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Posts posted by kalbir

  1. 21 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    I'm watching an episode from October 1993 (courtesy of bandstandmike on YT) and I know that the bottom will soon drop out, as it concerns my interest in the show, but for now, I'm enjoying the fact that I can see still a good ole fashioned Friday cliffhanger.  Not that nonsense about every day being like a Friday, therefore Fridays have no meaning and have no cliffhanger or foreseeable impact.


    18 hours ago, victoria foxton said:

    It's a sad watching these episodes. Since the quality will drop for the remainder of it's run. Even at this point Buzzard ate a lot of airtime. It's bittersweet seeing AM & Gilly's off the carts chemistry. Knowing GL would never go there. Instead AM ends up with Lucy. Poor Gilly unknowingly falls for her bio dad. Elizabeth Lawrence was amazing as Bess Lowell.


    I'm watching the Fall 1993 episodes and I can see signs of the worst elements of JFP that have been discussed numerous times in various threads. Even though it's a bit of a chore to get through the episodes, I'll continue until Nancy Curlee leaves the writing team, which is sometime in the beginning of 1994. I know the rest of 1994 and onward isn't very good, despite JFP leaving in May 1995.

  2. On 9/10/2019 at 10:00 AM, Broderick said:

    I agree.  Plus, it seems that Bill Bell deliberately placed Jennifer Brooks and Kay Chancellor in separate "orbits", because, after all, they were esentially the same prototype of character, being used in two completely different storylines. 


    With Jennifer Brooks, we get the vain, shallow, needy, blonde, non-working, middle-aged society lady (with fading beauty) who is placed in a "matriarch" role of an upper-middle-class family, with her entire world revolving around her daughters and her husband, while she carelessly seeks outside attention to affirm that she's still attractive and desirable to men.


    With Kay Chancellor, we get the vain, shallow, needy, blonde, non-working, middle-aged society lady (with fading beauty) who is placed in a more upper-crust/millionaire environment, with no children except an estranged son, and her entire world revolves around her addictions and out-of-control desires and her need to be reigned back into a more wholesome and productive life. 


    It's almost as if Bill Bell looked at the Jennifer Brooks character after a few months of storytelling, and said, "Let's see what happens if we take this character, give her even MORE money, take away the children, give her a pack of cigarettes, a bottle of vodka, a husband who neglects her, a stableboy who bangs her, and let's see how LITTLE JILL would deal with this woman."


    To put Jennifer and Kay in the same "universe" would make it pretty obvious that Bell was perhaps overusing this prototype, although his use of the character certainly differed in the context of Jennifer's storyline and Kay's storyline.     


    On 9/11/2019 at 7:06 PM, Broderick said:

     I always felt that Bill Bell re-tooled the "mother-and-her-two-sons-concept" in 1977 with Vanessa Prentiss, Lance and Lucas; rather than utilizing it earlier with Regina, Mark, and Russell.  (And then of course he revisited the idea later with Stephanie, Ridge and Thorne on B&B.)    


    Jennifer, Katherine, Vanessa, Stephanie were all similar in character. Bill Bell certainly liked the messy matriarchs. 

  3. On 9/8/2019 at 11:36 AM, soapfan770 said:

    I've never been able to pinpoint who was to blame for SFT's cancellation at CBS.  P&G blamed CBS and said that SFT lost ratings and fairing badly in the 2:30 slot but reality of the numbers says different. CBS blamed P&G saying P&G only wanted to SFT in the 12:30PM ET slot. Bell actually had another soap in the works as early as 1976; it was mentioned as a Y&R spinoff but whether or not this was his RAGS soap is not clear. The only winner in the situation was Bill Bell himself, mainly because Jon Conboy was now off his soap right after Conboy had threatened to fire Bell from his own soap. 


    I remember a Bill Bell interview where he mentioned CBS approached him around 1977 about having a second show on the network's daytime lineup. If a second Bell show was ready to air in 1977 instead of 1987, I wonder where it would've gone on the lineup. I don't think Search for Tomorrow was in cancel territory in 1977 and I read elsewhere that Love of Life made a bit of a comeback ratings wise during the mid 1970s. I know CBS expanded Guiding Light to one hour in 1977 so the half hour that went to GL may have gone to a second Bell show instead.


    What are your thoughts on Capitol? In my mind B&B was the intended replacement for Search for Tomorrow, Capitol was a placeholder/time filler until B&B was ready. It's hard to believe that B&B has had a longer run on CBS than Search for Tomorrow did.

