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Posts posted by Cat

  1. OC:


    Team... Both Sides? I understand where Shannon is coming from: OC vacations are like Survivor, where one HW is singled out as target. She thinks that is what Tamra has done with her. Tamra is giving off Old Skool Costa Rica vibes and definitely playing up to the new girls.


    OTOH I get where Tamra is coming from. Shannon is self-involved. This is not Breaking News. Kelly also has it right: Shannon has been depressed for years, probably before she even came onto the show. While I applaud Shannon for not wanting to numb her emotions with hardcore medication and is happy embracing her feelings, the good and the bad, clearly she already self-medicates with alcohol. Surely therapy cannot hurt?


    Emily is *gasp!* growing on me....?


    Vicki's outfits this episode, oy. That dress was too low-cut and I was seeing waaaaay too much 59-year old boob. Also, Ramona called. She wants her black macrame cover-up back. God, I love Vicki. She was FABULOUS this entire episode. I also like that she is the VOR and trying to be supportive to Shannon.

  2. 9 hours ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    @Cat & @DaytimeFan, RHOBH rumors...






    I'm not even excited about this flop season at all. I'd rather they just scrap the whole show and try and new California city like Santa Barbara. 


    Fans are suspecting that the women are mad at LVP about the dog incident b/c she supposedly sold a story to the press and got caught. 


    So what!!


    All these b*tches sell stories on all these shows. 


    US magazine geoblocked me, sigh. :( 


    So let me get this straight -- LVP sold a story to the press. However, instead of confronting her about the story (and possibly exposing their own close 'relationships' with the press), the women are going to hide it behind some dispute over a dog?




    I can't with this BS. RHOBH pulls this [!@#$%^&*] far too often, with everybody talking circles around the REAL issue. Instead they fight a proxy war using the pettiest crap imaginable. Last season was the worst of it.


    Image result for ramona i cant i cant gif


    8 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:


    And the rumour is that LVP is trying to bail out of the season and leave midway because of being "caught"...honestly she should just own it, show off the pair of shoes she bought with the money she got for selling the story, and go out in a blaze of glory, guns blazing.


    This franchise is such a flop and has been for years now.


    LVP's fear of being "caught" is a real Achilles heel for her, and all the other women know this.


    I wish LVP realized... that fans don't mind a villain! (In fact, LVP's English accent and Joan Collins vibe kind of makes her a shoo-in, lol). If LVP owned her machinations, shrugged and moved on, she would be a powerhouse. But LVP wants to be utterly beloved of animals, employees, friends and fans. She cannot handle being called out on the 'bad' stuff. So she covers and deflects. And as Richard Nixon proved, it's always the cover-up that bites you in the ass.


    Like you, I wish she'd say "Yes, I did it, so what?" go out in a blaze of glory, exposing their hypocritical asses along the way. BOOM! Mic drop. However, I think she's afraid to admit to this particular accusation. Because it might have fans question whether Adrienne's S2 accusation of LVP selling to RadarOnline (which LVP strongly refuted in a way that made me believe her) might be true. That seminal moment brought the majority of fans on-side with LVP, and Kyle is still enraged over it.

  3. 10 hours ago, NothinButAttitude said:



    D'Andra is disgusting. Her twisting Leeanne's words and correlating it to her father's demise was just too much for me. I think it is going to also backfire on her too come reunion time. She's too invested in taking Leeanne down, not realizing her demise is around the corner. I don't picture these 2 ever being close again. D'Andra just went too far. Might I add too that D'Andra proved Leeanne right too about her running and telling Brandi everything, which she did last night after their talk.


    And my Kameron...:lol: When she threw that fatal shade at D'Andra saying that she hoped the shirt she was wearing to Cary's event was too much or it'd wipe out her $200 account...:P Kameron is comedy. I'm ready for her to dig into D'Andra come next week too. 


    Stephanie is gradually awakening to Brandi's shenanigans. If not this year, next year they will be back at odds. Brandi is the real manipulator amongst these women. 


    Just when I say that RHOD is not as good as last season, Bravo hits me with a perfect episode of pure soap opera! :lol: 


    Dallas might be the soapiest RH franchise, and its soapiest 'character' might just be Mama Dee Simmons -- the love child of Tammy Faye Bakker and Zsa Zsa Gabor. I'm willing to make a sacrifice for the sake of the show -- I like Cary, but it's time she moved over to FOH and gave Mama Dee her spot. Mama Dee NEEDS to be a full-time HW! I am obsessed.


