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Posts posted by Juliajms

  1. Hold up. So Pfizer is an American multinational company and they are giving the vaccine free to all Americans? Or do they mean the US government is making it free to all Americans? The CNN article wasn't clear on that point. 


    Why isn't it free to everyone? I'm not saying Pfizer should give it away, but rich nations have to come together and make sure everyone can get this vaccine for free. Not just for moral reasons, but practical ones too.  I have a feeling we are going to regret not making the flu vaccine free this year, soon enough. If I didn't have insurance it would have cost me over $160 for a family of 4 this year.


    While I'm not usually a fan of big Pharma, I have to admit this is quite an achievement.  The devil is in the details and it seems they don't know how long the immunity will last, but still, I give them credit for getting $hit done.


    Then of course we have to face the hurdle of all the anti vax people out there. 🙄



  2. 47 minutes ago, Taoboi said:

    Just reading upthread since I felt it was important to keep my sanity by not reading what He Who Shall Be Named has been reacting to his loss. I knew he was going to be a sore loser, but...


    ...THAT is what has been going on the last few days?


    No words. 

    Yes, along with the filing of frivolous lawsuits that judges are laughing out of court. It's a mess, but it seems pretty clear that Biden will take the reigns no matter how much kicking and screaming some people do.

  3. 2 hours ago, amybrickwallace said:

    Get Mike Pompeo a straitjacket while you're at it. What a disgrace. 😠

    I agree.  He went to Harvard Law School and was Director of the CIA? What??? How are so many of these people with amazing educations dragged into the mud for this man? Maybe I should say they jumped into the mud pit for him. I truly do not understand why anyone would undermine democracy for that lying conman, who won't even do the work. He can't even bother reading his intelligence briefings!  It's like they've been hit with any idiot stick.

  4. 31 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    For me the big picture is they are trying to work to make sure what we saw with Biden never happens again. I am in no way trying to take away from Biden, or Stacey Abrams. I am just posting this stuff because I feel like we need to keep an eye on all the disinformation they spread. That's all. 

    Absolutely. The face that the Republican party has become anti democratic in their greed for power is on full display. We need to be vigilant and fight them on every front.

  5. @DRW50Some of those TV/Megachurch evangelical leaders are grifters that could teach the Trumps a thing or two. Then give them a run for their money when it comes to being downright shameless about stealing from the lonely and elderly. It's unreal.


    I love some of the small things about Biden. Like when he said their presidential ticket got more votes than any in history.  He included Kamala in the success, instead of bragging for 15 mins about he got the most votes in history.


    O/T Thank you everyone for the condolences, it means a lot.

  6. 1 minute ago, DRW50 said:

    So sorry to hear that @Juliajms

    Thanks Carl. It was hard on the kids, but I still feel so much relief and joy for our country. We had a really close call with Authoritarianism and seeing people dancing in the streets is just what the doctor ordered.


    It's really something the way the Republicans weren't even trying to hide their voter suppression this time. They were willing to just openly throw out votes, I mean damn. Thank God for people like Stacey Abrams who had the resilience to keep fighting after being knocked down.

  7. 21 minutes ago, amybrickwallace said:

    In all seriousness, Joe Biden's speech about how he has already put plans together to deal with covid was so REFRESHING!! There is a way to take charge without running roughshod over everyone else.

    Even President Elect Biden's tweets are rational and soothing. I feel like we can breath again.

  8. 1 hour ago, dragonflies said:


    I know a lot of people who see a civil war coming in the US. Gawd I hope not

    I wouldn't worry about that too much. There could very well be more acts of terrorism, but there is no force that can take on the U.S military. These rubes and there AKs are no match. If the military sided with them (they won't, various generals have already said so) then we would be equally screwed.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Skin said:

    The New York Times is reporting that Trump filed another lawsuit to get Philadelphia to stop counting votes because his observers were denied access to watch them count. He has a hearing scheduled at 5:30, why is he getting these quick hearings? 



