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Posts posted by Cat

  1. 28 minutes ago, alwaysAMC said:

    Does this mean that Gretchen is going against Alexis then?  Wouldn't anyone supporting Jim in this case be going against Alexis?  I thought Gretchen and Alexis were good friends, unless I'm misremembering...  


    There is speculation that Jim & Alexis's divorce (somewhere in heaven an angel weeps) is actually a front so that Jim can preserve his assets. He is being sued for some reason to do with these Skyzone trampoline parks, and doesn't want the court seizing his (alleged) ill-begotten gains. Anyway, he has transferred some of his property into Alexis's name and that has got tongues wagging.


    21 minutes ago, WTGH said:

    Nope, Gretchen rolled over on Alexis, to cozy up to TAMRA! of all people. 




    Once she's destroy that friendship, Tamra ditched Gretchen. 


    So much Shakespearean comeuppance! :lol: As soon as Alexis was iced out (one down, one to go!), Tamra knew Gretchen would hang herself if given enough rope. She understood that Gretchen always copies the other women in order to one-up them. Tamra wants a pink motorcycle? Oh, look what Jim gave me! Tamra got a wedding spin-off? Oh, hey, let me stage a fake proposal from Slade! Heather is on a TV show? OMG, I'm so glad they gave you the part that I turned down! 


    Tamra basically caught Gretchen out on her lies and delusions, and took much delight in obliterating her at reunion. It was a takedown that was over two years in the making. And it was EPIC!

  2. 23 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    Lol 😂 your names for the new girls are amazing. I really can’t get over how little I care for them.


    There are moments when I get deluded into thinking we might be on the cusp of another Lynne (who seemed to symbolize the breakdown of 2008 America) with Lawn Guylind. But then she says everything is super-fine between her and her invisible ex, and I am left thinking 'What did I just watch?' Absolutely nothing!


    Bargain-Basement Jeana is an even bigger disappointment. She looks like a core original HW. She has known Tamra for some years, and am I right in thinking she sided with Simon and possibly Gretchen at one point in their relationship? The show has led us to believe there is unmined history there. And yet instead, all we are getting is rehearsed scripted bullshit between her and her rodent hubby. Snore!

  3. Anything for relevancy, eh, Gretchen?




    SO HARD to know who to root for! But I'm Team Shamra. I don't know if I could ever side with Wretched, Slave and Hair-Plugs Bellino.


    Why do I get the feeling Gretchen is making calls to Bravo saying she will no longer testify if RHOC brings her back as a HW? Given the duds that are Lawn Guylind and Budget Jeana, Bravo might just hear her out.


  4. Incidentally, Rinna and Erotika are clogging up my Instagram with appeals to vote for them in the Housewives Awards. Erotika is up for Best Style, which she is bound to win because her rivals in that category are Margaret of NJ (!), Gizelle (!!), Kameron, Luann (JOVANI!) and Shannon (huh?). Oh, I see Cynthia is also in the running.


    Rinna is up for Miss Congeniality which, WTF. She is running against Cynthia, Cary Deuber :huh:, Dolores, Tinsley, Shannon :lol: and Monique.


    All I know is, Grande Dame Karen Huger better smash Most Memorable Wig





    ETA: Just saw Rookie of the Year nominees. :lol::lol::lol: Eva Marcille (!!!!! when?), Teddi Bear ('kay...), the two Whatstheirnames on the OC (wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!!), Candy ass (who earned her place during Reunion imo), and Margaret. Surely this is Marge's to lose.

  5. 16 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:


    I wonder why LVP refused. Erotika implies it's because she feels she is above all the other women and not part of the 'ensemble.' 


    Is this Production's hand? Or are the other women are behind this? They seem to be Danielle Staub-ing her so she has no story and therefore no purpose on the show. 


    Rinna started beating the ageist drum last year about how LVP was too old and it's time to get rid of the oldies. I really cannot stand Rinna. She and LVP are only 3 years apart! But Rinna is one of those idiots who says sh*t like "People think me and my daughters look like SISTERS, ISN'T THAT FUNNY??" It is ironic that LVP actually has more chemistry with the VPR cast, who are younger, than her BH cast.


    Kyle seems to have dropped the LVP alliance. Dorit has been ready to dump LVP for over a year now.


    The story in that article/comments about LVP's birthday on Sep 19 was kind of mean. Nobody wished her HB on social media, except for Rinna who posted a pic of birthday cupcakes with pills on them. Another nasty jab. Rinna either really hates LVP, or she forgot that LVP's brother died of a drug overdose in May.