    That convo she had with D'Andra about leaving Leeanne alone and focusing on running the business -- and then when she said in her VT that "We (meaning the Simmons family) have known Leeanne a long time and we love her" -- there can be no clearer indication of which side Dee is on in the Leeanne/D'Andra battle. She shows Leeanne kindness and understanding in the previews while basically saying D'Andra is going to crash and burn with the business... wow. It's like Leeanne is the daughter she wishes she had. That is some classic Y&R soapyness right there. That is some classic Dallas (Jock Ewing favoring Bobby over JR!). That is even some Written on the Wind (Douglas Sirk's 1956 melodrama upon which Dallas was supposedly based) ! Even more Written on the Wind parallels: D'Andra's drinking and the fate of her suicidal father (in Written on the Wind, Robert Stack's character drinks because his father favors his friend Rock Hudson over his son, lol).


    IA Brandi is the big manipulator and jealous of ALL the ladies in the group -- including her BFF/one true love, Stephanie. Stephanie knows Brandi's methods now and sees it clear as day, as does Kameron who got it last season. The only person who doesn't see it is D'Andra, and that, plus her resentment of Leeanne, might see her booted off the show (which would be a tragedy because.. MAMA DEE).


    I really enjoy Stephanie this season btw, and her relationship with Travis. By contrast, Brandi is still trying to convince us that she and Bryan have 'worked through' their troubles, but all I see is a checked-out hubby enamoured of his new baby and barely glancing at his wife.


    I love Kameron. She has won me over in spades. We need her comedic timing to balance out the soapy drama.

  4. "I have a rash I've never had a rash! I have a rash I've never had a rash I have a rash I've never had a rash I have a rash I've never had a rash!" :lol:


    Seriously, the OC core four crack me up. I know some viewers have been calling for RHOC to be scrapped completely, but I would honestly miss some of these dorks.


    And I must say, Emily in a swimsuit has the most amazing curvy body. I wish Shannon would see that and get inspired to embrace her own curves, too.

  5. On 16/10/2018 at 6:12 AM, Chris B said:

    I just watched the last two Orange County episodes. The trip is okay by this seasons standards, but you can tell the ladies (Newbies + Tamra) are trying to goad Shannon into a fight. When it comes to the newbies who ARE boring, Shannon just isn’t into them! They look crazy constantly talking about her! Enjoy yourself and the people who do get along with you. People are closer to Others in every friend group. Then Tamra is the snake she always was trying to play both sides then throwing Shannon under the bus which will continue Next week. 


    I get that Shannon is annoying at times and especially last season was dark, but I’ll always appreciate her for showing her true life and personality, warts and all. I feel she’s turned a corner this season and is trying to be happy and move forward with her life. It seems like Tamra WANTS her to stay miserable to use against her. She’s clearly still upset about the Eddie/Shannon stuff. I just hope come reunion that Shannon digs into Tamra’s ass and stops falling for her Mess. 

    I can't remember who said it, Emily or Gina (LOL), but they pointed out that Tamra is very co-dependent of Shannon, and her reaction to Vicki & Shannon on the boat together was very high school. Tamra is very intense and possessive of her BFFs, and any shift in mood on their part is instantly taken as some kind of rejection of her. Having said that, Tamra is going through a serious health issue with Eddie, and Shannon is leaning on her through this divorce but likely returns the favor less. I also think that even though Kelly shouts at Shannon next week, it's not because she despises her but because she wants Shannon to have a breakthrough and count her blessings.


    I love Shannon too and appreciate that she shows us the good with the bad. Clearly, she is not in the happiest mindset on this Jamaica trip (not surprising, given that hell David put her through), unlike Vicki who seems to be embracing everything. I love how the Jamaicans have embraced the OC women right back and seem genuinely entertained by their antics! This is probably the best episode of the season thus far -- making me wish Bravo had gone the NJ route and cut this season's OC down to 12 episodes. The transition season would have worked beautifully in a smaller size.

