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Posts posted by Cat

  1. 4 hours ago, Gray Bunny said:

    Saw RHONY Reunion, Part 1.  It's like the opposite of ATL (disappointing season; great reunion).  RHONY had a banner year, but this reunion has fallen into the toxicity levels of their season 4 reunion before the mass overhaul.  It definitely felt hallow without LuAnn there, as she was the driving force of so much of this past year. 


    Seeing Andy prop up Bethenny and halt conversation when the other women called her to task was pathetic. I'm glad Carole calls out Andy next week; another friendship ends due to the show. 


    Other than Dorinda's refusal to own up to her dependence on alcohol and her insistence that LuAnn owes her an apology (she doesn't), I actually didn't mind Ramona, Dorinda, and Carole calling out all of B's antics. It just stinks that EVERYONE spoke at once (shades of S4 reunion). Sonja looked pathetic, being B's lil sidekick (to which Ramona called her a puppydog... I *loved* when Ramona put her hand over Sonja's rambling mouth at one point).  Ramona's delivery isn't always the best, but she threw out A LOT of dirt about Bethenny not supporting other women, ruining friendships, not having female friends and all the BTS garbage B pulls on the show. And if Bethenny wants to hold onto a grudge where Ramona called her out on the Brooklyn Bridge way back in 2010, it's only because Ramona's prophesy was correct. 


    I also loved Carole's digs that so much of what Bethenny does is for the cameras and what she does when the cameras are off are two different things. Which is what this report about her time in Puerto Rico echos: 




    As much as Season 10 delivered in spades, it sounds like behind-the-scenes have gotten so dark and toxic, with Bethenny serving as an uncredited producer and having so much influence with the show. With Carole gone, it'd be great to have Heather Thomson back (wow, I was always indifferent about her, but you know she'd called out B's bull, even if just for one season).  I'm guessing next season we're going back to two-team alliances with Bethenny/LuAnn/Sonja versus everyone else. Hmm... not liking where this is headed. 


    P.S. Is the reunion 2 parts or 3? If Lu were there, it'd for sure be 3. 


    Totally agree with everything you said. This Reunion feels like a seismic shift into bitterness. The women will not be able to come back from Reunion to start Season 11 renewed and ready to rumble as a GROUP. And that is sad because the group relationship is EVERYTHING on RHONY. You really felt the finality of this in the flashback to Luann's cabaret night where she said "See ya, Dorin" and it felt like a goodbye. That friendship will never be the same (maybe because it was at its strongest when both were boozing?). Carole & Bethenny is dead. Bethenny & Ramona is dead. Bethenny & Dorinda is in critical condition (although I think they have a chance because their interaction is always intense, and in some weird way I think Bethenny wants Dorinda to like her). It really gave me that Season 4 vibe.


    I also wish Luann had been there because even though she is Team Bethenny, the dynamic would have been more balanced and maybe Andy would have felt less inclined to defend Bethenny. There were moments when Ramona, Dorinda and Carole looked like the bumbling Keystone Cops tripping over each other to get a shot at her. Bethenny thrives in Reunion settings : she thinks fast on her feet. And with Andy backing her, she was very smug and smirky, sitting back and giving Sleepy, Dopey and Drunky enough rope to hang themselves. They looked like they were ganging up on her Kyle & Adrienne-style, season 2 BH, and that is never a good look.


    Apart from Nutcrackergate :rolleyes: I too felt that Ramona, Dorinda and Carole made valid points. Ramona battled her inarticulateness to express how Bethenny treats her like sh*t. Dorinda battled her sour attitude to defend herself. She is, of course, in denial about her drinking and other stuff. Having said that, Bethenny exposed her drunkenness in Miami and I felt her motives were not pure in bringing Dorinda down to dinner the night before going to Puerto Rico, knowing she'd been in the hotel bar that afternoon.


    I think Carole succinctly exposed Bethenny's 'for the cameras' M.O. with regards to Jill. But she is going to pay for it in Part 2 with a phone to the face and her BFF Andy Cohen laughing at her. Andy was not as bad as I feared this episode, but next week is when we see his and Carole's RL friendship implode.


