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Posts posted by Forever8

  1. I saw that other actor who replaced the original Keith Dennison in an episode yesterday I watched on another site . And he came off as his Keith was in organized crime in my opinion. I wonder if TPTB actually cast someone who was right for the role of a widower businessman that could generate chemistry with Jess Walton. Maybe the Dennison's would've had more staying power? 


    Perhaps someone like Randy Mantooth? Dennis Parlato? or Roscoe Born might've made the Dennison family more of a mainstay?

  2. 8 minutes ago, MichaelGL said:

    I'm excited about this one, just wish Lisa Brown was a part of it.

    I'm too. I was hoping he would get Denise since she made those videos covering her time on GL. But maybe Lisa will part of it and hasn't been confirmed yet? I remember for the AW reunion it wasn't mentioned Anna Holbrook was joining until Alan announced when the reunion started. 

  3. 57 minutes ago, OzFrog said:


    I assume you meant Chase rather than Chance. Even so, that would have been one hell of a triangle, especially considering Phillip’s sexual inclinations 2 decades later 😏


    (and yes I know you meant Cricket, and I completely agree with your sentiment about Nina’s addition to the quadrangle. Tricia Cast gave it a whole different dimension). 

    I did mean Cricket. oops 

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