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Posts posted by Juliajms

  1. 31 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    I don't think his seat is up until 2024 but yeah people have short memories.

    Someone will have to remind them then. This situation is made for political ads. Also, it's easy to forget some low level scandals, but do you forget freezing with your kids for days while your [!@#$%^&*] Senator takes his girls to Mexico!? This is personal.


    With any luck this is TC's Lee Terry moment. Terry got booted out of congress after bragging about how he had a nice house to pay for and kids in college when asked if he was going to forgo his paycheck during a government shutdown/ budget crisis.  People didn't forget that even after two years, and Nebraskans actually voted in a Democrat.

  2. He's right about vaccinating teachers. We should not be asking people to put their lives at risk in order to teach our children. That goes for daycare workers as well. We should have been smarter in the beginning and paid everyone who works with the public a monthly amount to stay home, but communism. 🙃


    At least we don't seem that far off from everyone who wants a shot getting one. I feel like we are very lucky that scientists were able to come up with a vaccine so quickly. Also lucky that this virus didn't have a higher death rate. Now we know that we are going to be seriously f*cked if a more serious virus hits because so many people out there are just completely unwilling to cooperate.

  3. On 2/14/2021 at 10:12 AM, Khan said:

    Could someone please explain to me what Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema have against nuking the filibuster (aside from the obvious)?  And for God's sake, WHAT are they DOING serving as DEMOCRATS??


    At the VERY least, their local Democratic parties should censure them, the way the Wyoming GOP censured Liz Cheney, if not boot them from the party outright.

    Are you doing ok @Khan I've read there are rolling blackout happening in Oklahoma. Parts of Nebraska too, but so far not in Omaha. They've told us to brace for it though.

  4. 8 hours ago, JaneAusten said:

    Yeah the tax credits were in the plan but there were no details - so these are the details I assume.


    As far as the checks for once I agree with Bernie Sanders. If you start dropping people then the Trumpers have a case to say "See we got more money from Trump than Biden". I hope this is all talk to placate and they stick with the original plan as flawed as it is.

    Yeah, I've come to realize you are right about this. Why bother to compromise with the R's on this matter. It's not a good move politically and they have been bad faith actors for years now.

  5. Yes!! I'm old enough to remember when both Lou Dobbs and Maria Bartaromo (sp) seemed like perfectly rational and intelligent business reporters. I really liked Maria back in her CNBC days and I was thoroughly shocked by what she became. 

    1 hour ago, sivad40 said:

    Right wing media. It's as simple as that.

    You're right. The numbers are just astounding though.

  6. 41 minutes ago, Roman said:

    he's under contract with FNM, but it is now being reported that he will not be on air again.

    This is simply delicious. This lawsuit against Fox is excellent on so many fronts. I hope it brings them to their knees.

    39 minutes ago, Khan said:

    excited golden girls GIF by TV Land


  7. On 2/2/2021 at 3:23 PM, Toups said:

    Looks like I lost my GME gamble (still holding....no point in selling at this price).  Oh well, not a big loss.  LOL




    Yeah, I think momentum was lost with the RobinHood issues. That's too bad because it was looking pretty good until that happened. Back to my boring investments.


    One thing I learned from this is how deeply traumatizing it was for children who's families lost their homes in '08. It makes sense, but I didn't expect this kind of widespread deep seated anger.

  8. 18 hours ago, Khan said:


    Agree.  But, at least he did his best to leave this world a little better than how he found it, which is what we all should do, I think.

    Yes, and he was still doing good at 100 years old!! People like this just amaze me.

    17 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    There's been some backlash because he went to Barbados for Christmas. I guess at his age I can understand why he decided to just take the risk, but I can see why some are unhappy about possible exposure of the people in Barbados who had to help him and his family. 

    Me too. Good and bad in everyone I suppose.

  9. 1 hour ago, DRW50 said:

    The Russia footage is just horrible, most of all because it is so predictable. Yet so many in this country, especially on the far left, are cheering Putin every step of the way.

    These protesters are incredibly brave. Who knows if they will ever be heard from again.

  10. 13 hours ago, Khan said:


    "Former Vice-President Mike Pence and his wife, Karen, are finally out of the White House and ready to begin the next chapter of their lives.  But, first, they'll have to move out of their daughter's basement.


    "THE PENCES.  Coming this fall to ABC."


  11. 15 hours ago, ChitHappens said:

    I read a story this morning where a young man, I believe he is 22, wanted in on this event and took out a 2nd mortgage on his parents' house to invest $70k.  The price has dropped dramatically so he's now waiting, seeing, hoping and praying.  His parents have no idea he took out a 2nd mortgage (if he's not POA, not sure how this was even possible). 


    This is a dangerous game to play!  

    I missed this post originally.  Sadly, this has turned into a 21st century gold rush for some people. I hope his parents don't lose their house.

  12. On 1/27/2021 at 8:29 PM, Vee said:

    Hoo lord!



