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Posts posted by Juliajms

  1. 12 hours ago, ChitHappens said:

    TRASH from beginning to the bitter end!

    Seriously. I can't even think of a single decent thing he did. There must be at least one, but I am at a loss. That whole family (except the children) is scum.

  2. 34 minutes ago, Fevuh said:

    They all paid their way in and through by their parents.  Not a one probably attended class.


    Meanwhile - go Me - I actually got accepted into a Harvard Business Certificate Program this week.  Online learning but then reality hit.  17 modules and 3 cold calls (POP QUIZ!) will be required.  I was like...wait a minute.  I thought this would be a TedTalk.  Nope.  The shi* got real.  I'm 50 years old almost 51 but thought, if people can make their kids learn online and I'm helping nieces and nephews with Algebra and Geometry then lemme just give this a whirl.  Now I'm in for a whirl.  LOL.  

    Congrats! That is great news.

  3. 3 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    I notice that media darlings like Marco Rubio, Matt Gaetz and Josh Hawley are posturing about being anti-war (they aren't) and trying to work up outrage about Biden having Harvard, Yale, etc. graduates in his Cabinet. It's all mostly an attempt to get social media accolades and protective posturing as brave and bold for when Senate Republicans block a lot of Biden's Cabinet nominees.


    I don't know if the "acting" designation can still be used (or if the courts will even allow it now that a Democrat is in the White House), but hopefully Biden's legal people are ready to gear up.

    A little silly given how many men in Trump's cabinet were from Harvard and Yale. It just goes to show how little respect people like Rubio have for their target audience. They just assume people will swallow this kind of nonsense.  Of course, too many of them do.

  4. On 11/20/2020 at 12:46 AM, Taoboi said:

    Because this week was not bad enough for me.  


    I knew it was going to come to this though. I just got into it earlier today because someone would rather refuse to answer whether he wants jalapanos on his sandwich to me because I told him to wear a mask.



    What the f^ck is wrong with people, I ask you?  We are in life and death circumstances and you have people giving you grief over jalapenos.

  5. At least one of them is doing the bare minimum here.


    38 minutes ago, amybrickwallace said:


    What WAS that????? 😂😂😂😂😂 What's the over/under that Rudy will end up in the psych ward before all is said and done? I keep expecting him to pull a Howard Beale at this point. 😳😳😳😳😳

    I think what it comes down to is a lot of these people were always authoritarians. Trump has given them the opportunity to present their true colors. While I've never liked the republican party, if someone had told me so many would prove to be anti democratic traitors, I wouldn't have believed it.

  6. 1 hour ago, ~bl~ said:

    I am surprised what is going on in PA hasn't made it into this thread yet as it was announced on Tuesday afternoon. Starting on Friday they want everyone who comes into the state (who isn't a commuter or an essential worker) to have a negative COVID test taken at maximum 72 hours prior to arrival, and if you decide to leave you should take a test before going and don't go if you are positive. The thing is in most of the commonwealth testing is not widespread and only available based on CDC guidelines meaning you have to be already ill, have a close contact who is positive, or work in healthcare.  If you live in PA and leave you are to quarantine for 14 days at home once getting back if you can't get tested and if you don't follow the rules you could be fined. So basically they have cancelled out-of-state travel for the foreseeable future due to lack of available testing, but trucking etc. won't be stopped. Before this was announced you could visit certain states without any testing or quarantine needed, which is what New York and New Jersey are still doing until it changes. There has been no information how PA is handling people coming into airports without a negative COVID test, will they be sent away, fined or will it be ignored and then this order hurt a lot of people's holiday season as they followed the rules with potentially no consequences for those who decided to break the rules.


    The other thing that was announced was if you go anywhere outside your home you need to wear a mask even if you go to see a friend or a family member in their home. In public places the mask mandate has been a thing since the Spring though some people do not comply. The new mask rules are what I've seen the most complaints about, not the news that they were shutting down out-of-state travel messing up Thanksgiving plans for many people less than 10 days before the holiday.  

    People have been warned over and over again not to gather for Thanksgiving, so I have a hard time sympathizing. People just will not listen to reason of their own accord, so states with decent leaders end up with rules and mandates.  Those of us with bad leaders are hunkering down for the super seeder events that Thanksgiving, Christmas and NYE are going to become because people won't do the right thing and stay home.

  7. The ultimate irony to me is that these gun toting militia/patriot types have been on guard against a threat to our democracy for decades. Then one actually comes along and they f*ck up the "mission". Trump is making a pathetic attempt at a coup. Meanwhile, all these "my freedom" idiots manage to be on the side that is trying to overthrow democracy. It's unreal.

  8. On 11/16/2020 at 5:51 PM, Vee said:

    My ex, a doctor in NYC who's been working in the COVID/trauma ward for the bulk of the pandemic, has it. He's slightly older than me and has preexisting conditions. I'm just hoping for the best. It's nowhere near what others have lost or suffered, but I do worry about him.


    I'm sorry to hear this @Vee I wish him the best. The must frustrating part of all of this is that it didn't have to be this bad. Instead of listening to our healthcare professions we have put them in jeopardy.

  9. On 11/15/2020 at 12:52 AM, DRW50 said:


    My best to you and your family. I was reading an article about COVID cases in the Midwest, and how many people there don't care about wearing masks or not eating indoors, etc. because they don't want to live in fear, don't want to make their children live in fear, figure it's going to happen anyway, etc. It's very sobering, because you can tell even if there is a reliable vaccine, many will never change.


    I also read this tonight, from a nurse.



    Thank you so much Carl. I hope you and yours are safe as well. Things are absolutely out of control in the upper plain states. Our poor healthcare workers. Then you have Trump and his minions telling people to rise up to save their freedom. This is like a dystopian virus show that you turn off 10 mins in because people could never be this f*cking stupid.  Then the Covidiot leaders in the region:


    "Last month, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem praised her state as “an example to the nation” for its approach to handling the coronavirus — “respecting our people’s freedom and personal responsibility” by rejecting stay-at-home orders and mask mandates.

    A month later, South Dakota certainly stands out, but not in the way Noem bragged: It now has the highest COVID-19 death and hospitalization rates in the nation. And the state stands as a grim warning to Nebraska, as the same virus wave that’s pounding our neighbor to the north is now on the verge of cresting here."



    An example to the nation of what not to do!

  10. We are so lucky that this virus isn't even worse because it seems clear to me that people just aren't going to listen. I swear the death rate could be twice what it is and these Covidiots would be acting like business should keep humming.


    You just know that a good chunk of people are going to ignore social distancing for Thanksgiving. My husband and I just agreed to full lock down from the week of Thanksgiving until after the new year. It's going to suck, but I don't see what else we can do. Thank God Biden won. I can't imagine how depressing this would be if we had four more years of Trump to dread on top of all this death and disease.

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