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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. Based on reading the history of television show...it seemed like Sudan was the more fascinating of the three Ames children...and certainly evolved over the years..yet the show wrote her out in the last few years...and kept Amy...who seemed kind of boring/dull.

  2. On 1/5/2017 at 5:55 PM, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    No. I must've missed it. 


    I loved Anna....she had a cool, calm, and confident manner.  She did PR work for the hospital...while being the voice of reason for Carolee.


    She didn't spark with a lot of the love interests they paired her with.  Though the Pollacks did give her a happy ending.

  3. Here is a novel concept, but why not just hire interesting women...so the need for fueds, shade, and drama is minimal.


    After a horrible election season, I'd rather see people that are mature enough to resolve their issues like adults....and not be rewarded for being trainwrecks.


    Dear to dream...I know lol

  4. Its nice Kenya left Phaedra alone...and the moment she did...all the tea has spilled...and Kenya had nothing to do with it.  Still...are we surprised about this tea?  Im certainly not....after all..  Pheadra has always tried to pretend she is something she isnt....Remember her lying about her due date..and Kim Z exposed it due to her nursing background....and even had the documents to prove she had a nursing degree lol

  5. Rhobh


    Id rather see more scenes of LVP with her animals, Erika/eileen backstage, and rinna doing a 24 hour QVC marathon...then stupid drama like pantygate.


    I wish that the show had 2 versions of each episode...one of the women in their lives..and the other all the shade...and viewers could pick which they'd prefer.


    Silver lining for next week..a Camille Grammar apperance.  I think Dorit is trying to model her pot stirring like Camille...but she aint no Camille

  6. On 12/18/2016 at 9:36 PM, soapfave06 said:

    Thanks for sharing that ghfan89! 


    Really wish they hadn't killed off Natalie. i would love to see a long term story with Robin's Janet and Natalie but how absurd for Natalie to tell the sister who imprisoned her to marry her husband. 


    Although with how the 90s ended I do wonder if Natalie would have had a place on the show anyway. Watching the '91 episodes and I love the family unit they have built up with Trevor/Natalie/Timmy/Haley. 


    I dont know if she would have fit on the show by the mid to late 90s....the show watered her down as a character in the early 90s.  If you saw Natalie in 1986 vs. Natalie in 1991/2....it was almost a completely different character in some regards.


    I do recall the ball at wildwind in early 1992 when Natalie was engaged to dimitri...she and Erica exchanged barbs....and that Erica and Dimitri didnt care for one another (he was trying to take over Enchantment)...and Erica was going around talking to derek, Mimi, etc....asking for any help to save her company.  I miss gatheringa like this because charactera interacted that normally didnt.

  7. As a middle school and high schooler...i actually thought Amanda was a bitch on wheels...but rewatching the show as an adult (especially in season2 and 3 when the show was still somewhat realistic)....Amanda was in the right especially during scenes when she told Jane why she rented Sydney an apartment..and telling Jane that she was running a business..not a charity case when Jane tried to say Amanda needed to consult hwr when Sydney applied to rent an apartment..


    Plus, Amanda even said she felt for Allison...but that her personal lifenwas interfering with her job..and that she couldnt cover for her for much longer.


    And i loved how Matt expected Amanda to lie that his green card marriage was lefal..nevermind the legal trouble Amanda could have gotten into if it came out she lied...it woild habe affected her ability to be a landlord plus her job at D&D.


    To me...season 1 though 3 reminded me of a 90s Knots Kanding....Season 4 through 6 with the over the top stuff reminded me more of Dynasty...more aboit plot then character...Season 7 was a cross between Dynasty and Knots Landinf..

  8. Its always a little jarring when a new headwriter comes in and writes for characters they didnt create..Sometimes they have a different view/take that the previous headwriter doesnt...which can be a positive and/or a negative.


    Marland wrote some of the Dobson created characters well and some not so well...


    He wrote good stuff for Alan, Justin, Jackie (when the original Jackie was still playing her), Diane (shame she was killed off...she would have fit in well during the mid to late 80s), mike, Ed, Ross...etc


    He didnt seem to have a good handle on Katie, Holly, Rita, Hope, nor Amanda.