    I wonder if she will even finish out the season, or refuse to show up to Reunion. I also wonder if Bravo will give her a raise at VPR to do VPR alone and leave BH quietly. Even though LVP no longer fits BH in its current incarnation, I feel bad that this is happening to her and that Rinna, Erika and Kyle are succeeding where Adrienne and Yolanda failed. They will squawk their triumph from the rooftops, make no mistake.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    Yeah, I was very surprised as well. 


    Also, there’s a virtual tie between the shows rated No. 3 through No. 9. I’m actually most surprised at how poorly Top Chef and the MDL shows perform relative to the other series. I know TC isn’t as relevant now that Food Network has stolen a lot of their thunder, but still.


    Yeah, the drop between RHONJ and Potomac is large. I was surprised that Million Dollar Listing surpassed M2M  (though that awful dirge Bethenny & Fredrik is not even listed!). I am also surprised that Southern Charm: New Orleans just tipped Dallas. RHOD deserves to be higher, so does Potomac. 


    Amazingly, Shahs stays consistent. Pretty much everybody on there seems to be randomly vile to each other ! Then again, I can't get into VPR either so I'm clearly not Bravo's target viewer.

  7. I was about to give up last night's M2M episode halfway through, but held out for the team-bonding stuff because I wanted to see Heathenly get hit on the back of the head with a dodgeball.


    Heavenly, I noticed, is very insecure about her sporting skills and, by extension, her physique. That's why she purposely messes up/gives up on a sports challenge before it even starts. Contrast that with Mariah who throws herself into them even though she herself may have some of the same insecurities Heavenly has. My point is, Heavenly cannot stand being in a situation where she isn't top dog and lording it over others.


    The Contessa/dad stuff is almost impossible for me to watch because I went through something like this with my mom. One thing I can say is that NONE of my friends did what Toya is doing to Contessa. Toya is so selfish and spoiled. As Contessa says, Toya is just starting a fight for the sake of it. She is pretty much cancelled for me until she readjusts her attitude.

  8. 3 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    Would Kathy be up for it? You’d think with Kim gone, they’d be licking their chops to get another sibling on the show.

    As @DaytimeFan and @j swift said, no she probably wouldn't. She is old school and moves in rarefied circles now. The Rothschilds are definitely not into that lol. A girl can dream, though! I always hoped that Kathy appearing on the show in past seasons, coupled with Andy and Bravo rolling out a charm offensive (Kim still loves Andy, apparently), might sway Little Kathy.

  9. 10 hours ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    @Cat & @DaytimeFan, word on the street *in my Gizelle voice* is that our girl, LVP is the target yet again on RHOBH. Apparently, all the women (including flip-flopping a** Kyle & Teddi) are against her. Rumor is she skipped out on the trip to Montreal too. 


    If true, just leave the show LVP. You got Pump Rules, which is lightyears better than BH. Just go.  Let the Titanic sink. 


    Ever since Munchausen Season (seasons 6), production and cast have been working to edge LVP out. They've brought on people of a different demographic (Erika, Dorit, Teddi). They've had Rinna age-shame her with 'It's time to get rid of the old' -- this fool forgets that she and Eileen are LVP's age group! Kyle has been trying to push LVP off the show for centuries. Ironically, their obsession with LVP actually keeps her on the show. 


    LVP has outgrown this franchise. Like @DaytimeFan said, she is better off focusing on VPR, which pulls in the ratings and demos. She can be the tough, strategic boss lady and nobody is bothered by it. On RHOBH, wealthy, over-privileged women attack her for her cunning and strategy; they cultivate their victimhood as a weapon against her. It is deathly boring. And no offense, but 18 episodes of LVP adopting poodles is boring, too. I'd rather see her in her natural work habitat.

  10. The trailer does look good. FYI the Kyra Sedgwick one [(c) @alwaysAMC ] is actually called... Jacqueline !


    I'm bummed there is not much Danielle, but she is definitely in this season. E! News had a feature about it a few weeks ago, and Bravo gave them footage from the new season of Danielle being proposed to by her now-almost-ex-hubby. Melissa and Teresa were looking on because they had apparently helped to set-up the proposal.


    One thing I really liked about last season was the very lovely friendship blossoming between Danielle and Margaret. It seemed to be the real deal and not as alliance-based as some other friendships on the show.


