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An Affair is DISCOVERED!!!

All episodes from last week have been posted in the appropriate place: http://www.freewebs.com/moments_of_existence/episodes.html Also, don't miss this week's episodes as the Ted/Livvie affair reaches a shocking twist!! Tune in NOW! http://www.freewebs.com/moments_of_existence/week.html



The most shocking CLIFFHANGER FRIDAY yet!!

Monday (138) Mathew is informed about Erin's accident; Megan wonders why Stephen won't act on his feelings for her; Sarah, Justin, and Carli are shocked to learn about Erin; Mathew asks Danny about Erin's condition. Tuesday (139: 2 parts) First- The teens and Mathew wait in the hospital for word on Erin; Chase's arrival upsets Stephen; Pamela interrupts a moment between Ted and Livvie; Michelle informed Andrew that Bruce and David will find her. Then- Kelly is worried about what Jack w



Moments Returns with TWISTS around every Corner!!

Well, after no episodes aired when they were supposed to during May Sweeps, obviously no one read anything. But I've gone back and put all of the May Sweeps episodes on one page. You DON'T WANT TO MISS IT!!!!! It's episodes 122-137, the last link at the bottom of this page: http://www.freewebs.com/moments_of_existence/episodes.html Regular scheduling will resume Monday. Things not to miss during May Sweeps: - School is out! - Mathew ends things with Alison, who turns to her psychot



Mystery, Romance, and SHOCK!!! DON'T MISS OUT!!!

This week's episodes: Tuesday Mathew overhears Alison talking about Victor's plan; After Lauren plants seeds of doubt in his head, Justin wonders if Sarah has abandoned him; Everyone is shocked when Chris punches Megan; Erin finds Stephen comforting Megan; Carli finds Sarah in her captive state. Wednesday Bruce learns of Trish's goal as a mother; Trish asks Carli to share her feelings about her; Michelle and David anticipate the last day of school; After Mathew leaves, Victor orders A



The Time to Start Watching is NOW!!

Hi all!! So, you haven't read "Moments of Existence" and think you can't get into it. YOU CAN!! Just skim past episodes and jump right in. Starting this week, Moments of Existence is airing FIVE EPISODES[ a week!!! Normally it will be Monday-Friday, but for the first week it will be Tuesday-Friday with a special Saturday episode. And now onto the good stuff...MAY SWEEPS!! May Sweeps 2007 are going to be pure suspense, drama, and pay offs. You don't want to miss out!! Here are th



Episodes 116 and 117

Wednesday The Mountain View High Prom begins; Erin attempts to make Stephen jealous with Chase; Megan gets upset when Stephen can't keep his mind off of Erin; Justin and Sarah look foward to a night of romance, but Lauren has other plans; Carli wonders what Lauren is up to; Lauren puts her plan into action! CLIFFHANGER Friday Stephen wonders who he should really be with; Chase becomes discouraged when he sees Erin and Stephen together; Megan comes up with a new plan to keep Stephen away



Moments of Existence: BACK and BETTER THAN EVER!!

After a hiatus, Moments of Existence is back!!! All episodes that should've aired in the passed few weeks have been posted in the Past Episodes section: http://www.freewebs.com/moments_of_existence/episodes.html And here's a brand new week of episodes!! Episode 115 ---> Monday Pamela, Michelle, and David decorate for the Mountain View High prom; Sarah, Justin, Erin, Chase, and Carli ride to the prom together; Justin is angered to see Erin with Chase and not Stephen; Victor puts Ali



Episodes 103 and 104

Tuesday Jack walks in on Lauren trying to murder Kelly; Ted, Pamela, Ian, and Angela Victor's current plot; Michelle orders Trish to tell her where Bruce and Carli are. Thursday Megan is upset when Stephen won't stop thinking about Erin; Erin talks to Alison about Stephen and Chase; Andrew calls Michelle; Michelle and David worry about Andrew's terror. http://www.freewebs.com/moments_of_existence/week.html These episodes will be moved to the Past Episodes section tomorrow (103 and



100 EPISODES!!! (and other info)

Well, first of all, I must apologize on not being timely with my episodes in these passed weeks. Episodes that didn't get posted last week have been moved to the Past episodes section for you to read there. http://www.freewebs.com/moments_of_existence/episodes.html The episodes from last week are 100-103. This week, there will be a special schedule with episodes airing Tuesday, Thursday, and the following week's Sunday. Recaps for Tuesday and Thursday's episodes are found here: http://




Sorry again for not posting the episodes on time!!! But on Friday's episode, you'll see a HUGE payoff as Michelle and David finally see Andrew's true colors!! Monday Trish reveals about the truth about Andrew to David, Bruce, and Michelle; Michelle refuses to believe Trish; Mathew searches for Alison; Victor fills Alison in on a new plan. Wednesday Megan is less than flattered when Lauren compares herself to her; Bruce fills Ted in on Victor's terror; Victor blackmails Alison; Alison



THREE episodes!!!

