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Awesome. I wonder if Kate really is Nicole's mother. They sure act alike although I much prefer Nicole.
More casting news! Farah Fath has stepped down from the role of Mimi Lockhart. Her character has been recast. "We auditioned 150 girls for the role of Mimi," Boobise McGee (head writer and executive producer) says. "We wanted a different, more mature Mimi who still has her zany personality. We didn't find anyone who really fit the part. I happened to be flipping through a magazine and saw Amber Tamblyn's picture. I immediately said to myself 'we've got to screen test her'. The other producers agreed she'd be perfect for the part. We called her agent and she came into screen test for the part. She had great chemistry with Darin Brooks (Max); Judi Evans (Bonnie); and Kyle Brandt (Philip). We said 'this is our girl'. She signed a contract and the rest is history. I think she'll fit in nicely. We are happy to have her."
I'll play. I'll send you a PM.
I really loved that. I wasn't around when this show was on but I've read a bit about it. I can't wait to read more.
As we reported just yesterday, Lisa Trusel is returning to Days in the role of Melissa. And as of yesterday, there was no news about who would play her husband and her daughter. Now we are getting reports that Melissa's husband and daughter have been cast. Boobsie McGee, headwriter and executive producer of Salem Fantasies, agreed to speak with us about it. "The producers and I spent the whole weekend in the studio auditioning and screen testing actors," she said. "I'm so tired but it was worth it because we found the perfect actors to portray Shane and Shannon Moore [the names of Melissa's husband and 15-year-old daughter]." "Who did you pick?" we couldn't help but ask. McGee replied that Dan Gauthier (ex-Kevin, One Life to Live) was cast as Shane Moore. "He looks the way I imagined Shane to look. When he walked into the studio I immediately thought 'there's our Shane' but I wanted to be fair to everyone so we auditioned the other 40 actors too. None of them were terrible but Dan just slid right into the role and made it his own. We told him we wanted him on the show. I think he was really glad to get the part." And what about Shannon? "We wanted Jillian Clare [the former pre-teen Abby Deveraux on DOOL] to play the part of Melissa and Shane's daughter. She looks so grown up now, I don't think the audience will even recognize her." (laughs) "Only on Days can an actor who plays one character, come back as another," McGee said, laughing again. "But honestly Jillian was perfect for the role of Shannon and we are glad to have her back on the show." What is their storyline going to be? "The Moores are going to represent a 'real' family in today's society. But of course there will be twists and turns as is the show's tradition." When will they all begin appearing on screen? "Soon enough," McGee says. "Look for them in the upcoming weeks."
Wow - I can't wait to read this.
Ha ha - poor Meems. I hate her though so I'm not going to cry about this lol
What about Jessica Dunphy (ex-Alison, ATWT) as Serena? She would be great I think.
Melissa returns to Salem As we have previously reported, longtime Days character Hope Brady will die on screen very soon. When Hope's illness is revealed, family and friends rally around her to give their support, including characters who have departed the show. Returning are: Jack and Jennifer Deveraux, Doug and Julie Williams, Frankie Brady, and Melissa Anderson Horton. Frankie Brady's stay in Salem will be permanent this time. "I wanted Billy Warlock back. I still can't believe the former regiment got rid of such a talented actor like Billy Warlock," says exective producer and headwriter, Boobsie McGee. Melissa Anderson (Lisa Trusel) will also be back on permanent basis. "We're excited to have her back," says exective producer and headwriter, McGee. "Lisa is a very gifted actress and we look forward to telling more of Melissa's story." TPTB at "Salem Fantasies" are currently searching for a 40-something actor to play the role of Melissa's husband. They are also looking for an actress to play Melissa's daughter 15-year-old daughter.
RTSB MANS UP!!! ex-PASSIONS star joins the cast!!!
DH23 commented on juniorz1's blog entry in Return to Santa Barbara
You've got some great hunks on the show. -
Don't let it be Belle! She's one of my favorite characters. Good promo by the way.
DH23 commented on PhoenixRising05's blog entry in "Salem Lives"
That's awesome stuff. I can't wait to read it! By the way, what does MCF mean? -
As viewers of the Days spin-off SALEM FANTASIES know, Hope Brady has terminal cancer. "Hope will die," says executive producer and headwriter Boobsie McGee. "And there will be no miracle cures. She's really going to her grave. There is so much drama to be showcased by Hope's death. I think people were getting tired of Hope and Bo's breakup-makeup cycle. I know I was bored watching it." But what about the question on everyone's lips: Was Kristian Alfonso fired? "No," McGee says. "Definitely not. We know how important Hope and Kristian are to the show. She has a massive fanbase and we adore her. We were planning to keep Hope alive. She was never supposed to die but Kristian wanted out of her contract. She said she wanted to be a 'full-time' mom, which I understand [though I don't have children off my own]. I also think she felt boxed in by the 'Bope belong together' mentality." "We will miss Kristian around the set but we will be happy to know she is doing what she wants. We wish her the best of luck."
