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Posts posted by Forever8

  1. 4 hours ago, BetterForgotten said:

    Another part of the issue with Noah is that this show refuses to let Nick and Sharon grow the f.uck up and still writes them as if they’re 20-somethings.

    That too!!!

    Nick and Sharon keep getting storylines tailored to their twenty-something children instead of storylines of someone who is forty. I mean you can still have strong story, but they shouldn't be in endless love triangles at almost 50 years old. If I was in charge I would put those together again with no room for the constant breaking up.. (Yeah I know some people don't want it) and let their children have the splashy hook-ups. Whilst, the two of them move onto the next phases of their lives.

  2. 14 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    That was one of the flaws of Passions. They made it seem like the only passion that a person could have was for the man/woman of their dreams as opposed to running a business, etc.

    Agree with this statement 100%


  3. I wanted Theresa to do something for herself that doesn't involve Ethan her destiny for a change. Perhaps, start her own fashion label. I remember her working on sketches and thought it would be great to have Theresa stand on her two feet by becoming successful. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, slick jones said:

    The roles were "cast", allegedly....

    Characters allegedly cast but never made it to screen.....


    Christina Baldwin...Kristen Deane  (2013 or 2014)

    Kailey Cassadine...   Quinn Honchar  (2013 or 2014)

    Valentin Cassadine...Matt Borlenghi  (2009)

    Anna Donely   Marina Jankowska  (2014)

    Trevor (Christina's Boyfriend)  Tyler Peterson (2013 or 2014)




    I also heard Rachel G. Fox was cast as Christina too. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Supposedly it was Christina Scott was going to hit, and Kin flatly refused. But there was so much fanfic horseshit floating around about casting the Collins/Baldwin kids and giving Lucy, etc. story back then from certain parties, I have no idea how much was real.

    Figured a lot was made up about the Baldwin/Collins daughters. Supposedly, Christina was the person whom Kevin kept rushing to go back and forth from Port Charles to Seattle. 


    When Valentin Cassadine was set to premiere in 2009. I think I saw online he was going to have a daughter named Mischa who was going to be into Michael. 

  6. For years, all of us as fans of this soap genre have either heard or read rumors involving the soaps regarding casting, stories,  and even Behind the Scenes antics. So I want to know what are some of the rumors you remember over the years. 


    In 2012/2013 I remember reading Carly Schroeder aka Serena Baldwin was slated to return to General Hospital when Lynn Herring and Kin Shriner had first came back. However, it didn't come to fruition for some reason. In addition, I heard Ron had written in Serena and had cast someone as Christina Baldwin (Lucy and Scotty's daughter from Port Charles) several times too. I also remember Christina was going to come onto the show with her boyfriend and was going to lie saying Scotty was harassing her. Don't know if it was true or false. To be fair I read this on a GH blog and social media so it was probably the latter. 


  7. Since Carly Schroeder is serving in the army now I wouldn't mind Brooke Newton (Ex Colby) from AMC to inhabit the role of Serena Baldwin on GH


    Have her come on to work with her mother Lucy to revitalize Deception Cosmetics and have her fall for Michael. Which itself will cause chaos because of Sonny once sleeping with Serena's sister Karen and feeding her drugs and convincing her to strip on the pole back in the day. Imagine Scotty seeing his daughter getting involved with a Corinthos. And throw in Bobbie for good measure too who could see both factors in this chaos too. 


    Kelley Missal as Christina Baldwin

    If the show actually cared more about their younger generation. I wouldn't mind Christina coming back as a medical intern along with TJ, and a few other recurring twenty somethings as a close-knit group of interns at General  Hospital. I would love one of her first scenes to be her looking at a photo of her biological mother who was a intern at the hospital twenty years ago promising she wouldn't end up like her. Have her be close to Lucy and Kevin too and have her a rocky relationship with her adoptive father Scott too. Perhaps she and Serena could have a somewhat rivalry because of Scotty always "Favoring" his biological daughter over her etc... 

  8. Constance Ford was not an original cast member. 


    The characters of Ada and Robin Strasser's Rachel Davis first premiered in 1967 by Agnes Nixon. 


    Agnes had used her template over the years i.e. Headstrong vixens on the make and their single mothers who try to keep them grounded. 


    Mona and Erica-AMC 

    Kate and Ava- Loving 

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