    I don't know how Season 11 is going to shape up but... I'm a little fearful.

  2. 51 minutes ago, ChitHappens said:


    Then Andy lets Giz do the closing speech?  She certainly strapped one on and bent him over as a thank you for that!  


    Super stoked about S4 and Married to Med.  The only Bravo shows I care about :)  




    I do wish you watched more, just so we could get more of your posts.

  3. It gets worse. TMZ (and yes, I know TMZ is awful but they got the exclusive on this one) published the photo and text messages between Bourdain and AA talking about this AND text messages between AA and a friend on Monday. The text messages explicitly catch AA out in the lie that she never had sex with Jimmy Bennett.






    This is a complete takedown of Argento. She has been completely exposed as a manipulative liar. I feel horrible that the boy she groomed has been doubted; that a man I really admire (Bourdain) got caught up in trying to 'save' her. I feel bad for #MeToo and the fact that Tarana Burke's movement got hijacked by narcissistic Hollywood types obsessed with the spotlight.


    Also, this exclusive is TMZ's, so you best believe Harvey Weinstein and his ex-Mossad investigators are behind this leak.

  4. Meanwhile, in the Bahamas...


    Yes, that's Camille on the left. Kyle, Rinna and Erikant, I am sure you can all pick out. I thought that was THE MORALLY CORRUPT FAYE RESNICK in the white bikini at the back! I almost cheered! But actually it is Teddi.


    The one I really didn't recognize was Dorit with the curly wig and lime-green bikini!


    Not sure where LVP and Denise Richards are.


    Image result for lisa vanderpump beach gif

  5. On 21/08/2018 at 7:05 AM, DaytimeFan said:

    I enjoy the history of Vicki and her children. We've witnessed them for over a decade (12 years, we're all practically family). Michael has always endured his mother's cringe moments with a much better sense of humour than Brianna. I get the sense that while Vicki humiliates herself and Michael on the regular, he respects her in a way that Brianna does not. Brianna has always had a resentful/smug attitude towards Vicki that peaks out, while Michael seems to just shrug at her absurdity with good naturedness. 


    Agreed. I like Briana, but I have always enjoyed what Michael brings to the show. He is Vicki's perfect straight-man to her crazy, and his humor is very dry, which is right up my alley. Actually, all he needs to do is show up wide-eyed with dread and outwardly cringing, and I lmao. 


    I also agree he knows how to handle her better and maintain a healthy distance. Vicki and Briana were closely dependent on each other until she and Ryan moved to NC (and it looks like it was a good decision for them). Michael managed to establish boundaries.


    I am loving Shannon this season. She shows a lot of her fears and vulnerabilities, and I respect that. Her divorce drama is also pretty organic -- unlike this "Shane owes me an apology for throwing my obnoxious drunken ass out of his own home at 2am" non-SL. Um, no, he doesn't, Lawn Guylind.

  6. 6 minutes ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    @Cat, I don't even see Cha-Cha being brought back for s4 in any capacity. Last night somewhat seemed like a farewell to Charrisse and rightfully so. Cha-Cha overplayed her hand. 


    TT is suggesting that she is a possible FOH, but the producers could cut her scenes if they so choose. IA that Cha-Cha overplayed her hand and there is not much left to say beyond that.


    Your avatar and sig are MAJESTIC, btw! :wub:

  7. Cha-Cha may have a nice wig on, but she threw her friendship with Monique away in a bid to get her spot back -- and it was a FAIL. She remains a FOH in S4, and no amount of 'I chose to take a step back' is going to convince me that Charrisse was willingly demoted for a second straight season.


    Michael telling Ray he would never be in a bad situation with the IRS... oh, honey. Be careful what you wish for. The IRS watches ALL the RH shows very closely with a copy of each participant's worldwide tax statements in hand.


    Ashley lies like she breathes. I don't believe the baby story, I don't believe her mom's boyfriend is suddenly employed, I don't believe the marriage troubles anymore. Michael is clearly as thirsty for camera time as she.


