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Posts posted by Cat

  1. 14 hours ago, ChitHappens said:


    Thanks for the info. I occasionally check in to RHOA, but there's no way I will watch a violent animal like this!  No way!  


    No problem. It is all on public record. 


    The way Bravo/WWHL treats this issue, it's like ha ha she got nine mugshots! They never say why, and the implication is that it is no big deal. Last year Bravo had a lot of polls asking fans if Marlo should be made a full HW -- polls she lost by upwards of 80%! I figure some of those NOs (though not all) were from people who knew about her violent record. Anyway, Bravo are trying to have their cake and eat it too, because they got her working like a regular HW, and gave her a raise, apparently -- just no peach for insurance reasons.


    I don't want to 'convince' people not to watch ATL -- I myself have watched since the beginning. Last year, though, I dropped much of the show until reunion because it was a bore-fest -- and because I don't like Marlo. I may check out this season just to see how it is doing. But it bothers me that she has become a local celebrity while her victim is forgotten.



    On 16/09/2018 at 12:27 PM, NothinButAttitude said:


    Dare I say it, but yes. They should've never fired her last season anyways. Season 10 should've been Porsha AND Phaedra catching heat from the entire group about their actions. 


    IMO, Bravo should've kept Kenya, Sheree, and Phaedra. I think they are going to be kicking themselves when ratings drop yet again. People (whether they love or hate her) were invested in seeing Kenya's pregnancy play out on screen only for them to usher her out and replace her with 3 newbies, who I don't see bringing it like Kenya did...


    IA with you. Phaedra should have stayed to face the music, but my understanding is that Kandi blocked her return. Kandi has a lot of heft over at Bravo (hence all her spin-offs). On the one hand, I like that Kandi shows us her real life (unlike, say, Porsha and her paid-for 'boyfriends'). OTOH, I can't stand Todd (short man who muscled in on his wife's business, like 'Awww, that's so sweet, the lil lady is running her own little start-up! Now a man is here and he's gonna run things properly!'), and sometimes her Kandi Factory SLs leave me bored. But her relationship with Phaedra was always a good watch! Because (again, at the behest of Todd), she dumped her BFF at her lowest point, and Phaedra slowly, methodically, plotted her revenge. It was Shakespearean! There is still unfinished business between the two again, and anyways, I want to see how Ayden and Dylan are doing.


    I have not always been Kenya's biggest fan, but for the life of me I do not understand WHY now, at this point, when Kenya is actually married and about to have her long-awaited baby, did they fire her?? They had to hire THREE newbies (including one pregnant one we don't care about) to replace her?


    I was ready for Sheree to go, but I respect what that Wig-siding idiot brought to the franchise.

  2. Porsha is literally the luckiest women of all the RH franchises. How on earth has she clung on for +5 seasons?? Nobody wants to interact with her! 


    Nene's wig disaster in that photo was to be expected, but I can't believe they did a gorgeous supermodel like Cynthia so dirty. Yikes!


    IA @MrPrezident  ATL is in trouble, as is BH, OC and possibly NJ. They are having real trouble with getting together a good cast with plenty of chemistry. Should they bring back Phaedra?

  3. 4 hours ago, WTGH said:

    Premiere is on Nov. 4th:


    Kandi, Porsha, Shamari Devoe, Tanya Sam, Eva Marcille, NeNe and Cynthia. 


    I believe BH will be pushed over into the New Year...NJ has yet to premiere. 

    As someone who actually really enjoyed NJ last season, it pains me to say it but... maybe they shouldn't have fired Siggy so quickly?


    Yes, she really was the worst, most unhinged HW in recent times, but she also drove story. Maybe with two untested newbies this year, they might not have the content for even a reduced season like last year was.


    I did see E! News talk about Danielle Staub a few weeks ago, and they showed footage from the upcoming season of her then-BF' s marriage proposal -- which as we now know, has ended in divorce after mere days of getting hitched! So this season has been filmed. Maybe they are doing extra filming around Danielle and her soon-to-be divorce!

