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The last victim is going to be Hope, Alice, or Bo I'd bet. Or maybe Marlena ...
Oh god I just realized this ... Nicole is Lucas's SISTER! They have done the nasty before - yikes!
PHYLLIS (to Drucilla): Talk to Sharon, Dru… DRUCILLA: No, !@#$%^&*]! I’m talking to you. Back off of my girl! Heee-larious. Go Dru!!
Episode 11 - Hope tells the Hortons she's dying
DH23 commented on DH23's blog entry in Salem Fantasies
Thanks, Tishy! -
Coolness. I love Christie Clark and Carrie is one of my fave daytime characters of all time.
Awesome. You have some of my favorite actors in your cast.
#04 Thursday, April 5
DH23 commented on Sweet_VeeVee24's blog entry in Destineysmine24 Fan Fic Flair
I liked it. I hope Nikki tells Victor to go to hell. Let's get a sexy guy in here for her (someone as sexy as Bobby was - Y&R missed the potential of those two) -
Damn that's a cliffhanger. Please update soon.
I wonder what Phil's secret is ...
That was beautiful. I wish I had been watching Days when Marie was on there. I loved Melissa seeing Pete. They were cute together.
The MCF would have to be strong to pull Cassie up those stairs. It could be a man or a buff female lol
I have a suspect but who knows if I'm right or not. This was a good episode. I really feel for Will. What happened to him is so tramatizing.
Another goodie. I love that Reva is leaving town I can't wait to read the next episode! I want to know what the biggest shock of Holly's life is.
I came up with it on my own actually. Thanks for asking.
Thanks, aMLC, for always reading and commenting. I wasn't too happy with this episode to be honest. Sami is not done with her reign of terror yet though. She'll want to punish her "perfect sister" somehow. I do love writing for Kim though.
Episode 11 A new day begins … - Roman walked into Hope’s hospital room. She was alone – resting. He was going to go right back out but she awoke and called his name. Roman greeted her and kissed her cheek. He asked her how she was doing. She looked very pale and drawn but she managed a small smile. Hope: I’m doing okay … oh hell no, I’m not. She broke down in tears. Roman hugged her and told her that the family was going to be there for her. He passed her a tissue. Hope: I have to get control of myself. I can’t let Bo see me this way. I have to be strong for him. He needs me. Roman: And you need him … Where is the rascal? Hope: He went home to check on the baby. The sitter agreed to take care of Doodlebug for awhile but Bo wants to make sure everything is okay. (Smiling a little) We finally have a name for our little girl. Roman: What is it? Hope: Ciara Brady … isn’t that beautiful? Roman: It’s nice, I suppose. But I was really hoping you’d call her Romanna. Hope: (nudging his arm) Very funny. Roman: (changing the subject) I called mom and pop. They are going to come over as soon as they can. I also called Frankie and told him to get his arse back to Salem. Hope: I’m sure they were all horrified to hear I’m on death’s door. Roman: They were all sad and empathetic. Hope: I hate the thought of leaving Ciara and Shawn motherless. But I know you will all take care of them. Roman: (nodding) Of course.” Hope: Promise me, Roman, that you will look after Bo too. He tries to be strong but I can see this ordeal has affected him a lot. He needs you more than ever. Roman: I know and I’ll take it as my personal responsibility to be with him every step of the way. Hope: Thank you so much, Roman. Roman: You’re welcome. Bo walked into the room. Bo: Hey, Roman. (Coming over to Hope and kissing her cheek) Hello, Fancy Face. Hope: Hey, Brady. How is our little girl? Bo: Fine. I held her for a bit and she just stared up at me with those big brown eyes of hers. She is beautiful just like her mother. Roman excuses himself saying that he is still trying to reach Kimberly. He had called her the night before but she hadn’t answered for whatever reason. Bo and Hope thank him and he walks out. Bo tells Hope that he has called Alice. Mickey and Maggie are bringing her over. Bo: I didn’t tell them why you’re here. I think you should be the one to tell them about your condition. Hope: Okay. It will be hard to tell them but I guess I don’t have any choice. *** - Josh was working at Java Café. He was making a latte when his co-worker Janet asked him how he and Abby were getting along. Josh: (shrugging) I think Abby is losing interest in me. Janet: What makes you say that? Josh told her that Abby seemed distant lately and that she always seemed to be thinking about Max. He told Janet about the fight that broke out at Max’s garage the night before. Josh: I think she may have feelings for Max. She seems awfully interested in his love life. Janet: Are you sure you’re reading the situation right? Josh: Yes, at least I think so. What more should I be doing? What do you look for in a guy? Janet: Hmm … I guess he needs a great car; a good job; nice clothes; and it doesn’t hurt if he’s good looking. Josh: Well I don’t have any of those things. I don’t have a good job or great car. I am not that good looking and my clothes are cheap. Janet: You dork, I was being factious … First of all, you are not bad looking. You’re