    Obvs I agree with @ChitHappens @NothinButAttitude @DaytimeFan regarding Gizelle. In Part 1, Gizelle was clearly prodded by Andy Cohen to hoist her carcass after Karen. Gizelle let Ashley take the fall for the machinations against Karen, but ALL three harpies went after Karen about her finances, her house and her supposed 'affairs.' Gizelle is super-protected by Andy and Bravo.


    6 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:

    Gizelle and Andy are just too gross and nasty for words. Andy needs to go from these reunions. He is too personally entrenched and biased. 



    THIS. This is one reason I am dreading NYC reunion. Andy has clearly chosen Team Moneybags Bethenny over Carole. Moreover, the editing shows Ramona, Dorinda & Carole calling Bethenny out on her sh!t and looking like some bumbling Keystone Cops. Bring on Australia's fabulous Alex Perry, I say. ^_^

  8. 40 minutes ago, Soaplovers said:


    She has no business being a mother, but than Jason has no business being a father.  Perhaps her grandparents could raise her?


    It's come to the point where whenever Bethenny has a scene on TV, I literally break out in hives à la Alex !


    Image result for RHONY Alex panting gif


    However, two things Bethenny is NOT, in my opinion: A drug addict, or a bad mother.


    That episode Jason Hoppy is citing in court, I don't even think Bethenny was truly drunk. It looked to me like poor acting as she attempted to avoid answering Carole's questions and tried desperately to bond with Slurinda.


    I don't think she is a druggie -- possibly Adderall for its weight-loss benefits, but she is always working, energetic and hyper-focused. I don't know if you can be hyper-focused and abusing OxyContin! She is SO controlling and tightly wound that she can barely have a natural bowel movement, let alone allow drugs to rule her life.


    I have no proof of her mothering skills, but as a result of her shitty childhood, and the way she talks about Brynn, she clearly wants to give her kid the childhood she never got. Her daughter probably brings out some lightr qualities in her. 


    Jason Hoppy is probably also a pretty devoted dad, but like Bethenny he is highly controlling and self-obsessed. I always thought this about Jason watching Season 3 RHONY and their spinoff show. He claimed to be anti-fame, but every time he was on screen, he was drinking it up. He was a really bad actor when saying he wasn't about the fame game, lol. He also seemed very cold and majorly bummed at Bethenny's success. Once she had Brynn, Bethenny probably transferred her love for Jason onto her daughter.


    Basically they are both as narcissistic as each other. Maybe this crazy horrendous divorce/custody mess is their karmic retribution for... the way they are? They will never get what they want unless they compromise and work together. But they don't want to do that, so here we are.


    6 minutes ago, WTGH said:

    TT will probably say: MY SOURCES DIDN'T TELL ME THAT! YOU'RE FAKE NEWS!!! :lol:


    I love TT, but she's a bit biased and aggressive towards "sources". 


    lol no kidding. :lol: This is irrefutable proof though. I think she might reach out to @alwaysAMC and respectfully ask to reprint those photos tbh. When a news source is legit, she tends to give them their due.

  9. 50 minutes ago, alwaysAMC said:

    Yep - Denise is there too. Nene and Greg were there celebrating Greg’s birthday so nothing for Atlanta. 


    Ive got more pics from my friend but here are two :)




    Image result for kenya tea piping hot gif


    Your friend has literally become the Tamara Tattles of this thread. Thanks for the pics. This is literally a "You heard it here first" exclusive!


  10. 11 minutes ago, alwaysAMC said:



    I have a friend that lives in the Bahamas, and the BH ladies are there now filming.  She sent me a ton of pictures of the ladies having dinner.  The cast includes Lisa V,  Lisa R, Kyle, Teddi, Dorit, Camille and Erika.  So Tamara Tattles seems to be wrong - all the ladies are back!  Bonus - Nene and Greg were there too!  Not sure if coincidence or if the Atlanta ladies are all there too.


    There was a big fight at dinner between Kyle and Erika.


    Related image


    Thanks for the tea! That is real first-hand tea too!


    Yes, they're all back, as we suspected. I wonder if Denise Richards was at the dinner too? I wouldn't mind seeing Nene get in there and shake the group a little in the Bahamas (even though she is Team Kyle).

  11. 2 hours ago, Taoboi said:

    HAHAHAHHA!!!! The OTHER NYC reunion trailer...




