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Posts posted by Juliajms

  1. 2 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Thank goodness that security guard is in stable condition and looks like he will be alright.

    There are some sick people out there who, no doubt, are looking for a reason to explode on someone, anyone. If it wasn't at the security guard over a mask and some hand sanitizer, it might be him or someone else over something else. Also, if these public-facing workers aren't getting hazard pay already then they should be because I doubt they signed on for this level of risk.

    not to mention, risk of exposure too.

    As someone who worked as a grocery store check out girl back in the day, this is a fact.  I remember one woman going nuts on me because I handed her a receipt she didn't want.  There were so many pissed off people who wanted to take out their life frustrations on people they knew had to take it. If you want to be overrun with the Karens of his world work at a grocery store.  That was over 25 years ago, so I can only imagine what it's like now.


    I agree about the hazard pay too. Everyone who is working customer facing jobs should be making more right now.

  2. 2 hours ago, amybrickwallace said:

    Did any of you see how black his hands look? He must be on serious blood thinners. I'm still shocked he hasn't dropped dead by now. Am I an awful person for wishing he was dead? 

    Hell no. The man needs to die. I knew we wouldn't luck out and be saved by a natural death in 2020 though. As we've seen, people at this level have world class healthcare. 


    That's ok though. Let him live to see this country kick his traitorous ass to the curb.  We are going to have a huge blue wave and repudiate everything this wanna be dictator stands for. The only question is how many of his enablers and sycophants go down with him. Please God, let us take the Senate.

  3. 1 hour ago, DRW50 said:

    @Huntress we'll all be thinking of you...I know these lockdowns must be very difficult psychologically. I doubt we'll ever be having any in the US, as our country's leaders do not care if we all die.

    So true. We need at least a two week lockdown in the hot zones, such as the places DD mentioned. We won't get it until Biden is President. That's if we are lucky. 


    On a related note, please everyone get your flu shot. It is really a failure of government that it isn't offered free to people without insurance this year. We are so self defeating as a nation under Trump.

  4. 1 hour ago, DRW50 said:

    Yeah I deleted it soon after, so if you need to delete this too feel free. Sorry about that.

    Not at all. I appreciate that you thought of me and that you chat with me about my little corner of political hell.


    Things are getting less funny. There is only one elderly person I wish harm on and he jetted away.


  5. 3 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    @Juliajms I thought this might give you a laugh.



    It most certainly did. I posted it up thread, but yes,  it made my night thinking of these CovIdiots stranded out at Eppley. It's 24 degrees out there. I hope they are freezing their asses off. I'm also thrilled that he insulted them by saying they are better off with government aid than working their farms.


    What isn't so funny is that there were around 10,000 people at this super spreader event. 😡 Covid is already running rampant here.

  6. 23 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    Not sure how reliable they are but:



    Thank you Carl. I found this one too, but if I were standing in line I think pizza would be what I'd want.



    Looks like Pizza to the polls is legitimate.


  7. 7 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    Kushner has always given me sociopathic vibes. Picture a waxy faced, lifeless, simp-ish version of "American Psycho" without a hint of charisma or personality.

    Yes!! Now that you say it, I can't stop seeing it.

  8. 2 hours ago, marceline said:


    I'll never stop being amazed when I say this but...


    I agree with you.


    All signs point to a good outcome on 11/3. I understand why people don't believe that but I think that's PTSD from 2016.

    Yes, seeing these huge turn outs make me a believer too. Thank God. We are about to be led by two competent people capable of empathy. The last four years have felt like decades and they are going to have their hands full getting things back on track.

  9. 4 hours ago, Roman said:

    Murkowski has just signaled she will vote to confirm Coney.

    Exactly. Just because some of these Republicans do the decent thing every blue moon, it doesn't change who they are at heart. It's like the Lincoln Project. Yes, I'm enjoying them and the way they are screwing with the Trumpers right now. When this is over the people involved will go right back to being Republicans. It makes me cringe when political twitter hero worships any of them too much.

