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Posts posted by Forever8

  1. 25 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    I noticed that someone in the chat asked Alan why he hasn't had any black actors on yet. I wonder if Alan is afraid of what some might say.

    Which is why yesterday, I posted that he should seek to get Tamara Tunie on sooner rather than later as it's becoming quite noticeable.

    Now that I think about it you're right. I wouldn't mind her if he get her on with Peter Parros and Napiera Groves.

  2. 10 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    That was an enjoyable reunion conversation. I still wish there were some clips inserted because the actors have done a lot of work and don't always remember specific story details and having an audio visual aid could be very helpful, but yeah, Reed and Swan actually had time to talk in this one, which was appreciated.


    I do think Alan needs to really make a concerted effort to get Tamara Tunie or Peter Parros or even Count Stovall on a reunion livestream.

    I hope he can get Tamara as well. 

  3. Episodes for Next Week - June 8th



    June 8th - March 23rd, 1987 

    The Debut Episode of The Bold and The Beautiful 


    June 9th - September 16, 2003 


    June 10th - January 6, 2003 


    June 11th - June 4th, 2010 

    Daddy Yankee


    June 12th - April 8th, 2016

    Adam and Eve Nonsense 


    Why the huge jump from 1987 to 2003? 


  4. 9 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    When was the last time racism and systematic prejudice was tackled on soaps? In a thoughtful way?


    The David Grant/Vinnie Morrison stuff on GL in 1993 from Curlee/Demorest? Even that story would never be done today. 


    Anyone remember TJ's being racially profiled at Wyndham's off screen on GH? It could've been a game changing story but as usual ABC and the rest of the TPTB didn't want to commit thoroughly to this story.

  5. 18 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    I think it was missing a young dynamic female character, similar to Meg or Melanie Smith's Emily. Around this time, other than Tess (who was not a main character and wasn't around that long), you had a lot of dull and cloying younger women. 

    Who would you have thrown into be that dynamic young woman?

  6. 13 minutes ago, Fevuh said:

    Kinda related to the topic - just don't have characters have an accent and lose them.  It's so stupid.  They did it with the Yack/Jack story on Y&R with the Latina.  Suddenly one day she had no Latina accent when it was so overdone before.  On B&B there were Zoey and the guy who was supposedly an Avant cousin or something...and their excuse was a "game" of who could lose their British accent for longer.  Just don't do accents on soaps.  It's so stupid.  The only ones I remember maintaining them was Uncle Stavros and Eleni on Guiding Light.  So many others fail miserably.  The Y&R one I mentioned was terrible...she literally had no accent one day. 

    When they brought on the Eleni recast after Melina left Eleni didn't have an accent anymore. 

  7. 45 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    Thanks for that. All I remember about Zach and Felicia was that some goon was after them over gambling debts. 

    I find it interesting Colleen Dion was such a soap hopper (AW, that awful ATWT psycho role,  and her two minutes on GL) and never really committed long to one soap yet acted shocked when Felicia was recast. 

    She was also on AMC too. 


    She preferred the East Coast but I remember reading a few years ago she was surprised about recasting Felicia. 

  8. I remember hearing that Victoria Rowell called  Dru and Neil's apartment "The Kitchenette" on  Y&R 


    Also years ago I remember finding out that there is a high population of residents of Persian descent living in Los Angeles. Imagine a new family on B&B owning their own fashion house that specializes in fashion and interior décor such as silk pillows, couches, and handbags that actually succeeds against Forrester Creations for once. 




  9. 11 hours ago, StepBack said:

    Does anyone have the episode after Sharon's gala? I wish they would do back to back episodes. Even though the premise was silly (the miracle plant lol), it was the last good umbrella storyline for me. Everyone involved was on their A game.


    I like Eileen Davidson, but yes Brenda Epperson really did a solid job at embodying the character and making her less spiteful.

    They have been on YouTube for about a few months now during the Gala and after.





    2 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Alan is horrible and talking over Scott and interrupting.


    Scott Holmes trashing the ending of ATWT. How the show went out in a wimper. How horrible the last few years of ATWT were and how bad the storylines had become.

    Was Alan trying to outtalk Scott during the trashing? I wouldn't be surprised if he did.

  11. 7 minutes ago, gimmetoo said:

    I dont understand why Locher thinks a group of 5 works !?! 

    His best reunions are the smaller ones -- fewer tech issues, fewer ppl talking over each other and more depth / time for each person to talk.  You would think he would have learned this by now... 


    And would he PLEASE stop asking what they are up to during quarantine !  

    We have enough issues with our own homeschooling we don't need to hear about theirs.

    Alan, please keep it to stories about GL 🙏🏻

    One thing that bugs me about the reunions so far is that he hardly asks any of them fan questions. He perhaps start with one or two but lets the guests take over the conversation. He should ask questions directly to one person. It would eliminate everybody jumping in and interrupting. 




    Kimberley Simms : How did you feel about taking over the role from Krista Teserau? 


    Jocelyn Seagrave : Did you like the ending for your character? 


  12. 43 minutes ago, cassistan said:

    he was more reserved than usual imo.

    well he certainly didn’t lie about this LOL. Even though this is/was my favorite soap. You gotta admit it was a mess and uneven as early as Bianca baby switch. I never could understand how writer after writer just couldn’t get this show right!  I remember liking the place all the major stock characters were in around this time too! Liza especially, her character was begging to be moved into a new direction and thought the fusion storyline was the beginning of they she just leaves. 

    Curious to find out if you were in charge of AMC during this time where would you redirect Liza?

  13. 4 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:


    Very true. I recall Spelling had even tried something similar to Beach the year before even...Malibu Shores? It aired on Saturday nights so of course it’s target demo probably wasn’t even home. 

    Maybe if Fox had decided to run a soap in the early 90’s around the time they picked up a lot steam with acquiring the NFL and the New World owned TV stations it could have worked. I don’t recall Beach having any affiliate clearance issues like other soaps may have except for a few markets but I do remember and from what I’ve seen a lot of NBC stations aired Beach in mid or late morning time slots against some pretty stiff competition depending on the market.


     @GLATWT88 great assessments they have been on the point BTW.

    Fox did run a soaps in the early 90's it was called Tribes created by Leah Laiman in 1990. 



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