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Posts posted by YRBB

  1. 1 hour ago, Legacy said:

    I wanna talk about y&r characters that have been on the show for years but haven't seen them interact or maybe they did once in random scene, but then again i think bill bell did these things on purpose


    There's been occasional discussion of this. It's generally considered a nice touch on Bell's part indicating several things such as the complex social status of the characters, their social bubbles/friends, and a general feeling of a large town with a community that doesn't constantly interact. Plus, it was really special when there was cross-over. I think what the show "lacked" in character interactions it more than made up with in a sense of place, setting, social structure, and largeness of the fictional Genoa City. 

  2. On 1/23/2020 at 1:48 PM, Brolden said:

    I started watching Melrose Place somewhere around 2012, and have watched on a weekly basis, with a few breaks between seasons. What I love about this (and HATE about binge-watching), is that a show really becomes a big part of your life as you grow with the show. It also makes me feel a bit melancholy that's it's finally over now. 


    I thought I was the only one who watched a show on a weekly basis with breaks between seasons! 


    I am doing that for the big 80s soaps (well, DALLAS, DYNASTY, and KNOTS LANDING and to a lesser extent, FALCON CREST) and with BH 90210 and MP, although 7 seasons of MP have taken me longer than 7 years due to some of the lows. I wanted to recreate the experience and make them last. I agree the shows stay with you for so long and that's why I've stalled with the last few episodes of Season 7. I don't want it to end. I've been watching KL for 13 years... I can't even imagine what it'd be like to not have any new episodes left!


    Loving your write-ups. I've been wanting to go back to early MP to rediscover it and this doesn't help!  

  3. On 1/31/2020 at 12:40 AM, Khan said:

    I don't know whether you have finished watching S13, @YRBB, but I would say most of your observations are spot-on, lol.


    lol thanks! I've seen up to the hostage episode. I've heard about the turnaround midway through or something, so I'm excited to see what that's all about.

  4. So Season 13 started decently enough but quickly slowed down in pace and interest just 5 or 6 episodes in. While I like the idea of Tidal Energy and Anne and Benny, things are excruciatingly slow and it doesn't feel like a lot happens. I think the last time I felt this way with the show was somewhere in the second half of Season 7.


    Linda's murder was a shock. I did not expect her to be disposed of that way. Not sure where I thought the Brian Johnston stuff was going but I thought him taking Karen, Mack, Jason, and Meg hostage was decent. Poor Jason -- first he's comatose, then he disappears for episodes on end, then he gets shot. I am SO relieved though because I thought they'd kill him off.


    Not sure I really care what the show is trying to do with Claudia's nightmares. She set her own son up to be arrested and directly led to his death. I feel no emotional connection to her anymore, she's kinda dead to me.


    Pierce and Paige have ZERO chemistry and I hate that he was introduced immediately as Paige's existing love. Not to mention, other than a decent body, Pierce is a bit cryptkeeper-y. At least Marcia Cross showing up and being seemingly psycho shows promise....


    I have no idea if it's going to happen but I suspect Greg may want Meg back. The show has definitely waited a long time to pull the trigger on that.

  5. Very pleasantly surprised by "Song for my Mother", the Season 5 episode that pretty much follows David and Donna to Portland and has no appearance by Brandon, Kelly, Steve, Andrea, Jesse, or the older adults. Brian Austin Green's been looking 5 years younger forever but, damn, all of a sudden he grew into his looks. He also did the best work he's ever done with looking for his mother and finding out she is bipolar. The whole thing was done pretty well for BH. Then, you have Dylan looking into past lives and I'm not sure about that!

  6. Episode 4 was another winner -- Geralt and Yennefer's storylines were great. I LOVED the grumpy, non-social Geralt thrown into a royal ball and found the Duny/Peverta stuff very touching. And Yennefer fighting off the assassin was pure fantasy fun. Ciri was slower this episode but I trust we're going somewhere really interesting with this.

  7. On 12/23/2019 at 1:34 PM, ChitHappens said:

    @YRBB Hello,


    Have you watched yet?  I'm on eppy 3 and I just adore this show.  It's really good and I almost want to watch the last eppy now because I'm super excited about what all this is coming down to.  


    Hey! Sorry, looks like the tag didn't work, so I never got notified. I've seen up to episode 3 (will watch 4 later tonight) and I. am. loving it!! Trying to make it last about 2 weeks to cut down on that waiting time til Season 2 lol Really into and intrigued by all the stories. Cavill's doing a great job, better than I expected. Excited to see what happens when stories converge!

  8. 6 hours ago, Chris B said:

    I'm not sure if it was mentioned here, but starting in January The Doctors is going to be available on a streaming site. It looks like everything that aired on RetroTV will be there so 1968 through the end of the series. Also, they recently got the rights to the black and white episodes and said those will be exclusive to the streaming service. I'm excited because it's been hard keeping up with the show previously and I will take nay soap on streaming. Also curious for the 60s episodes. I wonder just how far back the black and white episodes go.


    Whoa! Thrilling news!

  9. 7 hours ago, sheilaforever said:

    The next episode is GOLD and yet strange because the most important scene happens halfway through it and not at the end.


    Whoa, you weren't kidding. Great episode all around and I was not expecting Todd to kill both himself and Angela. Those shots of their bodies were quite scary -- never thought they'd do something like that!

  10. I'm a few episodes behind on the uploads but just saw Ridge discovering Angela and Stephanie/Eric paying them off. It was a good episode. Of course, it doesn't really make sense why Ridge would just leave to go to a diner. Even in complete shock, he's the type to stay, demand answers, and bulldoze his way through the whole thing. We should've seen his actual exit onscreen but it may have been a half-hour episode limitation or a desire from TPTB not to demand too much from Moss.... ;) Stephanie threatening to kill Angela and reading Todd for filth was fun!

  11. Taylor came with the VOCALS for this one! Wonderful and cool that she wrote this with Andrew Lloyd Webber.






    I really wanted this to be good but it's a no for me. The new lyrics are cringeworthy (highlights what a great storyteller Taylor is, so I hope she didn't have a part in these) and Shawn Mendes manages to sound both underwhelming and like he's trying too hard at the same time. The "look in my eyes, they will tell you the truth" part is the absolute WORST. How dare he come in during the best part of the song with that? Ew.

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