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Posts posted by Juliajms

  1. 7 hours ago, ChitHappens said:

    Not sure what folks expected from a Slovenian sex doll who married for money.  What?

    Thank you! I've been saying that all along. I don't even look down on her for marrying for money. So what? If she just hadn't worn that damn jacket and stayed away from the birther stuff I wouldn't even revile her the way I do.

    5 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    These people don't actually care about freedom of speech. They are happy to oppress other people who don't share their views. 


    Even Angela Merkel, who decided to make Trump a martyr today, presides over stringent laws against free speech. Yet suddenly she is upset.

    I was thinking this too. Very weird. All I can figure is that a lot of people are afraid of the power big tech has amassed.

  2. 32 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    I get your concerns but I think people are giving Manchin too much influence here.  The GOP lost the senate some are assuming because of the lack of action on the $2000 check. I am not going to fret over this. I think Biden is going to get what he wants whatever that happens to be. I actually read over some of his initial economic plan and I am actually pretty pleased. And those concerns Manchin claims to have can shake out if everyone gets a payment and it's reconciled at tax time, because lots of people never got any help because it was based on 2019 income. And yeah excluding people on SS is a no go.


    I am more concerned about his comments on the filibuster which is a relic and should go. And I think Biden has mixed feelings on it.

    I imagine leadership has lots of carrots and sticks they can use on him.

  3. This was the guy in charge? Unreal. I am so angry about how this insurrection was handled. The traitors in the capitol police need to be routed out and arrested along with the other criminals involved.  If there is another attempt at breaching the capitol, these animals need to be put down. Anyone calling for unity right now can kiss my Irish ass.

  4. ^I've read several profiles of people who seemed normal and then went down the QAnon rabbit hole. I've finally accepted that I will never understand it. Maybe experts can understand it and try to help other people from ending up the same way. As for those who have fallen for it and committed awful crimes because of it, they reap what they've sown.  


    On a different note, If someone had told me 5 years ago that this is what would become of Ted Cruz I never would have believed it. Sure, he was never a good guy, but to become a traitor for Trump after their history is just bizarre.

  5. 13 minutes ago, Khan said:


    "For God's sake, whatever you do, don't tell 'em I died tazing my own nuts!!"


    But seriously.  As tragic as that episode in our nation's history was, it also provided moments of really dark, gallows-like humor.  Such as the idiot who died accidentally tazing his own nuts.

    I couldn't stop laughing earlier imagining some alien world receiving our radio transmissions and finding out that our civilization ended with a bunch of Q Anon nuts and their leader nuking us all to hell.

    3 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Don't know whether or not this is legit, but I saw a tweet saying that Olive Garden had suspended Hannity's "Lifetime Pasta Pass"?  Again, don't know if this is legit, but if it is, it's [!@#$%^&*] funny.



    Nope.  I stand corrected.  THIS is [!@#$%^&*] funny.

    OMG. Just the idea that Hannity has a Lifetime Pasta Pass 🤣 I can't.

  6. 2 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    I didn't know one of those idiots died cause he tazed his own balls 😂

    I suppose he technically died of the heart attack he had after tazing his own balls. I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't laugh, but things are so far of the chain.

  7. 11 minutes ago, marceline said:


    It's kind of weird how there's no articles about the people who died. There's plenty of talk about the cop (but no video/photos which seems odd to me) and Y'all Queda Barbie but that leaves us three more: the guy who tased himself in the nuts, "Don't Tread" lady, and ...who?


    As if things couldn't get any more surreal.

  8. 31 minutes ago, ChitHappens said:


    Actually, the media attached the victim's words to the guy holding her.  He was actually assaulting her with the bear hug as she was maced.  Someone else was the actual hero.  

    How awful. She must have been terrified. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Khan said:


    Don't forget, though, that their actions collectively led to the deaths of several, including a police officer.  Therefore, asking for life imprisonment isn't unreasonable, and it shouldn't be off the table either.  I've watched enough "Law & Order" to know THAT much, lol.

    Felony murder, good point. Let's cross our fingers for that charge.

  10. 12 minutes ago, ChitHappens said:


    Love it!  Not so smug now.   They need to get the 10 years Trump signed off on when he was trying to have black people arrested for protesting.  

    I want to see them in prison for life.  I know that isn't likely, but that should be the punishment for sedition, imo.


    As for that man who helped the lady out of the crowd of Megas, I wish decent people could recognize each other some how.  As it stands you just never know if you are dealing with a friendly or someone who is off their rocker/evil. What a world.

  11. 15 minutes ago, Khan said:


    You know, Ingo was always a joke to me, so...not surprised?

    I always liked him a lot, so ...not surprised. I have a terrible picker when it comes to TV men.  Michael Muhney, Michael Weatherly, Ingo. The list goes on.

  12. So these people went into the capital building with the intent of hanging the Vice President? Unreal. I don't care about getting these people fired, they need to be sent to prison for a long time. Then they should count themselves lucky that they weren't shot when they stormed the capital building, which is what should have happened.

  13. 30 minutes ago, amybrickwallace said:


    I get what you're saying. What I meant is to take him away from there before he becomes just like them. He's still a kid - maybe there is still time for the apple to fall far from the tree.


    Meanwhile, there are people in my neighborhood who STILL have T**** signs in their yards and T**** flags draped over their garages. After all this!!!!!

    Me too. I've started fantasizing about taking a shotgun to those flags.

  14. They shouldn't have been treated like the BLM protesters. They should have been treated like the armed members of militia who attempted a coup on our government.  Heads need to roll for this among the police who let it happen and the people who committed sedition.

  15. 1 hour ago, DRW50 said:


    There will be pushback to the idea that these results "saved" America, but at least they gave us the chance. We won't have 2 years of Mitch McConnell choking the life out of everything. We have options, and plans. And that's a lot more than I thought we'd have a few months ago. 

    More importantly, it gives the world a chance to save itself from climate change. We didn't have the last 4 years to lose on that front. Yes, parts of the world went on trying without us, but we are a huge carbon emitter.


    Anyway, I guess the next couple of days are just ones to celebrate this amazing win and worry about the rest once Biden/Harris takes office.

    Here's some extra good news.


  16. I would enjoy watching these jackals turn on their own a little more, if not for the fact that we have some of our own. I do feel bad for Mitt though. Being confronted by these loons would have scared the hell out of me.

    As for Stacey Abrams,may all the karma come her way. She deserves to be lifted up by the Democrats for all the work she has done.

  17. On 1/4/2021 at 11:32 AM, Khan said:

    To people like Antonio Sabato, Jr., COVID is a "hoax" and "just like the flu" and "no big deal" until they or someone they love contracts it.  Then, they want others to lift their names up in prayer.  Well, I'm praying for his father to have a safe and speedy recovery.  But, Junior...?  He can take a walk.

    What kills me are the people who have had it yet they stay in denial.  One of my husband's friends who had Covid last summer just posted pictures of her whole family without masks at a niece's wedding. Stupid is as stupid does.

  18. 1 minute ago, JaneAusten said:

    Beating McConnell makes me feel happier than Biden beating Trump, especially after what McConnell has done since 2009

    I can't really decide which makes me happier. Both are delicious. Trump really screwed over McConnell. I'm not taking anything at all away from the organizers. I'm just pleased those sociopaths turned on each other in the end.

    5 minutes ago, Khan said:

    I'm really looking forward to the right claiming this election was rigged, too.

    Exactly. Cry some more.  I swear, I used to be an empathetic person, but I am so finished with all of these people.

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