  6. Toya used to be fun and a voice of reason amid all the duelling egos. She comes across so bad this season, though. Contessa is going through some major challenges, and Toya is STILL throwing a stink about how Contessa doesn't have time for her? Toya, you are selfish and self-obsessed.


    Speaking of selfish and self-obsessed -- Quad. Why are these women hanging on her every word, begging for scraps from her? Quad was all "Well, I'm being interrupted so I'm not going to tell you what's REALLY going on in my marriage." And everybody is like "Oh, no, Quad, please tell us! Please confide in us! Please!"


    Mariah should have let her pull this new story out of her ass (that naturally paints Quad as the sainted victim) and THEN gone after her. Quad is a user. She married a nerdy doctor for $$, but when the Bravo cheque came calling, she basically ghosted him for 3 years. She sidled up to Mariah S1 because she was a producer on M2M, but when the Huqs fell out with Purveyors of Pop, she dumped her with quickness. Both times Quad acts like they victimised her. Now she's doing the same to the rest of the women now that she's got Sister Circle. SC will get the same treatment if/when she manages to land another talk show. This user is a fraud, but most of the M2M women ex. Mariah seem unwilling to expose her.


  7. RHOC:

    Tamra mentioned on WWHL that she and Heather Dubrow are still friends and text regularly. I know Andy C hates Heather and (especially) Terry Dubrow, but... I think it's time Heather came back. She brought something different to the show, and she's not afraid to tangle with the others. Plus I'm sure she still resents Kelly.



    @NothinButAttitude RHOD is not as good as last season, right? It's not bad, but there is no progression in the drama. Every week we have LeeAnne and D'Andra bitching about each other, then at an event they attempt to talk it out. But they never resolve anything. I'm ready for the cast trip to Copenhagen.


    I can't even pinpoint why the D'Andra/LeeAnne fallout is happening (D's jealousy?). Why is D'Andra doing sh*t that makes her look so evil? Even Queen Dee is like "You better stop that mess and concentrate on work, girlie!" LeeAnne is overdoing her indignation, tho. She should take some cues from Grande Dame Karen Huger on how to handle bitches coming for you.


    Brandi is seriously stalker-obsessed with Stephanie, like you-are-my-soulmate obsessed. :unsure:


    Loving the two blondes Stephanie and Kameron bonding. Kameron doing SparkleDog business with her hubby Court was :lol: Why, yes, growing a business means working "like a CEO, at a desk 12 hours a day" ! Kameron clearly has no concept of what the word 'job' actually means. Still love that crazy alien, tho!

  8. 20 hours ago, Khan said:

    I hope so, too, Cat.  I hope "regular" women and men are able to take the movement back from the celebs who tried to co-opt it.  I don't deny the fact that sexual abuse runs rampant throughout the film and TV industries.  However, the right and far-right is always so quick to dismiss anything that has anything at all to do with celebrities, and I'm worried their attempts to do the same w/ this movement will end with people turning against #MeToo for good.


    With your bolded statement in mind, I would like to post an interview Tarana Burke has given to Jezebel.com. https://jezebel.com/tarana-burke-on-me-too-12-years-and-1-year-later-keep-1829587201


    It seems as good a time as any to hear the founder of Me Too for once, instead of the  politicians, starlets, old white dudes attempt to co-opt, re-classify and mansplain what Me Too is all about. She is definitely mindful of some of the worries you have, I think, even if she refers to it as 'the media.'


    I like how her focus is on the survivors and helping them get to a better place, instead of the media's fascination with the perpetrators, as if they were an entertaining and grotesque character study of 'flawed humanity.'


    As far as the right and far-right (and maybe this belongs in the Politics Thread)


    -- we know where they will always stand when it comes to this movement. They will always dismiss it, because they see it as The Enemy that is trying to stop their 'god-given right' to swing their dicks around and put uppity second-class citizens in their place! Like that is some kind of Darwinian imperative.

    :rolleyes: It's really about control, isn't it. Just like sexual abuse is about control, and power.


    Also, these alt-types are so influenced by sports, like THIS IS MAH TEAM AND WE WIN AT ALL COSTS. 


