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Posts posted by YRBB

  1. 5 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    he was never remotely punished or even confronted for - death would have been more fitting for his arc and for being the last of the Lannisters. 


    The finale made an entire point of how, yes, he was punished. But, no, not some gruesome death.


    4 hours ago, Vee said:


    Meanwhile, re: the shocking cameo by a character I didn't recognize for ten minutes then felt unspeakably guilty about, it's good to know I am not alone:


    Whoa! Really cool!

  2. The show was no longer an adaptation. It stands to reason it wouldn't be George R. R. Martin brilliant anymore. 


    That was a really good finale.


    Clarke did, once again, marvelous work as she addressed her army. I gasped when Jon stabbed her. Expected but, still, I wasn't sure they'd pull that trigger. LOVED, and predicted, that Drogon would melt the Throne.


    I did not expect Bran to become King and didn't have much hope we'd see all the other great characters, but all was pleasantly surprising.


    Really happy Davos, Brienne, Bronn, and Sam are on the small council.


    Really happy Sansa is Queen in the North.


    Really happy Arya's exploring.


    Really happy Jon's back Beyond the Wall which makes him happy.


    It was heartbreaking watching the Stark children share their last scene together but I am so happy their montage was the end. 


    Sigh. What a show. What a journey. Goodbye, Game of Thrones.

  3. @ChitHappens @Antoyne


    I mean, would it have been nice to see Cersei suffer/tortured a little before her death? Sure. But was it HUGE poetic justice, not to mention ironic, that the symbol of her power, what she fought so evilly to keep in control of, literally came crashing down on her? ABSOLUTELY. Delicious. Delicious!



    9 hours ago, Antoyne said:
    9 hours ago, ChitHappens said:


  4. I think this was one of the best episodes of the series. Wow. I will have to rewatch.


    First of all, Emilia Clarke's performance was PHENOMENAL. I am so annoyed at the posts I'm seeing claiming this was OOC and that the writing destroyed Dany etc. Ridiculous. This has been foreshadowed. 


    I guess Varys' outmaneuvering couldn't save him this time. Loved how the dragon stepped out of the darkness.


    The Hound's death and Cersei's death were incredibly poetic. 


    In terms of special effects/production: Superb. 


    And now one more war...

  5. Wow. What a rollercoaster of emotions. So much great stuff in the post-battle - the funeral, the dinner, the humor with Tormund and the Hound, Gendry becoming a Lord.


    Poor Gendry didn't see that wedding proposal rejection coming! But I don't think it's over for them just yet.


    Bronn's scene was another standout. 


    Brienne and Jaime were the emotional center of the episode and it was so, so good. I wasn't sure if they'd ever go there, but I am so glad they slept together, even if it wasn't an expression of romantic love from Jaime but instead platonic love and gratitude (at least that's my reading for now). I found Jaime's continued guilt over his crimes extremely touching, and a natural continuation of his redemption arc, and of course, what can be said about Christie's heartbreaking reaction to begging Jaime to stay and him leaving? EMMY for Christie!


    And then the dragon being killed out of the blue! What a twist. What a scene.


    The final scene was phenomenal. Cersei at her coldest, evilest, bitchiest. Poor Missandei. 



  6. Ugh. The pain of LML's un. God.


    As for Nikki, the show did a GREAT job getting her involved in Jabot and opening up new avenues for her... why they gave it all up to the point where she had to go into politics I will never know...

  7. I don't necessarily get the sense that the cast is not interested in putting together an entertaining show. Maybe some of them aren't trying, some of them aren't talented perhaps. I just think it's very hard, even for the seasoned veterans, to do much when they have to shoot eight damn episodes a week with no rehearsal time. The pace and conditions are punishing and almost impossible to overcome.

  8. On 5/3/2019 at 10:57 AM, Gray Bunny said:


    Yes @jam6242 is correct, I think the stroke was in December '95.  


    Off the top of my head, I can't remember if the Horton family was shown during that holiday season. I specifically remember the bulk of Salemites in Aremid that Christmas, with John giving that sad lil girl something to smile about :)




    Yes, Alice, Mickey, Maggie, Mike (got a call from Jeremy), Jenn all appeared. They did a version of the ornament hanging and flashbacked to Tom/Alice as a substitute.

  9. 10 hours ago, Taoboi said:

    Mmmmm….suspenders and that back...lol.






    Lovely performance! I thought she did very well and the audience seemed really with it.


    And I will never complain about having to look at Maluma.... lol

  10. @Toups


    LOL at Chit, but in all seriousness...


    I think it worked as a subversion of expectations (Jon's on his way to do it! He'll do it! Then he fails) but the main reasons I think it REALLY worked are these: It provided a purpose and exciting culmination of YEARS of story for that character and, most importantly, the Night King is a powerful, magical creature. Jon would not have had much more luck than Theon did. He may have stayed in the fight a little longer but the NK would've known he's coming from miles away and dealt with him swiftly. Any victory of John's would be like a muggle defeating Voldemort. Nope. The victor, on the other hand, is a highly trained, magic person now. She got close enough almost undetected and then TWIST.



    And, to no one's surprise, 17.8 million overnight viewers for "The Long Night."

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