  4. Marlo is an insurance liability because of her criminal record and the violent nature of that record. She repeatedly slashed a woman's face, leaving her almost bleeding to death. A couple of years later, her badly disfigured victim ended up committing suicide.


    For that reason alone, I'm glad Marlo does not have a peach. She has been rewarded enough as it is.

  5. 15 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    But on the opposite end so many of you entertained the idea that it could be Angela Lansbury.  There is no way in hell that's the case.  He married a woman 20 years younger than himself.  He's the type of guy (like Trump) who thinks women over 30 are past it, I promise you.   Maybe it says something bad about me that I believe that, but I prefer to think it says something of my very low opinion of Les.


    As for Tyne Daly, Les is also the kind of guy who has a "no fat chicks" bumper sticker on his dick.  The one positive aspect of being a little larger than average is it tends to stop a large number of these jerks from bothering you (But not all! Oh no, no woman is that lucky). If it's not obvious, I speak from experience. 

    I would absolutely agree with you about Moonves preferred type  -- except that if he kissed Angela Lansbury (or whoever it was) after cancelling her show, it wasn't a sudden act of attraction. It was a demonstration of power and HIS disdain of HER. He'd cancelled her show. Now she was only fit to get on her knees and service him. THAT was the message he wanted to give.


    2 hours ago, ChitHappens said:


    The real jaw dropper is that these men did not care if 30 or more women came forward...their problem was that Les put them in an unfavorable position by offering the woman a job in the company to keep quiet.  Les can deny til the cows come home, but bribery only helps the accuser and this is what pissed off the board.  Les was making them loads of money and kept CBS on top so who cares if women were not comfortable in the work place?  Let's get mad because the perv was dumb enough to make a deal.


    Their fake outrage is for the dogs.    


    Right. And compound it with the fact that a WOMAN, Shari Redstone, has a controlling interest on the board, and the men defending Moonves at all costs couldn't stand the idea of being bossed around by 'that woman.' By any woman! They weren't going to let 30 or 300 chicks dislodge 'their' guy Les from the CEO position!


    It's sickening, and imo CBS needs to do a full clean-out.

  6. 1 hour ago, ChitHappens said:


    I'm a Toya fan, but that really pissed me off.  Heavenly had no business calling and Contessa's husband should not have allowed her to.  This was awful on so many levels.  Toya needs her ass stomped for that move.  It was not pretty, especially when your husband is visibly disgusted!  


    Toya takes good care of her hubby and she appears to be a freak so he's staying put, but sometimes, I feel he's too good for her.  Then I remember, this is how plenty of marriages are.  The man is laid back while the woman controls the relationship.  Eugene needs to stand up to his wife!  


    Yeah, Toya has grown on me a lot since her first season! I always appreciated her sense of humor and quickness in figuring people out. But this was a tantrum from a spoiled child. Moreover, it embarrassed and emasculated her husband in front of his work colleagues and the viewing public.


    LOL you are right, I know a lot of couples like this, and I never know what to make of it, except maybe the guy was treated like this by Mother growing up, and therefore this is the standard by which his chosen female is measured!

  7. @YRfan23 echoing what everybody is saying here. Thank you for posting this glorious episode.


    I keep rewinding it in a bid to figure out why it grips me in a way soaps today no longer do. After all, it is 'just' 22 minutes long. It is 'just' three sets. It is 'just' 6 members of the main cast featured!


    Firstly, 22 mins feel like a full-hour show in terms of content. A lot of that content was unspoken, or an undercurrent. There is the dialogue, and then there are people's true motivations and desires propelling the scene. Like when Lance locked eyes with Leslie, or when Jennifer Brooks opened the door to Mark, the tension! For a moment I wondered if she was afraid of him. 


    Contrast that with Lorie and her father's scene, the intimacy, the closeness. I have a feeling Freud would have had a field day with the dynamics of that scene. It is so clear that Lorie once felt estranged from him and it hurt her deeply, and that this relationship with her father is extremely important to her. The feelings implied and expressed could be interpreted in a tacky, heavy-handed way... but it is clear that the person writing this scene -- the great William J Bell himself -- has such love for these characters, such understanding and empathy for them, as if they are real people. Consequently, we care for them too -- within seconds of a scene starting.