  4. 14 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Maybe the demographics for SFT were skewing too old?


    I suspect CBS wanted something more glamorous to compete w/ ABC. If Y&R wasn't in transition mode during the early 1980s, maybe Bill Bell would have had a second show ready for CBS by 1982.

  5. On 9/3/2019 at 7:45 AM, Dan said:


    At the very least, the Who Shot Roger? Stuff is entertaining enough to watch through plus the resolution of the David story and Julie/Dylan's wedding. 1994 is really when it all goes downhill. 


    On 9/3/2019 at 2:10 PM, redontop4 said:


    Agreed. The fall of '93 through January '94 was outstanding on GL. In February it came unraveled--quickly--and by summer it was pretty bad, though not without its moments. Never have I seen a soap fall so far so fast. SMH.


    Nancy Curlee leaves the writing team at end of 1993 or beginning of 1994, correct? I know JFP remains as EP until May 1995.

  6. 21 minutes ago, Paul Raven said:

    So Adam steals a laptop, accesses confidential information and is going to play around with an elderly man's medication...


    That's attempted murder.


    9 minutes ago, YRfan23 said:

    Is it bad that a part of me can't wait for Victor to find out, and drag Adam and Phyllis to the shredder??!! LOL those 2 are SOOOOOOOOOO annoyingly cartoonish it's actually funny! :D  


    When Victor finds out, he's so gonna wipe the floor w/ Adam and Phyllis. Expect him to be dressed all in black when said floor wiping occurs 🤣

  7. Limited to daytime drama lineups that were in place from 1980 to now and were set for 5 or more consecutive years.



    The Young and the Restless, The Bold and the Beautiful, As the World Turns, Guiding Light: March 23, 1987-September 18, 2009; 22 years, 179 days

    The Young and the Restless, The Bold and the Beautiful: September 20, 2010-present



    All My Children, One Life to Live, General Hospital: October 6, 2003-September 23, 2011; 7 years, 352 days

    General Hospital: January 16, 2012-present

    Ryan's Hope, All My Children, One Life to Live, General Hospital, The Edge of Night: December 1, 1975-June 24, 1983; 7 years, 205 days

    Loving, All My Children, One Life to Live, General Hospital: January 16, 1989-November 10, 1995; 6 years, 298 days

    Port Charles, All My Children, One Life to Live, General Hospital: June 2, 1997-October 3, 2003; 6 years, 123 days


    General Hospital's solo airing will top the ABC list on Monday January 6, 2020.



    Days of our Lives: September 10, 2007-present

    Days of our Lives, Passions: January 3, 2000-September 7, 2007; 7 years, 247 days


    Top 5 Overall

    The Young and the Restless, The Bold and the Beautiful, As the World Turns, Guiding Light

    Days of our Lives

    The Young and the Restless, The Bold and the Beautiful

    All My Children, One Life to Live, General Hospital

    General Hospital


    General Hospital's solo airing will move to 4th place on Monday January 6, 2020.

  8. Even if CBS kept Search for Tomorrow in the 1980s, my feeling is it would've ended the moment Bill Bell had a second show ready for CBS's daytime lineup. Capitol to me was more of a placeholder/time filler until Bill Bell's second show was good to go.

  9. Looking at these ratings, the 1 hour expansion and time slot change in February 1980 might have caused Y&R to drop a bit. All My Children must have been killing it back then. I'm guessing Y&R ratings picked up again with the June 1981 time slot change.

  10. 10 hours ago, Gray Bunny said:

    I honestly think this is being done due to a smaller talent pool. 


    6 hours ago, BoldRestless said:

    I just glanced at the wikipedia list of winners and IMO there's a huge drop in quality in the Younger categories over the years. I barely recognize the names of some recent winners. But going back a few years, it gets difficult to pick between the male and female winners https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Daytime_Emmy_Award_winners



    Look at the Daytime Emmy acting winners that were born in the 1980s and 1990s. That to me is proof as to how far the talent pool has dropped in the last 25 years.

  11. 16 hours ago, Elsa said:

    I just read that Maitland Ward (Jessica Forrester, B&B) is a porn actress these days. I googled "Maitland Ward porn" and yes.. it turns out it is true. 


    15 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    Geez. Her eyes are so sad :( 


    14 hours ago, Khan said:

    I don't even recognize her from before!


    Maitland Ward hasn't been recognizable since White Chicks. She must be in her early 40s now.

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