Episode 4 Salem Community Center - “Hey, scoot over,” Chelsea said, nudging her mom’s shoulder. “Chelsea, you came!” Billie said excitedly (and loudly). When people turned to look at her she said “sorry”. She moved into the next chair so Chelsea could have a seat. “So I showed up. What’s going on?” Chelsea asked. “Just listen. That man up there is telling everyone how he became an alcoholic.” “I found my wife in bed with my best friend. Apparently they had been sleeping together for 4 years and I never knew it. My wife and I had a big fight and she said she was leaving me. She took the kids and moved into my former best friend’s house. She even took the dog. Man, I really loved that dog …” Chelsea giggled. Billie jabbed her in the stomach. “Don’t laugh,” Billie said. “Why? This guy is totally pathetic.” “… He was brown and white with a little white on his chest. He was such a gorgeous dog …” The man went on. Chelsea giggled again. Billie slapped her knee this time. “Shut up and listen!” Billie snapped. “Why? He is such a whiner.” After ten minutes, the sponsor encouraged the man to sit down. “Would anyone else like to say something?” the sponsor asked. “I would,” Billie said. “Oh god mom, you’re going to embarrass me, aren’t you?” Chelsea said, sliding down in her seat. Billie pushed past Chelsea and walked to the front of the room. She stood at the podium. “Hello, my name is Billie and I’m an alcoholic.” *** Max’s Autobody Shop - “God, Chelsea is such a brat!” Abby said, stomping into the garage. Max came out of the office. “What’s she done now?” ”She’s just being a little …” “Whatever you’re about to say I agree with you whole-heartedly. I told her to leave you alone,” Max said. “What - when?” “Yesterday.” “Well that must be when she got the stupid idea that you and me are …” “Are what?” “In love with each other,” Abby said, suddenly feeling embarrassed. “What if she’s right about us?” Max asked. Shocked, Abby about died right there on the garage floor. *** Some Hotel – “I’m going out,” Shawn said, taping on the closed bathroom door. He had just heard the squeaky water pipe turn off. “Where are you going?” Belle called through the door. “To look for a car,” Shawn replied. Belle threw the door open. She was wrapped only in a short towel. Shawn smiled. Belle blushed but then her face turned serious. “Where are you going to find us a car?” “I’m going to look around,” he replied evasively. “We can’t afford a car,” Belle said. Shawn sighed. “I’ll find us one, don’t worry.” “I am worried,” Belle said. “Are you going to steal one?” “Yes, if you must know. It’s our only way to get out of here.” “Shawn, do you know how dangerous this is?” Belle asked. “You could be caught.” “Don’t worry; I’m not going to get caught. I’ll find a car in a deserted area and come back and get you and Claire. We’ll be out of the state before anyone notices that it’s gone.” “Shawn, do you really have to do this? Isn’t there some other way?” “No, I’ve thought of all the possibilities and realized that stealing a car is the only way to get out of here safely.” “If you say so …” “Just get dressed, change Claire’s diaper, get everything together, and be ready when I pull up.” “Okay,” Belle said. Shawn put on a baseball cap he had bought at the corner store. “See you soon.” He kissed Belle’s cheek. “Don’t worry.” Belle watched him leave. She had a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. She instinctively knew that Shawn was going to be caught. Please God, she prayed. Let me be wrong about this. *** Marlena’s Penthouse - Carrie had moved the few things she had brought with her on the trip to Marlena’s pent house. There were three rooms and she had taken the one at the end of the hall. She opened her purse and took out a small picture. It was a shot of her and Lucas on their wedding day. “I don’t know why I’m still carrying around this dumb thing,” she said to herself. She suddenly crumpled it and tossed it into the waste basket. She picked up the phone to call him and then put it down. “This is something that needs to be told in person. I hope he doesn’t fly off the handle when he finds out,” Carrie said to the mirror. Then she turned and walked out. *** “Hello. My name is Billie and I’m an alcoholic.” “Hello, Billie,” they all responded. “They must all be pod people,” Chelsea muttered to herself. “My daughter didn’t want me to come up here because she thought I would embarrass her,” Billie said. Chelsea slunk even farther down in her chair. “But I knew I had to speak to you all. Day after day I listen to all of you pour out you hearts and I know I needed to share my story. “My father began abusing me – sexually – when I was just a little girl. There was no one to look out for me although my brother tried. I grew up hating my father and what he had done to me. I started to get into drugs and alcohol. I was even a porn ‘star’ for awhile, if you can believe it. “I ended up following my brother here, to Salem, where I tried to get clean. It was so unbelievably difficult. But one day a true prince came into my life. We fell in love and he promised to be with me forever. Unfortunately ‘forever’ didn’t last long. His former wife returned and soon enough they were back together. I tried scheme after scheme to get win him back. But my attempts to reconcile only ended in heartbreak. He decided to stay with her. “The biggest devastation in my whole life was losing my daughter. I finally found her after 15 years of mourning and believing she was dead. But I did find her – thank god - and it took awhile