'd be a good idea!


    2 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    Yep, and if they were smart they could have used these episodes as promotional tools to push people to watch the continuation of the stories online. A lot of the complaints I see on the Y&R Facebook page is that people can’t continue to follow the stories they get sucked into during all of these one-off classic episodes. If they had the next episodes up and ready online, they could capture that audience on a new platform. “Want to see what happens next? Watch on CBS All Access...” Or something.


    It would absolutely work! Especially Y&R which, for the longest time, was written well enough to suck you in no matter what era you watch. Once more, wasted opportunities.


    Granted, they're getting it right with a lot of the selections and showing classic episodes at all. But, come on, put the library to good, actual use! (And, please, stop butchering the episodes!!!)

  2. 27 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    I am surprised YR hasn't posted the unedited version on CBS access.


    Yes, at the very least they should post the episodes online and post them unedited. I can understand why they edit for broadcast but the unedited versions could be a streaming selling point ("watch online for unaired scenes!")


    Then again, I am REALLY surprised they haven't just posted their whole archive on CBS AA.

  3. 10 minutes ago, BoldRestless said:

    I had a strange feeling that would happen since they stopped uploading a few days ago. I downloaded all of it, I'm pretty sure. 


    I wish YouTube still had a messaging system or Discussion section so we could at least ask them if they are set to private.


    Lucky you. I've been meaning to do that but too late I guess. It was strange when they suddenly stopped uploading. I'm hoping they simply went private/unlisted, but how can we even find out?

  4. 2 hours ago, YRfan23 said:

    Try the one on here! I did delete the first 12/24/91 I had because I wanted to do some re-editing, same for 5/5/92 (I think that’s what you meant since I don’t have 5:

    /6/92) so it should work on the 92 playlist.



    Thank you, yes, that's the one! :D 

  5. 18 hours ago, sheilaforever said:

    I LOVED the Princess Leila story. It was when I started watching B&B full-time after some occasional watching with my mom in earlier years. *Leaves this thread ashamed* LOL


    The Princess Leila story is my first memories of B&B. I loved it and have such nostalgia for it. Is it insensitive (perhaps much more than I recall b/c I don't remember a ton)? Sure. It wouldn't be done today. But, for its time, it was a wonderfully soapy story and Tylo in the forefront.



    I've seen this pic who knows how many times and I never realized Patrick Duffy wasn't there :lol:


    Also, someone in the comments pointed out Ray's slept with four of the 6 women in this picture! LOL Talk about a cowboy stud. I've always thought it was fascinating how he had this bad boy/playboy past and it was never really focused on but very much still there.

  7. Katherine's intervention should've focused much more on seeing her strike out viciously -- the mean old crone of old having returned with cruel, cutting jabs -- and not so much the pleading, saintly Katherine. It's the acting, production, and style that saves things here. It all devolves into weirdness with the lights, the dining room doors opening into Heaven, I mean... ugh.


    Seeing Rex is also a reminder of how sad and unnecessary it was to kill him off. He could still be around, 10 years later, dashing and interesting as ever.


    6 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    I always had a crush on Thom.  Too bad his acting was atrocious. He seemed to be acting from his nose. I actually think its his normal voice . 


    Even in the 80s, he often (always?) sounded like he had a stuffy nose but in 2004 it was super pronounced.

  8. 11 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    ONE rumor has that it was staff reaction to a lukewarm reception of Brown & Kruger in the roles that lead to the Katherine/Jill twist. Not sure how true that was but sheesh Katherine & Jill would probably find peace together gushing over the same grandchild. 

    I do blame Jack Smith all the way though. Y&R was the #1 soap and has an already well established, seasoned, and talented  Emmy winning team. Yet Smith became desperate for attention, shocks, ratings grabs, and Emmy grabs, something Y&R never ever did before. 


    I think it's a fair assumption to make that the Jill/Katherine twist might not have happened if Tom & Bashioum were still in the roles! Much harder to dump them than the OK recasts (although Brown was getting better/settling in nicely). But I have to disagree, there would be NO peace for Kay & Jill over their shared (great)grandchild. It would've (SHOULD'VE) been another decade of fighting. lol


    Sadly, the viewership loss at the time gave Smith the excuse to do what he did. Nevermind that it was normal for a show to suffer when it lost three long-term actors/characters (especially Shemar Moore) and its executive producer. The shock value and "twists" just were not needed.

  9. On 4/27/2020 at 10:12 AM, KMan101 said:

    Agreed. I do think they have had way too many cast changes over the last two decades but they can pull off theme weeks IMO. Like you said, focus on episodes that have a lot of Brooke, Taylor, Eric, Stephanie. Sally Spectra/Darlene Conley. Sheila and Lauren were both on B&B for years obviously, lol so they could be included. It could work. I think most fans are smart enough to 'get it'. 