    Ive said before that Pam L had a decent handle on Tony and Nola (she knew what made nola tick...just didnt steer her in the right direction...i.e. working at the paper or being a PI)..and she evolved Vanessa past being one note..plus wrote Hope and Amanda fairly well during their brief stints under her..


    However, she didnt keep Hilary (imagine the role she could have played when Roger/holly came back in the late 80s)..and her handle of the bauers was so so at best.



  9. Im liking the renewed focus on the families...I could watch scenes of Sheree being a momager all day long.


    Kandi/phaedra friendship dissolution reminds me a bit of how my friendship with a long term friend ended....and said former friend decided to share some dirt on me to another friend of mine (that he didnt know...embellishing as well as lying that I said negative stuff behind his back...then afterwards trying to hook up with them.)....so seeing hoe this playing out makes me fast forward and focus on the other stuff.

  10. Read some of the secret history of TP....great background info on Josie, Catherine, Pete, and Harry Truman....and a little bit of resolution to one or two of the TP cliffhangers....and curious about the Norma backstory that didnt totally jive with what we saw on season 2 of TP

  11. Hyperion Bay....I remember that show.  If someone asked me to name a show that wouod rebel against becoming a soap....that would be one of the shows Id name.  


    I think its funny that primetime soaps of the 90s thought that in order to be rescued...they would hire a name actress and/or actor to come in....not even thinking that the acting/writing needed to be fixed.  


    It worked for Melrose Place with Heather Locklear...but the writing on the show was decent at that time..it just needed a kickstart.


    Models inc- Emma samms....which i admit a lot of people did watch and would talk about her...too little..too late.


    Hyperion Bay - Carmen Electra...didnt help...not a good actress..though her and the older brother did have some chemistry.


    Titans: Jack Wagner


    Pacific Palisades: Joan collins


    Central Park West- Raquel Welch


    Party of Five: jennifer love hewitt...which actually helped...but the show was well written..just needed a name actor..and she was a decent name back in the 90s.






  12. I actually liked when Natalie appeared opposite of RM's Janet....both were tall, somewhat aimilar body types...and had great chemistry.  Short sighted to have the show kill off Natalie.


    In the other forum, there was a topic of characters never interacting much on shows...people said AMC didnt have that problem...but the 80s especially...things were islanded...isnt that one of the reasons depriest came on for her short stint?  She started Jack/erica....tad/dixie....right?


    In the 80s...Erica was usually islanded in her own story...I dont recall her interacting much with a lot of the characters in the 80s....such as jesse/angie...nina/cliff...etc.



  13. Claire labine had the family stuff...and intriguing plot lines based on character as her strong suit.


    To me, her weaknesses were her tendency to have her plots/couples on hamster wheels...i.e. Jill/frank...Sibohan/joe... Delia/roger and any man with the last name Ryan.


    Based on what i saw...Pat F as headwriter changed the show too much...almost a complete 180 from the Labine's slow, almost unwilling reluctancd to xhange/evolve the show.


    Didnt Kim and antics cause a rise in the ratings? 

  14. 32 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:





    From what I've seen of Long at GL, the Reardons were the last thing on her mind. I feel like her time at GL focused heavily on the Shaynes, Lewises, and Beth/Phillip/Lujack. 


    I agree that Tony & Vanessa got story, but Nola got tossed sh-t. Jonathan the wiz kid, Nolarobeics, etc. All those stories were not that great. 


    I will agree the last months of Nola's stint was not up to par...but up till Nola giving birth to AJ was pretty good.  As a family unit, the Reardon's had a lot of family scenes up till 1985.  Plus, their establishment Company was the center of a lot of gatherings and interactions amongst alot of characters.


    I would say Nolaoebics had potential..and what confused me was annabelle in that story.  Nola always had these far out ideas that made sense to her..and not to a lot of people..so I actually accepted that element for her....Annabelle...not so much.  I would have bought Mindy helping out moreso then Annabelle.