for us to connect but I am happy to say that we are getting along much better now. She’s the gem of my life. “You would think that would be enough for me but I had to go and mess it up by falling for a new man. He didn’t make any promises to me and I didn’t expect any but I still had a secret hope that we would last. But like the first time I fell in love, there was another woman in the picture. Another woman who he had loved forever and a day, it seemed. They were soulmates. So after all this I felt empty. Like my life had no meaning and there was no reason to get out of bed. The only comfort I could find was in a bottle. Billie’s eyes were moist with tears. “I didn’t tell you all this to get you to pity me. I just felt that I needed to open up and exorcise the demons. I am thankful for this opportunity to speak to you all. AA has saved me many a time and I hope it will do the same for all of you.” Billie stepped down from the podium. People embraced her and told her she was doing great. Her sponsor, David Harris, even gave her a high five. The meeting broke up for the day. Billie went to get Chelsea. She found her daughter crying. “What’s the matter?” Billie asked her, wrapping an arm around Chelsea’s slender shoulders. “I just can’t believe it,” Chelsea answered, choking back a new wave of tears. “What?” “That you went through all of that and are still standing. I know I wouldn’t be able to.” “You’re stronger than me, Chelsea. You would survive,” Billie said. “As for me, I’m doing okay now. I am trying to move on and stay clean. That’s the best I can do – that’s the best anyone can do.” “I’m proud of you, mom,” Chelsea said. “I never tell you that I love you, but I do,” Chelsea said, hugging Billie tightly. *** “What if Chelsea’s right about what?” Abby asked. Her heart was hammering in her chest. “You know, about us loving each other,” Max said. “I know I love you.” “Are you serious?” Abby asked. “Yes. You’re like family to me. You’re the sister I never had.” Abby felt sick. “Would you stop calling me your sister?” she demanded. “I’m not your sister. I’m a woman.” “And a feisty one, too,” Max said. He pulled her forward and began tickling her. She couldn’t help but laugh. “Stop, Max, stop!” she begged. “You’re getting oil all over my dress.” Max stopped tickling her. “Okay, okay. You’re no fun now that you’re a woman,” he said, laughing. Abby became serious. “I am a woman, Max. I am 100% woman. I’m not your little sister so quit saying that.” She threw a dirty rag at him. She started to walk away but Max pulled her back. “Okay, you’re a woman. I believe it.” He tipped her back and swirled her around until she laughed. She fell into his arms and he held her there for a moment. Abby thought he might kiss her. Ohmigod, it’s going to happen, she thought. “What is going on here?” a voice asked, effectively ending what had – or had not – been about to happen. *** Lucas and Sami’s Apartment – Carrie knocked on the door. She had a fleet of dancing butterflies in her stomach. The door opened. “Lucas, hello,” Carrie said softly. “What are you doing here?” Lucas asked, frowning. “I need to talk to you. It’s important,” Carrie said. “Can I come in?” “No. Sami will go ballistic if she sees you.” “Then can we go somewhere else to talk?” “I don’t think that’s such a great idea,” he said. “Lucas, who’s at the door?” Sami asked. She walked over. “What the hell are you doing here, Carrie?” *** A street downtown – Shawn walked along the street, casually glancing at cars. They all seemed to be locked up tight as a drum. He came to an alleyway and spotted a gray SUV. He walked casually down the alley to the car. It seemed to be too good to be true but he scanned the surrounding area and no one seemed to notice. He opened the door. There were keys in the ignition. Yes! He thought. He jumped in the car and turned the key in the ignition. The car didn’t start. He tried again and it still didn’t work. He tried to open the car door but he heard the locks click in place. “Oh [!@#$%^&*],” he said as two plain clothes cops held up their badges and raced towards the vehicle. On the next episode of “Salem Fantasies”: ~ Belle worries that Shawn is not coming back ~ Sami demands to know why Carrie is back in town ~ Mimi walks in on a close moment between Max and Abby ~ Maggie thinks something is up with Mickey
That was a very spicy episode .. I loved it!
Good stuff!
The Tattler We just recieved juicy news that Jay Kenneth Johnson is leaving Days of Our Lives and Kyle Brandt is coming back! Details are sketchy at this time but an insider says a fight (instigated by Jay) erupted between Jay and a long time male co-star last week. They were apparently fighting over a woman they were both acquainted with. So don't be surprised if you see one of the male actors sporting a bandage on his nose. New headwriter and executive producer Boobsie McGee took quick action. She pink-slipped Johnson and gave a warning to the other star that his ass would be grass if he was ever got into another fight on the set. If that seems unfair, that's because it is. Because the role of Philip is central to the current storylines playing out on screen, McGee quickly put in a call to Kyle Brandt asking him to come back, even if only for a short time. Brandt agreed as we hear he has been looking for other acting jobs without success. We assume that he will be getting combat pay to come back to Days on such short notice. Kyle's scenes will begin airing by the end of March or early in April. No exact date is availble at this time.
