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Posts posted by YRBB

  1. 2 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    I cant see them too well due to my eyes can someone repost what episodes it is?


    Sally vs Stephanie from Feb. 19, 1992

    Sheila vs Stephanie from June 07, 1995 (Sheila's goodbye party)

    Taylor and Brooke's wedding cake fight from August 22, 2018

    Stephanie vs Brooke at Big Bear from August 03, 1999

    Liam vs Thomas about the baby from August 05, 2019

  2. 8 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    I remember they had basically a whole soft-porn episode with Malcolm shirtless and eye-fücking the camera at a Jabot photo shoot.


    4 hours ago, yrfan1983 said:

    Sounds like you may be remembering 4/17/98 :) https://www.soapcentral.com/yr/recaps/1998/980413.php

    "Outside the office, Malcolm saw his reflection and began to imagine himself posing in front of the camera. Malcolm imagined several poses in different outfits, and he wore less for each subsequent picture. When he returned to reality, he saw Jill standing in her doorway, smiling at him."


    4 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    Yeah, that’s it!


    Actually, I think you're remembering the infamous "Fudge Brownie" scene, in which a shirtless Malcolm wearing leather pants posed for a test shoot while Jill and another executive licked their lips and the soundtrack had a woman moaning and whispering "I want my fudge brownie". :lol: And he was hawt.


    4 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    And makes it even crazier that Malcolm and Jill never had sex.


    It's sad that that whole Men's Line modeling mini-arc didn't lead to that, since the chemistry between Walton and Moore was sizzling and their characters had such a great dynamic. All of Genoa City would've heard Jill if she'd gone to bed with Malcolm. But it never would've happened. Those scenes would have to be done right and the show wouldn't go there. They did all they could to keep Malcolm away from the white women for as long as possible. I mean, Neil and Victoria touched hands and received death threats. If they had portrayed the Jill/Malcolm passion like we know it would be, someone might've set the studio on fire! Even 2 or 3 years later, things were better and Phyllis hooked up with Malcolm. Still, a missed opportunity. 

  3. On 5/18/2020 at 11:15 AM, carolineg said:


    I love this era.  I loved everything about Aremid and it's ridiculousness.  Unfortunately, when I re-watch I generally skip ahead to Paris shenanigans after Aremid ends.  I feel like the show just treads water for those few months in between.  I mean the damn letter is the star of May Sweeps 1996 lol.


    ED does so well with Kristen's descent into villainess/crazy lady.  I hated her in 1996, but looking back it's actually understandable.  John and Marlena practically swoon all over each other 24/7 but they just decide to not tell each other for really no reason at all lol.  I won't spoil it for you because it gets so good, but I will say I hope Marlena still has that letter framed somewhere because it took a lot of time for her to get it and read it.


    Peter was a great villain.  It's too bad there were personal reasons he couldn't come back because he's a villain that should have returned several different times.  Heck, even now.  It's a shame the story was really less effective due to recasts.


    I definitely think Sami/Austin/Carrie really gets good after this, but Bo/Hope get worse.  You can tell Reilly didn't care to write for Bo/Hope the way he did for Austin/Carrie and John/Marlena.


    One thing I love about Reilly is that the entire cast is involved in these stories.   All of Salem except Carrie/Austin/Sami were involved in Aremid.  The entire town basically all goes and hangs in Paris during that storyline.  It's a little silly but I like how so many people are connected during these stories.


    Yes, this is definitely a more lowkey period now that Aremid, Jude St. Clair, and Bo/Hope have been resolved and before other major developments happen. 


    I agree -- Kristen's POV is completely understandable. John and Marlena are nearly salivating at each other. Also agreed on Peter. He should still be driving major story on the show.


    I have no idea how the Sami/Austin/Carrie/Lucas stuff moves on from here. I'm excited that Kate is starting to discover what Sami's like. Sadly, I had a feeling about Bo/Hope. I recall watching an episode a few months from now (June I think) years ago and I believe Bo and Hope were arguing because he doesn't want her to go back to work? Maybe I'm completely making that up but it just seemed really uninspired and boring. I'll see how I feel this time around.


    Reilly does know how to structure a (umbrella) story, build tension, and deliver payoffs for sure.