    I think this is why Y&R was successful for so long. Because Bell cared about the characters he was writing and their story. That kindness in the way he treated them, it is a kindness we don't see anymore among many writers today. These characters would be mere archetypes to them.


    Also Janice Lynde's voice is STUNNING and she delivered such a showstopper! On a superficial level, she looks like a goddess with that gorgeous hair and stunning jumpsuit "from Giorgio's Beverly Hills" (I want one!). Apart from the designer clothes though, it is clear that with a little moody, cinematic lighting and gorgeous background music, a soap can do SO MUCH with very little. I've harped on about Y&R's background music before being an additional character, but truly -- that music is the emotion and psychological underpinning of all these characters' motivations.


    And like all of you, I would PAY to stream these episodes from 1973 onwards. I think writers, scriptwriters, and lovers of the genre would learn so much from seeing Bill Bell's 70s work up close.

  8. Wow. I am literally stunned by the last two hours worth of revelations. First of all, I have always admired Linda Bloodworth Thompson, but now after reading her article, I have never been prouder of her! Talking about the legacy of strong women in shows which CBS and Moonves totally squandered. Her delineation of the misogyny in those CSI shows is especially on point, illustrating the misogyny of the man and the network.


    Secondly, as someone who has worshipped Angela Lansbury and MSW since I was a child -- and who had the honor of meeting the great Dame Angela a few years ago; she was even more wonderful, whip-smart, gracious,and kind than I could ever imagined -- if Les Moonves assaulted her... I hope he rots in hell!


    I do think it might be Sharon Gless though -- another actress I long admired.


    Btw that statement by Fager where he basically admits to threatening a CBS reporter -- this hasn't been said yet but some journalists on CBS News and CBA This Morning have been doing good work reporting this story -- despite the obvious impediments to their being able to do so. 

  9. 13 hours ago, Soaplovers said:

    @Cat Emily is a lawyer, hence the untrustworthy vibe.  She did warn in an interview a few weeks ago that her hubby gets into the drama despite his best efforts..and she wasn't kidding lol


    Man, I could never be Gina's friend..or rather a close enough friend that I'd hang with her if her brats were around.


    Your first sentence made me LOL. :lol: Yeah, she does have a certain slickness. Those home convos with Shane are v contrived, and Shane, bless him, doesn't always play. I enjoyed Jimmy Edmonds (HATED his wife) for this very reason.


    Gina is clearly overwhelmed raising her little kids on her own. Also, parents today don't really discipline in the same ways my parents did. Refusing to sit at the table? Hitting my mom on the head? Yeah, no. That sh*t would not fly, and you best believe my quiet butt would be on that chair.


    5 hours ago, Taoboi said:

    Maybe Kelly was more drunk than she would like to admit.


    That said...I found Shane gave off a vibe of RHoNJ Amber's husband than anything...but without the need to be in the spotlight like her husband tried to do by starting drama.


    Yikes! I refuse to watch that season of NJ, but that guy stood out as being skeeze of the highest order! I don't think Shane is in that league. In fact, I give him credit. The women have been after him for a few episodes, and he doesn't engage. He has the right to throw anybody out of his home that he chooses, first of all. Second, when Kelly called him all those names, he did not get nasty or physically confrontational. He laughed at her obvious drunkenness. He handled her well, all things considered. I don't understand the Kelly stans praising their KWEEN all over SM for going apeshit on him for no reason.


    13 hours ago, WTGH said:

    BH Drama:


      Reveal hidden contents



    Sigh. I mean, this is better than fighting over panties, stemware or linen napkins. But c'mon. LVP is wrestling a pig here (yes, I called Dorit a pig). She's going to get dirty and what's more, the pig likes it ! Coked-out Dorit is always going to start something on this show -- even if it means abandoning some poor puppy at a rescue shelter. That $3.6mn Bellagio gambling debt isn't going to pay itself. (https://people.com/tv/dorit-kemsley-husband-pk-sued-casino/).


