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Posts posted by kalbir

  1. 15 hours ago, BetterForgotten said:

    I posted this in the Emmy forum, but the 1994 Emmy telecast is also up. That was a big year for GL and OLTL - those two shows split the acting categories evenly, and GL won for Directing and OLTL won for Writing. The big surprise? AMC winning Best Show despite not winning any other main award - OLTL wasn't even nominated in that category, and GL lost out again.


    This was also the year Michael Zaslow FINALLY won.

    Thank you for posting this. Even though I wasn't watching GL live at that time, I was so happy when Michael Zaslow got his long-awaited for Lead Actor Daytime Emmy. He really should have won more than one Lead Actor Daytime Emmy. His work in the early 1990s was amazing to watch and I'm so glad I got to see his best work either live or online. He wasn't nominated in 1991 but should have been for the Acapulco episodes, and I also think he was robbed in 1992 for the country club episodes and 1993 for the episode where Roger confesses to Holly that he still loves her. Michael's 1992 Lead Actor nomination was also GL's first in the Lead Actor category. Is there any truth to the rumor that someone at P&G messed up Michael's 1992 and/or 1993 submissions thus the losses. 


  2. You'd think the Chancellor Estate would have a full staff but we only ever saw Esther. No other cooks, cleaners, groundskeepers, etc. That attic was grime time but it only made the fight more epic hahaha.


    Can't wait for tomorrow's 1993 episode, I think that week was one of Y&R's highest ratings ever. Also later in the week "I will crush you".

  3. 3 hours ago, StepBack said:

    I want them to do the episode where Jill crashes Kay's party too. I think Jess won the Emmy for that episode. Maybe another theme is Emmy winning episodes.

    JW won Lead Actress in 1997; I think she submitted episodes where Jill was a suspect in Victor's shooting. The Chancellor estate party was September 1998. Jeanne Cooper got a Lead Actress nomination in 1999 for the Chancellor estate battle story.


    29 minutes ago, Michele Soap Writer said:

    Does anyone know how many times Victor and Nikki have been married to each other? If I were to take a guess I'm going to say 5 times lol

    Victor and Nikki had four weddings that I remember: Colonnade Room 1984, Genoa City Memorial Hospital 1998, Colonnade Room 2002, Newman Ranch 2013.

  4. 16 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    Best Love Triangle - Ashley/Victor/Nikki (Y&R)


    12 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    SOD had actually named Y&R Best Show for 1986 and also named Nikki/Victor/Ashley as Best Triangle so this was s second year in a row for them in that category. 

    Little did Y&R viewers know then that this would be the eternal triangle that would forever affect future storylines.


    16 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    Best Recasting - Jess Walton replaces Brenda Dickson as Jill (Y&R)

    The first of the big three late 1980s recasts and the most successful I think.


    16 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    Worst Fantasy - Phillip and Cricket (Y&R)

    It was only the beginning of Cricket eating the show, yikes.


    16 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    Best Daytime Casting (Female) - Joanna Johnson on The Bold & The Beautiful

    The original Ridge/Caroline story is what drew me to B&B and the main reason I ignored Ronn Moss's horrible acting for three years. Joanna Johnson was so natural and believable as Caroline and I'm glad she found success in her post B&B writing/directing/producing career.


    16 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    Best Daytime Show - As The World Turns

    They took half the acting Emmys and Best Show Emmy that year. Two of daytime's best were at the helm, Robert Calhoun and Douglas Marland.


    14 hours ago, YRfan23 said:

    LOL at Days being named "Corniest show" I'm guessing that year must have been very bad, to get such a tittle! 

    Well it was right in the midst of the supercouple era LOL.


    11 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    How about a 'they started on Y&R ' theme show. Scenes of Tom Selleck, Hasselhoff, Shemar , Eva Longoria, Paul Walker

    Is there any one else that could be included?

    That pretty much covers it. For whatever reason Y&R isn't exactly known for discovering breakout talent and launching primetime/film careers.


    23 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Shari as Ashley...ewww

    Worst recast ever. The nepotism made awful even worse.


  6. Terry Lester joined Santa Barbara not long after he left Y&R and was there for a year. He joined As the World Turns in the fall of 1992 and was there until the spring of 1994. Terry guest starred on some primetime shows in the late 1990s but he must have been dealing with health issues in the early 2000s as he passed away in 2003.

  7. Whomever is editing these episodes is doing a terrible job. They seem so disjointed.


    Today's episode reminded me why I never cared for Peter Bergman. There's an innate smugness that just wafts through the screen. Seeing Terry Lester (RIP) yesterday and PB today highlights the huge difference between their portrayals of Jack.


    Whoa, EB seems to be anti-aging 😂 He was 49 in this episode and had been on Y&R for 10 years at this point yet he looked way better than he did in the 1980s. He was so dashing and debonair in his tux 🥰 

  8. 31 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Annoying Cricket is on again.WJB kept putting her in everyone's orbit to see if she'd stick.


    17 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

     Remember when that was the only complaint about the show?


    Cricket wasn't eating the show as much by 1990 as she did in the late 1980s.


    It occurred to me last year that Bill Bell used elements of the Reed sisters for the Barber sisters. The new doctor in town and her troublemaking younger sister. A key difference is that the Barber sisters were connected to an existing character in their aunt Mamie.


    8 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    I wonder if YR ever considered casting Nina Arvesen as Ashley after ED left?


    Come to think of it, Nina Arvesen would have made a good Ashley recast. She would at least be more believable as the other woman in the eternal triangle and the wicked witch who took little Victoria's daddy away. Brenda Epperson looked too innocent and sweet for that aspect of Ashley, that's probably why Bill Bell wrote her Ashley as more of a typical soap heroine. Although I didn't particularly care for Victor/Cassandra as a couple (their relationship seemed more rebound than actual feelings for each other) I thought EB had more chemistry w/ NA than BE. 

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