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Posts posted by YRfan23

  1. 1 minute ago, Soapsuds said:

    I doubt Alan knows who Peter Barton is.😂

    Agreed! 😂 If I was apart of the chat, I'd make him ask her that! :D (She did say once in another interview that she still kept in touch with him and even went out for frozen yogurt with him, on one of the days he visited the set or something, so that's cool) 

    I'd had forgotten about the Lauren/Cane kiss....another pairing Goddard asked not to do I imagine....

  2. On 1/27/2023 at 5:57 PM, janea4old said:

    Tracy on Locher was really good.  (He did surprisingly well).  He asked good questions, apparently some questions were from the viewers, but I think he was also prepared.  I know Alan has a reputation for doing dumb interviews, so this one pleasantly surprised me.  Tracey told a few stories I hadn't heard before.  I really enjoyed it.

    I loved Tracey's story about getting Jeanne to feed her son his bottle, since her mom had trouble doing it...Those little stories about Jeanne always make me smile and miss her more! :)  

    DId Locher mean to ask about Peter Barton (Scott Sr) and just said Bergman instead? he's lucky Tracey  actually did have quite a bit of screen time with Bergman over the last couple of years, or else I'd still think it was an error of sorts. 

  3. 2 hours ago, kalbir said:

    @sheilaforever Amber arrived Summer 1997 and Rick and Bridget were SORASed again by the end of the year. 

    Bradley would then reuse his father's work from a decade earlier, as Amber became Bradley's version of Nina. Later in 1998 Bradley would reuse his father's work again w/ Rick/Amber/Kimberly being Bradley's version of Phillip III/Nina/Cricket.

    Except the differences were that Stephanie was supportive or at least tried to see the good in Amber (until she wanted Thomas, haha) where Katherine didn’t really warm up to Nina until the David Kimble trial, and Kimberly and Amber just hated each other. 

  4. The constant Lauren/Danny makeout sessions during the video would have pissed me off too if I were Paul or Patty...haha total overkill! :D I remember a story once from Tracey where she said, her parents were on set the day they watched the video, and she was embarrassed by all the lovemaking scenes between her and MD. 

  5. 1 hour ago, soapfan770 said:

    That said Fen and Trey were cute, and Fen should have been gay back in 2012 from the get go. Making him instagay is so lazy but typical of Griffith’s dreck.

    Yes! Max Ehrich should have brought a gay Fen to the canvas at least a decade ago...but with how this show is BTS, we never get the stories that could have and should be told. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, wingwalker said:

    When Fen introduced Trey as his boyfriend. Michael said to Trey "It's fantastic to finally meet you in person at last." That implies Michael and Lauren already knew Fen was gay and had a boyfriend, but hadn't met him.  Gloria, Kevin, and Chloe for sure all looked like they were hearing it for the first time. 


    Michael was probably thinking: “Damn I need one of those” when he saw Trey! :D 

  7. 23 minutes ago, yrfan1983 said:

    Good catch, I didn't notice that was Amy! I pulled up the full-screen vid on my big monitor, and that is not Nathan. I think Nathan doesn't debut until later in '84

    I almost said it could have been the original Nathan who was supposedly played by Forrest Whitaker, but I forgot Nathan doesn’t appear till the fall I think and is part of the mob story. 

  8. 12 minutes ago, Broderick said:

    After watching it, I thought it was a letdown.  The selection of flashbacks seemed pretty obvious and didn't require much thought (although thankfully they weren't just hastily harvested off You Tube).  Regarding Fen, I feel like the writers took a potentially thoughtful storyline that should be told with a young male legacy character (Noah Newman) and squandered it on a "lesser important" character who's rarely mentioned (Fen), had it occur entirely off-camera, advanced the boy right into a typical soap opera committed relationship with a random dayplayer we'll never see again, had everyone act all "woke" about it -- "so glad to finally meet you in person, Trey"; "I'd like to know all about the woman who raised the man I love", and now they can quietly ship Fen away until he's "cured".  Ugh.   


  9. 7 hours ago, yrfan1983 said:

    She said Lauren had to slap Danny once but it took 10 takes b/c Tracey was so scared to hurt Michael Damian.

    That's a new one!... LOL I really want to see that scene now! :D 

    I always kind of wonder if any of the Talk hosts, (Besides Sheryl Underwood) actually have watched the show, or if it's entirely staged. Jerry O' Connell almost seemed like a somewhat regular viewer. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    Yeah. Scotty’s return was long overdue but just horribly miscast with the greasiest slob lol. That lame triangle between him, Sharon, and Abby was painful to watch. 

    I'm glad Sussman at least tried, but the actor and his entire arc was micro managed big time with the whole Sharon/Abby mess. 

  11. 4 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    No Scott Grainger? Now I don’t want to see that greasy guy who played Scott a few years ago, but the show could have at least reached out to Blair Redford to appear for one ep. 

    ugh...I was not a fan of the second Scotty! If not Blair Redford, next  time, they need to recast with someone who doesn't look older then Tracey B herself. 

    I liked Melissa Ordway's husband as temp Chance, but he'd be a good Scotty. 

  12. Just now, Soapsuds said:



    I love the Fen and Trey love! Too bad we won't get any making out scenes.

    Yes, they could've easily gotten Chandler to play Trey for the one episode!

    Does YR even give two sh!ts about fan reaction? Maybe a bring back Fen campaign? The show is in need of some



    I would be all for the Saga of Fen/Trey, whether it's this guy or Chandler who plays him! :D but I still think he needs to be a secret Love child of Leanna Love and Rex Sterling! :D 

  13. I've thought about it, and I'm just flat out pissed off about the Fen situation...I've wanted Fen to be gay ever since Max Ehrich came on in 2012, yet over a decade they finally decide Fen really is gay and even had an offscreen boyfriend, but the show will never seriously commit to any LGTB story of any kind, and seem happy with Mariah/Tessa being the "token" Lesbian couple of the show...


  14. 8 hours ago, Chris B said:

    Some of the co-hosts kept bashing Brad Bell really harshly, but she wouldn't take the bait. Ultimately they asked if she'd be willing to write for the show and she said no, but that's all they could get out of her on that subject. Side Note: I get Brad is a mess, but it was cringe constantly saying such negative things about her, knowing she can't co-sign or comment on stuff like that.

    My personal feelings about Brad aside, the bashing was so cringeworthy and unnecessary. You just don’t say that to not only a respected writer in the industry but one with a personal working relationship with the Bell family. I respect Sally for not saying anything, except suggesting that Brad needs a continuity consultant, which he does for sure! 

  15. 19 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    Yep lol.

    Same with Greg Vaughan if hasn’t been mentioned yet.

    Oddly the only actor I know who appeared on all of the last four major CBS soaps was Zack Conroy of all people lol. A minor role on ATWT (I think he was on ATWT’s little web reality acting show InTurn), James on GL, and of course Oliver on B&B/Y&R. I say odd because after he left B&B, he quit acting and is now a financier of all things.

    Dare I mention also Robert Scott Wilson also appeared on all 3 Networks :D well...AMC was online at the time, but he had guest stint on B&B (as well as being a model on TPIR) and of course now as Ben/Alex on Days. 

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