    On 5/18/2020 at 12:41 PM, Gray Bunny said:

    Sigh... 1996 for DAYS was wonderful, start to finish. The Aremid storyline will always be my favorite, and it should be noted that it was during the Aremid arc that DAYS not only hit No. 2 in the Nielsen ratings, but *STAYED* at No. 2 until December of 1997. 


    Interesting! Aremid was great fun. I can see why it worked so well.


    On 5/18/2020 at 12:41 PM, Gray Bunny said:

    We can thank "Tony" (or whomever) for framing John


    Welp. Good thing I know about that already. ;)

    23 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Missy left halfway through Aremid.  Stephanie Cameron is in the conclusion of it.   I didn't hate her, but Mark Valley's Jack and her Jen were just 2 different characters.  I am pretty sure MR leaving screwed up the spinoff they had been thinking about with all the Aremid characters like Sarah.


    Honestly, over the months, I think Stephanie Cameron's improved a little. She's not a master or anything, but not nearly as breathless and annoying as she was. But I adore Mark Valley. Wonderful. Wonderful.


    An Aremid spinoff? Interesting. Would that have been a whole daytime soap or...?

  4. 27 minutes ago, juppiter said:

    Agreed. Love VR, but early Dru is kind of cringeworthy. I can’t blame VR because the writing for the character is pretty lame. 

    23 minutes ago, All My Shadows said:

    Right, and I can only assume VR was playing it as she was told. Anyone who knows the background more than I do, please inform. I feel as though as the 90s went on, Victoria Rowell had more input in molding the character so that she was elevated from her try-hard beginnings.


    I could've done without her being illiterate, but the writing was nothing short of brilliant. There was a very clear arc and reason to Dru's behavior and it was a pleasure watching her go from overly walled up, strike-first and obnoxious to accepting love and friendship in her life, and just relaxing. She was very complex and definitely meant to be annoying. But the intention was, as the layers were peeled and we got to know her more and more, we'd fall in love with the multifaceted person. Dru learned and grew, which is the essence of drama.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Aback said:

    @YRBB Could you share where you are watching the show? :P I used to have a website with a very exhaustive DAYS library (I think they were also on Twitter) but the site has expired or moved 😕


    I understand the pain! I have the episodes downloaded. I can't share anything publicly, but if you DM me I will be able to steer you in the right direction 😛

  6. March 1996

    After 40 episodes of threatening to rape Hope, finally the whole Jude St. Clair story comes to a head and, I’ve got to say, it’s pretty fun – Hope’s escape, Bo risking his life to find her, Jack determined to prove Jude and Peter are connected. I like that Peter shot and killed Jude. Overall, this was a good story.


    The infamous “Letter” storyline has begun and I’m anxious to see how it develops. Marlena's got that damn letter in her bag for over a month now and hasn’t seen it. Jesus.


    Vivian finding Stefano in her bed made me gasp. A great twist.


    There was something very touching and poignant about what I assume is Sarah's last appearance when Jack mentions that she told him she didn't know anything about love the first time they met and she says that, after watching him, Bo, and Hope, she does.


    I didn’t expect the feels I felt when Hope and Alice hugged once Hope returned to Salem (which finally gave Laura, Mike, and especially Mickey, Maggie, and Shawn a reason to come out of storage).


    It’s utterly fascinating watching Kristen's slow transformation into a villainess. Say what you will about Reilly's DOOL, but this is masterful writing, expertly delivered by Davidson.


    And it's always good when Sami reveals the tragic hopelessness at her core. It helps ground her. 

  7. 56 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    I got sucked into watching Love Is Blind on Netflix, which is a whole hot ass mess (looking at you, Jessica), and Lauren and Cameron are the cutest couple I’ve ever seen on a reality series.


    100%. I just can't take my eyes off it. Jessica... sigh. Complete mess. I REALLY want Lauren and Cameron to make it. Adorable!

  8. Season 13 is extreme -- from perhaps some of the most difficult episodes to get through to wonderful excitement with Paige's paralysis and kidnapping, and the surprisingly intriguing mystery woman in Greg's life.


    I was NOT as negative on Season 13A as a lot of others are - I did find plenty of things to enjoy. However, there's no denying the tone was shifted into being almost a crime show. Linda's murder being one example. It just didn't click and the pacing was way, way too slow. But, with one episode left in the season, I am sad it's almost over.


