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Posts posted by YRBB

  1. On 7/3/2019 at 8:20 PM, applcin said:

    As for Farscape, I did like their characters better there but the show itself, at least the first season, just didn't have a strong enough appeal for me to continue with it. And I wasn't that keen on the Henson Creature Shop muppets as regular characters. 


    On 7/3/2019 at 8:54 PM, Taoboi said:

    Well, to be fair...FARSCAPE doesn't get kicking until the last 4 episodes of Season 1. I too wasn't into it when it first started. Until I saw all those promo about this 4 part finale and the introduction of Scorpious as a deliciously bad (and leather clad) antagonist for our hero. His long game against Critchon was the main arc of Season 2 and worth the journey. But the potential started around the 'they took Pilot's arm in order to get home' episode and then it snowballed. Season 2 got by on being remixed sci-fi tropes before it took pushed into crazy new territory and darkness to me. Even though for pure creativity and drive I would say Season 3 was the best. 


    I'm sad applcin stopped, because, indeed, the show takes off at the end of Season 1 and becomes truly something wonderful to behold. Great characters added, strong story arcs with things becoming more serialized, a strong villain, LOTS of creativity and playing around with tropes. Halfway through Season 3 now and I love it more than ever. I would suggest at least watching the second season -- if it doesn't hook you in, then the show really isn't for you. LOL 


    On 7/3/2019 at 8:54 PM, Taoboi said:

    He really was...and then they started putting him in leather pants all the time and it was just...wow.


    Not feeling guilty at all for the main times I've rewinded for the camera angle I suspect they purposely did of him in them in a late Season 3 episode. lol.


    Outrageously hot man. Those leather pants were one of the best costuming decisions made on any show.


    On 7/4/2019 at 1:47 AM, Khan said:

    As a comedian once said about someone else, "he's got a package UPS couldn't deliver." ;)


    :lol: Indeed.

  2. NYC Season 9 -- another one down!


    I ended up getting used to and liking the new opening credits and music, even if I felt the colors should've been brighter and less grey.


    I didn't think I would, but I really enjoyed Tinsley and thought she provided a good couple of storylines living with Sonja and re-starting her life. Her weird mother/daughter frenemy dynamic with Sonja was fascinating.


    Ramona was on a whole other level of hateful crazy this season. It doesn't matter, I love watching her, but she did admit in the reunion she went nuts. I don't know if she started the Bethenny feud in order to have a story, but I suspect she did partly feel hurt Bethenny didn't contact her much over the summer and spun that off into a season of arguing. It really was a pretty good arc, though, from mentioning Brynn to that naked pool hug. 


    So painful watching LuAnn stubbornly getting married all the way through to insisting she's happy with Tom at the reunion when we knew it was only a matter of weeks before she filed for divorce. Towards the end there you could read between the lines: It was all about getting married and not about real love.


    Which Housewives show could ever pull off a political storyline like NYC? I thought I loved Carole but I adored her even more for fighting against Trump's election and being so passionate about it.


    The Mexico trip was HANDS DOWN the best Housewives trip ever. You actually truly felt it that they had fun/enjoyed themselves, and while there was drama, it wasn't toxic and relatively quickly contained.


    Dorinda's Christmas party is SUCH a great tradition for the show. I love how her "I MADE IT NICE!" became a catchphrase.


    Season 8 ended up leaving a bit of bitter taste in regards to Bethenny for me, but I still find her hilarious. I actually thought she was a little too reserved in her comebacks this season -- I KNOW she can end lives much better than this!


    Just, adore adore adore NYC.

  3. On 6/18/2019 at 4:47 AM, Cat said:

    Yeah, I think the women on NY know that showing all aspects of themselves is the show's strength. You cannot make yourself universally loved by the audience all of the time, and that's ok. The interesting thing is that in some ways, Bethenny and Luann react similarly. When they are on a personal/professional high, they become quite narcissistic and arrogant, lording it over the others. When they hit a low, it humbles them, and they become more reflective, clear-eyed and empathetic. Without giving anything away, it is these highs and lows you will see over the course of S9-11 as their relationships evolve and maybe even come full circle. 


    That sounds awesome! 

  4. 11 hours ago, Cat said:

    Glad you enjoyed S8! Can't wait till you work your way through to S10 which was INSANE.


    I too hate the nee theme music. They changed it again for S9 and it's even more obnoxious IMO.


    Jules was timid at first and in a tough place emotionally. I would have liked to see her come back in S9, to see how she had grown and changed. But it was not to be.


    I had a different reaction to the Luann/Bethenny fallout. Yes, Luann is a narcissist who was ridiculously tied up in Tom. I was disappointed that she reunited with his trifling ass at the end, after he humiliated her publicly. Luann was desperate not to lose this chance at marriage, and was willing to overlook every warning sign to do it. However, I found Bethenny AWFUL that season. The way she and Carole bullied and thin-shamed Jules was horrific (and said a lot about their own twisted relationship with food). The way Bethenny slut-shamed Luann as Carole cheered her on, tried to isolate Lu and Sonja from the group, and did everything in her power to dig up dirt on Tom... None of this came from a good place. It came from a spiteful, controlling place. Bethenny felt she was star of the show and treated the other women like her employees. As a result of S8, I have never quite come back to fully liking Bethenny or Carole. But I get that it's different strokes for different folks. 


    Thanks! Is it?! Can't wait.


    Well, I guess it's good I've been warned!


    I have to admit, by the end of the season I was willing to see what a second season would be like for Jules.


    I knew instantly LuAnn wouldn't dump Tom and it was made worse by how she went on the attack. I really do see your POV regarding Bethenny. She came out all guns blazing and NOT always in the best of ways. She went too far with telling Sonja she never wanted to see her again and I didn't like the harsh way her anorexia issues came out with Jules. The slut-shaming scene was also cringe-worthy, but then again she felt bad immediately after. Do I completely believe she was 100% saddened about the Tom/LuAnn situation? No. I do think there was some spite in all of that. You could tell by how relatively subdued she was in the reunion that she'd gone too far. 


    But I think that's what makes NYC sooooo fascinating. They just expose so many sides of them, some really bad, and they don't seem to care all that much if they do lol


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