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Posts posted by YRBB

  1. God, the climax to Tony framing John and him almost being executed is so great -- ridiculous, implausible, unrealistic, but so so fun. Also, Hall and Mascolo doing great work as they played games with each other and Lexie finally finding out Stefano is her father. I certainly didn't expect Stefano chloroforming Marlena twice and possibly kidnapping her. Interesting though -- a few months before Marlena's possession ended, things were being set up for Aremid, so it'll be interesting to see what they do for their next big story (although the Woman in White stuff isn't done yet).

  2. 2/3 into Season 3. Damn, it's so good -- Matt's injury and loss of faith, Maggie turning out to be his mother, Bullseye's origin story (with the very sexy Bethel Wilson), the well-meaning but basically screwed Nadeem (his boss turning on him b/c of Fisk is a GREAT twist), Fisk and D'Onofrio reaching new heights of awesomeness.... I'm angry they canceled it all over again.

  3. YNTCD was nice spectacle (she can't dance) but the real MAGIC is during Lover. Audience knowing all the lyrics already. Beautiful energy taking over the room. I nearly cried. Seems Lover will become one of those songs.



  4. 2 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    I remember the first time I saw this episode. I had rarely been so bewildered or angered by a primetime soap episode (there is another one coming up that angers me even more so at least I was prepared...). Bewildered by the Karen material, which just comes out of nowhere and feels completely out of place on Knots, and angered with the Claudia material, because it's just way too much and it destroyed a character that I, up to that point, had genuinely enjoyed.


    I thought perhaps I was the only one but I, too, felt the Claudia stuff destroyed the character. And it's a big shame considering some careful writing and good acting had turned what was a too obvious retconned character into something that worked and I wanted to see more of.


    49 minutes ago, Khan said:

    By all accounts, he quit.  He wasn't interested in working as an actor anymore and has since moved onto a career (running some sort of organic company?) outside the industry.


    Ah that would make sense considering he had no other credits following KL (except the miniseries). I'm sure he could've booked something if he wanted to LOL

  5. The last three episodes, especially the finale, are quite something.
    They must be kidding me with Gary and Kate, right? I actually see chemistry but they started this whole thing less than an episode after Gary and Val remarried! 
    Wherever I thought this Brian Johnston thing was going, it was not sex tapes and him disappearing and Linda setting up Paige to be suspected. Is this an indication that Linda's losing it? Haven't we seen this sort of thing with Jill before?
    Honestly, Galveston being revealed as Steve's father and it turning out to mean almost nothing to Greg or Steve is such a waste of time. They even smiled. Also, I REALLY don't know how I feel about Claudia setting up Steve with a gun. Even if she didn't raise him, he is her son! Not even Abby Ewing would do something like this to her kids. It pushes Claudia into outright villain territory. And it seems like Steve may have been shot? It's a good cliffhanger (one of four!) but not sure how I feel about Claudia after this.
    Perhaps the most resonating stuff was Nick abandoning Anne and Phillips' wonderful work as Anne has now run out of options, family, and friends. I don't necessarily buy her descent into homelessness (after all, wasn't she drawing a great salary as a member of the foundation?) but I love how her pride is just as much responsible as the circumstances for where she ends up. And that shot of Anne reflected on the glass in front of a ritzy dress she probably would've worn as she breaks down is brilliant.
    Looks like we've said goodbye to Michael! Wow. 12 years. That's sad, but I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did.
    The most bizarre stuff happens with Karen. One did get the sense of impending doom when Karen and Val drove off to go shopping, so you knew something was about to happen, but being shot with a paintball gun? Karen going all vigilante and getting into the car to chase the thugs? Their car getting hit by a truck? Jason turning out to be in the back seat?! Jesus. Why did it have to be paintball? Maybe one of Jason's friends was driving carelessly and almost hit Meg, Bobby, or Betsy. I would buy Karen going after them more if that were the case (but barely). Purely in shock-value terms, Karen discovering Jason in the back of the car is a great twist, but boy the way we got there... And just don't tell me they may kill off both Jason and Steve.
    On 8/16/2019 at 8:11 PM, DRW50 said:




    "Loathed" was probably too strong a word on my part, but she lumps it in with material of this era she disliked (the chat person names LML and BL but I think someone else had taken over this season).


    Oh and happy birthday.

    AFAIK, Latham and Lechowick were the showrunners for Season 12. She probably did loathe another Val-is-crazy story.
    Thanks for the wishes!
  6. I'm really happy for both Lil Nas X and Billie Eilish. Staying #1 for 19 weeks is phenomenal. But also stubbornly clinging to #2 (returning to it time after time after being pushed down a slot by a new song for a week or so) and then taking the #1 spot after months is a testament to just what a huge hit Bad Guy is. 



  7. Val's brain virus is over so suddenly, you have to wonder if they couldn't wait. Gary is told she's fine and that's it. I don't 100% believe it but it leads to (at least) two episodes of Val being herself and some wonderful Gary/Val moments, so I won't complain.


    The Linda/Paige rivalry has developed into a great focal point for the series. Never a dull moment with those two. Also, in case I haven't said it, while I miss Lotus Point, the Sumner Group is such a great business setting by now, with tons of really fun side characters and stories.


    Funny how both DALLAS and KNOTS did "trapped in.." scenarios for their 300th episodes. KNOTS' of course pretty much involves the entire cast and not the two they think are the most important. I squealed when they started playing the theme song as Gary and Val decided to just get married. My babies are finally back together! Yay!

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