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Posts posted by YRfan23

  1. 4 hours ago, BoldRestless said:

    In a couple of years of not mentioning Paul, perhaps Heather will spot him in an airport, but he's with another woman. Christine will finally be ready to move on with a new man, since Paul disappeared all those years ago, which confuses everyone because they thought he was just at the station this whole time. Heather tries to jog his memory, but it doesn't work. When she runs into Paul at Society, Christine faints. Finally, Paul will decide to move back to be with the other woman because he can't cure his amnesia...

    Haha, I mean it does honor history if they did that 4-5 years down the road...maybe for the 55th anniversary? :D 

  2. 7 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    Thanks @BoldRestless that was a lot of fun, and very important to have as a tribute to their contributions to Y&R (the closest we'll get, anyway). Wish we could have had some of this in the episodes. 

    I'm glad they did mention Victoria Mallory.

    Given that they mention Brad I wonder if there was any attempt at interviewing Janice or JLB with Tom Hallick, unless there's some bad blood there.

    @vetsoapfan you may enjoy this interview if you haven't already seen it.

    Good point! Hopefully Fairman or somebody did an interview with Hallick and maybe Janice. 

  3. 4 hours ago, BoldRestless said:

    Janice Lynde, John McCook and Jaime Lyn Bauer Interview - Y&R 50th Anniversary Party



    So fun to see those 3 together!! :D It's interesting because I do think Victoria's Leslie played most of the Lorie/Lance/Leslie triangle, but It's fun to see them all reminiscing! JLB especially looks great! 

  4. 53 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    That would’ve been fun!!! I was actually wondering what your thoughts were (sorry if I scrolled past them though funny I found this thread just as I had watched today’s opening lol). 

    I don’t mind the font, it would have been better if it was in gold than the red for the 50th. The city skyline is completely out of place. As far as Y&R goes it reminded me of the Newman Enterprises logo font.




    The bad thing is this still looks better 29 years later, Nikki head spin and all:


    Haha, I feel like it's only fitting since in a way Nikki is kind of the new "grand dame" I think Jill deserves the tittle more, but with Jess Walton's schedule and not being on much that won't ever happen unfortunately. 

    Overall I guess the intro isn't that bad the more I see it. (Did they finally update Stafford in the dress, with Braeden and MTS now?) Like I said the intros have kind of been uninspired since 2003. 

  5. 1 hour ago, soapfan770 said:

    The could have easily recreated the 1988-99 opening on a white background and I wouldn’t have minded it at all. 

    I actually wouldn't have minded them recreating the Rex/Katherine necklace scene but with Victor putting it around Nikki's neck instead! that would have been great! 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Broderick said:

    The porn theme was fine when it first appeared.  But after a few years, when it became evident that it was too expensive to update, it became comical that dead people (Ryan and Malcolm) were still spinning around and greeting us warmly.   

    (Eventually they caught on they could delete a dead character & drop in a living one who'd already been photographed, but for months -- or years -- the dead ones were still spinning around.)  

    That was often fairly a problem with the 88-99 opening too. We still had Phillips face into early 1990 when he died in May 89, and Cassandra spinning around lasted an additional 6 months until the updated fall 1991 intro. Then We still had Rex In the opening well into 95 until they updated that one.

  7. 15 minutes ago, yrfan1983 said:

    Yep... we know Marguerite Ray appears 5/9/90 and Veronica on 5/16/90... possible Veronica debuted on 5/10, 5/11, 5/14, or 5/15.

    They do seem to announce it more then once when a recast comes in. I think they did that for Brenda Dickson upon her 1983 return based on the vault clips. 

  8. 36 minutes ago, Dylan said:

    Mamie: "how's your mother doing?"

    Billy: "same as usual."

    Mamie: "too bad." 🤣

    Haha that was awesome!! 😂

    I feel silly because I was thinking Mamie and Billy’s relationship goes back to when he was a teenager, but then  i remembered she practically raised him when he was a baby, especially when his parents were going through their divorce drama.she even was hoping her, John and Billy would become a little family once Jill was out of the picture. :D 

  9. Is this a definite new opening or they using this just for the 50th?

    they haven’t really tried to make their intros appealing since 2003 or so, so I expected nothing less then the cheapness of this one. 

  10. 42 minutes ago, yrfan1983 said:

    I thought we had that ep? But I looked it up and it's 7/13/93 and I guess we don't. I feel like I've seen that scene but maybe I didn't. I'm picturing that Nikki just calls and says "Hi Traci... it's Nikki"

    Yes strangely enough that episode is skipped over. It was probably just as you described. The recap makes it sound like it was a more formal call between them so that’s why I was wondering how Nikki addressed herself. Lol 

  11. 35 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    Thanks! :) You really learn something new about these actors, every rare interview that pops up IE: MTS's love of pigs. Very Cute! and she's  definitely still working past 65..haha 

  12. 13 hours ago, yrfan1983 said:

    - Nikki called Traci in New York, summer '93, to ask for Traci's help to get Steve to read Cole's novel

    Is it weird that I'm curious to know how Nikki referred to herself when she called Traci?? 🤣 Like they were still in-laws because Nikki was only separated from Jack at the time, yet Traci and Nikki never really had many scenes or really knew each other, but since Nikki was Still "Nikki Abbott" at the time, I'm wondering if she had to use her full name when calling Traci...unless the scene was already in progress to make it seem less awkward :D I guess Nikki could have said "It's your sister-in Law, or SOON TO BE ex-Sister in-law!" :D haha 

  13. 1 minute ago, John said:

    My question to Eva would be 

    You were worried about by not taking the head hunter gig seriously if you were seen acting 


    but then I would wonder how seriously she took the Y&R gig, especially since she was headhunting for the other job out of her Y&R dressing room 

    Yeah it was all blown out of proportion. He won't do it, but I do think Braeden should apologize to her for the bit about her acting. He's just being a bully in that regards. 

  14. Eva has never spoke badly about her time on Y&R from my knowledge. The only thing she ever said was how she thought the "men were divas" and she alluded one of her leading men (whether Doug Davidson or Christian LeBlanc) would sometimes make her mess up her lines, because they always said something that wasn't scripted, but Eva would get the blame for it I guess when she didn't know how to respond. 

    Braeden sounds like he's just being Braeden, but i sort of get why it's misinterpreted. 

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