actually kinda cute – don’t take that the wrong way; I do have a boyfriend. As for a good car and nice clothes, that comes when you have a good job. Josh: Are you suggesting that I leave this place? Wouldn’t you miss me? (Smiling) Janet: (smiling back) Not likely. But you don’t have to settle for working in a coffee shop. You’re a business major. You should be out there doing business-y stuff … Just find a newspaper and look in the classified ads for a new job. Josh: That’s a good idea. Do you mind covering for me while I go find a paper? Janet: I don’t mind. Josh: Thanks. (Takes off his apron and walks outside) *** - Shawn was holding Claire as he and Belle walked down the street. They had taken the bus and Kimberly’s house was only half a block away from where they gotten off. Shawn: I forgot how hot it gets in California. Belle: No kidding (wipes her forehead with her sweater). It’s only April and it’s stifling. Shawn: We’re almost there. They made it to Kimberly’s house. Belle commented that it was gorgeous. The ocean was visible from the deck. Belle knocked on the door. The door opened and Kimberly was sitting there in her wheelchair, smiling. Kimberly: Hey, there, f-folks. It looks like this Santa Ana is getting to you. Come inside. They both hugged her lightly. “I won’t b-break,” she said and hugged them back harder. They thanked her for letting them stay with her and she waved it off. “You’re fam-lee,” she said. Shawn complimented her saying that she looked beautiful with her newly cut hair. Belle, having the eye for fashion, added that she loved Kimberly’s yellow summer dress. They asked how Kimberly’s children were doing and she said “s-swell; they’re both away at s-school and I miss-ess them, but I’m sure they knee-ded a break from me.” Shawn said he doubted that. Kimberly asked if they wanted breakfast and something to drink. She said her nurse Louella cooked the meals, among her other duties. Shawn and Belle admitted that they were famished. They hadn’t eaten since early in the morning. Kimberly wheeled herself into the kitchen and they followed her. She introduced them to Louella. Louella said “hello” and told them that she had expected that Kimberly’s family were going to be hellions “but you look normal”. They all laughed. Kimberly asked Louella to make them breakfast. Belle asked for cream of wheat for Claire and Louella agreed to make some. Louella got them each a glass of orange juice. While Louella prepared breakfast, Kimberly showed Belle and Shawn around the house (she could maneuver around the house expertly in her wheelchair). She told them that Louella had assumed that they were married so she had only made one bed but would make up another one in the other guest room if they wanted their own space. They said that was fine and thanked her again. Kimberly then showed them “the nursery” which consisted of a crib, changing table, swing, playpen, and a basket full of toys. “I had my gardener bring out my kids things from the garage,” she said proudly. Belle started to cry with relief. Kimberly patted her on the back. Kimberly asked to hold Claire. Shawn handed her the toddler. Kimberly cooed at Claire and tickled her until Claire was giggling. “What an adorable baby,” she declared with a smile in her eyes. “I tink I’ll k-keep you for a lit-tel while, sweet pea.” She kissed each of Claire’s chubby cheeks. Louella called them to come for breakfast. They ate a good meal while Kimberly asked how they happened to be on the run. They told her that Philip had gotten custody of Claire even though he had no rights to her. They said that they believed they had done the right thing by taking their daughter back and they added that should they cause any trouble for Kimberly, she just needed to tell them and they would leave. She waved their fears away. After breakfast, Kimberly insisted that Shawn and Belle both take naps. “You look ex-exhausted,” she said. “Lou and I’ll w-watch out for this lit-tel one.” They didn’t need much convincing as they were both practically asleep on their feet. They went to their separate rooms and lay down. Kimberly played patty cake with Claire until Louella wanted her turn to hold “the little beauty”. Louella bounced Claire on her knee. The phone rang and Kimberly wheeled over to it. She answered the phone with a “hello”. It was her brother Roman. She was glad to hear from him. She told him that it had been too long since they talked. Roman said that this wasn’t a social call. “You sound serious. What’s going on?” she asked. *** - Maggie walked into Hope’s room, followed by Mickey who was holding Alice’s arm. Bo helped Mickey settle “Mrs. H” into a chair. Maggie: Hope, what are you doing here, sweetheart? We were worried when we found out you were in the hospital. Mickey: I want to know that too. Hope took their hands in hers and looked at Alice with obvious adoration. Hope: Do you all know how much I love you? Maggie: I think we have some idea. Alice: Of course we do and we feel the same way about you. Hope: First off, I want to say that you three have treated me so well and have loved me more than I ever thought was possible. Maggie, when I needed fashion or love advice you were always