    That news story needs to be what everybody on BH is talking about, not widdle fluffy animals (and yes, I blame LVP for starting this cute-animals-instead-of-actual-SL trend) ! :lol: And once again it is a non-story which doesn't truly address the resentment Dorit feels for LVP, or the jealousy LVP feels for Erika, or the hate Rinna feels for LVP -- ALL this stuff we know is happening under the surface, but which the women don't want to openly discuss, for a fourth year running!


    I still say this franchise should be completely revamped, with Kathy Hilton putting the fear of Big Kaffay in Kyle, Faye Resnick as resident pot-stirrer, Linda Thomson (Bruce Jenner AND David Foster's ex-wife!), Camille, and TayShanna. Kris Jenner can be the well-connected FOH. Dana/Pam and her house-arrest anklet can also be FOH.


  10. 13 hours ago, Taoboi said:



    #TeamGina on that fight. While I get why Kelly might be hunt, it just felt like she was looking for a fight for fight sake. And come on, Kelly has been around long enough to know not to come for the husband. 


    It just seems like to me that now that she is back in Viki's good graces, Tamra is trying to subtly get Shannon out of the picture, not realizing that Shannon is currently enjoying a comeback with the audience. So that can only backfire if she continues. However, I do see that perhaps the stress of Eddie's medical crisis is making her a bit raw and stressed out.


    Shannon as the Voice of Reason/Common Sense at the party. Who knew? Overall, I continue to find her so watchable this season even when she is overreacting like she was at the start of the episode.


    I like Shane. :)


    I can't decide if there are finally cracks in the Eddie/Tamra marriage or if they are morphing into that old couple that have bickering back and forth, but love each other and that's their way.


    Good episode.



    It was a v enjoyable episode! Mainly because there was a good mix of individual family scenes and drama with the ladies all together. It's taken them 8 episodes to get there but better late than never!


    IA with you that Kelly was trying to start something. Kelly was looking for a fight with Vicki, didn't get one, with Steve Lodge, didn't get one, then with Shane and Emily. As the flashback showed, she knew full-well Shane was Emily's husband. Having said that, Shane gives me douchey Josh Taekman vibes. Also, I have to give it to Kelly for this incredible drunk Tweet:




    Full Disclosure: I like Tamra. And this after hating her for YEARS. She is indispensable to this franchise. I dig seeing her zoom around on that scooter with a MAS TEQUILA sign on the front. I also hope she and Eddie get through this health scare and don't break up. BTW, Eddie's 90s headshots were full-on channeling David Charvet from Melrose Place!


    Shannon is my favourite, and I am warming to Gina too with her self-contained marriage drama and having to raise her kids herself. I like Emily ok but there is something a bit fake/untrustworthy about her that I just can't put my finger on.

  11. I don't know how Chen can come back after what her Talk cohorts said yesterday. Sharon Osbourne's words were especially blunt about Moonves, even though she seemed to be quaking with fear. And if i knew my evil boss was still going to be around CBS in an 'advisory position' (that could mean nothing, or it could mean he's still helping to run the network), I'd be scared too!


    Even if Chen leaves him, it's all too humiliating for her. And every time people look at her, now more than ever, they know how she got those gigs, and maybe speculating what she had to do to get her start in this business (given what we know of Moonves M.O.).


    The attitude of CBS in terms of paying him off and trying to keep him around is shocking... until you realise all those execs are probably abusing their positions like Moonves did. The example is set by him, and by most people of power in Hollywood. This is their 'playground.' So by covering for him and protecting his assets and benefits, they are protecting their own. I don't expect this internal investigation to reveal anything new except the narrative that 'Moonves alone did this and nobody here knew anything, we are so shocked, etc.'

  12. Toya showed her ass big-time at that party. Putting Contessa on speaker and trying to humiliate her in front of her guests.  Speaking of Contessa -- how fast did she grab her daughter and save her from choking?? That was an unreal moment, she was so on the ball and afterwards acted like all in a day's work!