    I largely don't care for him either, but he has a talent for breaking through to them that other Dems could learn from. When he opens his mouth, conservatives don't hear sirens or a Charlie Brown sound, and it doesn't make them want to recoil and vote red. Democrats have a real voting problem if they can't turn out the Latinx vote going forward, those are keys to flipping Texas, Florida, Arizona and keeping Nevada and New Mexico. Democrats will eventually lose Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin due to socio-economic and cultural factors - the writing is on the wall. They need to prepare and invest in the future. 

    I've been saying for ages that it's hubris to believe that demographics alone can save us. Latin America has a strong Catholic streak.  Not everyone thinks that their economic interest is the most important thing. Obviously that's true for white evangelicals as well. By now we all know that Cuban Americans hate the idea of socialism. Until we convince more of them that isn't what we stand for, it seems unlikely we will get their votes.

    1 minute ago, Khan said:


    Exhibit A: Mama Khan -- who, I swear, has fallen even further down the rabbit hole into QAnon.

    Oh, no. I'm really sorry to hear it. It frightens me how many people have fallen for this conspiracy theory.  Part of me thinks it's that these older retired folks are lonely and QAnon/Fox gives them a sense of mission and community.

  10. 16 minutes ago, marceline said:

    I can confirm that the backlash against Fox is real. I have a friend who married into a MAGA family and we were just talking today and he confirmed that they are all saying that Fox News has "gone over to the dark side."

    Meanwhile Fox news created the dark side. When someone who used to be normal joins the cult it's almost always Fox News at the root of it. At least some of these cultists are waking up. I think (ok hope) some of them can be rescued over the next couple of years.

  11. 17 minutes ago, marceline said:

    Spanaberger is right. Progressives keep pushing unpopular policies and hanging them around the necks of red and purple state Dems with lousy talking points. Then they turn around and claim Dems are bad at messaging. Stop using the word socialism. Don't try to explain it. Just stop using it. Stop using a word that makes it harder to get what we want. Why is that so hard?


    "Defund the police" actually harmed the BLM movement. After George Floyd's murder the support for BLM hit a record high of 67 percent. Then came "defund the police" and that horrible scene of BLM protestors surrounding that woman outside a Georgetown restaurant and support dropped by 20 points. 




    Yeah, Schumer isn't the right man for this moment.

    I feel this way about abortion. I remember during 2016 Hilary basically said that abortion should be on demand at any time in the pregnancy and I just cringed. I think it's even in the platform, although I need to look that up.  Late term abortion is not preformed on demand anywhere in this country. Stop feeding the crazies with that talk.

  12. Here's something interesting (but not surprising) that I found today. Turns out that a black man named Ernie Chambers is a large part of why Omaha has split electoral votes. This thread is worth reading, if you are interested in this sort of legislative history or just need a distraction while we wait. EC is quite a personality.


  13. 10 minutes ago, Khan said:


    Yes, we won, but -- as I said this morning -- we needed to do more than just win a presidential election.  We also needed to declare a moral victory against right-wing nationalism, which we can't, because 45-50 percent of us still voted for Trump.  How do we reconcile ourselves with that knowledge?  How can we coexist with so many whose hearts and minds refuse to be changed?  And how is it supposed to help restore the faith and trust that other nations once had in us?


    Factor in our inability to take back the Senate -- which will make it difficult, if not impossible, for Biden/Harris to implement even a tenth of their agenda, lest we're able to regain it in '22 -- and I'm left feeling like Biden's victory is a pyrrhic one.  Yeah, he won, but now we're faced with the threat of a nation that might be broken beyond repair.

    A black woman is going to be the VP. That is not a Pyrrhic victory. Children will no longer be purposely traumatized and scarred for life on our border. That is victory in this messy world we live in.

  14. When you ask yourself why so many people have voted for that sociopath, remember that a big chunk of the answer is Fox news. Every one of those cynical bastards know that they are lying to the American people, but they laugh all the way to the bank.


    Over and over I've seen the same scenario play out. A person retires or loses their job and they start watching Fox "News" 24/7. Then they start to believe the Democrats are socialist who want to take their guns and are all in favor of late term abortion on demand. Democrats really don't have a good way to combat that propaganda, yet. We need to figure out how to deprogram the ones that can be saved though.

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