    I wish we could see results right now, from our side of things, we desperately need a win. But MeToo is about evolution as much as revolution, it takes years to filter through before eventually, from the ground up, even in the alt-right heartlands, survivors of all genders (or non-) speak up and move for change. Because MeToo is not about politics, it is about people trying to get on the other side of trauma and have a better quality of life. And Justice. Not revenge, Justice. The power of that message, I believe, is stronger and longer lasting than political/ideological absolutes in which the alt-right peddles. My experience is that these things start to filter through, like water in porous rock. It's achingly, painfully slow, but I truly believe I stand on the side of Right with MeToo. It is so logically, instinctively Right. Undoubtedly, many people will never come around to this feeling! But some will -- through personal experience, interaction and dialogue. And that is like a green shoot on barren land to me. 

  9. 20 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    Why has Ashley Judd receded so much? She seemed like a respectable face early on.


    I think I read that Ashley lives either in Tennessee or Kentucky most of the time now. She was basically iced out of Hollywood because of rumors of her 'poor or difficult attitude.' I don't think she is a warm and fuzzy personality, but I think we all now know why her career, which was so promising in the early-to-mid-90s, disappeared without a trace.


    As for the Me Too movement, because the Weinstein story blew WAY up and dominated the media space for many months,  Hollywood actresses became associated with the movement, and the media focused on their stories with a vengeance, leaving Tarana Burke (purposely?) drowned out.


    Many actresses (and actors, let us not forget the boys and men also harassed and molested) have very authentic and viable claims against the powerful tormentors who made their lives a misery. However, I got uncomfortable when Hollywood A-listers started organising parties to 'raise awareness' and it was all highly mediatised and 'look at me!' Especially when that loud-mouth dingbat Lena Dunham showed up to be photographed and mingle with A-listers co-opt the credibility of the movement.


    As far as Rose McGowan is concerned, it is now clear that she has major narcissism issues and loves the cult-like worship this movement initially offered her. She and Argento are more than happy to be the self-proclaimed faces of this movement, largely for the adulation. I don't think they will bring down MeToo because the movement always was and has moved beyond Hollywood. I just hope they go live quiet lives now because I am beyond tired of their intoning self-importantly about themselves.

  10. 5 hours ago, NothinButAttitude said:


    Yaaasss! I love me some Kameron! Glad everyone is finally coming around to seeing it. 


    Now when it comes to Ms. D'Andra...


    That heffa is pushing it this season. NO ONE goes against Queen LeeAnne and lives to tell the tale.




    LeeAnne has been completely lovely, a loyal, empathetic friend to D'Andra and doesn't deserve to be treated like this. She shouldn't have gossiped to Cary about D'Andra's finances, though. And I cant hate D'Andra completely, so I will defend her because no-one else will. I still see last year's D'Andra in there. She is in an angry and desperate place right now, lashing out at the one person who cares about her. Plus this SL is the most intense on RHOD at the moment. If Darth D'Andra wasn't around to burn friendships to the ground, we'd have to sit through extra footage of Brandi and her two little terrors! (Having said that, I love that the kids on Dallas are the most natural, normal and unrehearsed of any of the franchises -- no Portia Umanskys here).

  11. 51 minutes ago, DynamiteKiddo said:


    I didn't know they were trying to sell.  Despite how I feel about them, while I think the lot is so special, the house is . . . it just doesn't feel like a home, with those glass office building doors and LVP's garish style... then with the landscaping and animals... it's like a crazy, tacky theme park.  But I'm sure it cost them a fortune and I'd understand why they wouldn't want to settle.


    I should clarify that I am talking about Villa Blanca which is LVP's Italian restaurant in Beverly Hills. It was shown a lot the first two seasons. Then LVP opened SUR and later PUMP and the focus shifted to those two establishments. Villa Blanca was site of the lawsuit made against LVP and Ken. They have apparently been trying to sell that restaurant off ever since.


    Villa ROSA is LVP's house tucked between North and South Beverly Park. I too think it is a beautiful lot. I love the lush entrance and glass doors myself (letting in lots of light) -- it must be the height of luxury to have amazing security so that you CAN have glass doors and leave them unlocked! :lol: Love THAT CLOSET (which Kyle has tried and failed to imitate ever since) and her pool. IA about the animal menagerie, it all got a bit too much the last few seasons. But as LVP said, these animals give her love & affection that she craves. I'm sure she wishes her relationships with the HWs was this easy and unconditional. But maybe that has been LVP's problem in the past: thinking of people like pets and dominating the relationship. Sometimes the pet (Brandi) bites you hard.