    Eva Marcille was sort of... engaging to watch on M2M....? Can't believe I am saying that. Apparently Dr. Jackie will be appearing on RHOA as her ob-gyn.


    Heavenly is so unsettled by Mariah, lol. I really do like Dr. Damon, though. He looks very cuddly.


    The Fraudster continued frauding her way through the WWHL episode that followed. Dr. Jackie was there to hold her hand while Quad leaned into the role of heroic victim. What was especially interesting to me was how engaged and present Andy Cohen was! He really, really enjoys M2M, probably because the marriage drama is pretty authentic.

  13. I cant believe all this breaking news I missed overnight! I mean, I wish he was going on trial, but at least there is a chance (a small one) that he won't get that $100mn payoff.


    He is really a pig. That New Yorker article made me sick. And the one involving his doctor too. LM had zero curbs on his power and was literally above the law. Those women who reported him were so brave, even though it cost them their careers and livelihood.


    Julie Chen won't be on The Talk today? Oy. Why not? She should face the music too or step down.

  14. 19 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    Carole met Adam in season 7 and that’s the year she and Heather fell out with Luann cause of the cast trip and Ramona’s guy spending the night.

    Thanks for correcting me. I kind of snoozed through all those vegan cookbook pitches and ki'ens scratching up Lee Radziwill's couch.


    18 hours ago, NothinButAttitude said:




    Nope. It isn't just you. It's a longtime joke on Twitter amongst LVP fans, as we always dread even number seasons b/c we know she'll end up being the target.

    Season 9's a charm! *fingers crossed*

  15. 18 hours ago, NothinButAttitude said:


    I only found her tolerable in s5. She was dreadful in s6. OK in s7. Dreadful in s8. OK in s9. Dreadful yet again in 10. Much like LVP, even number seasons were not good for her image. 


    I did like how she embraced Kristen into the fold in s6. But yeah, s6 was when she became very haughty and humorless (more accurately, during s5 reunion). She turned on Aviva and Luann big-time that season. Wasn't that also the season she began dating Adam and started getting obsessive anxiety about how she "only had 5 good summers left" ? I guess if I was stuck with Adam as the last guy I'd ever f***, I'd be pissed, too!  :P


    lol I thought I was the only one who noticed that even-numbered seasons were awful for LVP! Seasons 4, 6 and 8 are cases in point. And s2 was a great season for her, but that was the reunion Adrienne and Kyle engineered that Bobby Fischer takedown -- which failed.

  16. This ^^ just makes me boil with rage even more. A $100 million golden parachute as thanksfor ruining a lot of women's careers and their chance to put food on the table. As head of not just CBS but Viacom, his reach was extensive and all-encompassing, as illustrated by Yashir Ali's Tweets regarding Janet Jackson. To the point where even a random book deal at Simon & Schuster gets kaboshed.


    Moonves went out of his way to target all these women! He must really have a hate-on for females, because Justin Timberlake kisses his ass and gets helped to the next level of his uninspiring career, while Eric Braeden gets to play golf with Moonves every month. It seems like targeted, systematic attacks on women and their careers.

  17. 11 hours ago, NothinButAttitude said:


    That sh-t was awkward. It made Carole look horrible and pinpointed how Carole only have friendships of convenience with the women on this show. In that moment, I wanted Tinsley to flip on Carole's a** and nail her to the cross. You just know that Carole spearheaded a meeting prior to the reunion to make Bethenny the target. I wish Tinsley tosses her to the wolves. 

    This. She looked awful throwing Tinsley under a bus -- just to prove a point against Bethenny. I too would have liked to see Tinsley call her out (even though I would have hated Bethenny smirking throughout that interchange).


    Carole was such a fresh presence in S5-6, especially her friendship with Heather. But she's become such a mean girl, very strategic, and very superior. It has sucked all the youthfulness out of her.


    2 hours ago, alwaysAMC said:

    The RHONYBravo insta account just announced that NYC Season 11 filming has begun... with a picture of Ramona, Dorinda, Tinsley and Sonja all appearing in the candid photo.  Interesting...