Here are some previews of what's coming up on "Salem Fantasies" in the next few months ~ Hope's condition worsens and she finally reveals to her family and friends that she is dying; they are all devastated and promise to be there for her. Maggie and Caroline arrange a special party in her honor. ~ Belle and Shawn are living in California when they get news about Hope's condition. Shawn figures out a way to see his mom. But will he be caught? ~ Hope has a special request for Billie ~ Chelsea's feelings for Max are reemerging. She doesn't like that he and Abby are spending so much time together. There will be a bit of a tug of war between the formerly good friends. Who will win Max's heart in the end? ~ The truth about Nick's past comes to light. Ever faithful, Abby is around to give him support. ~ Jennifer and Jack make a short visit to town. ~ John wakes up from his coma a different man. ~ Someone is stalking Marlena. ~ After Carrie's secret is revealed, she and Lucas come to an understanding. Sami doesn't like them spending time together so she calls Austin and tells him to get his butt back to Salem. ~ Maggie worries about Mickey when he begins acting strangely. ~ Frankie comes home to support his family through their difficult time and ends up falling in love with a surprising person. ~ Another character returns to Salem with big news
Episode 3 The Church Garden – Roman was taking a break from the pre-wedding festivities to walk in the garden. He was a loner by nature and this was a nice place to be alone. But he wasn’t alone. He heard someone weeping around the corner. It sounded like a man. Then he knew for sure because the man spoke. “Dammit, dammit, dammit. How can this happen to us?” Roman recognized the voice. It was Bo. Roman quickly turned the corner and found his brother banging his fist on a tree. “Don’t you know it’s blasphemous to curse at church?” He said, “After all this is the Lord’s house.” He was joking. “I don’t care. Right now I am cursing God – or Fate – or whoever is in charge of our destinies.” “What’s bothering you, little brother?” “Just leave me alone, Roman.” “You know I can’t do that. I’m a cop. I investigate things until I find out the truth.” Bo didn’t reply. “Is it your new baby? Is she okay?” “She’s fine,” Bo said. “But I don’t know how long it will last.” “Are you still upset about Shawn and Belle leaving town with Claire?” “That will always bother me,” Bo said. “But they did what they thought was necessary.” “There is only one other thing that could make you this upset,” Roman said. “Something’s wrong with Hope, right?” Bo grunted but didn’t answer him. “I take that grunt to mean I hit on the truth. What’s wrong with Hope?” Roman asked. “She doesn’t want anyone to know,” Bo said. “Is she sick?” Bo nodded his head. “Yeah, she is,” he said. “She has malignant cancer and the doctor said she only has three months left.” “What does that mean?” Roman asked. “You know death is relative in Salem.” “No it’s true. Hope says she feels awful all the time. That’s why we went to see the doctor. She didn’t want to go but I insisted,” Bo said. “The cancer is eating her up inside. All of her organs are affected. What’s worse is that she doesn’t want to go through chemotherapy even though it could help her somehow – you never know.” “I imagine she doesn’t want the family to know she’s ill because she doesn’t want them to mourn her before she’s gone to the other side,” Roman said. “Yeah that’s basically what she said. My wife is dying and I can’t help her.” Bo began to weep again. Roman put his hand on Bo’s shoulder. It was all he could think of to do. He wasn’t generally a demonstrative person. “Just remind her of Jack ‘dying’ from his illness and how it affected the family not to be able to say goodbye,” Roman said. “But this tale ends differently because there isn’t going to be a miracle cure that will save Hope at the last minute.” “Bo, I don’t know the right thing to say in this situation but just know that I’ll be there for you and Hope.” “Thanks.” “Now clean yourself up and we’ll go back inside.” “Okay,” Bo said. He wiped his tear stained face and followed Roman back to the church. *** Inside the Church – Hope was sitting in a pew resting while she fed her baby a bottle. “Looks like everything’s done,” Maggie announced. “Let’s get the rehearsal started. Where is Father Thomas?” “He’ll be here soon,” Sami said. “Let’s get this show on the road,” Lucas said. “I’ve got to change Doodlebug’s diaper. I’ll be right back,” Hope said, standing up. Maggie was standing beside her. “Take the baby,” Hope said to Maggie. “Hope, what’s wrong?” Maggie asked. “You’re so pale.” “Just take her – quick!” Maggie took the baby. Hope started to say she didn’t feel well but didn’t get the chance. She slumped to the floor, unconscious. *** Some motel – Belle Black was feeding Claire carrots when Shawn came out of the bathroom. He was fresh out of the shower, his lower body wrapped in a towel. Belle tried not to look but he was so gorgeous she couldn’t turn her eyes away. Shawn felt her eyes on him. “Do you mind? I’m trying to get dressed here.” “Sorry,” she said, smiling in what seemed like ages. Shawn finished dressing. He came over to Claire and gave her a kiss. He found a map on the TV stand and sat down to peruse it. “Are we moving again?” Belle asked. “I’m afraid so. We’ve got to stay one step ahead of Philip and his goons.” “Where are we going?” “I was thinking of California,” Shawn said. “That sounds nice.” “It’s very populated so we wouldn’t be noticed at all.” “What part of California are you thinking of?” Belle asked. “I think Los Angeles is the perfect place to blend into the scenery. I am sure Philip would never find us there.” “I hope you’re right,” Belle said. *** Salem University Hospital – Carrie asked a nurse to point her in the direction of John’s room. She found it and went inside. Marlena was sitting at his bedside, holding his hand, and talking to him in a low voice. “Marlena, hi,” Carrie greeted her. “Carrie! What a nice surprise,” Marlena said, getting up and enveloping her former step-daughter in a hug. “You look tired, Marlena,” Carrie observed. There were dark circles around Marlena’s eyes. “I am. I can’t wait until he wakes up,” Marlena said. “I believe with all my heart that he will.” “I hope you are right,” Carrie said. “You two belong together.” “Thank you for saying that.” Marlena smiled thinly. “So, enough about me. How are you?” “I’m good for the most part,” Carrie said. “Oh I don’t like the sound of that. Are you and Austin having problems?” Carrie nodded. “He went to Paris for business but I think he was glad to get away from me.” “What’s wrong?” “I don’t know. We just aren’t communicating like we used to.” Carrie looked down at her lap. “I feel like we got back together too quickly. We didn’t realize how much we both had changed over the years