    If LVP and Ken ever sold Villa ROSA (their home), either they are in financial trouble, or they are going back to Europe. I can't see them selling this place unless they absolutely have to. To my knowledge, Villa Rosa is NOT on the market currently!

  12. 8 hours ago, Taoboi said:



    Sounds like Rich went in on Ashley Abbott on Twitter for alleging that he's cheating on LeeAnne. And told her to back off with her glass house before he started to spill tea on her.


    So...wow, D'Andra. You are getting that season two curse I am afraid. :(

    Hmmm... methinks The Eyepatch doth protest too much! ^_^


    I still like D'Andra, and here's why: She and her mother are the most compelling character studies. As somebody who has worked in a family business, D'Andra reminds me of where I was 10 years ago. She wants to break free and control her own career, but she can't. Because her self-confidence is totally shot. Dee has her thinking that without her family's money/support/name, D'Andra will fail at everything in life. Her career, her marriage. Dee is not ready to cut the umbilical cord and has now offered up "100%" of the company to keep D'Andra close. Unfortunately, this is not going to help D'Andra's self-esteem issues. She has to prove to herself that she IS strong enough to go it alone and face failure and learn from it.


    As a result of all this, D'Andra is projecting her self-hatred on her twin sister/mirror image -- LeeAnne. It's hard to see this friendship break up in real time because this was a true sisterhood. But right now, D'Andra cannot deal with LeeAnne finding happiness in her own life while she wallows in self-doubt. And she is desperately afraid that LeeAnne has exposed to the world that without her mother's money, D'Andra is penniless. So she is attacking LeeAnne's happiness (Rich).


    For some reason, D'Andra was also deeply hurt by LeeAnne saying she wasn't crazy about children at Kameron's painting party. It may be the first issue on which these two women have totally opposing views. D'Andra deeply regrets never having had a child of her own.


    Changing the subject, I heard somewhere Kameron described as an alien who has come to earth and is trying to learn the customs of us earthlings. Now I cannot unsee it whenever I see her onscreen. :lol: I do love Kameron so much this season. She is becoming one of my faves.

  13. 12 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:


    Rinna, Kyle, and LVP all played the Munchausen thing wrong. Instead of turning on each other so that nobody looked like they were insinuating the Muchausen allegation, they should have united and called Yolanda to the floor.


    Her recovery from "chronic lyme" (which is not a real diagnosis) was downright miraculous once her divorce was tied up in a neat bow, in my humble opinion. If Rinna, Kyle, and LVP had just owned the fact that they all thought she was malingering her symptoms they would have been unstoppable.


    Agreed. LVP, Kyle and Rinna absolutely should have owned it openly and without shame. After Yo got her leaky implants removed and a lump-sum divorce deal on the table with David, that 'chronic Lyme' cleared up mighty quickly. She was holding out for more money. As she had done with Mohammed (couldn't happen to a more deserving fellow, apparently he was cheating on her with every escort girl in LA). And that is probably why LVP didn't believe Yo one bit -- she'd seen it first-hand the first time around.


    LVP, Rinna and Kyle second-guessed audience reaction and guessed wrongly. As it turned out, the audience already had their doubts and are VERY well-informed on chronic illnesses, some of them having suffered themselves. Yolanda's story did not ring true to them. But LVP, Rinna and Kyle are deathly afraid of audience backlash. LVP's sweet spot is being BH's beloved heroine. She desperately wants to be admired and loved by her employees as Lady Bountiful, by her friends, and by the viewers, and she is deeply hurt by rejection. It is her Achilles heel. For whatever reason to do with her childhood, this unquestioning love and admiration makes her feel safe. Anyway, she couldn't bear to lose even a few fans over this, so she backtracked and covered up and... the cover-up was so much worse.


    They are all trying to control the narrative and grab that beloved-heroine status. As I've said before, it is killing the show. Rinna especially has made it her mission to target a weak link every season. You best believe that won't stop once LVP is gone. Kyle is definitely next in her sights, and so is Dorit.


