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Posts posted by Forever8

  1. What was Valentina stories as Faith? 


    I remember her having a crush on her adoptive cousin Parker which shouldn't have happened. And that is all about it from my memory. 


    Oh Wait!!! She didn't like Damian too right?


    I like Ashley's Faith. Since she was a real looking kid and does look like she could be related to the Snyder's.


    Off Topic : I remember watching Sage entering into same pageant circuit in order to get Carly and Jack back together during their 200th separation.  

  2. 10 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Okay, I'm going a little bit rogue but hear me out-


    Lily Winters and Tyler Michaelson.  Lily and Cane had long run their course and the audience needed reminding that Lily was still "Young" and not an old housewife but TPTB let the lunatic fanbase run the show into the ground.


    Ana Hamilton and well, anybody!  The fact that this gorgeous young lady never had a hint of a romance on a soap opera??!  That's nuts!

    Lily became an old woman way before her time too. It seemed the Lane fans couldn't understand that soap operas aren't only about couples but character and story too. 



    The only function Ana had was being Devon's assistant and conspirator with Nate when it came to him moving on with his life after Hilary and their baby's death. I thought Loren Lott and Zach Tinker had chemistry and Fen and Ana could've been a slow burn. Imagine her helping him with his addiction and being reminded of her being a child of an addict. Or she could've been paired with Mark Taylor's character who was a cop. So much potential wasted all because TPTB didn't know what to do with her. 





  3. 42 minutes ago, watson71 said:


    AW did have good production values under Rauch.  This is basically remains intact through 1983-85, even though the show needed to be "freshened up."  In the middle of 1987, you can tell that P&G reduced AW's budget.  Sets and costumes didn't look as nice.  After 22 years, AW longtime announcer Bill Wolff was gone, as were the P&G sponsor tags at the beginning and end of the show.  The familiar Score Production musical cues are gone.  Michael Laibson takes over as executive producer in 1988, and he did an great job production wise with the budget he had to work with- giving us the Snowflake Balls, the 25th Anniversary episodes, the Cass dream episodes, the remote location sequences on the French Riviera and Canada for Vicky and Grant's wedding.  AW received many technical Emmy nominations when Laibson served as EP and  won some as well.  The AW directing team won the 1992 Emmy.  JFP arrives in 1995 and decides the AW should be a mashup of ER and NYPD Blue.  Someone at P&G gave her millions of dollars to build this city set with a new hospital, Carlino's restaurant, and a new police station.  Did it not occur to anyone that every scene on the show could not take place at the hospital or police station?  Every character on the show was either arrested or admitted to the hospital during this time.  Then came show killer Charlotte Savitz who dismantled the city set piece by piece, and by the time Chris Goutman got there they were just using the sets that had been on the show for years.  Maybe P&G would had given Goutman money for some new sets and production upgrades if the show had been renewed.  I am glad that AW never suffered the poor production values that P&G inflicted on Guiding Light in its last years, and ATWT ended its run in AW's old studios, using much of the AW production crew, even using recycled AW sets.

    Was Cory Publishing shown in those years? 

  4. 31 minutes ago, Aback said:




    I always found it strange there was no rumor about BE and RPG (as far as I know at least). Or is RPG gay? I also find it strange that RPG hasn't joined any of these reunions, either for GL or AW. I found him hot on AW but could not care about him anywhere else.

    Ricky Paul Goldin did a recent podcast interview with SOD about a few weeks ago. 


  5. 12 minutes ago, teplin said:

    John Aprea had a stroke as well, according to Linda Dano. 

    Thanks I couldn't really hear who was the first person they were talking about. I thought they were talking about Kale Browne.

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