we were apart.” Marlena nodded sympathetically. “Have you considered seeing a marriage counselor?” “Briefly. But we dropped the idea for whatever reason.” “Is there anything I can do?” Marlena asked. “Well I do need some advice about something if that’s okay.” “Of course. Tell me what’s on your mind.” *** The Horton House – Chelsea climbed the steps and knocked on the door impatiently. Nick Fallon opened the door in his boxer shorts and a wife beater under-shirt. “Nice outfit,” Chelsea said. “What are you doing walking around half naked?” “I was just about to change when I heard you knock on the door.” “I bet old Maggie gets a thrill seeing you like that,” Chelsea said. “She’s not here. I would never walk around like this in front of her.” “Is Abby here?” Chelsea asked, changing the subject. “Yeah I think she’s getting ready to go to work,” Nick said. He was disappointed that she hadn’t come to see him but why would she? He thought. “Yeah, I just bet she is,” Chelsea said, and pushing past him she went up the stairs. She pounded on the door. “Open up, Abby, it’s Chelsea. We need to talk.” Abby opened her door. “Hey, Chels,” she said. She was wearing a cute pink and white dress. “Looking good. I bet Max would agree.” “Huh?” “I mean, that’s why you put it on, right? To make Max notice you.” “No, I put it on because my mom sent it to me in the mail and I want to get some use out of it.” “So are you saying you don’t have feelings for Max?” “I never said that.” “So you do?” “What’s it to you?” Abby asked, becoming defensive. “You and Max are over as far as I know.” “Just tell me, Abby – do you have feelings for Max?” “Yeah, I guess I do,” Abby said. “Are you jealous? Because you shouldn’t be. Nothing has happened between us.” “But you wish something would, right?” “Chelsea, I need to go, so if you would kindly leave I’d appreciate it.” Chelsea ignored her. “I really thought you were my friend. You have really stabbed me in the back.” “I never stabbed you in the back,” Abby said, upset about the accusation. “You probably liked Max the whole time we were together. You were just waiting for the chance to steal him from me.” “Max is not your property and I never wanted you two to break up.” “Then can you promise me something?” Chelsea asked. Abby sighed. “What?” “Promise me you won’t go out with Max.” Abby’s mouth fell open in shock. It took a minute for her to catch her bearings. “Are you kidding me? Why should I promise you anything?” “Because we’re friends that’s why. Friends should never date their friends’ boyfriends.” “Are you forgetting that you and Max aren’t together anymore?” Abby asked. “And when you broke up with him, you rarely thought of him for even a moment.” “Abby, I love Max. I didn’t realize how much I cared about him until now, but I do,” Chelsea said. “So if you are as good a friend as you pretend to be, you will stay away from him.” “Chelsea, you need to leave now,” Abby said, opening the door and forcefully shoving Chelsea out of the room. “Goodbye.” Chelsea just stood there for a moment, looking at the closed door. How could her so-called “best friend” treat her so badly? She marched down the stairs. Nick was sitting in the living room, eating cereal and watching cartoons. He was fully dressed now. “You look upset,” he said, jumping up to stand closer to her. “I am,” Chelsea said. “Why don’t you ask Abby, the backstabber, to tell you all about it?” She opened the door and then slammed it shut behind her. Nick watched from the window as she got into her car and drove away. *** Salem University Hospital – “Wow. I wasn’t expecting that,” Marlena said after Carrie had told her the secret she was carrying around. “Me either,” Carrie said. “The phone call shocked me.” “What do you think I should do, Marlena?” “All you can do – tell the truth.” “But it will really hurt Lucas and Sami –especially Sami. And Will too because I’m sure he’s happy his parents are finally back together.” “Just think about how much it would hurt them if they found out later,” Marlena said. “You have to be honest, Carrie. It will be hard but it’s not the end of the world.” “I hope you’re right,” Carrie said. “I’d better go.” “Where are you staying?” Marlena asked. “At that new hotel on across town.” “Why don’t you come and stay with me at the penthouse? I could use the company.” “Oh, Marlena, I couldn’t impose on you like that.” “You won’t be imposing. I would love to have you around. It gets lonely there.” “Okay, if you’re sure,” Carrie said. “I’m sure.” Marlena opened her purse. “I have a spare key.” Carrie took it from her hand. “Thanks so much for everything,” she said, kissing Marlena on the cheek. “You’re welcome.” Carrie went over and placed a kiss on John’s cheek. “Wake up soon, John, we need you,” she said. She hugged Marlena one more time and walked out. Marlena sat by John’s bedside once again, holding his hand, and silently willing him to wake up.” *** The Church – Bo was walking into the chapel with Roman when he saw Hope pass out. “Fancy Face!” he yelled, rushing over to her unconscious form. He sat her up against the pew’s side. “Don’t go, Hope, I need you. Don’t leave me,” he begged. She opened her eyes slowly. “Brady,” she whispered. “Yes, it’s me, Fancy Face.” The group of concerned onlookers had gathered around her. “Hope, are you okay?” They all seemed to ask. “Give her room dammit,” Bo shouted. “I’m going to call an ambulance,” Lucas said, taking his cell phone out of his pocket. “No!” Hope yelled. “Don’t call – I’m fine.” “You passed out,” Sami said. “People don’t pass out for no reason.” “I think I’m just dehydrated and I got up too fast,” Hope said. “I’ll be fine.” “I’ll get her some water,” Caroline said. Hope tried to get up but Bo gently pushed her back down. “I think you should go to the hospital, Hope,” he said. “No. I’m fine. I just wish you would all stop looking at me like I’m on death’s door.” “Here’s the water, Hope,” Caroline said, handing her a paper cup. Hope drank it as they all pretended not to watch. Each person was very concerned about her, even Kate who had tried to ruin her marriage to Bo many times. “There I’m fine,” Hope said. “I’m ready to go, Brady.” Bo helped her up. “Steady, steady,” he encouraged her. “Don’t forget little Doodlebug,” Hope said to him. “I never could,” Bo replied. He took the sleeping baby from Maggie and put her in the car seat. “I’m taking Hope home now,” he said. “We’ll try to be here tomorrow.” Bo was holding the car seat with baby Brady in one hand and leading Hope with the other as they walked out of the church. “Well that was odd,” Maggie said. “Very,” Caroline agreed. On the next episode of “Salem Fantasies”: • Chelsea joins Billie at AA • Abby tells Max about Chelsea’s accusations • Carrie goes to see Lucas • Shawn attempts to steal a car and is caught
I am fairly sure that No. 2 is prison. I don't know the rest (shame on me!)
