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Posts posted by Juliajms

  1. 18 hours ago, amybrickwallace said:

    Good for Birx for finally, FINALLY speaking up. (Took her long enough.)


    In other news, my covid test came back negative. It is bronchitis. Thank you all for your prayers and kind thoughts. ❤

    I read an article about how she basically packed her bags and went into the field after Trump refused to listen. She went to places like ND and other hinterlands and tried to get officials at the state level to listen.

  2. 1 hour ago, Vee said:

    It's far from meaningless when you remember what Biden can and will do about ICE and those children in cages on Day One. Day. One. So yeah, agreed, folks can miss me with that talk.


    But I think AOC's clip above from last year is the core of the issue and always has been. And she's right, and I've said it before: The work is ahead of us, and it always was.


    Meanwhile, in the bunker:



    Yes.  Child separation was my number one issue. It's a crime against humanity as far as I'm concerned. Also Biden can end the travel ban, he can take in more refugees and he can halt the desecration of federal lands. He can also allow Brix and Fauci to do their jobs. There really is a lot he can do to make things better.

  3. 2 hours ago, marceline said:


    It's not the fault of Democrats that this country is full of racists, sexists, and people who are happy to embrace authoritarianism. It's time for people to realize that the electorate is the problem. There isn't some magic formula that Democrats have to use that will reverse what these people want for this country. A lot of people in this country want a white nationalist country and want authoritarianism. They don't want democracy. The don't want to share this country with the rest of us. That isn't about Democratic messaging it's about the electorate. Blaming Democrats for "letting it get this close" is just another way of trying to fool ourselves. Millions of people in this country hate us and would happily kill us all if they could get away with it.

    That was the most frightening part of this election for me. This wasn't just a battle of values it was a fight for the system itself.  Before 2016 I had no idea that there was such an authoritarian streak in this country. It's clear that we are in a long term battle for democracy itself.

  4. 14 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    It's the choice between something and nothing. If Biden wins, there's a big risk of the public blaming him and House Democrats and giving the GOP a big 2022 comeback, but the alternative is too numbing to be able to stomach. I never really thought Democrats could take the Senate but I wish I hadn't let myself fall for the hype at all as I just ended up feeling let down. 

    I think I'm the opposite. I don't know if I could have made it through the last four years if I didn't believe we would repudiate Trumpisim. We definitely have not done that, in terms of the Senate. We also elected some real crackpots to the House (as usual). I guess I just do better when I have, hope even if there is a let down later.

  5. 3 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    Congrats @Juliajmson NE-02. I know it was a lot of hard work for little credit.

    Thank you, Carl. I'm just glad to know that not everyone in Nebraska is snowed by that conman.


    I've joined a campaign for city council. We're trying to get a woman elected who actually believes in science. As you've said sometimes it's the state and local government that means more. I think that's especially true out here in red fly over country.

  6. 39 minutes ago, Wendy said:


    God, I have a migraine. The AP practically had GA as sunburn red! I mean, not complaining. But...WTF?


    Oh, I'll be THRILLED if Joe pulls this off, but...with a GOP Senate, they will BLOCK any potential SC picks, if it comes to it, and stonewall and do jack schitt. So...still bad news. But what can you do except hope for better in 2022?

    At least we would have a competent leader on Covid. That's something we desperately need.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Darcy said:

    This is so disheartening.  After everything that went down the last four years, Trump is still going to get a lot more votes than he did in 2016.  It’s unbelievable, incomprehensible, depressing, terrifying, maddening and very very sad.  

    I think Biden can win without Pennsylvania as long as he wins Michigan, Wisconsin and Arizona (although he still has a good chance in PA too).  It sucks we have to wait until at least tomorrow or longer.


    Right. Waiting is very difficult. I remain quite hopeful that Biden will win though.

  8. 1 minute ago, DRW50 said:

    I can't help thinking about some of the posters who were here with us in 2016 through that election and were gone during or not long after. It's been such a long time. I am just glad some of you have stayed here and helped keep me going. I truly appreciate you and your kindnesses.

    I was thinking about that too. I have major love for our little thread.

    18 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Trump takes NE. (split)

    At least Omaha really did come through.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Wendy said:

    Biden now behind in Ohio. What a [!@#$%^&*] nightmare.

    Even if Biden wins, I will always be stunned that so many Americans are ok with the lies Trump tells and the hate he sows. He slaps us in the face with every lie he tells and laughs about it and still millions vote for him.

  10. 4 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    I'm having 2016 flashbacks where I had a bad feeling about Hillary but thought well she could win but without the Senate, she will be powerless...and then she didn't win either. 


    I guess it's too early to tell though, although Biden's weak performance with Hispanics in Texas doesn't bode well for Arizona.

    I certainly understand how you feel.

  11. 39 minutes ago, ReddFoxx said:

    It most certainly will not be close. If anything any polling errors are probably in Biden's favor.

    We are going to kick there asses straight back to hell. I almost hope the Senate is tied so Kamala can come down and put them in their places every time its 50-50. Not really, but almost.


    We are lucky the judiciary isn't completely corrupted.


  12. 1 hour ago, Fevuh said:

    I'm praying you're correct.  I see pictures of the Orange's rallies in PA and it makes me nervous.  In 2016 when I voted (I'm VA) - I came out of my polling place and started crying.  People in a Democrat tent saw me and a guy asked me...what's wrong.  And I said, I have a feeling we're going to lose and I won't be able to stand it if he's elected.  He said why do you think we're going to lose?  I said...I don't know.  Just a feeling.  I've never voted early and I did this time.  I don't even know how many years early voting happened.  

    I hear you. It's been an awful four years.


    I got through the first year or so of his presidency via denial. "We can just fix this when he's gone. We can undo that".  Of course, that's nonsense. Terrible things have happened to people, specifically children that can never be undone or fixed. It really is nothing short of a stain on our nation.  Moving forward is not going to be easy, but hopefully we will get that chance.

  13. 4 hours ago, amybrickwallace said:

    I have been feeling a bit under the weather for the past few days, but I almost always get bronchitis and sinus infections this time of year. So I went to the local urgent care to get checked out...and ended up having a covid test done. I can't go back to work for several more days because I have to self-quarantine, and I probably won't get the results until Wednesday. (Well, at least I can watch all the election coverage I can uninterrupted.) 

     Best wishes for a negative result Amy.

  14. I have to say I'm pretty hopeful. One of my high school friends just voted for Biden along with her teenage daughter. I have never met a person more apathetic to politics. These people are living in poverty in the armpit of upstate NY, prime Trump country. Her mother was a proud Trumper and has turned against him. That's anecdotal, but I think the large turnout is in our favor.

    10 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    Trump is more likely to win New Guinea. 


    The next time the media tries to parade Sean Spicer around, remind them that he went running to Newsmax after all their rehab efforts.

    😂 Exactly.

  15. 6 hours ago, amybrickwallace said:


    For this alone, Trump and his henchmen should be locked up for life. It is infuriating, sickening and heartbreaking all at once.

    Absolutely. This is monstrous. I only wish I believed in hell.

    In happier news.

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