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Posts posted by Juliajms

  1. 1 hour ago, DRW50 said:

    Another gun-toting psycho at the RNC.



    There are so many radicalized people out there. I just don't know how things are going to get back under control. It's really disturbing how many relatively normal people have turned to insane beliefs and actions thanks to Fox and the internet disinformation campaigns.

  2. On 10/9/2020 at 2:24 PM, wingwalker said:


    North Carolina and South Carolina Senate races are getting the most media attention. Iowa is starting to as well with the Democrat pulling ahead in the polling. 


    Three others that are flying under the radar and the media are ignoring, but I would keep an eye on are Alaska, Montana, and Kansas senate races. They've all had a couple of polls come out in recent weeks after months of no polling. The Democrat (or independent in the case of the Alaska challenger) are all either polling ahead or slightly behind. I think there is a decent possibility that at least 1 surprises the media and goes Democrat. 

    Yes, I'm in Nebraska and I can't stand Joni Ernst. I decided to make modest contributions to her,  Kara Eastman (Don Bacon NE is awful) and Al Gross. I envy people who have real money at times like this.

  3. 5 hours ago, AlexElizabeth said:

    I live in a very conservative town in Michigan and it's scary to see that some people are CONDONING the militia that plotted to kidnap Whitmer. I'm already hearing a whole lot of, "Well she asked for it by being a bad governor." (She's a "bad" governor because she wants people to wear masks.) Other comments I've heard are, "She has pushed these people to the edge, what else are they supposed to do?" Others are just calling it fake news put out by the liberal media. 🙄

    Just when I think things can't get any crazier in this country "militias" get together and decide to kidnap the governor of Michigan with the intent of putting her on trial ISIS style.  All because she wanted people to wear masks during a pandemic. 🙃

  4. 1 hour ago, Gray Bunny said:

    Just outta curiosity, how are people on this board voting? Mail-in? Early? Day of?  


    I'm [unfortunately] a Wisconsinite now, so I feel very protective of my vote and am going to vote in person on Nov. 3rd.  My husband (who LIED to me and said he voted in 2016 but didn't... though we were living in Hillary-lovin' Chicago at the time) is voting by mail. My sister, who never gets into politics, registered to vote for the first time in her life to help flip WI back to blue, and her husband (who voted Trump in 2016 but quickly regretted it), is doing his part to get WI back to blue too. But anyhow, I just don't want any funky business happening and want to cast it in person versus mail-in. 

    Mail in, but I'm taking it directly to a pick up box instead of sending it in the mail.

  5. ^ Did my friend tell everyone who would listen that lung cancer is a hoax? Did she encourage other people to smoke because lung cancer is no big deal? Is she trying to take healthcare away from millions while engaging in a massive disinformation campaign about cancer and how to treat and prevent it? 🙄 What a ridiculous analogy.

  6. 54 minutes ago, ChitHappens said:


    Who is this "we" he's talking about?

    I had the exact same thought! 😆 Hey, I admire the people who dislike him but truly don't wish harm on anyone.  For my part, I was dancing in my kitchen last night.

  7. 2 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    Thank you Carl. I found that article really enlightening. I'm in a  liberal bubble more than ever since the pandemic.  I have noticed that there are far few Trump signs in Omaha this year. Maybe those people will just stay home. I think it also helps that Biden is Catholic and this is a very Catholic state. They may have felt the need to vote against some one like Bernie, but with Biden they'll sit it out. I hope anyway.

  8. 48 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Melania is probably big mad because she got separated from her Fifth Avenue side-piece. She truly doesn't care about those kids. Or anything, it seems.

    I think she is just a typical gold digger who was thrown in way past her depth. I agree with her on the Christmas stuff. I don't give a f*ck, especially given everything else 45 has done. I would say the same about any holiday decorations that people made such a big deal of (although her choices were strangely Gothic).


    After listening to the transcripts, I agree with her friend.  She probably does care to some extent about the children, but she doesn't understand policy. She certainly doesn't understand the difference between Obama's boarder policy and Trump's. Hell, neither does a good chunk of the population that has a better grasp of English (I'm not insulting her. I don't know her native language either).


    She's as subject to the mass disinformation campaign and cult as all these other people who are going along with pure evil. Many of them are presumably much smarter and certainly better educated. Looking at Kellyanne and Kayleigh and all those generals, lawyers and members of congress specifically that have worked for/with Trump and enabled him. Also, I don't feel sorry for her. She could learn and do better if she chose to.

  9. 12 hours ago, Khan said:

    Trump had his chance to denounce white supremacy after Charlottesville.  He didn't.  Expecting him to do so last night was flat-out country dumb.



    I didn't watch it either.  I didn't want to give Trump the satisfaction of high viewing numbers.  But I watched clips.

    He didn't because he IS a white supremacist. That's one of the few things he's relatively honest about. He openly loves cruelty. I grant you it's astonishing in an American President. Has anyone American leader so openly hated most of their own people before? I can't think of anyone. "We" basically elected a sadist.

  10. 1 hour ago, Khan said:

    Tonight's frightfest exceeded even my own lowered expectations.

    I couldn't watch it. Everyone said Trump would go after Biden's children and given that he has lost two of them I just couldn't. Even though I wasn't exactly gung ho for Joe in the beginning, I'm thankful that he is taking on this burden (and what else can we call it at the age of 78) to help save our country.

  11. 1 hour ago, marceline said:


    Let me talk you down on that.


    The Joint Chiefs have already stated that they won't intervene on any issues involved with transfer of power. I think that Lafayette Square mess was the gut-check many of them needed. Also, I know people love to think that the military unilaterally loves Trump but remember, the military is made up of plenty of Black & brown people, and women, and yes plenty of white guys who vote Democratic. And this is all before the confirmation of Trump calling the military suckers and losers. And lastly, as of 1/20/21 Trump is no longer Commander-in-Chief. He won't be able to order them to do anything

    Thank you. I am definitely feeling the anxiety the closer we get to the election. I just have to stay off Twitter for a few months. It feeds my fear.

  12. @DRW50 I find it terrifying. Then people say "well, the military won't allow it".  Really? That's a pretty vague assurance. Who in the military will stop him and how?  They might not physically fight for Trump, but they won't stop a bloodless coup. As far as I know there isn't even a process for them to do so.


    I may not like Ayn Rand, but she had a point when she said "It's not who will give me permission, it's who will stop me" (paraphrase") . I haven't seen a lot of people stopping Trump so far. I'd sure like to know what the plan is to stop him if there is one. I hope the people who matter have come up with one.

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