This blog is fun for me to work on but I can't promise that there will be an episode everyday. I'll try to update it at least twice a week. I would love for everyone to comment on what they read or even offer suggestions so I can make it better. Thanks for reading.
Episode 2 Sami’s Apartment – “Wake up, sleepyhead,” Sami said, jostling Lucas. “Uh, what time is it?” he asked, blinking against the bright sun that streamed through the window. “7 AM – so get up please,” “Why are we getting up so soon?” “Because we have lots to do today,” Sami replied. “We’re supposed to help my family decorate the church for the wedding. Then we’re having a rehearsal luncheon,” she said. “And we have to pick up my dress from Bo and Hope’s. It was so nice of her to tailor it for me.” “Wedding? What wedding?” Sami hit him with a pillow. “Very funny.” He smiled. “Just give me 5 more minutes …” “Forget about it, Mr. Roberts. You need to hop in the shower. We’ll pick up donuts on the way to the church so everyone can eat.” “Be sure to get some jelly ones for me.” “Of course,” Sami replied. Lucas got up and changed out of his clothes, putting on a robe. “I’ll be in the shower if you need me.” His smiled deepened. “Unless you want to join me …” “Forget about it, Mr. Roberts. Will is here, remember? We want to set a good example for him.” “Sami, I don’t want Will to act like either one of us.” “Me either but we’re trying to make things right,” Sami said. “After tomorrow, we’ll be a real family and that will be good for him.” “Its good to see you’re not still stressing about the wedding like you did last night,” Lucas said. “I still am a little bit nervous - but not too much,” Sami said. “Its just pre-wedding jitters. I can handle that.” “Good,” Lucas said. “Tomorrow is the beginning of our new lives together. It’s going to be great to be a real family with Will.” Lucas pulled Sami close and kissed her. It was a long, slow kiss and Sami just melted. “I wish I could join you in the shower,” she murmured. “Will’s in the next room. You don’t want to wake him, do you?” Lucas teased. “Yeah you’re right.” *** Billie and Chelsea’s Apartment – Billie was making breakfast when there was a knock at the door. She put down the coffee pot she was holding and walked over to the door. She opened it and smiled when she saw the person standing in front of her. “Wow, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” Billie said. “Right back at you,” Carrie Brady answered. They hugged. “Come in, come in,” Billie said. “I was just making some coffee. Do you want some?” “Er, no thanks,” Carrie replied. “Is Lucas asleep?” She asked timidly. “Here – no. He might still be asleep over at Sami’s place, though,” Billie said. “He moved out.” She didn’t see the hurt in Carrie’s eyes. “Oh, that’s nice,” Carrie lied. “Dad says they are getting married.” “Tomorrow, actually,” Billie replied, getting out a spatula to turn the pancakes with. “For the life of me, I don’t understand what he sees in that girl.” “Oh Sami has her good points,” Carrie said. “Like a barbed wire fence,” Billie quipped. “It seems like Lucas is moving really fast,” Carrie said. “But I should talk – I married Austin practically the minute Lucas and I agreed to end things.” “How is my big brother?” Billie asked. “Good. He wants to start making little Austins.” Billie laughed. “Sounds like my brother alright. He’s always wanted kids,” she said. “Did he come with you?” “No. He went to Paris for business.” But that’s not the only reason, Carrie thought. “Wow you too are becoming quite the world travelers.” Billie handed Carrie a plate filled with food. “Eat some, girl. You’re getting too skinny.” “Thanks,” Carrie said but she was only moving the food around on her plate. “So how is Lucas – I mean besides marrying Sami what’s going on with him?” “He’s doing well,” Billie said. “But what’s with all this talk about Lucas?” Carrie bit her lip. “Billie, I need to tell you something that could possibly ruin some people’s lives.” *** The Church – Hope held her daughter tightly as she sat in a pew. She couldn’t imagine how she would say goodbye to this beautiful baby. She mourned thinking of how her little Doodlebug would grow up without a mother. Hope felt tears fill her eyes but was determined not to cry in front of her family. She put her sleeping daughter back in her car seat, kissing her on the forehead. “Time to get to work,” she said. She found some flowers and began to arrange them in a vase. “Hope,” Bo said, walking over to her. “Shouldn’t you be resting?” “I need to help, Bo, I said I would. Its time that this family repaired the broken links.” “They would understand if you didn’t help. We should tell them about your diagnosis.” “No, Bo, not now,” Hope said. “Why not?” “Because this is a special occasion and I don’t want to ruin it.” “Hope, they need to know.” “Why? So they can grieve for me and pity me at the same time?” Hope said. “I don’t want anyone to know yet and that’s final.” Bo shook his head and walked away. He needed some air so he walked outside. He found a bench in the garden and sat down and wept for his beautiful Fancy Face. How could fate be so cruel? *** The Church – Roman Brady was “overseeing” progress as others worked to decorate the church. They were doing great and he didn’t want to mess it up with his clumsy hands. “Hey, Dad,” Sami said, coming up behind her