    I wish LVP would walk out mid-season with a dramatic hair toss and pay those bitches dust. I'd like to think that after the loss of her brother, she has come to a realisation that all that glitters is not gold, and taken stock of the things that truly matter in her life. She does not need these women's love/approval/dubious loyalty for her life to be happy. My worry is that after the lawsuit and the Todds' inability to sell Villa Blanca, LVP needs the Bravo cheque to cover damages and litigation. 

  14. 1 hour ago, alwaysAMC said:

    The site won't let me access it, because I am in foreign lands and therefore not to be trusted. :lol:


    But if this is anything like yesterday's TT post




    ...then I think I know what this is about. (Don't know what the Kyle-Ken screaming match is about tho).


    LVP is being iced out, or she has chosen to ice herself out. RHOBH is a Jenner-Kardashian wannabe hybrid, and The Lost Collins Sister doesn't fit that template anymore.


    LVP is better off doing VPR and having her own mini-show tbh. The mini-show could follow Lisa & Ken on their travels to London and the South of France. Back in the early days of BH, they went to the SoF to visit Ken's son (her stepson) and his wife. There was some contention about the relationship because the wife had been LVP's peer age-wise and Ken's son was much younger. LVP laid the dynamics out there. It made for an interesting, rather moving, trip (as well as a glamorous one).


    This is LVP's natural stomping ground. There is something wonderfully 80s about Lisa, from her looks (Lost Collins Sister meets Scarlett O'Hara) to her Alexis Colbyesque aura, to her connection with the go-go 80s London nightclub world. Sir Alan Sugar, Dame Joan Collins! -- there are lot of big names that could show up if the Todds wanted to tug on their UK connections. I would rather see her dip a toe in that Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous world than attempt another SoulCycle class.


    As for the rest of these BH HWs -- let them ape the rapidly-declining KUWTK in their bid for relevancy. I am willing to enjoy this new grouping for what it is -- ex-actresses in a second tier reality show which E! churns out and then cancels with alacrity. BH won't be the way it was in the first few seasons. Rinna and Erika have seen to that. The show has evolved and LVP is not part of that evolution.


    If Bravo really wants to give the franchise heft, they would hire Naomi Campbell (who has a place in LA) to be Queen Bitch of BH. She would be SUPERB.

  15. On 03/10/2018 at 5:41 AM, DaytimeFan said:

    It's amazing to see Friday and Saturday nights being prime television viewing nights rather than the time slot graveyards they've been for two decades.

    Right? CBS's Friday line-up and NBC's Saturday schedule were literally appointment TV. I remember my parents ordering pizza instead of cooking on Saturdays so they could relax and enjoy the Golden Girls at al.


    In the early 90s, NBC put Sisters on Saturday nights at 10pm, and that was a surprise breakout show for the network in that timeslot.


    Thank you @Paul Raven for starting this topic. It really takes me back to some happy memories in my childhood. I never realised this but another show I adored, Murder, She Wrote, was the #1 show on CBS at the time. Starring a 60-something female, no less! 

  16. 19 hours ago, Taoboi said:

    My bad. I mean in example Kandi. As in, Kandi and her are tight from the pictures Kandi has been posting since Kenya been preggers. lol. 


    I know re: the Porsha picture. I saw that last night on break at work and warmed my heart. I remember them at the reunion this past year and how they are actually joking with each other. And I just thought has hell froze over when those two are getting along. And BOOM!!! That picture.

    Ahh got it. Sorry, I misread what you were saying.


    Seriously, this season would be so good seeing preggers Kenya and Porsha bonding, giving each other advice, talking about the hopes they have for their babies, etc. I would watch that.



    9 hours ago, Cheap21 said:
    She looks good! 
    She has no idea why she isnt a housewife. She brought it this season and should have been more than a friend
    She signed on bc she and Teresa are in a better place and wants to support her and be a good example for her kids
    She is shady and does not like Margaret. Says she needs to stay out of her marriage
    She talks to Wendy about her husband. Her marriage is falling apart. The wedding will be on the show. She implies that he may have a drinking problem
    Apparently her husband loves the attention and has been talking about her on social media
    Wendy asks her if she feels Teresa's marriage to Joe will last. Danielle says thats not for her to answer but she can see that they are in love.
    She has no opinion on the new blonde housewife. She says she's been around the zoo long enough and can tell which animal will stay and which will go, implying she's boring and will likely be a 1 season wonder
    Wendy asks her if she had the chance to reconcile with one past housewife, Dina, Jaq, or Caroline, which would you pick? Danielle says Dina
    What's your thoughts on Caroline? Danielle goes "Who?"
    What about Jaqueline? "Thats a whole lot of crazy." and Jaq doesnt own it


    I don't know why she isn't a HW either. Danielle brings it. Why does Bravo feel it must absolutely edit out most of the marriage stuff? This is drama, and organic drama at that. And it is very Danielle. I'd rather watch that than the Gorga family restaurant.