  15. I wonder how much of what Pat faken did were her ideas...or if she went off Marlands outlines.  Though I do think he didnt like the Company crashing into the bording house element when asked about it so that could habe been Pat's idea.  Still she wad there a short time and no way to know if she truly got GL or not.  She made a huge mess of Ryan's hope though.


    Out of all the characters Pam Long inherited from previous regimes ...I think she wrote Vanessa, tony, and Nola the best during that 1st stint of hers.  I think she even wrote the Reardons better then Marland did...imho.  i think Gail Kobe hindered her to be honest....there wad an interview posted here awhile back from early 1984 where PambLong admitted her dream was to write about characters discussing life, etc...while drinking coffee...or doong laindry..but that she founs it hard to squeeze that in with the call for plot plot plot.  


    And i will say that Marland was decent...but the 1st year or so of his stint was finishing/carrying on the Dobson stories....and he diluted Amanda, Hope, Rita, and Katie..imho.

  16. Was there a reason why Pat Faken Smith was replaced after such a short time?  


    What fascinates me about Pam long was that she infused GL with a lot of heart and emotion....and was a good fit for the show...but sometimes her plotting was a little off if she didnt have a strong co head writer to help with the plotting.  Though I do admit I enjoyed both tv movies she penned for Dolly Parton :)

  17. 17 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:



    All I have to say is that the shade LVP tossed at Eileen tonight was lethal! :lol: That husband comment was low of Lisa but hilarious. Eileen brought it on herself though by trying to make something from last season into something major. 


    Some that did bother me was Kyle. That bitch is sneaky and plays all sides of the fence. I hope her ass gets called out eventually. She's long overdue another dragging.


    Word on the street (tm aviva) is that LVP isnt too happy with kyle based on the shade she was throwing at LVP on the premiere episode.


    I do think that while LVP was joking...I think that you save that type of joke for friends...not co workers or peeps one is still fueding with.


    I hope LVP employs a new tactix...which is not to throw shade at all at either Rinna nor Eileen....Rinna views it as a good sign...and Eileen will feel vindicated that she is right about LVP.


    I liked Doritos party better....there was actual food!!!

  18. 6 minutes ago, cassadine1991 said:

    JFP strikes again, couldn't they have asked the actors to appear for a few episodes? Wasn't KDP still available at the time Maureen died?

    What was the reason for the Nursery Rhyme Stalker story?


    Holly lost her daughter Meg due to her indexisiveness over Roger..and Fletcher got fed up and left with their daughter.  Holly felt guilt..drank...blamed herself for being a bad mother...then viewed other women who neglected their kids and decided to punish them.


    The riddles and methods she used were clever...but the aftermath was cut short...sadly...including a few scenes of holly and Annie befriending each other.


    Probably poated before...but scenes of Alice from when steven goes to prison to when she goes away for help.  I thought Courtney portrayed the slow descent into a breakdown well...and i liked seeing Susan Sullivan back when she was more subtle before Dharma and Greg era.


    Im thinking harding wanted Alice to be weak willed...and Courtney wad too strong of actor to truly be weak.  While Harney was decent, she didnt have the charisma of Courtney...anf played up the more passive parts of Alice...imho

  20. Im hoping LVP vs LR/eileen is resolved.  All three are in the wrong...imho


    It makes sense erika was named after Erica Kane lol  i cant wait to see scenes of Erika behind the scenes at Young.  I do like Erika/Eileen actually get along...odd couple but so fun...i hope.


    I think yolanda not being on will be good...Erika will now be able to navigate on her own...and not be a 'protector'.


    I liked Rinna's long hair wig.  


    I hope it isnt too toxic this season..nor will there be any fights.  Im kind of sick of teams, shade throwing, and fights without truly making up.  I think our toxic election this year has made me long for the early years of the franchise more then ever now.

  21. Based on the scenes ive seen of the final season...Its sad Fallon wasnt written like this before season 9 while Emma Samms played the part...since shes quite good at the sarcasm.


    Does anyone think the show could have truly survived into the 90s even if ratings hadnt dropped so much in the final season and an improvement in the show?

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