father and hugging him. “You’re in a good mood, Sami,” he said, turning to face her. “Why shouldn’t I? I’m getting married tomorrow.” “I know. I hope you will have a long, happy life with you and your family.” “I will,” Sami said, only briefly thinking about how EJ could ruin everything. She was determined not to worry about him. He was in jail and he couldn’t hurt them anymore. Roman looked up as his ex-wife Kate Roberts entered the church. She looked very well put together as always. “What are you doing here, Kate?” he asked. Sami turned to see Kate. “Yes why are you here?” Sami demanded. “Are you here to wreak more havoc than you already have? Should I expect a bomb to go off in the middle of my wedding?” Lucas came over to them. “I asked her to come,” he said. “What? Why?” Sami asked incredulously. “I asked her here because I wanted her to see that you and I are going to get married no matter what and if she could support us – or at least try to – she was welcome to come,” he said. “Plus we need more decorators,” he added, trying to lighten the mood. “I have no intention of ruining your wedding, Sami,” Kate said. “I have had to accept the fact that you and my son will be together. Its not easy but I’m trying.” Sami didn’t know what to believe. Kate seemed sincere but you couldn’t turn your back to her for a moment or she’d knife you in it. Sami said: “Kate, I hope you will be on your best behavior. If you do anything to stop my wedding, you will regret it.” Sami grabbed Lucas’s hand and they walked away to help with the decorations. “Kate, is this really true?” Roman asked. “Have you finally accepted that our children are going to be together no matter what?” “Yes, Roman, I have,” Kate said. “I don’t expect you to believe me though. You always see the worst in me.” “That’s because most of the time you are causing trouble.” “I have changed, Roman. Can’t you accept that?” “I’m taking the wait and see approach on this one,” Roman said, turning and walking away. Kate wanted to slap Roman but thought it wouldn’t be proper in church. He always got to her. She was really going to try to accept Sami and Lucas together. But if something came between them, she wasn’t going to cry about it. *** Billie and Chelsea’s Apt. – “What is it, Carrie?” Billie asked. “You said that whatever it is could ruin lives. What were you talking about?” Carrie was going to answer her but then Chelsea walked in. “Uh, I’ll tell you later,” she said. “Hi, Chelsea.” “Hi, Carrie,” Chelsea replied, stifling a nod. “What are you doing here?” “I needed a break from Switzerland, I guess,” Carrie replied. “That’s nice,” Chelsea said. “Ooh those pancakes look good.” She went over to the stove and filled her plate. “Where’s the syrup?” She asked Billie. “I put it back in the cupboard.” “Well I’d better get going,” Carrie said. “It was nice to see you both.” Billie walked her to the door. “If you need to talk, please call me,” Billie said. “I’ll probably take you up on that offer.” They said their goodbyes and Carrie left. “That was weird,” Billie said. *** Billie and Chelsea’s Apt. (a little later) – Chelsea finished her breakfast and went to shower while Billie cleaned up the kitchen. After she finished showering, Chelsea got dressed. Then she sat at her vanity table to do her makeup. Her eyes caught on a necklace hanging halfway out of the jewelry box. Max had given it to her. She felt her eyes fill with tears just looking at it. Max hated her now. That hurt more than she thought it would. She grabbed the necklace and dropped it in the waste basket by her desk. “There, Max Brady, I can get over you as easily as you got over me.” She finished her makeup and went out into the living room. “Hey, mom, I’m going out.” “Where?” Billie asked. “To get a drink,” Chelsea replied. “I want some tequila.” “I hope you’re kidding,” Billie said. “I’m not,” Chelsea said. “I feel like crap.” “I thought you weren’t going to drink anymore,” Billie said. “Old habits die hard,” Chelsea said. “You should know that by now.” “What is that supposed to mean?” “Well you’re drinking again aren’t you?” “I am going to AA to get help.” “AA? What does that mean?” Chelsea asked. “It stands for Alcoholics Anonymous,” Billie replied. “And I want you to come with me.” “Why would I go there?” “Because I’m worried that you are drinking too much. It will be good for you,” Billie said. “Would you please come with me?” “I’m not an alcoholic. You are.” “Chelsea, instead of snapping at me, why don’t you tell me what’s bothering you.” “Nothing’s wrong,” Chelsea said. “Can we just change the subject?” “Okay but I hope you come to me when you’re ready to talk,” Billie said. “As for now, we’re going to AA.” “No way,” Chelsea said. “You’re not getting me in that place.” “C’mon, be brave.” “Well I have to work at the hospital today anyway,” Chelsea said. “Not until noon. You have time for AA,” Billie said. “Will you come to the meeting with me?” “Maybe some other time,” Chelsea replied. She picked up her purse and walked to the door. “Bye, Mom, see you soon.” Billie just sighed. Preview for the next episode of “Salem Fantasies”: • Bo tells someone about Hope’s condition • Carrie seeks out Marlena for advice • Hope passes out in front of her friends and family • Chelsea confronts Abby • Shawn and Belle decide its time to move again
I liked it a lot. I'm off to read the next ep.