    As for Teresa and Melissa fighting -- this actually makes Melissa vaguely relevant for the first time since S3. I wonder which side Danielle will choose? :P

  11. 21 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    If they were smart they would do that. Despite Siggy being bat [!@#$%^&*] crazy, I really enjoyed last season of NJ as there was an energy to every episode that it lacked with the longer seasons, so hopefully they can keep that momentum going in the new season.


    Agreed -- NJ zipped along at a good pace last season with barely a wasted episode. I was pretty much invested in all the women. Siggy was literally insane, but I worry that having got rid of her, NJ will go back to boring 20-episode seasons that feel like 40. And with a handful of newbies joining the cast, nobody wants to see another Season 6! 

    Image result for chrissy teigen yikes face gif


  12. 15 hours ago, Gray Bunny said:


    Playing catchup on this thread finally. And I'd have to agree this was the only "refreshing" thing about Part 3 of the reunion was Ramona & Sonja's mutual admiration for one another, despite a season where they were nearly pitted against one another. The genuine friendship shined at the end. Same with Sonja/LuAnn and hell, there IS a special friendship/understanding with Ramona/LuAnn despite all their petty ups and downs. At the root of it, they look out for each other. 


    Carole had me and then lost me by downplaying her friendship with Tinsley. I gotta say, despite seeming so much younger than the other cast members, this "youngster" has ended up blending quite well with the ladies, and veterans like Ramona seem to genuinely like her. 


    The big question for Season 11 is just how ugly it will get with Queen Bethenny still calling all the shots behind the scenes. And Dorinda, PLEASE clean up your act. This was such a bad season for you. You were the golden girl for three solid seasons but fell hard this year. 


    There is definitely a comfort factor between Ramona/Sonja/Luann, where they can have a major falling out and still look to each other. Even Ramona and Luann, the old enemies, have both taken the same journey of a cheating spouse and divorce, and they have more empathy for each other as a result. As for Sonja, she is compassionate and understanding of Luann and Ramona's moods and flaws. She was as clear-headed and kind about Luann this reunion as Luann was with her back in S5 when Sonja made the decision to take down the portraits of her and her ex-husband (a hugely symbolic move for her). Have I mentioned how highly I rate season 5? :lol: Sometimes I even want Aviva and Heather back on the show.


    Dorinda's inability to admit that she has a drinking problem lost me, and her bullying insistence that none of the girls better DARE say that she does made her look very bad. I am sad that she and Luann have fallen out because they were close and Dorinda was there for Luann more than anybody else when she was down.


    ITA, Carole could have won me this season by speaking truth to power, but she lost me with the petty details (that she is STILL fighting about on Twitter) and by throwing Tinsley under the bus. Her obsession with proving Bethenny wrong literally consumed her and made her even meaner and more bitter. As a result, Bethenny won by default. 


    I am dreading S11 to an extent, especially if it was anything like seasons 8-9, aka The Bethenny Show. Ramona does not have the vocabulary to handle B, while an unsober Dorinda loses her way (which is probably why Bethenny spent a lot of time in S10 showing up Dorinda's drinking). Everybody else will toe the line but I'm hoping they rebel and claim their rightful places on this show -- as stars, and not supporting cast to Bethenny's word vomit.

  13. 9 hours ago, Faulkner said:





    So they are going to broadcast videotape of her saying her husband is being unfairly accused and the accusers are all liars? <_< What about the women whose careers he decided to ruin out of sheer spite and misogyny?


    CBS are so removed from reality if they let this happen. They STILL Do. Not. GET. IT. 

  14. So I am enjoying RHOC lately, and I'm not sure why? Maybe because it is an easy watch. And also because it seems like Tamra and Kelly are back to their old sh*t-stirring/fight-starting ways and I'm good with that!


    On one hand, Gina's divorce from the Invisible Man is watchable and authentic. She is pretty clear-eyed about what is going on in her life as well as about the other women. OTOH, I still confuse her and Emily by name! I wish the producers had invited Alexis back onto the show this season with her divorce, not to mention Tamra and Shannon poke holes in it (because the rumor out there is that a near-bankrupt Jim Bellino is divorcing in order to transfer assets directly in Alexis's name and therefore protect them from being sold off).


    I enjoyed Vicki this episode. Vicki's sense of humor about herself came out. Nice to see Billy back. I don't know what to say about Vicki & Steve -- I'm not sure I 100% trust him, but neither do I think he's a Brooks-in-waiting. He doesn't make Vicki go cross-eyed with lust like Brooks did, but Vicki did say he brings her peace, and that is probably what she needs right now.

