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Posts posted by kalbir

  1. Bill Bell reused storylines as mentioned earlier in the thread, but he also reused character elements. This was really evident during the first two years of B&B:






    Stuart/Bill Spencer


    Bill Foster/Stephen





    On Y&R, Bill Bell took elements of the Jackson brothers and reused them a decade later with the Winters brothers. It also recently occurred to me that Bill Bell may have taken elements from the Reed sisters and reused them with the Barber sisters.

  2. 2 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    I'd lost interest in Y&R long before, but for me anything from the time that Maria "honoring history" Arena Bell and the vile Sheffer took over is the dead zone.

    Would you say you began losing interest around the mid 1990s? I remember summer 1994 to about spring 1996 was too much focus on Nick and Sharon, then there was that rough patch from fall 1996 through the first half of 1997. Things rebounded in the second half of 1997 to lead up to an excellent 25th anniversary year in 1998. 

  3. 13 hours ago, Chris B said:

    I've just reached Peter Bergman's entrance and it's so interesting seeing him do his best Terry Lester impersonation. This is a completely different Jack. Very masculine and to the point. Nothing like he grew to play him. 


    Some of PB's first week were posted online a couple years ago and yes, he was trying so hard to emulate the late great Terry Lester (RIP). Unfortunately the poster didn't have the first scene of PB's Jack and Victor. If you come across it, let us know what it was like. My 1980s Y&R watching was irregular as it was limited to school breaks so any episode from 1980 to 1990 that is posted is a treat for me.

  4. 1 hour ago, BetterForgotten said:

    The milestone being Victor's hospital monitor flatlining? ;) 


    Hahaha, very funny 😠

    13 minutes ago, Khan said:


    I'm sure Traci will turn psycho at some point and pay someone to murder Lily in prison.  All so she can a few licks of Cane's shriveled, Aussie Tootsie Pop.


    Do not give Josh Griffith ideas :shudder


  5. 4 hours ago, BoldRestless said:

    I always thought Bell used B&B as a redo of sorts for the Fosters and the Brooks.  You had the Logans, a  working class family whose father had left with the son becoming a lawyer and the wealthy Forresters with their four children.  There was some mixing around of the ages and sexes of the children but the original foundation was very much there, plus actors Bell was comfortable with from Y&R.  And 30 years later, it's still very much those two families and the Spencers onscreen.  And while I love the consistency and ties to history B&B has, it has made for a very incestuous and often boring show, and I'm glad Y&R didn't turn out that way.  It wil.l be strange though once Jill dies or Jess Walton permanently retires and there will be no ties at all to the original show.  I feel like that hurts Y&R's chances of ever being picked up in streaming tremendously.


    Bill Bell also used elements of the Brooks family with the original Spencers. Although they were not original Y&R characters, there are elements of the Chancellors and the Prentisses in the Forresters.

  6. Over the last few months I've been watching Fall 1992 through to Summer 1993 that have been uploaded on YT. Fall/Winter 1992 was alright but after Maureen's death it's been a chore to get through the episodes. I'm planning to watch through the end of Summer 1993 as I want to see the storyline surrounding the episode that got Michael Zaslow (RIP) his long awaited for Lead Actor Daytime Emmy.


    Does anyone know what Michael Zaslow's second episode for his 1994 submission was? I know the episode who's clips were shown on the 1994 Daytime Emmys was rebroadcast in December 1998. I think the second episode might have been when Roger visited Maureen's grave but I could be wrong.

  7. 20 hours ago, YRfan23 said:

    I think John did find out. I know this caused a bit of a debate, even to this day if Billy could be Victor's son. Not that I'd want that to really happen at this point.


    20 hours ago, Khan said:




    If only to kill the nightmare that is Villy forever.


    If Billy was a Newman it would've been discovered during the DNA tests for Faith and Katie.

  8. 19 hours ago, BetterForgotten said:

    30 years ago today Roger Thorpe was unmasked and revealed to be alive to the citizens of Springfield! Holly (Maureen Garrett) lets out a bone-chilling scream I won't ever forget!


    I probably consider this the unofficial start of 'my era' of GL.


    Thank you, Michael Zaslow for sharing your talent with us in the limited time you had on earth. You and Roger Thorpe brought so much joy and entertainment to my young soap-viewing life. Truly unforgettable. Gone, but never forgotten. 


    Wow, has it been 30 years already? I started watching GL around this time (spring 1989) as well. I didn't watch GL for very long (spring 1989-summer 1992) but I'm grateful to have experienced those amazing years as much as I could live and later online.



  9. 5 hours ago, JellicleCat said:


    Which do you consider the worst? Lauralee or Brad?


    Lauralee. I gave up B&B years ago so I haven't witnessed the worst of Bradley. As we all know, Bradley Bell did not inherit his father's talent.

  10. 22 hours ago, will81 said:

     Brenda's Ash was definitely more of a heroine type. I can't see Brenda's Ashley having an affair with a married man.


    I agree. Brenda's Ashley came across as too sweet to be believable as the other woman in the eternal triangle.


    15 hours ago, will81 said:

    When Ashley is cornered by Nikki over her affair with Victor, Eileen does this thing where she tries to make Ashley seem tough and strong, but her voice has a quiver and weakness to it, because she is shaken in that moment. Even though she is basically telling Nikki to get out of her face, her body language and voice give her away.


    I think it was after this confrontation that little Victoria saw Ashley and called her the wicked witch that took my daddy away.


    1 hour ago, yrfan1983 said:

    It's funny/sad that Shari Shattuck's 3-year stint as Ashley doesn't even rate a mention. I've barely seen any clips of her, but she does not seem well-regarded.


    1 hour ago, Faulkner said:

    One of the most embarrassing recasts of a major character I’ve ever seen. Just a fail all around. When ED returned, it was such a breath of fresh air.


    Bill Bell's second worst nepotism.

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