    They definitely are smart enough although I would imagine some would get confused lol. In any case, Sheila vs Lauren, as well as Sally Spectra weeks are a must. They should also do Saint Taylor week and Brooke is a Slut weeks. :lol:

  10. 6 hours ago, KMan101 said:

    Yikes. Why did Bill Bell have his daughter's on-screen character raped TWICE?


    5 hours ago, Darn said:

    Raped twice and another attempted rape. Not to mention having several men lusting after her at a time. 


    The first rape was written by Bill Bell as a PSA/issue story on date rape. Yes, it was broadcast in the summer lol. The choice for Cricket for this story makes sense, and definitely gave Lauralee something really serious/big to dig into. (Still, I don't know if, as a dad, I could've written that for my daughter. But perhaps that was discussed and LLB felt strongly about doing it).


    The second rape (which should've never happened) was when Jack Smith became co-HW. Because, of course.


    5 hours ago, mikelyons said:

    The Christine/Paul storyline was Kay Alden, not Bill Bell. 


    It was more of a Jack Smith thing.


    5 hours ago, yrfan1983 said:

    I think LLB was leaving for maternity leave, so that was part of it...? But the show could have come up with another excuse for Christine leaving town besides rape!


    IIRC, that may have been LLB's 2nd or 3rd extended maternity leave in quick succession. The show was straining to find plausible ways to keep writing Christine out while still keeping her involved/in story. Still, they should've stayed clear of something like this.


    3 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    I also blame this era for giving us that crappy ending to Billy & Mac and for ushering us into those few years in the mid-00’s were everyone started giving us actual incest pairings to root for. I think Jack Smith really had been at B&B too long.


    Imagine ruining a very popular pairing with incredible long-term potential as a side-effect of neutering one of the longest-running and iconic rivalries in daytime! The damage.


    2 hours ago, AdamNewmanFan said:

     I didnt know the chancellor mansion used to have a dining room


    A dining room, kitchen, pool/poolside, big bedrooms, servants' bedrooms, upper floor hallways, a big attic, a garden with a tombstone... Quite massive!

  11. The best is probably 30 minutes. Nice, succinct, tighter focus.


    There are exceptions - if any soap really benefits from being an hour, it was classic Y&R, who had the time and space to unfold things in their own, measured pace.


    7 minutes ago, Aback said:

    I get what you're saying but I loved those scenes! Back when I was not used to primetime drama, I was always annoyed at being deprived of the characters' reactions to things.


    It's the classic daytime vs primetime debate. I've always loved the talk scenes too. Daytime has the time to do them; if they are done well, they provide character interactions and character work. It still annoys me today that we don't see characters react to things in primetime that much. 

  12. 9 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:

    Jess Walton gave a good interview to Michael Fairman about Katherine the Great Week, Jeanne, and her time in general on Y&R:




    Thanks, DaytimeFan!


    "I also know she never liked the story of Katherine being Jill’s mother, and I always loved it, because I thought it explained the love/hate relationship so well.  I think she thought it would damage their relationship, and it kind of did for a while."


    God bless you, Mrs. C. You knew what was up, and Walton finally kinda admits it was horrible.


    I adore Walton but she's not the type of actor who should be giving storyline ideas; she liked the mother/daughter fiasco, suggested the story that led to Cane, and her vision of Jill having a strong partner to always be around with goes very much against what Jill should be doing. While I can see Jill being less of an outsider by now, with relationships etc, she should always be running around interfering in others' lives. lol

    3 hours ago, BoldRestless said:


    That's what was so different and great about the show back then compared to now. It wasn't about blockbuster plot twists. It was OMG Jill knocked on Katherine's door or Victor is headed to see Jack, tomorrow is going to be good! It was all in the writing.


    That's exactly right. I think it was Sara Bibel who once said that Jill ringing Katherine's doorbell was a genuine cliffhanger, and it was because of the great character work the show had invested in. You indeed just knew whatever would follow would be worth it. And, of course, they still delivered their shockers, too!

  13. 8 hours ago, KMan101 said:


    RIGHT? FINALLY. Damn. B&B kinda has no choice but to start digging into the vault.


    Yes, sticking to all these 'recent' episodes may have made some sense, but was ridiculous. Show off your real classics! Then again, it all depends on what choices they make. If they're concerned that not much of the current cast is in them, focus on episodes that have a lot of Brooke, Taylor, Eric. Shouldn't be too difficult.

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