I must apologize for not posting episodes regularly this week. Things have been pretty hectic. Here are the week's episodes! I hope you'll enjoy them. They'll be moved to "Past Episodes" on Sunday. Episodes 94-96 Monday Victor tells Alison that he has plans for Mathew; David asks Trish for a favor involving Andrew; Michelle and Justin try to get Jack away from Sarah! Wednesday Judy informs Kelly about what Jack has done; Carli asks Stephen why he didn't show up to meet Erin; Mic



Episode 93

Sorry for the late update! Episode 93 ---> CLIFFHANGER Friday Angela and Kelly continue their on-going arguements; Jack has a not-so-special present for Kelly; David and Bruce discuss Michelle and Andrew; Mona notices that the clock has been turned back an hour; Justin and Sarah discuss Erin and Stephen; Megan and Chase further their efforts to break up Erin and Stephen; Erin and Stephen come face to face at school! http://www.freewebs.com/moments_of_existence/week.html Tomorrow,



Episode 92

Episode 92 --> Thursday Pamela and Ted meet Stephen's parents; Sarah and Carli anticipate Erin and Stephen's reunion; Erin goes to meet Stephen; Megan takes advantage of a hurt Stephen! http://www.freewebs.com/moments_of_existence/week.html



Episode 91

Episode 91 ---> Wednesday Pamela and Ted enjoy a night out together; Livvie is curious about what Megan has done; Stephen goes to meet Erin. http://www.freewebs.com/moments_of_existence/week.html



Episode 90

Episode 90 ---> CLIFFHANGER Friday Lauren goes off on Trish; David catches Andrew and Michelle in a compromising position; Megan puts her plan against Stephen and Erin into motion! http://www.freewebs.com/moments_of_existence/week.html



Episode 89

Episode 89 ---> Wednesday Chase tells Megan about Stephen and Erin's plans for their relationship and the two friends take action; Livvie wonders with Megan and Chase are up to; Kelly listens at the door as Judy talks sense into Sarah; Andrew pays Michelle a visit. http://www.freewebs.com/moments_of_existence/week.html



Episode 88

Episode 88 --> Monday Kelly argues with Sarah over her fight with Lauren; Erin and Stephen admit that they still love one another and plan to make start things up again; Chase watches Stephen and Erin; Victor taunts Mathew with Alison's secrets. http://www.freewebs.com/moments_of_existence/week.html



Episode 87

Episode 87 ---> CLIFFHANGER Friday Andrew admits to Michelle that he doesn't like David; Lauren taunts Sarah and Carli; Sarah and Lauren get into a catfight; Trish informs Bruce that Victor is going to try and kill him! http://www.freewebs.com/moments_of_existence/week.html



Episode 86

Episode 86 ---> Wednesday Erin is shocked to learn that Mathew and Alison have spent the night together; Kelly discovers that Judy covered for Jack on Valentines Day; Kelly lashes out at Angela; A car hits Pamela and Megan! http://www.freewebs.com/moments_of_existence/week.html



Episode 85

Episode 85 ----> Monday Alison and Mathew spend Valentines Day together; Mathew has something to tell Alison; When Sarah sees Justin's "surprise" gift to her, she's less than thrilled; Chase brings Erin to the Moonlight Lounge, knowing that Megan has brought Stephen there. http://www.freewebs.com/moments_of_Existence/week.html




I'm so sorry!! There was an error in episodes this week, but it's fixed now. Episodes 82-84 have now been posted. They'll remain in the Week's episodes for now, but later today I'll move them to Past Episodes.



Episode 82

Episode 82 --> Monday Andrew panics when Pamela spots him; Mathew interrupts a fight between Kelly and Angela; Carli is scared that Chris is going to kill her. http://www.freewebs.com/moments_of_existence/week.html



Episodes 80 & 81/January Episode Counts

Episode 80 ---> Thursday Victor stands by as Mathew rushes to Alison's side; Chris insists to Angela that Carli is lying; Trish has a disturbing vision. Episode 81 ---> CLIFFHANGER Friday Kelly taunts Angela about Chris; Kelly and Angela get into a fight; Carli assures Trish that everything is alright; Andrew watches David and Michelle; Chris threatens Carli. http://www.freewebs.com/moments_of_existence/week.html Episodes in this section will be moved to the "Past Episode



Episode 79

Episode 79 ---> Tuesday Judy and Kelly are upset at the way Jack acts when Sarah invites Justin to have dinner with the family; Victor refuses to leave Alison alone; Carli tells Angela about what Chris did to her! http://www.freewebs.com/moments_of_existence/week.html



Episode 78

Episode 78 ---> CLIFFHANGER Friday Andrew and Michelle go out together; Chase and Megan catch up on plans against Stephen and Erin; The teens have a night out at the Moonlight Lounge; Erin and Stephen refuse to get along; Carli tells about what Chris did to her. http://www.freewebs.com/moments_of_existence/week.html



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