    Bravo always starts filming while the wounds from reunion remain fresh. :ph34r:


    I live for Ramona-Sonja and Sonja-Luann tbh. I really enjoy watching Ramona and her Ramonisms a lot.

  18. 10 minutes ago, Khan said:


    IKR?  And folks wanna burn their Nike merchandise because the company chose Colin to be its' spokesman?  Lord, where is thy light?


    This world's priorities are so screwed up right now. :( People be frothing in delight at seeing little Latino children in cages in the blazing Texas desert ("That'll teach em!") -- but boo-hooing about gun owners not allowed to put silencers on military-grade assault rifles.


    Keep fighting the good fight, Colin! Freedom of THOUGHT is what it is all about!

  19. 2 minutes ago, Khan said:

    "Odd" doesn't even BEGIN to describe this, Carl.


    I'm not surprised he gets to leave with a "golden parachute" for being such a repugnant bastard...but that doesn't mean I'm not outraged by it all.  I mean, he got to remain as CEO while the investigations were underway, which was bad enough.  But, even now, with the heat still turned on, he'll get to leave -- not in handcuffs, not in total disgrace, as it should be -- but with a $100 million payout?  And they're actually debating whether that number should be HIGHER?  Are these people [!@#$%^&*] kidding?


    If you are truly remorseful for your inappropriate behaviors toward these women, Les, and for the effects they have had on their careers and lives, then, at the VERY least, you should opt to step down, with NO payouts.  Better yet, take the money and give it all away to charitable organization that benefit women's causes.  It's not like you NEED the cash anyway.


    This in a nutshell! He should be facing charges by the NYPD and LAPD (though he prob has high-ranking influence there too). Instead he's going out a billionaire. What a slap on the wrist!

  20. 9 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    Given that CBS has been on a gradual decline for years, I wondered when Moonves would finally go, but it's still odd to me this is the way it will be.



     An 'internal investigation' which gives him a $100mn golden parachute and absolves all the other CBS execs of any knowledge or wrong-doing! "We had no clue this was going on blah blah." :rolleyes: This is institutionalised sexual harassment and assault, everybody. They all knew, they set up the system that way to benefit them and their coercing women into sexual favors. They covered for him, and for themselves. The assistants knew and covered, the junior execs knew and covered, the legal departments printing off NDA after NDA all knew too. This is exactly the same set-up as Harvey Weinstein -- and on a similar scale.

  21. 15 hours ago, Vee said:

    Sarah also took a shot at Maurice Benard:



    I don't think it's a shot at him -- I think she's being playful. And he is being sincere in his statement. A few weeks back (on her timeline) he said something similar and she tweeted him back super-friendly. I don't think she meant anything damning towards him.

  22. Glad the NYC reunion is over because it was a toxic and stressful watch. I appreciated Carole this season holding Bethenny to account. But she showed her ass this episode, so desperate to prove Bethenny wrong that she disowned Tinsley's friendship. Bethenny is a manipulative emotional-vampire -- but Carole is a cold, heartless friend-jumper. Now that Carole is no longer double-dating with Adam, Tinsley is surplus to requirements.


    So I am Team No-One at this point. Both Bethenny and Carole are cruel, vengeful people whose friendship was built on feeling superior and going after 'weaklings' like Sonja, Luann and Jules. Two bullies falling out? Good [!@#$%^&*] riddance. Is it too much to hope that Bethenny gets demoted next season?


    Tinsley and Sonja (and perhaps Ramona) were the only people who came out well (not to mention the stylists). Tinsley was funny and light; Sonja was full of equanimity and her obvious closeness with Ramona and Luann gives the show heart. I am really looking forward to seeing her new life in Columbus Circle without that financial/emotional albatross of a townhouse around her neck.


    12 hours ago, WTGH said:

    Kyle's American Woman has been cancelled after one season.


    An awful short time considering the commotion caused between her, Kathy and Kim. 


    I keep saying Kathy Hilton needs to become a full-time BH housewife! :lol:


    American Woman is coming to the UK and is being marketed as a 'US sleeper hit.' :rolleyes:


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