    I love this. "other than Pence's VP salary, they don't have any significant consistent earnings". So his income total for 4 year as VP was $928,000 and he can't afford a place to live? My heart bleeds. I have a feeling they'll figure something out.

  13. One thing I did is use this opportunity to set some limit buys in my "real" brokerage account. This is the money I'm planning to use for commissary when I'm in the old age home. 🤣  I'm only kind of kidding.


    I like Apple as a safe stock. It's boring, but that's the point.  Iron Mountain as a dividend stock. Crowd Strike as a growth play. The first two I feel pretty comfortable just buying and holding long term.

  14. 11 minutes ago, Toups said:


    Many people don't believe this.  They're using the media to try and trick people to sell.   "Oh, they closed their shorts and the stock is not soaring.  I guess there's no short squeeze. I'm going to cash out now."    HOLD! :)


    Yep. 121% of the float is still shorted. That's what matters.

    2 minutes ago, Toups said:


    Did you buy more today?   Some of these stocks are my "entertainment/vacation money" that's just been sitting in my account because there's nothing to do and nowhere to go.  I have other stocks that I'm long, my real investments.  There's one I have that I really like.  The company is called Lightspeed POS (ticker: LSPD).  Last week I was up %100 but it's gone down a little bit this week, but I'm still up big.  To me, it could be the next Shopify. Their stock got hit in March 2020 at the beginning of the lockdowns and it dropped to $9 (they were in the 20-30$ range before March).  Now it's at $69.   Their next earnings report is coming up in February

    I bought more AMC. Will buy more GME if there is a ladder attack this afternoon, but with the price in the $300 I don't want to buy. There is too good a chance that one of the tricks these guys have up their sleeves will work. LSPD sounds good.


    Good luck to everyone today!

  15. 1 hour ago, Toups said:


    7 shares of GME and 30 AMC?!!  Damn!!  I guess you're really hoping for the short squeeze to happen way more than I am.  LOL.  I was actually thinking of getting some AMC but I went with the one share of GME instead - I wanted to part of this. :)  I do have shares of BB though.   I'm excited for tomorrow.  I hope it will be a good day and if it is, next week could be really, really good. 



    So I was wondering why/how GME went from $500 to about $110 so quickly and I saw people talking about a "short ladder attack" - it was a term I never heard before, and I found this article from 2014:  Anatomy Of A Short Attack: https://seekingalpha.com/instablog/11442671-gerald-klein/3096735-anatomy-of-a-short-attack




    Typical tactics include the following:


    Flooding the offer side of the board - Ultimately the price of a stock is found at the balance point where supply (offer) and demand (bid) for the shares find equilibrium. This equation happens every day for every stock traded. On days when more people want to buy than want to sell, the price goes up, and, conversely, when shares offered for sale exceed the demand, the price goes down.


    The shorts manipulate the laws of supply and demand by flooding the offer side with counterfeit shares. They will do what has been called a short down ladder. It works as follows: Short A will sell a counterfeit share at $10. Short B will purchase that counterfeit share covering a previously open position. Short B will then offer a short (counterfeit) share at $9. Short A will hit that offer, or short B will come down and hit Short A's $9 bid. Short A buys the share for $9, covering his open $10 short and booking a $1 profit.


    By repeating this process the shorts can put the stock price in a downward spiral. If there happens to be significant long buying, then the shorts draw from their reserve of "strategic fails-to-deliver" and flood the market with an avalanche of counterfeit shares that overwhelm the buy side demand. Attack days routinely see eighty percent or more of the shares offered for sale as counterfeit. Company news days are frequently attack days since the news will "mask" the extraordinary high volume. It doesn't matter whether it is good news or bad news.





    So freaking shady. 

    Oh yeah. I'm planning to buy a little more tomorrow.  I can't stand these hedge fund SOB's. I used to work at a brokerage firm (lower level) and my husband still does IT for a market data firm. I wouldn't recommend being in these stocks with money you need. This could go either way and as a rule betting against the rich in this country is a mistake. I just revile these guys so much for their shady dealings that I don't care if my shares go to 0. They shall not pass.

  16. 7 hours ago, Toups said:


    It's been a crazy week and only got crazier today with platforms like Robinhood restricting people to buy.  There's a huge fight going on here......and I'm definitely not on the side of these Hedge Funds/Firms.   I'm with the retail investors here.  I hope the stock soars and crushes the funds/firms even more.......and of course I'll make a little bit of money too.  LOL

    Same here. I have 7 shares. Screw these shady wallstreet SOBs. They are bringing out every trick in the book.  HOLD!!

    6 hours ago, ChitHappens said:

    Don't celebrate just yet. 


    They are now flooding the market by being allowed to sell, which brings the price down and the hedge funds don't lose on the short position they took.  

    Right. This could definitely end in blood.


    I'm just so disgusted with how dirty they are playing that I'm not selling. Robin Hood stopping people from trading and actually selling peoples shares to protect them? Oh hell no. So glad I don't use them. The depth of the corruption is unreal.


    I also have 30 AMC that I will not sell. What happens happens.

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