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Everything posted by DH23
Ha ha this is so awesome. The Fury-ous one has left quite a trail of bodies in his/her wake. I can't wait until tomorrow. This is going to be a great reveal. I just know it. I say its Belle but I could be wrong.
By the way Jon Lindstrom is awesome at playing creepy. I'm glad he's in the cast.
Thanks for letting me know
Great clip. I am dying to find out who this person is. Or at least the person he/she is working with.
Another great episode. I was really excited to get some "Nicotine" (Nicole/Austin) scenes. I hope they get closer.
So awesome. I love that Addie is a packrat. That is too funny. 25 hours to go!!
I have one suspect but I could be wrong. As long as this doesn't turn out to be Alistair Crane I'll be happy (just kidding)
That was a GREAT episode. So interesting. I love Nicole but she is a being a real !@#$%^&*] right now. I hope she gets cut down to size. ETA: Philip needs a serious A$$ kicking too
Cool episode. It was very character driven which I like.
34 hours?? You expect us to wait for 34 hours? I want to know now
DH23 commented on Tishy's blog entry in The Citizens of Port Charles
Good episode. Please reveal that Sam is not the one doing all this. Let it be her crazy lookalike from her dancing days. Allegra's daughter or whoever. I know this isn't a popular opinion but I love Sam (even though I don't watch the show anymore). -
Great stuff. I loved this part: Peter and Annie continue their nasty sex session!
Episode 8 posted! - Sami tries to kill someone!
DH23 commented on DH23's blog entry in Salem Fantasies
You can expect it soon. I don't get to write everyday so I can't promise one will be up tomorrow. Just try to be patient. Thanks. -
DH23 commented on SoapAlcoholic's blog entry in "The Broken Life"
Beautiful artwork! -
DH23 commented on daysfan's blog entry in Life in Salem
Sounds very exciting! -
Sounds exciting. I love that some of the actors are playing themselves P.S. Thanks for mentioning my blog
Brock Kelly is out as Josh and Ryan Brown (ex-Billy, Y&R) is in! "We wanted a more mature, less dorky ... er, more grown up Josh. A Josh that doesn't put up with only seeing Abby bi-annually," says Boobise McGee with a laugh. "The new and improved Josh will not be spooning cream at the local coffee bar anymore. He's ready to move up in the world. He genuingly cares for Abby but he wants more. We'll see what happens."
I will try to make him as interesting as possible. I just really love Billy Warlock and want him to be on my blog. I thought his last run on the show was pretty bad because he was so stuck on Jennifer, and Jennifer was so stuck on Jack (which is fine because I love JJ as a couple). It was dull so it made the character seem dull and I don't think he is.
I will try hard to make sure people who aren't familiar with Melissa will get to know her and understand her past and how it affects her future.
Bo and Billie are my secret obsession (ha ha) so we'll see what happens
Episode 8 Salem University Hospital – Sami marched into the hospital purposefully. She was muttering to herself. “So my own mother allows me to be jerked around and humiliated by my own !@#$%^&*] of a sister. I will pay them both back, starting here. I’ll take away what they love the most.” Sami walked into John’s room. She pulled one of the pillows out from under his head. She was crying as she put it over his face and pressed down. “I’m sorry, John, but you are just a means to an end,” she said, pressing down harder. *** The Church parking lot – Lucas yanked Carrie out of the car. “How could you do this, Carrie? How could you do it to your own sister?” “I didn’t want to hurt her – or you. I just wanted to tell you the truth.” “In the middle of our wedding? You could have called me or emailed me. Done anything but this. Why did you wait until today?” “I told you. I thought you should hear it in person,” Carrie said. “Now that I’m in Salem, you and I can make sure the papers are filed for real this time,” Carrie said. “I didn’t want to hurt either of you.” “That’s what you say,” Lucas said. “But is it true? Did you do this to get back at Sami for everything she did to you in the past?” Lucas demanded. “No, Lucas, that was not my intention. I have made peace with all that Sami has done to me.” “Oh please. Are you forgetting all you’ve done to her?” “No. We’ve both slung mud at each other over the years. But that’s not why I came here,” Carrie insisted. “I couldn’t live with my conscience if you and Sami were married under false pretenses. If I waited to tell you and you found out later, after you thought the marriage was real, you two would have hated me even more for keeping it a secret.” “I can’t imagine Sami hating you any more than she does now,” Lucas said. “What about you – do you hate me too?” Lucas hesitated. Then he said: “No, but I don’t want to see you anymore.” Carrie was hurt but didn’t say anything. At least he doesn’t hate me, she thought. “What I want to know, Carrie, is if you can live with yourself now – now that you ruined Sami’s and my wedding? Sami is so angry and hurt; she feels betrayed not only by you, but her mother too. Marlena kept your secret for whatever reason and Sami won’t be able to forgive her for that. If you are smart, you’ll leave Salem now.” “I can’t. I grew up in Salem. I belong here now that Austin and I are separated.” “Fine, stay here and face the consequences,” Lucas said. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Lucas turned and walked back to the church. Carrie watched him for a moment and then got into her rental car. As she pulled out of the lot, Carrie began to cry. What have I done? She thought. *** Some hospital (stairway) – “We’re trapped,” Belle said. They heard one of the policemen thundering down the stairs and knew the other would be at the bottom, waiting for them. He was possibly calling for backup. “Don’t panic,” Shawn said. “Come on, follow me,” he said. He pushed open the door to the 4th floor. They burst out of it. Shawn grabbed Belle’s hand and told her to follow him. Claire started to cry. “All this espionage is upsetting her,” Belle said. They hurried down the hall. They heard an out of breath policeman ask someone where they had gone. “Who?” a woman’s voice answered. “A man and a woman, with a baby,” he said. “They went down the hall, I think.” Shawn and Belle ducked into a linen closet. “Make her stop crying,” Shawn demanded, locking the door from the inside. “What should I do?” Belle asked. “Don’t you have a snack for her or something?” “I think I have some breath mints but she’ll choke on them.” “Cover her mouth then,” Shawn said. Belle put Claire over her shoulder and patted her back until she was subdued. “What’s next?” Belle asked. “We wait,” Shawn said. “The cops are going to come down this way. Hopefully they will just pass us right by.” “I’ve got an idea,” Belle said. “Look at that linen cart in the corner. Claire and I can get into it and you can push us and we’ll take the elevator and get the hell out of here!” Claire looked up at her mother when she said that. “Sorry, baby,” Belle said, and returned to patting her back. “The police will recognize me,” Shawn said. “Then I’ll push you two.” “Okay but we need to make you look professional,” Shawn said. He opened the door and checked the hallway. “Where are you going?” Belle asked. “I’m going to find you some scrubs and some kind of hat,” he said. “Okay, please be careful,” Belle said, kissing him on the cheek. “I will,” Shawn said. “Lock the door behind me. Don’t answer it until you hear three knocks.” “Okay,” Belle said, watching him sneak outside. She turned the lock. “Please let him be okay,” Belle whispered. *** The Johnson Home – Kayla hummed as she pulled a roast out of the oven with hot pads. She had planned a special meal for Steve. She knew he was stressed out though he tried to hide it. She would let the roast cool a bit while she got dressed. She went to the bedroom and changed into a black silk dress with a low neckline. Steve will appreciate this – I hope, she thought. She heard the door open. “I’m home,” Steve announced, shutting the door behind him. “What smells so good?” He asked as Kayla walked into the room. “I made your favorite – roast beef with candied yams and a tossed salad.” “Sounds great,” Steve said, kissing her cheek. “Just go sit in the dining room, I’ll be right back,” she said. She was disappointed that Steve hadn’t commented on the way she looked. Oh well it’s not that big of a deal, she thought. She brought the roast to the table. Then she went back into the kitchen and got the bowl of candied yams. She had already set out the salad. She turned the radio to a classic station. Kayla sat down. “Shall we eat?” She asked, smiling. “Yes, I’m starving,” he said. He began to munch on his salad. He then stopped eating and pushed away his bowl. “This lettuce is soggy.” “I’m sorry – I didn’t notice,” Kayla apologized. “It’s fine,” Steve said. He cut himself a piece of roast beef and put some candied yams on his plate. He took one bite of the roast beef and shoved the plate aside. “What’s wrong?” Kayla asked. “It’s too cold,” Steve replied. “That’s okay; I’ll go put it in the microwave.” “No don’t bother. This meal is a bust. I’m not satisfied at all,” Steve said. “I’m going to have a bowl of cereal.” “I sure hope the cereal isn’t stale,” she muttered under her breath. *** Sami pressed the pillow down harder on John’s face. His vital signs were fine from what she could tell. “Why aren’t you dead yet?” she demanded of the comatose John. “Sami, what in god’s name are you doing?” demanded a familiar voice. *** Shawn looked around every corner and hallway as he walked through the hospital. He discovered an unlocked office door. The lights were out so he assumed no one was there. He opened the door and slipped inside. He found a white lab coat. “This will have to do,” he said. He was just about to leave when he heard voices outside the door. “I’m just going to finish going over a few charts and then I’ll be done. Why don’t we go out for drinks later?” said a female voice. “Sounds good,” a male voice replied. The door started to open and Shawn ducked under the desk. How am I going to get out of here? He wondered. The woman walked over. She was humming a big band tune as she sat at the desk. Shawn felt her foot graze his leg. Don’t look down here, he pleaded silently. As if things could not get any worse there was suddenly an announcement over the loudspeaker: “A hospital lockdown is now in effect as we search the premises for a dark-haired young man who may be with a woman and small child. Do not approach them or attempt to apprehend them. They may be armed and dangerous.” “Oh please,” Shawn muttered under his breath. “Oh damn,” the woman said. Shawn felt for sure that he had been caught. Back in the linen closet, Belle was silently panicking. She had heard the announcement over the loudspeaker. “We’re trapped,” she said. “We’re really trapped this time.” *** Salem University Hospital - Sami dropped the pillow as Marlena hurried into the room. “What were you doing?” Marlena demanded. “I was trying to suffocate John but the brain