    Andy beaming his ass off during that BOOYAH moment says it all. Sounds like the friendship between Andy and Carole is DONE. He really chose Team Bethenny, huh.


    I'm not a violent person, but like I said, if anyone smacked a phone within an inch of my face, they'd be getting a punch on the mouth and one smashed phone.

  12. RHoD has this early-90s All My Children vibe to me. Except for D'Andra's black-and-gold party, which took things from All My Children to the oil baron's ball in Dallas !


    D'Andra's story made the episode, her fallout with Tammy Faye Bakker was soaptastic. Dee was looking to make trouble, spilling tea about D'Andra's 'experiences' pre-Jeremy to her professional walker Bo and criticizing the party in general. Dee Simmons is probably the most watchable MOH on Bravo after Mama Elsa.


    The crazy contouring make-up on these women, yikes. Caught a scene of D'Andra without makeup and I gasped out loud: she looked young and so ethereal. 


    I'm glad LeeAnne and Cary had a conversation. I know she is not popular amongst Dallas viewers but I really like Cary.


    I like Kameron with the women, but when she's at home talking about Sparkle Dog -- oy. I thought we could avoid another season of dog food talk.


    Brandi showing up at the party next week just to remind everybody that she is the premier pot-stirrer and story-driver on this show! I can appreciate what Brandi brings to the table. Interesting tidbit about the Adderall. It does feel like adopting Bruin has grounded her somewhat, though.

  13. 6 hours ago, CassieFan said:

    I like Brandi, she creates drama and she's fun to watch. I love D'Andra, too bad she's a Trump fan. Although, they probably all are.


    Yeah, I wouldn't look too closely at the politics of the OC and NJ cast either. Or Ramona's.


    Related image

  14. 9 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    The ladies making their entrances and greeting Andy was fun, but I thought it was unusually lacking in content for a HW reunion trailer. It makes me curious if the reunion itself will be lacking in content, especially with Luann not taking part.


    I wish Luann had been there. Sobriety comes first, but her absence is always going to be tarred by the supposition that she couldn't face questions about The Lawsuit and so ducked out of reunion. I think it would have been good for her to go, tbh, and get things out. Also, now this thing between her and Dorinda is going to fester for another year, and that makes me sad.


    FWIW, I think the Count did this lawsuit on behalf of his kids because they wanted to keep the house in the Hamptons, and Luann wanted to sell immediately. Luann was impulsive about wanting to go upstate withe her new honey. As it turns out, her BF-manager has now broken up with her. Lu seems to have transferred her co-dependence on alcohol to a co-dependence with yet another guy (like Tom), and it was probably for the best that she not rush into a new relationship or make impulsive decisions. 




    Wasn't sure I would enjoy a finale episode based entirely around one event, but it was a great episode. The cabaret looks legit fun and the guests were great. Luann could do well in a career like this. It was also nice to see Luann's mom, sister and kids out in support.


    Who is right in the Lu vs Dorinda fight? Luann perhaps should have been more accommodating to John. However, Dorinda was extremely ungracious throughout the episode. She is one of my faves, but not a good look on her. The real issue is that Luann (and Bethenny earlier this season) are the only ones to call Dorinda out on her boozing. Dorinda is in denial and hates that they did that. So she's jumped on a less contentious issue (the nutcracker, 'turning,' not inviting John) in order to express her anger. Dorinda is drinking HARD and would benefit from some rehab to deal with her reasons for doing so. She herself said in Cartagena that she and Luann should go away and do 30 days together.


    Tinsley was smart to give those What Happens in Palm Beach pillows to Luann, especially now that Carole is gone. Make other alliances, girl! You had nothing else going on this year.

  15. 12 hours ago, Taoboi said:


    However...Andy's preference for Bethanny is showing. *eyeroll*


    No other housewife -- not even Teresa Giudice, who Andy is always telling to stay seated -- would be allowed to leap across to the other couch and BOOYAH her phone into another HW's face. If you look at Andy's face, he is BEAMING at all this. If I were Carole, I would have slapped her phone across the studio.