    Sheridan gave her best performances yet. She really blossomed here. From crying out in anguish over her paralysis, or throwing Laura's name at Greg's face, getting together with Greg (FINALLY!!!), and being terrorized by Pierce. The boat climax was fantastic. Speaking of Laura, what a great gutpunch to have Greg go back to her tape.


    We hadn't seen Frank in a few episodes and so I gasped when we saw him again on episode 21 -- that dramatic weight loss could mean only one thing. Sadly, my fears were confirmed. I didn't know about that. How horribly sad.


    The twist with Mary Robeson was great - Greg knows her and wanted to know she was released from prison, her lurking outside the McKenzie house. Again, this is different, but in a good way.


    The Claudia/Alex pissing contest continues to excite. It's unique, nothing the show has ever done before, and exhilarating. This is why KNOTS made it so far; creativity. 


    On 5/7/2020 at 4:49 PM, DRW50 said:

    Kudos to Alec for always being positive about his soap past


    Yes. How refreshing and honest. Then again, he did great work at KNOTS and received wonderful writing, so I'm sure that helps.

  9. 3 hours ago, BetterForgotten said:


    • On Y&R, she said the mandate from CBS was to "bring it into this century." She said CBS and Sony felt the show, its look, and its sound were "outdated"; She praised the Delia death story...


    Of course they did. OF COURSE. :rolleyes: Taking something classic and timeless and destroying it to chase the trends... and not even doing that right! 


    And then a few years later they reintroduce the "outdated sounds". Idiots. Bunch of fools.

  10. 1 hour ago, EricMontreal22 said:

    Brooke is an original character *and* actor.  So it makes no sense to me to not show at least ONE 80s episode.  Y&R has been better with the episodes they pick but I felt the same way about the Katherine week--couldn't they have shown a couple of 70s episodes?  Something from the 80s?  I get that they want to feature characters and actors still familiar to new watchers--but these are cases where they can do just that...


    Indeed. Especially B&B reeks of that. Y&R has done a little better with it, but that's thanks to Victor/Nikki. I suppose in Katherine's case, showcasing her double role is too much of a draw. But they could so easily do two 70s episodes in a row for one day. I imagine they think if someone tunes in and recognizes only Katherine, they won't stick around or be too confused... and sadly, there are those viewers. I guess we should count ourselves extremely lucky we're even getting things like "Katherine the Great" or "The Winters Family." That's a bit of a miracle in and of itself.

  11. 40 minutes ago, Vizion said:

    Hey everyone, great news! Nikki N got back to me and said she has full episodes that she will put on the Onedrive (I gave her the link). She said she has a ton from 1993 that she will share. 


    The only issue is the episodes are in a vault or stored away somewhere and it might be a month before she can get to it because of COVID-19


    Wow! Thank you so much for contacting her -- It will be so great to see this happen.


    Btw, the Polish channel has also received copyright strikes and won't be uploading anymore. Maybe someone can contact them and suggest the same?

  12. 27 minutes ago, BoldRestless said:

    Jack is such a punk, I was team Victor all the way back then. He should have built his own business instead of losing his father's and trying to steal Victor's! So great how he went from practically rolling his eyes at the beginning of the episode to nearly $%&!ing his pants by the end. 


    I love the throwaway line where Jill says "maybe I'll invite my son Billy for the summer..." knowing what's to come. It's so rich.


    I agree that LLB was really good in those scenes, as was DD... the tension when Christine comes home and wants to be alone and Mary is there, and then she finally gets to tell Paul. Makes me mad thinking again how 20 years later Nikki runs her over and kills her baby and makes her infertile but the Newmans act like Christine is an awful person for thinking she should face consequences for that. And poor Mary, being so Catholic and having all those kids but never really getting a grandchild to raise except for tween Heather that one summer and Heather didn't even know who she really was.


    Yes, Jack in business mode was a punk, but I loved every moment. Business stuff is when Bergman excelled the most (versus the love stuff). It's also when he resembled TL Jack the most.


    Foreshadowing! It helps when the show knows where it's going and doesn't make sh!t up as it goes along.


    13 minutes ago, Taoboi said:

    And I was young when this went down, but wasn't Victoria fighting them tooth and nail while Victor was believed dead thus the scene with her today? 


    Yes, she vowed to crush them in her own mini-me way (which was lovely) and there was that fun stuff with making it seem like she fired Ryan so he could spy on Jack and Brad and trying to seduce Brad. but indirectly. 

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