there for me. When I was ranting or raving about something, you calmed me down and helped me gain a new perspective … Mickey, I knew I could always count on you to be there for me and my – our- family. Sadly you had to help us too many times in the legal department but you were never judgmental or critical. I appreciate that so much … Gran, you have always been there for me, being my silent cheerleader, always ready with a kind word and a big plate of your famous donuts. We had the best talks and you always made me feel so special. I can never thank you enough for caring about me – all three of you have made a wonderful difference in my life. Maggie: That was all nice to hear but it sounded too much like a farewell speech, Hope. What’s going on? Hope: Well, in a way it is my farewell speech … (her voice breaks) You see, I’m dying … *** - Carrie knocked on Billie’s door. She hoped Sami and Lucas wouldn’t catch her there. Sami would likely tear out Carrie’s hair strand by strand. The door opened. Billie was standing there, frowning. Carrie asked if they could talk. Billie stepped back to let her inside the apartment. “So talk,” Billie said. Carrie started to say how sorry she was that she had disappointed Billie but she was distracted by the bathroom door opening. Lucas was suddenly standing there, naked from the waist up, only wearing a towel around his lower body. She was speechless. “So it’s not enough to ruin my wedding, Carrie; now you’re stalking me too?” Lucas demanded. *** - Josh found a newspaper and scanned the classified ads. He was sitting on a bench outside the Java Café. He saw nothing but ads for other low paying, non-prestigious jobs. “Damn,” he muttered. He was about to throw the paper away when he spotted an ad on the back page. It read: A dynamic international company seeks bright, motivated interns to join our progressive business program. High powered, fast paced environment offers excellent opportunities for advancement. Excellent pay and benefits package. Fax resume to Titan Publishing at 555-8957. He tore out the ad and put it in his back pocket. He went to a payphone and called Abby. She answered her cell on the second ring. Abby: Hello? Josh: Hey, Abby, it’s Josh. Abby: Oh, Josh, thanks for calling. I was just thinking of you. Josh: (smiling) You were? Abby: Yeah I felt so bad about what happened last night. I never act that way but Chelsea just got under my skin, I guess. I don’t want her ruining Max. He has barely recovered from the last time they broke up. Josh: (frowning) Oh its okay I understand. The reason I was calling was to let you know that I’m applying for a new job at a company. I won’t be in food services anymore if I get this. It is supposed to pay well so I can finally buy a car that’s not have dead and new clothes and … Abby: That sounds nice. I wish you luck. Josh: How was your test? Abby: Okay I guess. I think I did well. Josh saw Janet waving to him from inside the café. Josh: I’ve got to go, Abby, I’ll talk to you later. Abby: Yeah, okay. Bye. Josh: Bye. Josh was sure that this new job would turn everything around for him. *** - Mickey, Maggie, and Alice were shocked and horrified by Hope’s announcement. Mickey: I don’t understand what is happening. This is like a cruel joke. Hope: It’s true unfortunately. Maggie: Bo, why didn’t you tell us what was happening with her? Bo: (looking down) She asked me not to. Hope: I didn’t want to worry you. Maggie: We’re family. Of course we’re worried. Alice: Hope, tell us what’s wrong. Hope: Well about seven months ago – when I was pregnant with Ciara – I found a lump in my breast when I was doing a self-exam. I thought maybe it was just pregnancy related. But after I delivered my little doodlebug I felt it again. Then I started to feel so weak and tired all the time. I convinced myself that having a baby in the house again was wearing me out. But Bo insisted that I see a doctor. Just a short time ago, I found out that not only did I have breast cancer – but that the cancer had spread throughout my body … I could have possibly been treated sooner but I wouldn’t have anyway because it would have hurt my baby while I was pregnant. The doctors – we checked with several – said that I had three months to live but my condition is deteriorating even faster than expected. Maggie gasped. Alice and Mickey looked at each other helplessly. Maggie: Hope, are you sure that there isn’t some mistake? Hope: I’m sure. Mickey: Oh lord, please don’t let this be true. Hope looked at her grandmother. Alice’s head was down. Hope: Gran, are you okay? Alice: (looking at Hope with tear filled eyes) Hope, I’ll be alright but I’m having an argument with God inside my head. I keep saying: “she’s too young; she has two kids who will be motherless; she truly is a wonderful person who we all love; it’s not fair.” I still have more to say; I’m not done with him yet. There wasn’t a dry eye in the room. Alice shakily raised herself from the chair and hugged Hope as tight as she could. Alice: I love you, Hope. Grandmothers are supposed to die before the young ones do. It should be me, not you (she kisses Hope on the cheek). Maggie: (drying her eyes) Is there anything we can do? Hope: Just take