  16. 17 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    I havent posted on the season yet but I cant stand the fake Gina on OC. Girl, BYE!

    Yeah I'm not crazy about Lawn Guylind either. She didn't seem all that drunk, but she sure was desperate to put on a show.


    Emily's little husband doesn't like drunken women screeching and screaming? Did he watch the show before signing up?


    I was feeling Kelly this episode. I also like her burgeoning friendship with Shannon.


    Poor Eddie. I hope they find a solution to his heart issues. 

  17. 2 hours ago, MrPrezident said:

    RHONY reunion trailer is out! I was expecting a Kim Richards-esque post rehab interview for Luann.


    That's what worries me a little. Luann has been on a ton of media outlets the last few days giving interviews... but i have yet to see her on Bravo. I hope thats not an indication that she is being punished for missing the reunion.


    Bethenny likening herself to the Mother of Dragons. :rolleyes: Jesus, that ego! Out of CONTROL.


    Ramona making everybody switch couches because she has a Botox bruise on her cheek is everything I love about Ramona, lol.

  18. 16 hours ago, alwaysAMC said:

    Dallas intro and taglines are here:




    They're cute.  I'm excited about D'Andra's story...  and I wonder what crazy LeeAnne will bring this season.  I see Stephanie was put in the back and Brandi took the front spot from LeeAnne.


    OK, so that means FOUR Housewives shows this week? And two on Wednesday? Ooof ^_^ that's a lot! M2M is starting soon too (which for some reason, like Ladies of London, I consider a RH show in all but name).


    Taglines are ok. Leeanne's will always have that 'imma Texan and imma use these haaands' quality.


    Brandi's is probably the best, as expected cuz it's a rip-off of Leeanne's last year! :lol:


    Kameron's is surprisingly sparky, and I love the way D'Andra enunciates "One. Tough. MOTHER."


    Stephanie's is meh (isn't she meant to be rich now with no budget constraints?).


    Cary's is dire (and I love Cary). She might as well just say "I'm a beard!"

  19. 52 minutes ago, Gray Bunny said:

    This 3rd year of Potomac has been their breakout year and I love it. Like others have mentioned, one goofy thing about it is using "Potomac" as the title when over half of them live in other towns/states. I've never been to the area so I guess it's hard to pinpoint one set area when so many large affluent towns and cities are in close proximity.  I would suggest "Real Housewives of Maryland" but some are in Virginia. 


    *ahem* Might I suggest referencing the Real Housewives' soapy roots and calling it


    Real Housewives of the Image result for capitol soap opera opening credits



    And I believe Charrisse is going to go after Monique. She has been telling anybody who will listen that Monique used their friendship to social-climb.

  20. Andy is consistently a fail with follow-up questions. He asks a question, lets the HW grandstand for a bit, inserts a pre-rehearsed quip and then "Let's move on." It's the other HWs who force the follow-up questions. Having said that, he did needle Ashley about her Coronas and Robyn about Juan: "you've said that before." 


    I am 110% stanning for Karen. She showed up Couch Nasty six ways to Sunday with the truth about their motives (nobody with half a braincell believes they went after her because they 'wanted to be there for her'). She left them shaken and publicly shamed. Gizelle knew she had f*cked up and so made a show of comforting her.


    Giz played this episode calm and collected, as she let her handmaiden Ashley get all the blowback. Ashley shakes the tree while Gizelle picks up the fruit.


    Karen can laugh at herself too, even though Ashley fronted like Karen was secretly angry about 'Kern'. Ashley is desperately looking for an excuse to justify her general shittiness. I cannot stand her. She would sell out her own mother (and she has!).


    Also I still maintain that Ashley -- who claims to "put it all out there" -- cherry-picks her SLs that put her in the best light. That would be (1) supporting her poor momma; and (2) I just want Michael to give me a baby to fulfill me! Is that too much to ask? :rolleyes:


    Candy-ass earned her S4 place IMO. I see Charrisse is on next week, desperate to stay relevant.


  21. 50 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    Poor Karen...


    Team Karen all day every day!


    She shamed the right couch into silence with the truth of her situation -- which they all knew about and yet still CHOSE to be complete bitches. And it has backfired on them big-time.

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