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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. The mob story was the lesser of two evils for me. It was at least based in Springfield and had a bigger potential for integration with the canvas then San Cristobal did.

    However, after the first months of the mob story...it became an island story..effectively isolating Michelle (a bauer) from the rest of the canvas for the most part.

  2. I agree....Kenya has a production company y..I'd love to see her at work and with her family...plus with friends that aren't the housewives.

    Why is porsha coming back? She offers nothing.

    And I want some married housewives to balance out the singles ones. Married and partnerships (people together as a couple for several years) should outnumber the single ones.

  3. RHOC

    I'm thinking tamra and vicki are good again..but not close. As vicki told shannon, she's still on her guard. I did love the vicki/Shannon talk and the misuse of median lol

    As shannon said in her blog t hi is week, the show is choosing to show the awkward moments even though there were happy moments filmed during that time. I guess the show will gradually start to shoe the happier moments..to complete a narrative of their marriage slowly healing..just a theory.

    Meghans heart is in the right place, but it reads as if she's auditioning for a remake to step mom. Hailey did come off bratty..which is why I wish that non housewives had Confessional like in the old days...

    Tamra has been almost human thus far, but I have to remind myself that Satan tries to take on numerous forms to fool the masses. Still seeing the flashbacks, tamra was really attractive pre all the surgeries, fillers, and botox.

    Vicki is grieving..for once, her behavior makes sense. I just wish we'd gotten to see her whoop it up at andales earlier this season..get a fun vicki before all the sadness came.

    Lizzie was attractive...less is more.

    Heather seemed sincere in the lunch with lizzie..but put her acting face back on in scenes of her and the kids. I think if she was just herself, she'd be liked more. Her son has a good combination of both parents...his twin sister...poor girl...and the two younger girls are adorable...Collette is a little heather in training lol. She'll give both Terry and heather headaches as she hits the teen years lol

  4. I think OC season 9 benefitted from cutting Alexis and Gretchen from the cast and adding Shannon and Lizzie.

    Season 10 is showing that perhaps another shakeup is needed...I could see this being tamra last season...and having her baptized and passing the torch of mean girl to Meghan is maybe where things are heading?

  5. I loved the secret diaries..it started out so innocent with laura at 12...and you could see the gradual changes in laura as she got older. Including a year long gap in the dirt time line due to 'someone' reading her diary.

  6. I remember during the alex/Mindy tangles in 1993/1994...there were a few instances where Van would earn alex to back off Mindy...and she would say it in a cold,but firm way that would get alex to back off.

    I'd always envisioned reva, Vanessa and Holly as strong pillars for the show. In different ways. Reva would be the salt of the earth version, Vanessa the detached but strong as steel version..and Holly as the sarcastic, cynical version...and Maureen being the maternal/warmth version.

    Shame TPTB didn't see that long term.

  7. I still remember one discussion Wallace and O'Donnell had about school shootings...and the way Wallace presented her view while not discounting rose's was awesome...and it eventually lead Rosie O to concede that maybe she is probably unrealistic in her view on war not being the answer.

    So Wallace was a good choice and she seems to love to do the giveawayd..if she doesnt love it, she hides it well.

  8. I think the problem with berrengers was that it was scheduled on a saturday night...when the target audience wasn't home...plus, too many characters to keep track of.

    Though with all the mergers in the department store world...it could have had a long life on tv.

  9. I do agree kristen is probably too nice to be on the housewife show. She probably would have fit back in the earlier version of the show...same with Joyce on BH.

    Claudia on RHOA should never have been a main housewife so I'm glad the producers realize that...shame they haven't gotten the memo on Porsha. Nene is Atlanta safly..but she hasn't been into it since Kim and Sheree left.

    The problem with Meghan is that I don't know her...and the show hasn't done a lot to introduce her to us. Perhaps we should get to know a new housewife first before she interacts with the other women. It worked for tamra in her debut season...and Eileen on BH was featured by herself for three episodes before she met the other women (outside Lisa rinna).

  10. The blonde was Katie Hamilton...I've seen interviews with her in the past. She's a Christian like Alexis and Lydia. .but came across intelligently. I think her quitting caused a lot of editing. I think she left in mid feb.

    Lizzie will be more like Luann then porsha in the friend role.

    The thing is that this Meghan and Shannon conflict didn't need to happen. We were cheated out of seeing vicki in Florida and tamra getting read to be a grandma. The editors need to be fired and replaced..since the story they chose to focus on was wrong.

  11. And the benefit of Brandi being gone is that Kristen on NY now officially has no.job security...silver lining.

    Also...Kyle/Lisa V/Lisa r/ Eileen were bonded in their dislike of Brandi and Kim to lesser extent. With both gone... they will turn on each other..unless the new housewife bought in is vile.

  12. Although I.think Lisa rinna proved she could be bat [!@#$%^&*] crazy..and being a people pleaser rubbed Kyle the wrong way last season.

    I think seeing Kyle without Kim and Brandi will be interesting.

    And I'm all for Camille returning full time...she was a rich bitch, didn't drink, dressed well and was good at shading...and didn't swear either :)

  13. What scary is that twitter is saying that Brandi is the only reason to watch... yet Eileen's debut episode as well as the reunion episode where Eileen was featured the most dragging Brandi without breaking a sweat were highly rated..

    I'm sure we can have a housewife who is wealthy, bitchy, is a non drunk and isn't sleazy fill in....hell.no to Faye R.

  14. NY is hit and miss for me this season.. Love Dorinda, but too much Bethanny... and the show could have downgraded Kristen, Sonja, and Carole.. and had five women to focus on with the other three being friends of.

    OC seems real, but I wish that the show had cast a Lydia type to balance out the angst that Vicki/Tamra/Shannon look to be projecting this year.

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