good care of Bo and my children please. Maggie: Of course. Bo: Could you also call Jack and Jennifer for us and give them the news? Maggie: That’s the least I can do (she kisses Hope). Our poor girl, we love you more than words can say. With Melissa and Sarah so far away, I’ve grown to think of you as a surrogate daughter. Hope: And I’ve thought of you as another mother. Maggie, Mickey, and Alice depart, wiping away tears as they walk to the elevator. Inside the room, Bo holds Hope as she breaks down in tears. *** - Carrie: (blushing) I’m not stalking you, Lucas. I didn’t even know you were here. Lucas: Whatever (he walks into the bedroom and shuts the door). Carrie (to Billie): What is he doing here? Billie: He didn’t say much; just that Sami and him weren’t getting along. I wonder why (stares at Carrie pointedly). Carrie: (blushing again) I am so sorry about what happened. I wish I could take it all back … Billie, you were always so nice to me; I don’t want to lose your friendship because of my stupidity. Billie: (ignoring her plea) Where does my brother Austin fit in this merry-go-round of a love triangle? Carrie: Honestly, Billie, I don’t know. He’s in Paris right now and we haven’t talked in over 2 weeks. It seems to me that he wants to end our “marriage”. We just weren’t getting along? Billie: Your marriage is already ruined. You are still married to Lucas, remember? Carrie: I remember. Lucas and Sami might not be able to forgive me but what about you? Billie: You don’t have to apologize to me. I wasn’t fair of me to judge you. I ruined Hope and Bo’s wedding once and I had no right to throw stones at you. Carrie: So can we be friends again? Billie: (pausing and then smiling) Yes but don’t try anything like this ever again. Carrie: I won’t. They hug as Chelsea walks out of her bedroom and goes to the refrigerator. Chelsea: We don’t have milk. How am I supposed to eat Apple Jacks without milk? (stares accusingly at her mother) Billie: Come with me to the store then. Chelsea: Do I have to? Billie (picking up her purse) Yes now get moving. You can tell me where you got that black eye from on the way there. Carrie goes to follow them out but Lucas calls out to her from the doorway of the second bedroom. He is fully dressed now. Lucas: Carrie, we need to talk. Carrie: Okay … Billie gives Lucas a questioning look and then she and Chelsea leave. Carrie: You wanted to talk to me? Lucas: Yes. Close the door so Sami doesn’t see us and get the wrong idea. Carrie obliges by shutting the door. Lucas: When can we go down to city hall and get this thing taken care of? Carrie: Today if you want. I’m free. Lucas: I have an important meeting at Titan this afternoon so we’ll have to do it later. How late does it stay open? Carrie: Five-thirty p.m., I think. Lucas: Okay come to Titan at four and we’ll drive over to city hall. Carrie: Do you think that’s a good idea? Lucas: What? Carrie: Riding together? What if Sami finds out? Lucas: She won’t find out. Carrie: Okay … (she heads for the door) Lucas: Carrie, when this thing is done with I suggest you go back to Switzerland. Sami is out for blood. She tried to hurt John … Carrie: I know. Lucas: Marlena told you? Carrie: Yes. Lucas: That should be a fair enough warning that you need to go. Carrie: I told you yesterday – I’m not going. Lucas: Why? What is left for you here? Carrie: You … *** - Kimberly puts down the phone. She is in shock. Louella stops bouncing Claire on her knee and stares at Kimberly. Louella: What’s wrong? You look so pale. Kimberly tells Louella about her conversation with Roman. Louella: That is awful. Your nephew is going to be so heartbroken. Kimberly: I k-know. I’ll let him s-sleep for now. He is so e-exhaus-ted. When he wakes up I’ll s-sit him down and tell him the s-sad truth about his mother … THE END (for now) Coming up on “Salem Fantasies”: ~ Shawn is devastated to learn of Hope’s condition; he says he must see her before its too late ~ Carrie tries to explain why she’s staying in Salem ~ Abby apologizes to Max for her behavior
Great episode as usual. I want Carrie to have her baby back like NOW. She has always been one of my favorite soap characters and she deserves some happiness.
#03 Wednesday, April 4
DH23 commented on Sweet_VeeVee24's blog entry in Destineysmine24 Fan Fic Flair
Good one. -
Actress Fired! Lisa Trusel to Return?! OLTL Star Joins Cast!
DH23 commented on daysfan's blog entry in Life in Salem
I love that Melissa might return! -
I am way behind but I love this series. I just read the episode where Lauren kills Amanda in the bathroom and stuffs her in the cabinet. LOL that was morbidly funny
Damn Eddie is so freaking hot!
That is so classic!
Definitely! But its really like a dance with them. One step forward, and two steps back. It will be an interesting story I think and I hope everyone will be along for the ride. By the way I LOVE your banner.
March Episode Count (including total 2007 Count)
DH23 commented on PhoenixRising05's blog entry in "Salem Lives"
Great totals. I love that you have balance. No character is on everyday. I really need to learn that. -
Great episode! I love Nicole but Carrie needs her baby back. Its a heartbreaking story but so riveting.