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Posts posted by YRfan23

  1. 42 minutes ago, yrfan1983 said:

    I thought we had that ep? But I looked it up and it's 7/13/93 and I guess we don't. I feel like I've seen that scene but maybe I didn't. I'm picturing that Nikki just calls and says "Hi Traci... it's Nikki"

    Yes strangely enough that episode is skipped over. It was probably just as you described. The recap makes it sound like it was a more formal call between them so that’s why I was wondering how Nikki addressed herself. Lol 

  2. 35 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    Thanks! :) You really learn something new about these actors, every rare interview that pops up IE: MTS's love of pigs. Very Cute! and she's  definitely still working past 65..haha 

  3. 13 hours ago, yrfan1983 said:

    - Nikki called Traci in New York, summer '93, to ask for Traci's help to get Steve to read Cole's novel

    Is it weird that I'm curious to know how Nikki referred to herself when she called Traci?? 🤣 Like they were still in-laws because Nikki was only separated from Jack at the time, yet Traci and Nikki never really had many scenes or really knew each other, but since Nikki was Still "Nikki Abbott" at the time, I'm wondering if she had to use her full name when calling Traci...unless the scene was already in progress to make it seem less awkward :D I guess Nikki could have said "It's your sister-in Law, or SOON TO BE ex-Sister in-law!" :D haha 

  4. 1 minute ago, John said:

    My question to Eva would be 

    You were worried about by not taking the head hunter gig seriously if you were seen acting 


    but then I would wonder how seriously she took the Y&R gig, especially since she was headhunting for the other job out of her Y&R dressing room 

    Yeah it was all blown out of proportion. He won't do it, but I do think Braeden should apologize to her for the bit about her acting. He's just being a bully in that regards. 

  5. Eva has never spoke badly about her time on Y&R from my knowledge. The only thing she ever said was how she thought the "men were divas" and she alluded one of her leading men (whether Doug Davidson or Christian LeBlanc) would sometimes make her mess up her lines, because they always said something that wasn't scripted, but Eva would get the blame for it I guess when she didn't know how to respond. 

    Braeden sounds like he's just being Braeden, but i sort of get why it's misinterpreted. 

  6. Y&R
    Lauren - She miscarried her and Paul's child and the first child she would have had with Scott, and successfully had Scotty. 

    Ashley - Aborted her and Victor's child, then had Abby years later during Spermgate. 

    Brooke - Miscarried child with Ridge then had Rick with Eric. 

    Gwen - Gave birth to Sarah who was stillborn, then had Jonathan a few years later (who she apparently lost custody over to Ethan and Theresa in the finale) 


  7. 1 hour ago, soapfan770 said:

    Unlike to today where the most offensive thing about Y&R is sheer boredom, bad budget and lack of interesting storylines outside the Abbot orbit, the show (and the ongoing backstage drama) was sheer insanity to watch and follow…..I very clearly recall Colleen Carlton dying the same day as Guiding Light’s final episode and my mother just shaking her head about the whole thing. 

    CLB choosing this is still strange to me, I would’ve thought he had chosen one of his Emmy winning moments or lonely Michael famously spying in on a joyous Newman Christmas.

    I did have have go to the depths of the SON board to find that photo (the Daytime Confidential article didn’t do it justice lol) so enjoy this @DRW50@YRfan23@BetterForgotten 😅


    I'm not gonna lie, I sometimes go back and read old posts from 2010-2012, when MAB was in her ultimate low! :D I need to remember the fun times we had, when at least the show was that bats*it crazy, it almost gave Days and Passions a run of the mill! I will say at least back then we still had most of the old sets and music. 

  8. 1 minute ago, soapfan770 said:


    With apologies to @DRW50 for using this picture again this was pretty the trash dump scene 🤢



    I guess this scene was a symbolism of what the show was, and still is 13 years later...garbage, garbage, and more garbage. :D 

  9. That’s quite some tea!!  Ugh! Ronns wife is a bitch…he doesn’t sound like the best either at times (though he always seemed like a nice guy honestly) but he’s married to a child as Shari put it. No wonder Hunter lost her sh*t with her and they had an actual altercation at a party at Ronns house that one time. 

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