    Sad that the burgeoning Danielle-Margaret friendship did not work out. Sounds like Margaret talked about Danielle's marriage. So once again I have to ask: why is Danielle not a HW??


    ETA: She is right about Jaqueline.

  17. 3 minutes ago, Taoboi said:



    They were already heading that way so I would have loved to see this. 


    And I continue to love that even though it doesn't look like she will on this season that Kenya does seem to be genuine friends with just about everyone ex. Kandi. 

    Oh wow this is news to me. I thought Kenya and Kandi have been tight for years, especially when Kandi started to pull away from Phaedra.


    But yeah I totally agree. More than any other season, Kenya needs to be there. Her story has come full circle and fits perfectly with Porsha, Eva and Shamea's pregnancies, too. I really like that Kenya has kept in contact with the other HWs, and I'm especially happily shocked by the pic with Porsha. I honestly never thought I would see that, not after all these years of animosity.

  18. 2 hours ago, Mr. Vixen said:

    First and foremost - Hi babes!! I have missed you all terribly. For the longest time, I couldn't remember my password or seem to get logged in. But I have been creeping and keeping up with your RH posts! You guys alwayyyys keep me laughing!




    The trailer wasn't OMG but I'm gonna give it a chance. I haven't been an "every episode" viewer the past couple of seasons as life has gotten more and more crazy, but I did keep up with Season 10 and I'm excited for the show to get the reboot it has long needed.


    I know those of you who know me are going to be shocked, but...I'm kind of going to miss Kenya. I grew to like her a lot over the past couple of seasons.


    I'm willing to give it a shot and see what these new ladies bring to the table...




    This Ashley/Michael stuff isn't surprising, but her response is shocking to me. Seems she's a bit delusional, lol. I'm interested to see how/if this plays out on the show...

    Hey @Mr. Vixen ! Glad to have you back! Missed reading your posts tbh.


    About Potomac, I don't think Ashley is delusional. She has always been very clear headed. I do think she is an opportunist and her reaction is pure Trumpian spin. She's basically putting fake news out there to confuse and diffuse the issue.


    I hope Bravo put out every scrap of relevant footage out there! She's always claimed to put it all out there.

  19. I liked OC too @DaytimeFan . Shannon was sweetly terrified at QVC, but it was great that this story anchored the episode. We saw them prepare the QVC segment from start to finish (that stuff is fascinating to me). The best part? All the ladies were so supportive of Shannon's gig, either going with her for moral support or hosting a viewing party back in California. Kelly looked especially happy for Shannon. She really came across well this episode. Vicki and Kelly prank-calling QVC and getting hung up on -- twice -- was funny too. 


    Budget Jeana and Stevie Nicks still not doing much for me, but I can live with it. The relationships of the core four are where it's at, and I think the trip will deliver.


    Shannon's blue jacket was a gorgeous color on her. She needed a better blouse/top, though.  


  20. 1 hour ago, Gray Bunny said:

    I can't believe she's 39 and has gone all funhouse mirror on her face for the past 6+ years.  She was beautiful as she was. Sure, she had acne scarring on her skin, but she didn't need to shave half her jaw off. 


    I can believe it. When Gretchen first came on the show, it was clear she was a copier -- closely SWFing Tamra in her look and the things she liked. She coveted what other people had. It stands to reason she would remake herself through surgery.


    I can't believe she is still under 40, damn. She doesn't look it.

  21. 26 minutes ago, Gray Bunny said:




    Yeah, I'm surprised Shannon is included as she and Alexis/Jim didn't appear on the show at the same time, but who knows :::shrug::: 


    Oh Gretchen... well if nothing else, it'll give conflict for Tamra vs. Vicki, plus we'll get to see whatever incarnation Gretchen currently has going for a face. 


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