Salem Fantasies A Days of Our Lives spin-off Episode 1 Salem University Hospital – Hope and Bo Brady joined hands as Dr. Willis walked into her office. She had told the Bradys to wait in the office while she went over the test results. “Doctor, please tell me I’m okay,” Hope said, her eyes watering. “I can’t tell you that, sadly. You are very sick. I hate to say this but you have malignant cancer.” Bo gasped and bile rose up in Hope’s throat, making her feel like she was going to throw up. “How could this happen?” Bo asked. “She takes excellent care of herself.” “Cancer sometimes happens even in people who take of their bodies. If Hope had come in for her yearly breast exam we could have helped her then.” “Are you blaming Hope for getting caner? Bo asked. “No, of course not,” Dr. Willis said. “But the cancer has spread to all of your wife’s major organs.” Hope held back her tears. “Am I going to die?” she asked, dreading the answer. Dr. Willis didn’t reply at first. She cast her eyes down. Then looking up she said, “yes, I’m afraid so. Probably in the next 3 months.” *** Sami’s Apartment – “Just think, Lucas, we’ll be married in two days!” Sami said excitedly. “And just think both of our children will be in attendance.” “Both?” Lucas asked. “Yes, Will, and the baby I’m carrying.” Lucas smiled, touching her flat stomach. “I cannot wait to see her.” Lucas and Sami had decided that their new baby was going to be a girl. “Me either,” Sami said. They curled up together on the sofa. Sami rested her head on Lucas’s strong shoulder. “We should get to bed,” she said. “Oh I like the sound of that,” Lucas said. Lucas helped her up and pulled her into his arms. He gave her a long, slow kiss. Then he picked her up and carried her to their bedroom. They were making love when a picture of EJ Wells flashed into her mind. She saw him naked, then pushing his lips to hers. Then he raped her – or maybe it wasn’t rape at all, she thought. She jumped up in bed and Lucas asked what was wrong. “Sami, are you okay?” He asked. “I just had a bad feeling all of a sudden.” “What kind of bad feeling?” “About our wedding. You know me and weddings. I always mess them up somehow.” Lucas smiled at her. “Everything’s going to be okay as long as there are no secrets between us. We promised to always tell each other the truth, right?” “Right,” Sami agreed. But she was keeping the biggest secret of her life from Lucas. How will he ever forgive me if he finds out the baby I’m carrying could be EJ’s? She thought. *** Max’s Autobody garage - “Abby, are you here?” Chelsea Brady called out, walking into the garage. “She left,” a familiar voice answered. Max rolled out from under a sports car. Chelsea had no idea what is was called. “I needed to talk to her,” Chelsea said. “About yourself, I’m sure. Why don’t you just leave the poor girl alone?” Max asked. “Abby can’t always come at your beck and call.” “Shut up, Max Brady,” Chelsea screeched. “You don’t know anything about me. You never did.” “I know you probably better than you know yourself. You’re selfish, rude, vengeful, ungrateful, and thoughtless about anyone’s feelings but yours … and the list goes on …” Those words hurt Chelsea though she would never admit it. “That hurt, Max,” she said, smirking to cover that she cared what he said. She didn’t understand this new found hostility of his. “Too bad it didn’t make you mad enough to leave,” Max said. “Why are you being such a bully?” Chelsea asked. “We used to be friends.” The smirk was gone. “Because I’m tired of your [!@#$%^&*]. I don’t like how you use people – especially you so called ‘best friend’ Abby, “ Max said. “Why do you care? Are you in love with Abby or something?” “Wouldn’t you like to know?” Max was now smirking. “So it’s true?” “I never said that, did I?” “Well it’s plainly obvious to me. It’s the way you say her name. And this light comes into your eyes when you talk about her. That light used to be directed at me. Or maybe I was fooling myself to ever think you could love me. “But you’re with Mimi now, right?” She continued. “You will have to choose between them. So who will it be, Max? Mimi or Abby?” “You’re not getting anything out of me,” he said. “Why don’t you just leave?” “I’ll go, okay?” Chelsea said, walking to the door. “Did you ever care about me at all?” she asked, turning back to Max. Max looked at her. “I did.” ‘I did’ is past tense. It means that he doesn’t care for me anymore, Chelsea thought. Seeing there was no point in arguing anymore, Chelsea left the garage. She reached the parking lot before she burst into tears. I don’t need Max anymore, she told herself. I have Shawn Patton now. If only I could find him. *** Billie and Chelsea’s Apartment - Chelsea got home and went straight to the refrigerator. She wanted a beer so badly. She just wanted to forget everything. But there was no alcohol to be found. She grabbed her purse and went to the door. “Where do you think you’re going? Billie Reed asked. *** Switzerland Airplane Flight 2351 – Carrie Brady tried to relax in her seat as the plane raced along the tarmac. Once the plane was in the air, she relaxed a little. She really hated flying but it was a necessity this time. She had to get back to Salem and make things right. Preview for the next episode of “Salem Fantasies”: • Bo wants Hope to tell the family about her illness • Carrie reaches Salem with important news that could ruin Lucas and Sami’s wedding • Bo breaks down • Billie has a special request for Chelsea