  10. No one should have to jump through hoops to vote. It makes me happy that they are though.


    12 minutes ago, amybrickwallace said:

    Speaking of the lunatic fringe, there was apparently a plot against Mike DeWine - the governor of my very own Ohio. He's a Republican, but is pro-mask.



    We will be dealing with these nuts for at least a decade. Trump really riled up the crazies and gave them a sense of "mission".

    More happy news! This actually made my night. It's the little things. 😄


  11. 1 hour ago, Khan said:

    My advice to the undecided voters?  Stop playing around and admit you're gonna vote for Trump anyway.


    Thanks, @Vee, for the recaps.  Needless to say, I agree that Biden was on fire tonight.

    Honestly. Someone on a friend's Facebook page was lamenting that there aren't any good choices. I can't with these people. There is absolutely one very good choice and anyone who can't see that is beyond all hope. The choice could hardly be more binary.  How anyone who is a Democrat can bitch about Biden at this moment is beyond me.

  12. Even his gold digging wife hates him and won't campaign for him. This clip is gold. To be clear I've watched too many soaps to hate a determined gold digger. I dare say this one has earned every penny. And she is wearing a MASK! 😂


  13. 3 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Y'all obviously never knew Giuliani, who, imo has always been S.O.B. Even his own kids couldn't stand him mostly because of the way he constantly humiliated their mother. His personal predilections were happily ignored because he pretended to get rid of the mob (hint: he didn't). I won't even get into his abhorrent policies during his mayoral tenure. You all were snowed by his crafted image as "America's Mayor" that he cultivated on the backs of first responders and over the bodies of victims. Giuliani was at minimum a jerk who became increasingly intoxicated with his accumulation of power and at most a venal presence who lacked basic compassion for NYers who were not well-heeled and white. I lived in NYC during Giuliani years and if you think the issues that spurred the BLM movement didn't exist, just look up the names Abner Louima and Amadou Diallo. Chris Rock once "joked" that if you were Black in NYC during the Giuliani years, you could be shot while taking out the garbage in front of your own home. Most Black NYers during that time knew that that was only a slight exaggeration, but not by much. I don't feel one bit sorry for any embarrassment the man has coming his way.

    I've always remembered you mentioning these things a few years ago, so I'm never surprised when he says crazy things.  Allowing himself to be so easily compromised though, ugh. Not just in this particular situation, but all the stuff with Russia, my God. He is dumber than a box of rocks. That's the part that I find so unreal and I truly do wonder if he's gone soft in the head. Maybe he's just a $ell out.

  14. On 10/15/2020 at 5:53 AM, Cat said:

    Prayers to you and your mom @Taoboi ! Vitamin D, Vitamin C and ZINC is also being recommended by doctors here. Boost the immune system. Paracetamol to temper fever and migraines.


    Here in London, they are about to introduce Tier 2 restrictions (avoid public transport, no mixing with other households indoors) on Saturday. And last night, President Macron of France introduced a 9pm-6am curfew in major city hotspots. 


    Ideas being discussed are of a possible 'circuit-breaker' lockdown -- a short, sharp, 2-week nationwide lockdown à la end-March.


    We need to do this in the U.S., but we won't.

  15. 1 hour ago, Wendy said:



    Seriously. He has tried to be gracious and nice. Yet the media wants to keep a smear job going. So take a page out of Don's playbook. If it's good for him, it should be fine for Joe.

    He didn't even really insult the guy! Saying "I knew you would ask that question" is hardly some major attack. These folks are really grabbing for any straw, but it isn't going to work this time.

  16. ^ That's for sure.  Many people in Iowa who aren't farmers now are very proud of having grown up on a farm or in farm country. These two are really duking it out on the airwaves. I never hear an ad for Biden or Trump, but we get back to back radio ads for Ernst and Greenfield. Today there were three ads in a row.  We get the ads from Iowa in Omaha because we are so close physically.

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