dead jerk just wouldn’t die,” Sami said defiantly. Marlena hauled back and slapped Sami hard across the face. “How dare you?” she hissed. “If you’re mad at me, that’s fine. Do whatever you want to me but leave my husband alone!” Sami rubbed her cheek which was stained with tears. “I promised I’d take away what you love the most,” she said. “Stop crying,” Marlena demanded. “You are not a little child anymore so you shouldn’t act like one. You cannot act out like this every time someone looks at you sideways.” “You know this is not about someone looking at me the wrong way. It’s about the way you and Carrie betrayed me,” Sami said. “We didn’t betray you. You should have seen how remorseful Carrie was. I tried to tell you to speak with her before the wedding but you didn’t want to. You couldn’t be bothered.” “So it was okay for her to burst in on my wedding and ruin everything?” Sami demanded. “Of course it wasn’t okay,” Marlena said. “But you just made everything worse by attacking her. And then coming here to kill your own stepfather? That is not only foolish; it’s just hateful.” Marlena’s voice softened. “Don’t do something you’ll regret, Sami. Think of Will and the baby you are carrying. They need you. Would you want them to visit you behind bars? They would be heartbroken. You of all people should know what it’s like to be separated from a parent. You remind me of that all the time.” Marlena was now crying too. “Go home, Sami. But think about what I said.” Sami swallowed back another wave of tears. “You’ll never understand what you’ve done to me.” She turned on her heel and walked out. Marlena went to John’s side. “Thank god you’re alright, my love. Right now I think you’re safer here than at home.” She squeezed his hand and kissed his cheek as tears rolled down her face. *** Kayla watched Steve eat a bowl of Cheerios while she picked at her food. “Why are you staring at me?” Steve asked. “Because I’m just glad you are here,” Kayla replied. “I’m so grateful that you have returned to me.” Steve smiled. “Do you want to dance, sweetness?” He asked. “Sure, that sounds wonderful.” Steve graciously took Kayla’s hand and led her to the living room so they could be closer to the radio. “You are beautiful,” Steve said, kissing her gently on the lips. “Thank you. That means a lot to me.” They slow danced in companionable silence for awhile. Kayla rested her head on Steve’s shoulder and he caressed her back. One of Mozart’s concertos began to play. Steve suddenly let go of Kayla and covered his ears with his hands. “Turn it off,” he demanded. “Steve, what’s wrong?” Kayla asked, touching his arm. He jerked away from her touch. “Just turn the damn thing off,” he roared. “You’re scaring me, Steve,” Kayla said, reaching for the power button to turn it off, but Steve grabbed it and hurled it against the wall. “Steve, what’s going on? Tell me what’s bothering you,” she pleaded desperately. Steve grabbed her by her arms and shook her. “You’ll never understand – never!” “Steve, you’re scaring me,” Kayla said. She was crying. Steve released his hold on her and ran out the door. She followed him, calling his name. “Where are you going?” she asked. “Just leave me alone,” he hollered. He ran out into the street and right into the path of an oncoming car. *** “Oh damn,” the woman said. Shawn tensed, prepared to run if he had to. She was muttering to herself. “It looks like Mitch and I won’t be going out for drinks tonight because of that stupid bulletin.” She got up and turned off the lights. Then she shut the door and left the office. “That was close,” Shawn said, breathing deeply. He put on the lab coat and then walked out into the hall. He ducked his head as he passed two nurses. “I can’t believe there is some kind of maniac running around the hospital,” one nurse said. “Me either,” the other one replied. “It reminds me of that Halloween movie where Mike Myers goes to a hospital and starts killing everyone.” “Yeah it just chills my blood,” the other nurse said, shivering. Shawn reached the linen closet door and knocked three times. The door slowly opened and Belle pulled him inside. She embraced him. “Its okay,” he said, kissing her cheek. It felt wet from her tears. “Claire’s asleep. I laid her down on a few clean towels,” Belle said. Shawn watched his little girl, as her little chest rose and fell with her breath. “She’s so perfect,” he said. “All we’ve been through is a small price to pay to keep her away from Philip. I’m so glad she’s my daughter.” He hugged Belle and then released her. “We’ve got to go now,” he said. Shawn took off the lab coat. “This was all I could find.” Belle nodded and slipped it on. “Okay, get in the cart. I’ll hand Claire to you,” she said. Shawn climbed into the cart and Belle brought Claire over to him. Belle threw clean linen over their heads. “Are you two okay in there?” she asked. “Yeah,” Shawn answered. “How are we doing this?” Belle asked. “Find the laundry room. There’s probably an exit there.” “Okay here it goes,” Belle said. The cart was heavy but she managed to push it out into the corridor. She began pushing it down the hall. She had a silent prayer running through her head. THE END … for now … Coming up on “Salem Fantasies” … ~ Marlena receives a gruesome “present”. ~ Belle and Shawn manage to escape the hospital in an ambulance! ~ Kayla is frightened for Steve ~ Roman is around to help his family
I'll have it up later today; I couldn't log on my computer until today
That was a good chapter. Now I have to go back and read the ones before it
So I could be right?? I can't wait to find out if I'm right or not