  15. 14 hours ago, ChitHappens said:


    Thanks for the info. I occasionally check in to RHOA, but there's no way I will watch a violent animal like this!  No way!  


    No problem. It is all on public record. 


    The way Bravo/WWHL treats this issue, it's like ha ha she got nine mugshots! They never say why, and the implication is that it is no big deal. Last year Bravo had a lot of polls asking fans if Marlo should be made a full HW -- polls she lost by upwards of 80%! I figure some of those NOs (though not all) were from people who knew about her violent record. Anyway, Bravo are trying to have their cake and eat it too, because they got her working like a regular HW, and gave her a raise, apparently -- just no peach for insurance reasons.


    I don't want to 'convince' people not to watch ATL -- I myself have watched since the beginning. Last year, though, I dropped much of the show until reunion because it was a bore-fest -- and because I don't like Marlo. I may check out this season just to see how it is doing. But it bothers me that she has become a local celebrity while her victim is forgotten.



    On 16/09/2018 at 12:27 PM, NothinButAttitude said:


    Dare I say it, but yes. They should've never fired her last season anyways. Season 10 should've been Porsha AND Phaedra catching heat from the entire group about their actions. 


    IMO, Bravo should've kept Kenya, Sheree, and Phaedra. I think they are going to be kicking themselves when ratings drop yet again. People (whether they love or hate her) were invested in seeing Kenya's pregnancy play out on screen only for them to usher her out and replace her with 3 newbies, who I don't see bringing it like Kenya did...


    IA with you. Phaedra should have stayed to face the music, but my understanding is that Kandi blocked her return. Kandi has a lot of heft over at Bravo (hence all her spin-offs). On the one hand, I like that Kandi shows us her real life (unlike, say, Porsha and her paid-for 'boyfriends'). OTOH, I can't stand Todd (short man who muscled in on his wife's business, like 'Awww, that's so sweet, the lil lady is running her own little start-up! Now a man is here and he's gonna run things properly!'), and sometimes her Kandi Factory SLs leave me bored. But her relationship with Phaedra was always a good watch! Because (again, at the behest of Todd), she dumped her BFF at her lowest point, and Phaedra slowly, methodically, plotted her revenge. It was Shakespearean! There is still unfinished business between the two again, and anyways, I want to see how Ayden and Dylan are doing.


    I have not always been Kenya's biggest fan, but for the life of me I do not understand WHY now, at this point, when Kenya is actually married and about to have her long-awaited baby, did they fire her?? They had to hire THREE newbies (including one pregnant one we don't care about) to replace her?


    I was ready for Sheree to go, but I respect what that Wig-siding idiot brought to the franchise.

  16. Porsha is literally the luckiest women of all the RH franchises. How on earth has she clung on for +5 seasons?? Nobody wants to interact with her! 


    Nene's wig disaster in that photo was to be expected, but I can't believe they did a gorgeous supermodel like Cynthia so dirty. Yikes!


    IA @MrPrezident  ATL is in trouble, as is BH, OC and possibly NJ. They are having real trouble with getting together a good cast with plenty of chemistry. Should they bring back Phaedra?

  17. 4 hours ago, WTGH said:

    Premiere is on Nov. 4th:


    Kandi, Porsha, Shamari Devoe, Tanya Sam, Eva Marcille, NeNe and Cynthia. 


    I believe BH will be pushed over into the New Year...NJ has yet to premiere. 

    As someone who actually really enjoyed NJ last season, it pains me to say it but... maybe they shouldn't have fired Siggy so quickly?


    Yes, she really was the worst, most unhinged HW in recent times, but she also drove story. Maybe with two untested newbies this year, they might not have the content for even a reduced season like last year was.


    I did see E! News talk about Danielle Staub a few weeks ago, and they showed footage from the upcoming season of her then-BF' s marriage proposal -- which as we now know, has ended in divorce after mere days of getting hitched! So this season has been filmed. Maybe they are doing extra filming around Danielle and her soon-to-be divorce!

  18. Marlo is an insurance liability because of her criminal record and the violent nature of that record. She repeatedly slashed a woman's face, leaving her almost bleeding to death. A couple of years later, her badly disfigured victim ended up committing suicide.


    For that reason alone, I'm glad Marlo does not have a peach. She has been rewarded enough as it is.

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